/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Tree Style Tab. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010-2012 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['TabbarDNDObserver']; const DEBUG = false; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const TAB_DROP_TYPE = 'application/x-moz-tabbrowser-tab'; const SSS = Cc['@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService); const SecMan = Cc['@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager); const IOService = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIIOService); function TabbarDNDObserver(aTabBrowser) { this.init(aTabBrowser); } TabbarDNDObserver.prototype = { readyToStartTabbarDrag : function TabbarDND_readyToStartTabbarDrag() { var sheet = this.treeStyleTab.makeURIFromSpec('chrome://treestyletab/content/hide-embed.css'); if (!SSS.sheetRegistered(sheet, SSS.AGENT_SHEET)) SSS.loadAndRegisterSheet(sheet, SSS.AGENT_SHEET); }, readyToEndTabbarDrag : function TabbarDND_readyToEndTabbarDrag() { var sheet = this.treeStyleTab.makeURIFromSpec('chrome://treestyletab/content/hide-embed.css'); if (SSS.sheetRegistered(sheet, SSS.AGENT_SHEET)) SSS.unregisterSheet(sheet, SSS.AGENT_SHEET); }, canDragTabbar : function TabbarDND_canDragTabbar(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; if ( sv.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor-or-self::*[contains(" scrollbar popup menupopup panel tooltip ", concat(" ", local-name(), " "))]', aEvent.originalTarget, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE ).booleanValue || sv.isToolbarCustomizing ) return false; var tab = sv.getTabFromEvent(aEvent); var tabbar = sv.getTabbarFromEvent(aEvent); var canDrag = ( (tab ? aEvent.shiftKey : tabbar ) && ( aEvent.shiftKey || sv.browser.getAttribute(sv.kFIXED) != 'true' ) ); if (canDrag && !aEvent.shiftKey) { let insensitiveArea = sv.getTreePref('tabbar.fixed.insensitiveArea'); let box = tabbar.boxObject; switch (sv.position) { case 'right': if (aEvent.screenX < box.screenX + insensitiveArea) canDrag = false; break; case 'left': if (aEvent.screenX > box.screenX + box.width - insensitiveArea) canDrag = false; break; default: case 'top': if (aEvent.screenY > box.screenY + box.height - insensitiveArea) canDrag = false; break; case 'bottom': if (aEvent.screenY < box.screenY + insensitiveArea) canDrag = false; break; } } return canDrag; }, canDrop : function TabbarDND_canDrop(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var tooltip = sv.tabStrip.firstChild; if (tooltip && tooltip.localName == 'tooltip' && tooltip.popupBoxObject.popupState != 'closed') tooltip.hidePopup(); var dropAction = this.getDropAction(aEvent); if ('dataTransfer' in aEvent) { var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; if (dropAction.action & sv.kACTION_NEWTAB) { dt.effectAllowed = dt.dropEffect = ( !dropAction.source ? 'link' : sv.isCopyAction(aEvent) ? 'copy' : 'move' ); } } return dropAction.canDrop; }, canDropTab : function TabbarDND_canDropTab(aEvent) { try{ var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var session = sv.currentDragSession; var node = session.sourceNode; var tab = sv.getTabFromChild(node); if (!node || !tab || tab.parentNode != b.mTabContainer) return true; tab = sv.getTabFromEvent(aEvent) || sv.getTabFromTabbarEvent(aEvent); if (sv.isCollapsed(tab)) return false; var info = this.getDropAction(aEvent, session); return info.canDrop; } catch(e) { dump('TabbarDND::canDrop\n'+e+'\n'); return false; } }, getDropAction : function TabbarDND_getDropAction(aEvent, aDragSession) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; if (!aDragSession) aDragSession = sv.currentDragSession; var tab = aDragSession ? sv.getTabFromChild(aDragSession.sourceNode) : null ; sv.ensureTabInitialized(tab); var info = this.getDropActionInternal(aEvent, tab); info.canDrop = true; info.source = tab; if (tab) { var isCopy = sv.isCopyAction(aEvent); if (isCopy && 'duplicateTab' in b) { info.action |= sv.kACTION_DUPLICATE; } if ( !isCopy && sv.getTabBrowserFromChild(tab) != b && ( ('duplicateTab' in b) ) ) { info.action |= sv.kACTION_IMPORT; } if (info.action & sv.