/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Tree Style Tab. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['TreeStyleTabUtils']; var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var TreeStyleTabUtils = { /* attributes */ kID : 'treestyletab-id', kCHILDREN : 'treestyletab-children', kPARENT : 'treestyletab-parent', kANCESTOR : 'treestyletab-ancestors', kNEST : 'treestyletab-nest', kINSERT_BEFORE : 'treestyletab-insert-before', kINSERT_AFTER : 'treestyletab-insert-after', kID_RESTORING : 'treestyletab-id-restoring', kCHILDREN_RESTORING : 'treestyletab-children-restoring', kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED : 'treestyletab-subtree-collapsed', kCOLLAPSED : 'treestyletab-collapsed', kCOLLAPSED_DONE : 'treestyletab-collapsed-done', kCOLLAPSING : 'treestyletab-collapsing', kALLOW_COLLAPSE : 'treestyletab-allow-subtree-collapse', kX_OFFSET : 'treestyletab-x-offset', kY_OFFSET : 'treestyletab-y-offset', kTABBAR_POSITION : 'treestyletab-tabbar-position', kMODE : 'treestyletab-mode', kHIDE_ALLTABS : 'treestyletab-hide-alltabs-button', kSTYLE : 'treestyletab-style', kFIRSTTAB_BORDER : 'treestyletab-firsttab-border', kFIXED : 'treestyletab-tabbar-fixed', kRESIZING : 'treestyletab-tabbar-resizing', kINDENTED : 'treestyletab-tabs-indented', kTAB_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-tab-inverted', kTAB_CONTENTS_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-tab-contents-inverted', kCLOSEBOX_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-closebox-inverted', kSCROLLBAR_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-scrollbar-inverted', kTWISTY_HOVER : 'treestyletab-twisty-hover', kTWISTY_STYLE : 'treestyletab-twisty-style', kDROP_POSITION : 'treestyletab-drop-position', kDRAG_TYPE_TABBAR : 'application/x-moz-treestyletab-tabbrowser-tabbar', kDROP_POSITION_UNKNOWN : 'unknown', kTABBAR_MOVE_FORCE : 'force', kTABBAR_MOVE_NORMAL : 'normal', /* classes */ kTWISTY : 'treestyletab-twisty', kTWISTY_CONTAINER : 'treestyletab-twisty-container', kDROP_MARKER : 'treestyletab-drop-marker', kDROP_MARKER_CONTAINER : 'treestyletab-drop-marker-container', kCOUNTER : 'treestyletab-counter', kCOUNTER_CONTAINER : 'treestyletab-counter-container', kSPLITTER : 'treestyletab-splitter', kTABBAR_TOGGLER : 'treestyletab-tabbar-toggler', kMENUITEM_REMOVESUBTREE_SELECTION : 'multipletab-selection-item-removeTabSubtree', get SessionStore() { if (!this._SessionStore) { this._SessionStore = Cc['@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1'].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); } return this._SessionStore; }, _SessionStore : null, get ObserverService() { if (!this._ObserverService) { this._ObserverService = Cc['@mozilla.org/observer-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService); } return this._ObserverService; }, _ObserverService : null, get IOService() { if (!this._IOService) { this._IOService = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); } return this._IOService; }, _IOService : null, get WindowMediator() { if (!this._WindowMediator) { this._WindowMediator = Cc['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); } return this._WindowMediator; }, _WindowMediator : null, get EffectiveTLD() { if (!('_EffectiveTLD' in this)) { this._EffectiveTLD = 'nsIEffectiveTLDService' in Ci ? Cc['@mozilla.org/network/effective-tld-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIEffectiveTLDService) : null ; } return this._EffectiveTLD; }, // _EffectiveTLD : null, get PromptService() { if (!this._PromptService) { this._PromptService = Cc['@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIPromptService); } return this._PromptService; }, _PromptService : null, get XULAppInfo() { if (!this._XULAppInfo) { this._XULAppInfo = Cc['@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1'].getService(Ci.nsIXULAppInfo); } return this._XULAppInfo; }, _XULAppInfo : null, get Comparator() { if (!this._Comparator) { this._Comparator = Cc['@mozilla.org/xpcom/version-comparator;1'].getService(Ci.nsIVersionComparator); } return this._Comparator; }, _Comparator : null, init : function TSTUtils_init() { if (this._initialized) return; this.isMac = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http'] .getService(Ci.nsIHttpProtocolHandler) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProtocolHandler) .platform .toLowerCase() .indexOf('mac') > -1; this.addPrefListener(this); this._tabbarPositionHistory.push(this.currentTabbarPosition); }, _initialized : false, // utilities get browserWindow() { return this.WindowMediator.