var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Deferred']; var window = {}; var location = { protocol: 'resource:' }; var document = { addEventListener : function() {} }; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/jstimer.jsm', window); var setTimeout = window.setTimeout; var clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout; var setInterval = window.setInterval; var clearInterval = window.clearInterval; /* Header:: * JSDeferred * Copyright (c) 2007 cho45 ( ) * * * * Version:: 0.3.0 * License:: MIT * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Usage (with jQuery):: * * $.deferred.define(); * * $.get("/hoge").next(function (data) { * alert(data); * }). * * parallel([$.get("foo.html"), $.get("bar.html")]).next(function (values) { * log($.map(values, function (v) { return v.length })); * if (values[1].match(/nextUrl:\s*(\S+)/)) { * return $.get(RegExp.$1).next(function (d) { * return d; * }); * } * }). * next(function (d) { * log(d.length); * }); * */ /* function Deferred () //=> constructor * * `Deferred` function is constructor of Deferred. * * Sample: * var d = new Deferred(); * // or this is shothand of above. * var d = Deferred(); */ /* function (fun) //=> Deferred * * Create new Deferred and sets `fun` as its callback. */ /* function Deferred.prototype.error (fun) //=> Deferred * * Create new Deferred and sets `fun` as its errorback. * * If `fun` not throws error but returns normal value, Deferred treats * the given error is recovery and continue callback chain. */ /* function (val) //=> this * * Invokes self callback chain. */ /* function (err) //=> this * * Invokes self errorback chain. */ /* function Deferred.prototype.cancel (err) //=> this * * Cancels self callback chain. */ function Deferred () { return (this instanceof Deferred) ? this.init() : new Deferred() } Deferred.ok = function (x) { return x }; = function (x) { throw x }; Deferred.prototype = { init : function () { this._next = null; this.callback = { ok: Deferred.ok, ng: }; return this; }, next : function (fun) { return this._post("ok", fun) }, error : function (fun) { return this._post("ng", fun) }, call : function (val) { return this._fire("ok", val) }, fail : function (err) { return this._fire("ng", err) }, cancel : function () { (this.canceller || function () {})(); return this.init(); }, _post : function (okng, fun) { this._next = new Deferred(); this._next.callback[okng] = fun; return this._next; }, _fire : function (okng, value) { var next = "ok"; try { value = this.callback[okng].call(this, value); } catch (e) { next = "ng"; value = e; if (Deferred.onerror) Deferred.onerror(e); } if (value instanceof Deferred) { value._next = this._next; } else { if (this._next) this._next._fire(next, value); } return this; } }; /* function next (fun) //=> Deferred * * `next` is shorthand for creating new deferred which * is called after current queue. */ Deferred.next_default = function (fun) { var d = new Deferred(); var id = setTimeout(function () { }, 0); d.canceller = function () { clearTimeout(id) }; if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; Deferred.next_faster_way_readystatechange = ((location.protocol == "http:") && !window.opera && /\bMSIE\b/.test(navigator.userAgent)) && function (fun) { // MSIE var d = new Deferred(); var t = new Date().getTime(); if (t - arguments.callee._prev_timeout_called < 150) { var cancel = false; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "javascript:"; script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (!cancel) { d.canceller();; } }; d.canceller = function () { if (!cancel) { cancel = true; script.onreadystatechange = null; document.body.removeChild(script); } }; document.body.appendChild(script); } else { arguments.callee._prev_timeout_called = t; var id = setTimeout(function () { }, 0); d.canceller = function () { clearTimeout(id) }; } if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; Deferred.next_faster_way_Image = ((typeof(Image) != "undefined") && document.addEventListener) && function (fun) { // Modern Browsers var d = new Deferred(); var img = new Image(); var handler = function () { d.canceller();; }; img.addEventListener("load", handler, false); img.addEventListener("error", handler, false); d.canceller = function () { img.removeEventListener("load", handler, false); img.removeEventListener("error", handler, false); }; img.src = "data:,/ _ / X"; if (fun) d.callback.ok = fun; return d; }; = Deferred.next_faster_way_readystatechange || Deferred.next_faster_way_Image || Deferred.next_default; /* function wait (sec) //=> Deferred * * `wait` returns deferred that will be called after `sec` elapsed * with real elapsed time (msec) * * Sample: * wait(1).next(function (elapsed) { * log(elapsed); //=> may be 990-1100 * }); */ Deferred.wait = function (n) { var d = new Deferred(), t = new Date(); var id = setTimeout(function () { Date).getTime() - t.getTime()); }, n * 1000); d.canceller = function () { clearTimeout(id) }; return d; }; /* function call (fun [, args...]) //=> Deferred * * `call` function is for calling function asynchronous. * * Sample: * // like tail recursion * next(function () { * function pow (x, n) { * function _pow (n, r) { * print([n, r]); * if (n == 0) return r; * return call(_pow, n - 1, x * r); * } * return call(_pow, n, 1); * } * return call(pow, 2, 10); * }). * next(function (r) { * print([r, "end"]); * }); * */ = function (f /* , args... */) { var args =, 1); return () { return f.apply(this, args); }); }; /* function parallel (deferredlist) //=> Deferred * * `parallel` wraps up `deferredlist` to one deferred. * This is useful when some asynchronous resources required. * * `deferredlist` can be Array or Object (Hash). * * Sample: * parallel([ * $.get("foo.html"), * $.get("bar.html") * ]).next(function (values) { * values[0] //=> foo.html data * values[1] //=> bar.html data * }); * * parallel({ * foo: $.get("foo.html"), * bar: $.get("bar.html") * }).next(function (values) { * //=> foo.html data * //=> bar.html data * }); */ Deferred.parallel = function (dl) { if (arguments.length > 1) dl =; var ret = new Deferred(), values = {}, num = 0; for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) (function (d, i) { (v) { values[i] = v; if (--num <= 0) { if (dl instanceof Array) { values.length = dl.length; values =, 0); }; } }).error(function (e) {; }); num++; })(dl[i], i); if (!num) () { }); ret.canceller = function () { for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dl[i].cancel(); } }; return ret; }; /* function earlier (deferredlist) //=> Deferred * * Continue process when one deferred in `deferredlist` has completed. Others will cancel. * parallel ('and' processing) <=> earlier ('or' processing) */ Deferred.earlier = function (dl) { var ret = new Deferred(), values = {}, num = 0; for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) (function (d, i) { (v) { values[i] = v; if (dl instanceof Array) { values.length = dl.length; values =, 0); } ret.canceller();; }).error(function (e) {; }); num++; })(dl[i], i); if (!num) () { }); ret.canceller = function () { for (var i in dl) if (dl.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dl[i].cancel(); } }; return ret; }; /* function loop (n, fun) //=> Deferred * * `loop` function provides browser-non-blocking loop. * This loop is slow but not stop browser's appearance. * * Sample: * //=> loop 1 to 100 * loop({begin:1, end:100, step:10}, function (n, o) { * for (var i = 0; i < o.step; i++) { * log(n+i); * } * }); * * //=> loop 10 times * loop(10, function (n) { * log(n); * }); */ Deferred.loop = function (n, fun) { var o = { begin : n.begin || 0, end : (typeof n.end == "number") ? n.end : n - 1, step : n.step || 1, last : false, prev : null }; var ret, step = o.step; return () { function _loop (i) { if (i <= o.end) { if ((i + step) > o.end) { o.last = true; o.step = o.end - i + 1; } o.prev = ret; ret =, i, o); if (ret instanceof Deferred) { return (r) { ret = r; return, i + step); }); } else { return, i + step); } } else { return ret; } } return (o.begin <= o.end) ?, o.begin) : null; }); }; /* function repeat (n, fun) //=> Deferred * * Loop `n` tiems with `fun`. * This function automatically return control to browser, if loop time over 20msec. * This is useful for huge loop not to block browser UI. * * Sample:: * repeat(10, function (i) { * i //=> 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 * }); */ Deferred.repeat = function (n, f) { var i = 0, end = {}, ret = null; return () { var t = (new Date()).getTime(); divide: { do { if (i >= n) break divide; ret = f(i++); } while ((new Date()).getTime() - t < 20); return; } }); }; /* function Deferred.register (name, fun) //=> void 0 * * Register `fun` to Deferred prototype for method chain. * * Sample:: * // Deferred.register("loop", loop); * * // Global Deferred function * loop(10, function (n) { * print(n); * }). * // Registered Deferred.prototype.loop * loop(10, function (n) { * print(n); * }); */ Deferred.register = function (name, fun) { this.prototype[name] = function () { var a = arguments; return () { return fun.apply(this, a); }); }; }; Deferred.register("loop", Deferred.loop); Deferred.register("wait", Deferred.wait); /* Deferred.connect (func [, opts: { ok : 0, ng : null, target: null} ]) //=> Function //=> Deferred * * Connect a function with Deferred. That is, transform a function * that takes a callback into one that returns a Deferred object. * * Sample:: * var timeout = Deferred.connect(setTimeout, { target: window, ok: 0 }); * timeout(1).next(function () { * alert('after 1 sec'); * }); */ // Allow to pass multiple values to next. Deferred.Arguments = function (args) { this.args =, 0) } Deferred.connect = function (func, obj) { if (!obj) obj = {}; var callbackArgIndex = obj.ok; var errorbackArgIndex =; var target =; return function () { var d = new Deferred(); = function (fun) { return this._post("ok", function () { fun.apply(this, (arguments[0] instanceof Deferred.Arguments) ? arguments[0].args : arguments); }) }; var args =, 0); if (!(isFinite(callbackArgIndex) && callbackArgIndex !== null)) { callbackArgIndex = args.length; } var callback = function () { Deferred.Arguments(arguments)) }; args.splice(callbackArgIndex, 0, callback); if (isFinite(errorbackArgIndex) && errorbackArgIndex !== null) { var errorback = function () { }; args.splice(errorbackArgIndex, 0, errorback); } () { func.apply(target, args) }); return d; } } /* Deferred.retry(retryCount, func [, options = { wait : 0 } ]) * * Try func (returns Deferred) max `retryCount`. * * Sample:: * Deferred.retry(3, function () { * return http.get(...); * }). * next(function (res) { * res //=> response if succeeded * }). * error(function (e) { * e //=> error if all try failed * }); */ Deferred.retry = function (retryCount, funcDeferred/* funcDeferred() return Deferred */, options) { if (!options) options = {}; var wait = options.wait || 0; var d = new Deferred(); var retry = function () { var m = funcDeferred(retryCount); m. next(function (mes) {; }). error(function (e) { if (--retryCount <= 0) {['retry failed', e]); } else { setTimeout(retry, wait * 1000); } }); }; setTimeout(retry, 0); return d; } Deferred.define = function (obj, list) { if (!list) list = ["parallel", "wait", "next", "call", "loop", "repeat"]; if (!obj) obj = (function getGlobal () { return this })(); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var n = list[i]; obj[n] = Deferred[n]; } return Deferred; };