/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Tree Style Tab. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011-2014 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi * Tetsuharu OHZEKI * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['FullTooltipManager']; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/base.js'); Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/pseudoTreeBuilder.js'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'utils', 'resource://treestyletab-modules/utils.js', 'TreeStyleTabUtils'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, 'ScreenManager', '@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1', 'nsIScreenManager'); function FullTooltipManager(aOwner) { this.init(aOwner); } FullTooltipManager.prototype = { __proto__ : TreeStyleTabBase, kTOOLTIP_MODE_DEFAULT : 0, kTOOLTIP_MODE_COLLAPSED : 1, kTOOLTIP_MODE_ALWAYS : 2, get window() { return this.owner.window; }, get document() { return this.owner.document; }, get tabTooltip() { return this.document.getElementById('tabbrowser-tab-tooltip'); }, get tabFullTooltip() { return this.document.getElementById('treestyletab-full-tree-tooltip'); }, init : function FTM_init(aOwner) { this.owner = aOwner; this.tabTooltip.addEventListener('popupshowing', this, true); this.tabTooltip.addEventListener('popuphiding', this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.addEventListener('click', this, false); this.tabFullTooltip.addEventListener(PseudoTreeBuilder.kTAB_LINK_CLICK, this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.addEventListener('popupshown', this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.addEventListener('popuphidden', this, true); }, destroy : function FTM_destroy() { this.cancel(); this.stopListenTooltipEvents(); this.tabTooltip.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this, true); this.tabTooltip.removeEventListener('popuphiding', this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.removeEventListener('click', this, false); this.tabFullTooltip.removeEventListener(PseudoTreeBuilder.kTAB_LINK_CLICK, this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.removeEventListener('popupshown', this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.removeEventListener('popuphidden', this, true); delete this.owner; }, handleEvent : function FTM_handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case 'click': return this.onClick(aEvent); case PseudoTreeBuilder.kTAB_LINK_CLICK: return this.onItemClick(aEvent); case 'popupshowing': return this.onDefaultTooltipShowing(aEvent); case 'popuphiding': return this.onDefaultTooltipHiding(aEvent); case 'popupshown': return this.onShown(aEvent); case 'popuphidden': return this.onHidden(aEvent); case 'mousemove': return this.onTooltipMouseMove(aEvent); case 'mouseover': return this.cancelDelayedHide(); case 'mouseout': return this.hideWithDelay(); default: return this.onTooltipEvent(aEvent); } }, getFullTooltipFromEvent : function FTM_getFullTooltipFromEvent(aEvent) { return this.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor-or-self::xul:tooltip[@id="'+this.tabFullTooltip.id+'"]', aEvent.target, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, onClick : function FTM_onClick(aEvent) { this.tabFullTooltip.hidePopup(); }, onItemClick : function FTM_onItemClick(aEvent) { var id = aEvent.detail.id; if (id) { let tab = this.getTabById(id, this.owner.browser); if (tab) { let event = aEvent.detail.sourceEvent; if (event.button == 1 || (event.button == 0 && this.isAccelKeyPressed(event))) this.owner.browser.removeTab(tab); else if (event.button != 2) this.owner.browser.selectedTab = tab; } } this.tabFullTooltip.hidePopup(); }, onDefaultTooltipShowing : function FTM_onDefaultTooltipShowing(aEvent) { this.cancel(); this.handleDefaultTooltip(aEvent); }, onDefaultTooltipHiding : function FTM_onDefaultTooltipHiding(aEvent) { this.cancel(); }, onShown : function FTM_onShown(aEvent) { this.startListenTooltipEvents(); var tooltip = this.tabFullTooltip; tooltip.setAttribute('popup-shown', true); var w = {}, h = {}; var box = tooltip.boxObject; var scrollBoxObject = tooltip.firstChild.scrollBoxObject; scrollBoxObject.getScrolledSize(w, h); var