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'); }, get browser() { var w = this.browserWindow; return !w ? null : 'SplitBrowser' in w ? w.SplitBrowser.activeBrowser : w.gBrowser ; }, // event isNewTabAction : function TSTUtils_isNewTabAction(aEvent) { return aEvent.button == 1 || (aEvent.button == 0 && this.isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent)); }, isAccelKeyPressed : function TSTUtils_isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent) { if ( // this is releasing of the accel key! (aEvent.type == 'keyup') && (aEvent.keyCode == (this.isMac ? Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_META : Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL )) ) { return false; } return this.isMac ? (aEvent.metaKey || (aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_META)) : (aEvent.ctrlKey || (aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL)) ; }, isEventFiredOnClosebox : function TSTUtils_isEventFiredOnClosebox(aEvent) { return this.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor-or-self::*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " tab-close-button ")]', aEvent.originalTarget || aEvent.target, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE ).booleanValue; }, isEventFiredOnClickable : function TSTUtils_isEventFiredOnClickable(aEvent) { return this.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor-or-self::*[contains(" button toolbarbutton scrollbar popup menupopup panel tooltip ", concat(" ", local-name(), " "))]', aEvent.originalTarget, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE ).booleanValue; }, // string makeNewId : function TSTUtils_makeNewId() { return 'tab-<'+Date.now()+'-'+parseInt(Math.random() * 65000)+'>'; }, makeURIFromSpec : function TSTUtils_makeURIFromSpec(aURI) { var newURI; aURI = aURI || ''; if (aURI && String(aURI).indexOf('file:') == 0) { var fileHandler = this.IOService.getProtocolHandler('file').QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler); var tempLocalFile = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(aURI); newURI = this.IOService.newFileURI(tempLocalFile); } else { if (!/^\w+\:/.test(aURI)) aURI = 'http://'+aURI; newURI = this.IOService.newURI(aURI, null, null); } return newURI; }, getGroupTabURI : function TSTUtils_getGroupTabURI(aTitle) { return 'about:treestyletab-group'+(aTitle === void(0) ? '' : '?'+encodeURIComponent(aTitle) ); }, // xpath NSResolver : { lookupNamespaceURI : function(aPrefix) { switch (aPrefix) { case 'xul': return 'http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul'; case 'html': case 'xhtml': return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; case 'xlink': return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; default: return ''; } } }, evaluateXPath : function TSTUtils_evaluateXPath(aExpression, aContext, aType) { if (!aType) aType = Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE; try { var XPathResult = (aContext.ownerDocument || aContext).evaluate( aExpression, (aContext || document), this.NSResolver, aType, null ); } catch(e) { return { singleNodeValue : null, snapshotLength : 0, snapshotItem : function() { return null } }; } return XPathResult; }, getArrayFromXPathResult : function TSTUtils_getArrayFromXPathResult(aXPathResult) { var max = aXPathResult.snapshotLength; var array = new Array(max); if (!max) return array; for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { array[i] = aXPathResult.snapshotItem(i); } return array; }, // tab getTabFromChild : function TSTUtils_getTabFromChild(aTab) { return this.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor-or-self::xul:tab[ancestor::xul:tabbrowser]', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getTabFromEvent : function TSTUtils_getTabFromEvent(aEvent) { return this.getTabFromChild(aEvent.originalTarget || aEvent.target); }, getTabFromFrame : function TSTUtils_getTabFromFrame(aFrame, aTabBrowser) { var b = aTabBrowser || this.browser; var docShell = aFrame.top .