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION) { if (info.action & sv.kACTION_MOVE) info.action ^= sv.kACTION_MOVE; if (info.action & sv.kACTION_STAY) info.action ^= sv.kACTION_STAY; } if (info.action & sv.kACTION_ATTACH) { if (info.parent == tab) { info.canDrop = false; } else { var orig = tab; tab = info.target; while (tab = sv.getParentTab(tab)) { if (tab != orig) continue; info.canDrop = false; break; } } } } var isInverted = sv.isVertical ? false : b.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(b.parentNode, null).direction == 'rtl'; if ( info.target && ( info.target.hidden || ( sv.isCollapsed(info.target) && info.position != (isInverted ? sv.kDROP_BEFORE : sv.kDROP_AFTER ) ) ) ) info.canDrop = false; return info; }, getDropActionInternal : function TabbarDND_getDropActionInternal(aEvent, aSourceTab) { if (DEBUG) dump('getDropActionInternal: start\n'); var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var d = this.document; var tab = sv.getTabFromEvent(aEvent) || sv.getTabFromTabbarEvent(aEvent) || aEvent.target; var tabs = sv.getTabsArray(b); var firstTab = sv.getFirstNormalTab(b) || tabs[0]; var lastTabIndex = tabs.length - 1; var isInverted = sv.isVertical ? false : b.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(b.parentNode, null).direction == 'rtl'; var info = { target : null, position : null, action : null, parent : null, insertBefore : null, event : aEvent }; var isTabMoveFromOtherWindow = aSourceTab && aSourceTab.ownerDocument != d; var isNewTabAction = !aSourceTab || aSourceTab.ownerDocument != d; if (tab.localName != 'tab') { if (DEBUG) dump(' not on a tab\n'); let action = isTabMoveFromOtherWindow ? sv.kACTION_STAY : (sv.kACTION_MOVE | sv.kACTION_PART) ; if (isNewTabAction) action |= sv.kACTION_NEWTAB; if (aEvent[sv.screenPositionProp] < firstTab.boxObject[sv.screenPositionProp]) { if (DEBUG) dump(' above the first tab\n'); info.target = info.parent = info.insertBefore = firstTab; info.position = isInverted ? sv.kDROP_AFTER : sv.kDROP_BEFORE ; info.action = action; return info; } else if (aEvent[sv.screenPositionProp] > tabs[lastTabIndex].boxObject[sv.screenPositionProp] + tabs[lastTabIndex].boxObject[sv.sizeProp]) { if (DEBUG) dump(' below the last tab\n'); info.target = info.parent = tabs[lastTabIndex]; info.position = isInverted ? sv.kDROP_BEFORE : sv.kDROP_AFTER ; info.action = action; return info; } else { let index = b.getNewIndex ? b.getNewIndex(aEvent) : b.tabContainer._getDropIndex(aEvent) ; if (DEBUG) dump(' on the tab '+index+'\n'); info.target = tabs[Math.min(index, lastTabIndex)]; if (DEBUG) dump(' info.target = '+info.target._tPos+'\n'); } } else { if (DEBUG) dump(' on the tab '+tab._tPos+'\n'); sv.ensureTabInitialized(tab); info.target = tab; } /** * Basically, tabs should have three areas for dropping of items: * [start][center][end], but, pinned tabs couldn't have its tree. * So, if a tab is dragged and the target tab is pinned, then, we * have to ignore the [center] area. */ var pinned = tab.getAttribute('pinned') == 'true'; var dropAreasCount = (aSourceTab && pinned) ? 