/* "getBoxObjectFor()" compatibility library for Firefox 3.6 or later Usage: // use instead of HTMLDocument.getBoxObjectFor(HTMLElement) var boxObject = window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] .boxObject .getBoxObjectFor(HTMLElement); license: The MIT License, Copyright (c) 2009-2010 SHIMODA "Piro" Hiroshi http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/fx3-compatibility-lib/trunk/license.txt original: http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/fx3-compatibility-lib/trunk/boxObject.js http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/fx3-compatibility-lib/trunk/boxObject.test.js http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/fx3-compatibility-lib/trunk/fixtures/box.html */ /* To work as a JS Code Module */ if (typeof window == 'undefined' || (window && typeof window.constructor == 'function')) { this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['boxObject']; // If namespace.jsm is available, export symbols to the shared namespace. // See: http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/fx3-compatibility-lib/trunk/namespace.jsm try { let ns = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/lib/namespace.jsm', ns); /* var */ window = ns.getNamespaceFor('piro.sakura.ne.jp'); } catch(e) { window = {}; } } (function() { const currentRevision = 6; if (!('piro.sakura.ne.jp' in window)) window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] = {}; var loadedRevision = 'boxObject' in window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] ? window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].boxObject.revision : 0 ; if (loadedRevision && loadedRevision > currentRevision) { return; } var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].boxObject = { revision : currentRevision, getBoxObjectFor : function(aNode, aUnify) { return ('getBoxObjectFor' in aNode.ownerDocument) ? this.getBoxObjectFromBoxObjectFor(aNode, aUnify) : this.getBoxObjectFromClientRectFor(aNode, aUnify) ; }, getBoxObjectFromBoxObjectFor : function(aNode, aUnify) { var boxObject = aNode.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(aNode); var box = { x : boxObject.x, y : boxObject.y, width : boxObject.width, height : boxObject.height, screenX : boxObject.screenX, screenY : boxObject.screenY, element : aNode }; if (!aUnify) return box; var style = this._getComputedStyle(aNode); box.left = box.x - this._getPropertyPixelValue(style, 'border-left-width'); box.top = box.y - this._getPropertyPixelValue(style, 'border-top-width'); if (style.getPropertyValue('position') == 'fixed') { box.left -= frame.scrollX; box.top -= frame.scrollY; } box.right = box.left + box.width; box.bottom = box.top + box.height; return box; }, getBoxObjectFromClientRectFor : function(aNode, aUnify) { var box = { x : 0, y : 0, width : 0, height : 0, screenX : 0, screenY : 0, element : aNode }; try { var zoom = this.getZoom(aNode.ownerDocument.defaultView); var rect = aNode.getBoundingClientRect(); if (aUnify) { box.left = rect.left; box.top = rect.top; box.right = rect.right; box.bottom = rect.bottom; } var style = this._getComputedStyle(aNode); var frame = aNode.ownerDocument.defaultView; // "x" and "y" are offset positions of the "padding-box" from the document top-left edge. box.x = rect.left + this._getPropertyPixelValue(style, 'border-left-width'); box.y = rect.top + this._getPropertyPixelValue(style, 'border-top-width'); if (style.getPropertyValue('position') != 'fixed') { box.x += frame.scrollX; box.y += frame.scrollY; } // "width" and "height" are sizes of the "border-box". box.width = rect.right - rect.left; box.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; box.screenX = rect.left * zoom; box.screenY = rect.top * zoom; box.screenX += frame.mozInnerScreenX * zoom; box.screenY += frame.mozInnerScreenY * zoom; } catch(e) { } 'x,y,screenX,screenY,width,height,left,top,right,bottom' .split(',') .forEach(function(aProperty) { if (aProperty in box) box[aProperty] = Math.round(box[aProperty]); }); return box; }, _getComputedStyle : function(aNode) { return aNode.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aNode, null); }, _getPropertyPixelValue : function(aStyle, aProperty) { return parseInt(aStyle.getPropertyValue(aProperty).replace('px', '')); }, Prefs : Cc['@mozilla.org/preferences;1'] .getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2), getZoom : function(aFrame) { try { if (!this.Prefs.getBoolPref('browser.zoom.full')) return 1; } catch(e) { return 1; } var markupDocumentViewer = aFrame.top .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .contentViewer .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMarkupDocumentViewer); return markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom; } }; })(); if (window != this) { // work as a JS Code Module this.boxObject = window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].boxObject; }