currentW = box.width - scrollBoxObject.width + w.value; var currentH = box.height - scrollBoxObject.height + h.value; var currentX = box.screenX; var currentY = box.screenY; var currentScreen = Cc['@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIScreenManager) .screenForRect(box.screenX, box.screenY, box.width, box.height); var screenLeft = {}, screenTop = {}, screenWidth = {}, screenHeight = {}; currentScreen.GetRect(screenLeft, screenTop, screenWidth, screenHeight); var style = tooltip.style; style.maxWidth = screenWidth.value+'px'; style.maxHeight = screenHeight.value+'px'; style.minWidth = 0; style.minHeight = 0; if (currentX + currentW + screenLeft.value >= screenWidth.value) style.marginLeft = (Math.max(screenLeft.value, screenWidth.value - currentW) - this.window.screenX)+'px'; if (currentY + currentH + screenTop.value >= screenHeight.value) style.marginTop = (Math.max(screenTop.value, screenHeight.value - currentH) - this.window.screenY)+'px'; }, onHidden : function FTM_onHidden(aEvent) { this.tabFullTooltip.removeAttribute('popup-shown'); this.stopListenTooltipEvents(); this.clear(); }, onTooltipMouseMove : function FTM_onTooltipMouseMove(aEvent) { if (this.getFullTooltipFromEvent(aEvent)) this.cancelDelayedHide(); else this.hideWithDelay(); }, onTooltipEvent : function FTM_onTooltipEvent(aEvent) { if (!this.getFullTooltipFromEvent(aEvent)) this.hide(); }, startListenTooltipEvents : function FTM_startListenTooltipEvents() { if (this.listening) return; this.window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this, true); this.window.addEventListener('keydown', this, true); this.window.addEventListener('mousedown', this, true); this.window.addEventListener('mouseup', this, true); this.window.addEventListener('dragstart', this, true); this.window.addEventListener('mousemove', this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.addEventListener('mouseover', this, false); this.tabFullTooltip.addEventListener('mouseout', this, false); this.listening = true; }, stopListenTooltipEvents : function FTM_stopListenTooltipEvents() { if (!this.listening) return; this.window.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this, true); this.window.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true); this.window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, true); this.window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true); this.window.removeEventListener('dragstart', this, true); this.window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true); this.tabFullTooltip.removeEventListener('mouseover', this, false); this.tabFullTooltip.removeEventListener('mouseout', this, false); this.listening = false; }, handleDefaultTooltip : function FTM_handleDefaultTooltip(aEvent) { var tab = this.getTabFromChild(this.document.tooltipNode); if (!tab || tab.localName != 'tab') return; var label; var collapsed = this.isSubtreeCollapsed(tab); var mode = utils.getTreePref('tooltip.mode'); var base = parseInt(tab.getAttribute(this.kNEST) || 0); var descendant = this.getDescendantTabs(tab); var indentPart = ' '; var tree = null; var fullTooltipExtraLabel = ''; if (mode > this.kTOOLTIP_MODE_DEFAULT && descendant.length) { let tabs = [tab].concat(descendant); let tabsToBeListed = tabs.slice(0, Math.max(1, utils.getTreePref('tooltip.maxCount'))); tree = tabsToBeListed .map(function(aTab) { let label = aTab.getAttribute('label'); let indent = ''; let nest = parseInt(aTab.getAttribute(this.kNEST) || 0) - base; for (let i = 0; i < nest; i++) { indent += indentPart; } return utils.treeBundle.getFormattedString('tooltip.item.label', [label, indent]); }, this) .join('\n'); if (tabs.length != tabsToBeListed.length) { tree += '\n'+indentPart+utils.treeBundle.getFormattedString('tooltip.more', [tabs.length-tabsToBeListed.length]); } } var shouldShowTree = mode != this.kTOOLTIP_MODE_DEFAULT && (collapsed || mode == this.kTOOLTIP_MODE_ALWAYS); if ('mOverCloseButton' in tab && tab.mOverCloseButton) { if (descendant.length && (collapsed || utils.getTreePref('closeParentBehavior') == this.kCLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_CLOSE_ALL_CHILDREN)) { label = tree || tab.getAttribute('label'); label = label && shouldShowTree ? utils.treeBundle.getFormattedString('tooltip.closeTree.labeled', [label]) : utils.treeBundle.getString('tooltip.closeTree') ; fullTooltipExtraLabel = utils.treeBundle.getFormattedString('tooltip.closeTree.labeled', ['%TREE%']).split(/\s*%TREE%\s*/); } } else if (tab.getAttribute(this.kTWISTY_HOVER) == 'true') { let key = collapsed ? 