2 : 3 ; var screenPositionProp = sv.isVertical && pinned ? sv.invertedScreenPositionProp : sv.screenPositionProp ; var sizeProp = sv.isVertical && pinned ? sv.invertedSizeProp : sv.sizeProp ; var boxPos = tab.boxObject[screenPositionProp]; var boxUnit = Math.round(tab.boxObject[sizeProp] / dropAreasCount); if (aEvent[screenPositionProp] < boxPos + boxUnit) { info.position = isInverted ? sv.kDROP_AFTER : sv.kDROP_BEFORE ; } else if (dropAreasCount == 2 || aEvent[screenPositionProp] > boxPos + boxUnit + boxUnit) { info.position = isInverted ? sv.kDROP_BEFORE : sv.kDROP_AFTER ; } else { info.position = sv.kDROP_ON; } switch (info.position) { case sv.kDROP_ON: if (DEBUG) dump(' position = on the tab\n'); var visible = sv.getNextVisibleTab(tab); info.action = sv.kACTION_STAY | sv.kACTION_ATTACH; info.parent = tab; info.insertBefore = sv.getTreePref('insertNewChildAt') == sv.kINSERT_FISRT ? (sv.getFirstChildTab(tab) || visible) : (sv.getNextSiblingTab(tab) || sv.getNextTab(sv.getLastDescendantTab(tab) || tab)); if (DEBUG && info.insertBefore) dump(' insertBefore = '+info.insertBefore._tPos+'\n'); break; case sv.kDROP_BEFORE: if (DEBUG) dump(' position = before the tab\n'); /* [TARGET ] Şdetach from parent, and move [ ] [TARGET ] Şattach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET ] Şattach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET] Şattach to the parent of the target (previous tab), and move */ var prevTab = sv.getPreviousVisibleTab(tab); if (!prevTab) { info.action = sv.kACTION_MOVE | sv.kACTION_PART; info.insertBefore = firstTab; } else { var prevLevel = Number(prevTab.getAttribute(sv.kNEST)); var targetNest = Number(tab.getAttribute(sv.kNEST)); info.parent = (prevLevel < targetNest) ? prevTab : sv.getParentTab(tab) ; info.action = sv.kACTION_MOVE | (info.parent ? sv.kACTION_ATTACH : sv.kACTION_PART ); info.insertBefore = tab; } if (DEBUG && info.insertBefore) dump(' insertBefore = '+info.insertBefore._tPos+'\n'); break; case sv.kDROP_AFTER: if (DEBUG) dump(' position = after the tab\n'); /* [TARGET ] Ğif the target has a parent, attach to it and and move [TARGET] Ğattach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET ] Ğattach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET ] Ğattach to the target, and move [ ] */ var nextTab = sv.getNextVisibleTab(tab); if (!nextTab) { info.action = sv.kACTION_MOVE | sv.kACTION_ATTACH; info.parent = sv.getParentTab(tab); } else { var targetNest = Number(tab.getAttribute(sv.kNEST)); var nextLevel = Number(nextTab.getAttribute(sv.kNEST)); info.parent = (targetNest < nextLevel) ? tab : sv.getParentTab(tab) ; info.action = sv.kACTION_MOVE | (info.parent ? sv.kACTION_ATTACH : sv.kACTION_PART ); info.insertBefore = nextTab; /* [TARGET ] Ğattach dragged tab to the parent of the target as its next sibling [DRAGGED] */ if (aSourceTab == nextTab) { info.action = sv.kACTION_MOVE | sv.kACTION_ATTACH; info.parent = sv.getParentTab(tab); info.insertBefore = sv.getNextSiblingTab(tab); } } if (DEBUG && info.insertBefore) dump(' insertBefore = '+info.insertBefore._tPos+'\n'); break; } if (isNewTabAction) info.action |= sv.kACTION_NEWTAB; return info; }, performDrop : function TabbarDND_performDrop(aInfo, aDraggedTab) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var w = this.window; var tabsInfo = this.getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab(aInfo, aDraggedTab); if (!tabsInfo.draggedTab) return false; var sourceWindow = aDraggedTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; var sourceBrowser = sourceWindow.TreeStyleTabService.getTabBrowserFromChild(aDraggedTab); var sourceService = sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab; aDraggedTab = tabsInfo.draggedTab; var draggedTabs = tabsInfo.draggedTabs; var draggedRoots = sourceService.collectRootTabs(tabsInfo.draggedTabs); var targetBrowser = b; var tabs = sv.getTabsArray(targetBrowser); var draggedWholeTree = [].concat(draggedRoots); for (let i = 0, maxi = draggedRoots.length; i < maxi; i++) { let root = draggedRoots[i]; let tabs = sourceService.getDescendantTabs(root); for (let i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = tabs[i]; if (draggedWholeTree.indexOf(tab) < 0) draggedWholeTree.push(tab); } } var selectedTabs = draggedTabs.filter(function(aTab) { return aTab.getAttribute('multiselected') == 'true'; }); if (draggedWholeTree.length != selectedTabs.length && selectedTabs.length) { draggedTabs = draggedRoots = selectedTabs; if (aInfo.action & sv.kACTIONS_FOR_SOURCE) sourceService.detachTabs(selectedTabs); } while (aInfo.insertBefore && draggedWholeTree.indexOf(aInfo.insertBefore) > -1) { aInfo.insertBefore = sv.getNextTab(aInfo.insertBefore); } if (aInfo.action & sv.kACTIONS_FOR_SOURCE) { if (aInfo.action & sv.kACTION_PART) { this.detachTabsOnDrop(draggedRoots); } else if (aInfo.action & sv.kACTION_ATTACH) { this.attachTabsOnDrop(draggedRoots, aInfo.parent); } else { return false; } if ( // if this move will cause no change... sourceBrowser == targetBrowser && sourceService.getNextVisibleTab(draggedTabs[draggedTabs.length-1]) == aInfo.insertBefore ) { // then, do nothing return true; } } var treeStructure = sourceService.getTreeStructureFromTabs(draggedTabs); var newTabs = sv.moveTabsInternal(draggedTabs, { duplicate : aInfo.action & sv.kACTION_DUPLICATE, insertBefore : aInfo.insertBefore }); if (newTabs.length && aInfo.action & sv.kACTION_ATTACH) this.attachTabsOnDrop( newTabs.filter(function(aTab, aIndex) { return treeStructure[aIndex] == -1; }), aInfo.parent ); return true; }, getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab : function TabbarDND_getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab(aInfo, aTab) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var sourceWindow = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; var sourceBrowser = sourceWindow.TreeStyleTabService.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); var sourceService = sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab; aTab = sourceService.getTabFromChild(aTab); if (!aTab || !aTab.parentNode) // ignore removed tabs! return { draggedTab : null, draggedTabs : [], isMultipleMove : false }; var draggedTabs = sourceWindow['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].tabsDragUtils.getSelectedTabs(aTab || sourceBrowser || aInfo.event); var isMultipleMove = false; if (draggedTabs.length > 1) { isMultipleMove = true; } else if (aInfo.action & sv.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION) { draggedTabs = [aTab].concat(sourceService.getDescendantTabs(aTab)); } return { draggedTab : aTab, draggedTabs : draggedTabs, isMultipleMove : isMultipleMove }; }, attachTabsOnDrop : function TabbarDND_attachTabsOnDrop(aTabs, aParent) { var b = aTabs[0].ownerDocument.defaultView.TreeStyleTabService.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabs[0]); var sv = b.treeStyleTab; b.movingSelectedTabs = true; // Multiple Tab Handler for (let i = 0, maxi = aTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = aTabs[i]; if (!tab.parentNode) continue; // ignore removed tabs if (aParent) sv.attachTabTo(tab, aParent); else sv.detachTab(tab); sv.collapseExpandTab(tab, false); } b.movingSelectedTabs = false; // Multiple Tab Handler }, detachTabsOnDrop : function TabbarDND_detachTabsOnDrop(aTabs) { var b = aTabs[0].ownerDocument.defaultView.TreeStyleTabService.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabs[0]); var sv = b.treeStyleTab; b.movingSelectedTabs = true; // Multiple Tab Handler for (let i = 0, maxi = aTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = aTabs[i]; if (!tab.parentNode) continue; // ignore removed tabs sv.detachTab(tab); sv.collapseExpandTab(tab, false); } b.movingSelectedTabs = false; // Multiple Tab Handler }, clearDropPosition : function TabbarDND_clearDropPosition() { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var xpathResult = sv.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+sv.kDROP_POSITION+']', b.mTabContainer ); for (var i = 0, maxi = xpathResult.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { xpathResult.snapshotItem(i).removeAttribute(sv.kDROP_POSITION); } }, isDraggingAllTabs : function TabbarDND_isDraggingAllTabs(aTab, aTabs) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var actionInfo = { action : sv.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION | sv.kACTION_IMPORT }; var tabsInfo = this.getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab(actionInfo, aTab); return tabsInfo.draggedTabs.length == (aTabs || sv.getAllTabsArray(b)).length; }, isDraggingAllCurrentTabs : function TabbarDND_isDraggingAllCurrentTabs(aTab) { return this.isDraggingAllTabs(aTab, this.treeStyleTab.getTabsArray(this.treeStyleTab.browser)); }, handleEvent : function TabbarDND_handleEvent(aEvent) { // ignore drag and drop while toolbar customization if (this.treeStyleTab.isToolbarCustomizing) return; switch (aEvent.type) { case 'dragstart': return this.onDragStart(aEvent); case 'dragenter': return this.onDragEnter(aEvent); case 'dragleave': return this.onDragLeave(aEvent); case 'dragend': return this.onDragEnd(aEvent); case 'dragover': return this.onDragOver(aEvent); case 'drop': return this.onDrop(aEvent); } }, onDragStart : function TabbarDND_onDragStart(aEvent) { if (this.canDragTabbar(aEvent)) return this.onTabbarDragStart(aEvent); var tab = this.treeStyleTab.getTabFromEvent(aEvent); if (tab) return this.onTabDragStart(aEvent, tab); }, onTabDragStart : function TabbarDND_onTabDragStart(aEvent, aTab) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var w = this.window; var actionInfo = { action : sv.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION | sv.kACTION_MOVE, event : aEvent }; var tabsInfo = this.getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab(actionInfo, aTab); if ( tabsInfo.draggedTabs.length <= 1 || Array.some(tabsInfo.draggedTabs, function(aTab) { return aTab.getAttribute('multiselected') == 'true'; // if multiselected, it should be handled by other addons (like Multiple Tab Handler) }) ) return; w['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].tabsDragUtils.startTabsDrag(aEvent, tabsInfo.draggedTabs); }, onTabbarDragStart : function TabbarDND_onTabbarDragStart(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; dt.mozSetDataAt( sv.kDRAG_TYPE_TABBAR, aEvent.shiftKey ? sv.kTABBAR_MOVE_FORCE : sv.kTABBAR_MOVE_NORMAL, 0 ); dt.mozCursor = 'move'; // var tabbar = sv.browser.mTabContainer; // var box = tabbar.boxObject; // dt.setDragImage( // tabbar, // aEvent.screenX - box.screenX, // aEvent.screenY - box.screenY // ); // no feedback image, because it's annoying... dt.setDragImage(new this.window.Image(), 0, 0); aEvent.stopPropagation(); this.readyToStartTabbarDrag(); }, onDragEnter : function TabbarDND_onDragEnter(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var w = this.window; var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; if (!this.canDrop(aEvent)) { dt.effectAllowed = dt.dropEffect = 'none'; return; } var tab = aEvent.target; if (tab.localName != 'tab' || !sv.getTreePref('autoExpand.enabled')) return; w.clearTimeout(this.mAutoExpandTimer); w.clearTimeout(this.mAutoExpandTimerNext); var sourceNode = dt.getData(sv.kDRAG_TYPE_TABBAR+'-node'); if (aEvent.target == sourceNode) return; this.mAutoExpandTimerNext = w.setTimeout(function(aSelf, aTarget) { aSelf.mAutoExpandTimerNext = null; aSelf.mAutoExpandTimer = w.setTimeout( function() { let tab = sv.getTabById(aTarget); if (tab && sv.shouldTabAutoExpanded(tab) && tab.getAttribute(sv.kDROP_POSITION) == 'self') { if (sv.getTreePref('autoExpand.intelligently')) { sv.collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor(tab); } else { this.mAutoExpandedTabs.push(aTarget); sv.collapseExpandSubtree(tab, false); } } }, sv.getTreePref('autoExpand.delay') ); }, 0, this, tab.getAttribute(sv.kID)); tab = null; }, onDragLeave : function TabbarDND_onDragLeave(aEvent) { this.clearDropPosition(); this.window.clearTimeout(this.mAutoExpandTimer); this.mAutoExpandTimer = null; }, onDragEnd : function TabbarDND_onDragEnd(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; if (dt.getData(sv.kDRAG_TYPE_TABBAR)) this.onTabbarDragEnd(aEvent); else this.onTabDragEnd(aEvent); }, onTabDragEnd : function TabbarDND_onTabDragEnd(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var d = this.document; var w = this.window; var tabbar = b.mTabContainer; var strip = sv.tabStrip; var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; this.clearDropPosition(); if (dt.mozUserCancelled || dt.dropEffect != 'none') return; // prevent handling of this event by the default handler aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); var eX = aEvent.screenX; var eY = aEvent.screenY; var x, y, w, h; // ignore drop on the toolbox x = w.screenX; y = w.screenY; w = w.outerWidth; h = d.getElementById('navigator-toolbox').boxObject.height; if (eX > x && eX < x + w && eY > y && eY < y + h) return; // ignore drop near the tab bar var box = strip.boxObject; var ignoreArea = Math.max(16, parseInt(sv.getFirstNormalTab(b).boxObject.height / 2)); x = box.screenX - (sv.isVertical ? ignoreArea : 0 ); y = box.screenY - ignoreArea; w = box.width + (sv.isVertical ? ignoreArea + ignoreArea : 0 ); h = box.height + ignoreArea + ignoreArea; if (eX > x && eX < x + w && eY > y && eY < y + h) return; var draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0); if (this.isDraggingAllCurrentTabs(draggedTab)) return; if (aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.metaKey) draggedTab.__treestyletab__toBeDuplicated = true; b.replaceTabWithWindow(draggedTab); }, onTabbarDragEnd : function TabbarDND_onTabbarDragEnd(aEvent) { var w = this.window; w.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf.readyToEndTabbarDrag(); aSelf.treeStyleTab.removeTabbrowserAttribute(aSelf.treeStyleTab.kDROP_POSITION); }, 10, this); aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); }, onDragOver : function TabbarDND_onDragOver(aEvent) { if (this.onTabDragOver(aEvent)) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); // this is required to override default dragover actions! } }, onTabDragOver : function TabbarDND_onTabDragOver(aEvent) { try{ var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var session = sv.currentDragSession; if (sv.isToolbarCustomizing) return false; sv.autoScroll.processAutoScroll(aEvent); var info = this.getDropAction(aEvent, session); var observer = b; if (b.tabContainer && b.tabContainer._setEffectAllowedForDataTransfer) observer = b.tabContainer; // auto-switch for