'tooltip.expandSubtree' : 'tooltip.collapseSubtree' ; label = tree || tab.getAttribute('label'); label = label && shouldShowTree ? utils.treeBundle.getFormattedString(key+'.labeled', [label]) : utils.treeBundle.getString(key) ; fullTooltipExtraLabel = utils.treeBundle.getFormattedString(key+'.labeled', ['%TREE%']).split(/\s*%TREE%\s*/); } else if (shouldShowTree) { label = tree; } if (!label) return; aEvent.target.setAttribute('label', label); aEvent.stopPropagation(); if (shouldShowTree) this.setup(aEvent.target, tab, fullTooltipExtraLabel); }, /** * If the window is maximized, screenX and screenY can be out of * visible screen rect. On the other hand, * nsIPopupBoxObject#openPopupAtScreen() automatically reposition * the popup if it is going to be shown out of the visible screen * rect. As the result, the popup will be repositioned unexpectedly * if I use the raw screenX and screenY. * https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/issues/302 * To prevent such a result, I have to calculate valid base position * for the popup. */ get windowBasePosition() { var screen = ScreenManager.screenForRect( this.window.screenX, this.window.screenY, this.window.outerWidth, this.window.outerHeight ); var screenMinX = {}, screenMinY = {}, screenMaxX = {}, screenMaxY = {}; screen.GetAvailRect(screenMinX, screenMinY, screenMaxX, screenMaxY); return { x: Math.max(this.window.screenX, screenMinX.value), y: Math.max(this.window.screenY, screenMinY.value) }; }, setup : function FTM_setup(aBaseTooltip, aTab, aExtraLabels) { this.cancel(); var delay = utils.getTreePref('tooltip.fullTooltipDelay'); if (delay < 0) return; this._fullTooltipTimer = this.window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { var basePosition = aSelf.windowBasePosition; var box = aBaseTooltip.boxObject; var x = box.screenX - basePosition.x; var y = box.screenY - basePosition.y; var w = box.width; var h = box.height; aBaseTooltip.hidePopup(); aSelf.fill(aTab, aExtraLabels); var tooltip = aSelf.tabFullTooltip; let (style = tooltip.style) { style.marginLeft = x+'px'; style.marginTop = y+'px'; style.maxWidth = style.minWidth = w+'px'; style.maxHeight = style.minHeight = h+'px'; } tooltip.openPopupAtScreen(basePosition.x, basePosition.y, false); }, Math.max(delay, 0), this); }, cancel : function FTM_destroyFullTooltip() { if (this._fullTooltipTimer) { this.window.clearTimeout(this._fullTooltipTimer); this._fullTooltipTimer = null; } this.hide(); }, hide : function FTM_hide() { this.cancelDelayedHide(); this.tabFullTooltip.hidePopup(); }, hideWithDelay : function FTM_hideWithDelay() { this.cancelDelayedHide(); this._delayedHideTimer = this.window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf.hide(); }, 500, this); }, cancelDelayedHide : function FTM_cancelDelayedHide() { if (this._delayedHideTimer) { this.window.clearTimeout(this._delayedHideTimer); this._delayedHideTimer = null; } }, fill : function FTM_fill(aTab, aExtraLabels) { this.clear(); var tree = PseudoTreeBuilder.build(aTab); var root = this.document.createElement('arrowscrollbox'); root.setAttribute('orient', 'vertical'); root.setAttribute('flex', 1); if (aExtraLabels) { if (typeof aExtraLabels == 'string') aExtraLabels = [aExtraLabels]; for (let i = 0, maxi = aExtraLabels.length; i < maxi; i++) { let label = aExtraLabels[i]; label = label.trim(); if (!label) continue; root.appendChild(this.document.createElement('description')) .appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(label)); } } root.insertBefore(tree, root.firstChild && root.firstChild.nextSibling); this.tabFullTooltip.appendChild(root); }, clear : function FTM_clear() { var range = this.document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(this.tabFullTooltip); range.deleteContents(); range.detach(); } };