staying on tabs if ( info.position == sv.kDROP_ON && info.target && !info.target.selected && '_dragTime' in observer && '_dragOverDelay' in observer ) { let time = observer.mDragTime || observer._dragTime || 0; let delay = observer.mDragOverDelay || observer._dragOverDelay || 0; let effects = observer._setEffectAllowedForDataTransfer(aEvent); if (effects == 'link') { let now = Date.now(); if (!time) { time = now; if ('mDragTime' in observer) observer.mDragTime = time; else observer._dragTime = time; } if (now >= time + delay) b.selectedTab = info.target; } } this.clearDropPosition(); if ( !info.canDrop || observer._setEffectAllowedForDataTransfer(aEvent) == 'none' ) { aEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "none"; return true; } let indicatorTab = info.target; if (sv.isCollapsed(info.target)) { let tab = indicatorTab; while ((tab = sv.getPreviousTab(tab)) && sv.isCollapsed(tab)) {} if (tab) indicatorTab = tab; } indicatorTab.setAttribute( sv.kDROP_POSITION, info.position == sv.kDROP_BEFORE ? 'before' : info.position == sv.kDROP_AFTER ? 'after' : 'self' ); var indicator = b.mTabDropIndicatorBar || b.tabContainer._tabDropIndicator; indicator.setAttribute('dragging', (info.position == sv.kDROP_ON || sv.isVertical) ? 'false' : 'true' ); if (sv.isVertical) indicator.collapsed = true; return (info.position == sv.kDROP_ON || sv.position != 'top') } catch(e) { dump('TabbarDND::onDragOver\n'+e+'\n'); } }, onDrop : function TabbarDND_onDrop(aEvent) { this.onTabDrop(aEvent); var sv = this.treeStyleTab; if (this.mAutoExpandedTabs.length) { if (sv.getTreePref('autoExpand.collapseFinally')) { for (let i = 0, maxi = this.mAutoExpandedTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { sv.collapseExpandSubtree(sv.getTabById(this.mAutoExpandedTabs[i]), true, true); } } this.mAutoExpandedTabs = []; } }, onTabDrop : function TSTService_onTabDrop(aEvent) { var sv = this.treeStyleTab; var b = this.browser; var w = this.window; var tabbar = b.mTabContainer; var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; this.clearDropPosition(); if (tabbar._tabDropIndicator) tabbar._tabDropIndicator.collapsed = true; var session = sv.currentDragSession; var dropActionInfo = this.getDropAction(aEvent, session); var draggedTab; if (dt.dropEffect != 'link') { draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0); if (!draggedTab) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); return; } } if (draggedTab && this.performDrop(dropActionInfo, draggedTab)) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); return; } // duplicating of tabs if ( draggedTab && ( dt.dropEffect == 'copy' || sv.getTabBrowserFromChild(draggedTab) != b ) && dropActionInfo.position == sv.kDROP_ON ) { var beforeTabs = Array.slice(b.mTabContainer.childNodes); w.setTimeout(function() { var newTabs = Array.slice(b.mTabContainer.childNodes).filter(function(aTab) { return beforeTabs.indexOf(aTab) < 0; }); if (newTabs.length) sv.attachTabTo(newTabs[0], dropActionInfo.target); }, 0); return; } // dropping of urls if (!draggedTab) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); let urls = this.retrieveURLsFromDataTransfer(dt); let url = urls.length ? urls[0] : '' ; if (!url || !url.length || url.indexOf(' ', 0) != -1 || /^\s*(javascript|data):/.test(url)) return; let (sourceDoc = session ? session.sourceDocument : null) { let sourceURI = sourceDoc ? sourceDoc.documentURI : 'file:///' ; let normalizedURI = sv.makeURIFromSpec(url); if (normalizedURI && sourceURI.indexOf('chrome://') < 0) { try { SecMan.checkLoadURIStr(sourceURI, normalizedURI.spec, Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.STANDARD); } catch(e) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); throw 'Drop of ' + url + ' denied.'; } } } let bgLoad = sv.getPref('browser.tabs.loadInBackground'); if (aEvent.shiftKey) bgLoad = !bgLoad; let tab = sv.getTabFromEvent(aEvent); if (!tab || dt.dropEffect == 'copy') { this.performDrop(dropActionInfo, b.loadOneTab(w.getShortcutOrURI(url), { inBackground: bgLoad })); } else { let locked = ( tab.getAttribute('locked') == 'true' || // Tab Mix Plus and others tab.getAttribute('isPageLocked') == 'true' // Super Tab Mode ); let loadDroppedLinkToNewChildTab = dropActionInfo.position != sv.kDROP_ON || locked; if (!loadDroppedLinkToNewChildTab && dropActionInfo.position == sv.kDROP_ON) loadDroppedLinkToNewChildTab = sv.dropLinksOnTabBehavior() == sv.kDROPLINK_NEWTAB; try { if (loadDroppedLinkToNewChildTab || locked) { this.performDrop(dropActionInfo, b.loadOneTab(w.getShortcutOrURI(url), { inBackground: bgLoad })); } else { tab.linkedBrowser.loadURI(w.getShortcutOrURI(url)); if (!bgLoad) b.selectedTab = tab; } } catch(e) { } } } }, retrieveURLsFromDataTransfer : function TSTService_retrieveURLsFromDataTransfer(aDataTransfer) { var urls = []; var types = [ 'text/uri-list', 'text/x-moz-text-internal', 'text/x-moz-url', 'text/plain', 'application/x-moz-file' ]; for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { let dataType = types[i]; for (let i = 0, maxi = aDataTransfer.mozItemCount; i < maxi; i++) { let urlData = aDataTransfer.mozGetDataAt(dataType, i); if (urlData) { urls = urls.concat(this.retrieveURLsFromData(urlData, dataType)); } } if (urls.length) break; } return urls; }, retrieveURLsFromData : function TSTService_retrieveURLsFromData(aData, aType) { switch (aType) { case 'text/uri-list': return aData.replace(/\r/g, '\n') .replace(/^\#.+$/gim, '') .replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n') .split('\n'); case 'text/unicode': case 'text/plain': case 'text/x-moz-text-internal': return [aData.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')]; case 'text/x-moz-url': return [((aData instanceof Ci.nsISupportsString) ? aData.toString() : aData) .split('\n')[0]]; case 'application/x-moz-file': let fileHandler = IOService.getProtocolHandler('file') .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler); return [fileHandler.getURLSpecFromFile(aData)]; } return []; }, init : function TabbarDND_init(aTabBrowser) { this.browser = aTabBrowser; this.document = aTabBrowser.ownerDocument; this.window = this.document.defaultView; this.treeStyleTab = aTabBrowser.treeStyleTab; this.mAutoExpandTimer = null; this.mAutoExpandTimerNext = null; this.mAutoExpandedTabs = []; this.startListenEvents(); }, startListenEvents : function TabbarDND_startListenEvents() { var strip = this.treeStyleTab.tabStrip; strip.addEventListener('dragstart', this, true); strip.addEventListener('dragover', this, true); strip.addEventListener('dragenter', this, false); strip.addEventListener('dragleave', this, false); strip.addEventListener('dragend', this, true); strip.addEventListener('drop', this, true); }, destroy : function TabbarDND_destroy() { this.endListenEvents(); delete this.treeStyleTab; delete this.browser; delete this.document; delete this.window; }, endListenEvents : function TabbarDND_endListenEvents() { var strip = this.treeStyleTab.tabStrip; strip.removeEventListener('dragstart', this, true); strip.removeEventListener('dragover', this, true); strip.removeEventListener('dragenter', this, false); strip.removeEventListener('dragleave', this, false); strip.removeEventListener('dragend', this, true); strip.removeEventListener('drop', this, true); } };