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell); var tabs = this.getTabs(b); var tab; for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { tab = tabs.snapshotItem(i); if (tab.linkedBrowser.docShell == docShell) return tab; } return null; }, getTabbarFromEvent : function TSTUtils_getTabbarFromEvent(aEvent) { return this.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor-or-self::*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " tabbrowser-strip ")]', aEvent.originalTarget || aEvent.target, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, cleanUpTabsArray : function TSTUtils_cleanUpTabsArray(aTabs) { var newTabs = []; aTabs.forEach(function(aTab) { if (!aTab.parentNode) return; // ignore removed tabs if (newTabs.indexOf(aTab) < 0) newTabs.push(aTab); }); newTabs.sort(this.sortTabsByOrder); return newTabs; }, sortTabsByOrder : function TSTUtils_sortTabsByOrder(aA, aB) { return aA._tPos - aB._tPos; }, normalizeToTabs : function TSTUtils_normalizeToTabs(aTabOrTabs, aOnlyChildren) { var tabs = aTabOrTabs; if (!(tabs instanceof Array)) { tabs = [aTabOrTabs]; } var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(tabs[0]); var descendant = []; for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { descendant = descendant.concat(b.treeStyleTab.getDescendantTabs(tabs[i])); } if (aOnlyChildren) tabs = this.cleanUpTabsArray(descendant); else tabs = this.cleanUpTabsArray(tabs.concat(descendant)); return tabs; }, // tabbrowser getTabBrowserFromChild : function TSTUtils_getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChild) { if (!aTabBrowserChild) return null; if (aTabBrowserChild.__treestyletab__linkedTabBrowser) return aTabBrowserChild.__treestyletab__linkedTabBrowser; if (aTabBrowserChild.localName == 'tabbrowser') return aTabBrowserChild; return this.evaluateXPath( 'ancestor::xul:tabbrowser[1]', aTabBrowserChild, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getTabBrowserFromFrame : function TSTUtils_getTabBrowserFromFrame(aFrame) { var w = this.browserWindow; return !w ? null : ('SplitBrowser' in w) ? this.getTabBrowserFromChild(w.SplitBrowser.getSubBrowserAndBrowserFromFrame(aFrame.top).browser) : this.browser ; }, getFrameFromTabBrowserElements : function TSTUtils_getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(aFrameOrTabBrowser) { var frame = aFrameOrTabBrowser; if (frame == '[object XULElement]') { if (frame.localName == 'tab') { frame = frame.linkedBrowser.contentWindow; } else if (frame.localName == 'browser') { frame = frame.contentWindow; } else { frame = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(frame); if (!frame) return null; frame = frame.contentWindow; } } if (!frame) frame = this.browser.contentWindow; return frame; }, /* get tab(s) */ getTabById : function TSTUtils_getTabById(aId, aTabBrowserChildren) { if (!aId) return null; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChildren) || this.browser; return this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:tab[@'+this.kID+' = "'+aId+'"]', b.mTabContainer, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, isTabDuplicated : function TSTUtils_isTabDuplicated(aTab) { if (!aTab) return false; var id = this.getTabValue(aTab, this.kID); var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab) || this.browser; return this.evaluateXPath( 'count(descendant::xul:tab[@'+this.kID+' = "'+id+'" or @'+this.kID_RESTORING+' = "'+id+'"]) > 1', b.mTabContainer, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE ).booleanValue; }, getTabs : function TSTUtils_getTabs(aTabBrowserChild) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChild); return this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:tab', b.mTabContainer ); }, getTabsArray : function TSTUtils_getTabsArray(aTabBrowserChild) { var tabs = this.getTabs(aTabBrowserChild); var array = []; for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { array.push(tabs.snapshotItem(i)); } return array; }, getFirstTab : function TSTUtils_getFirstTab(aTabBrowserChild) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChild); return this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[1]', b.mTabContainer, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getLastTab : function TSTUtils_getLastTab(aTabBrowserChild) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChild); return this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[last()]', b.mTabContainer, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getNextTab : function TSTUtils_getNextTab(aTab) { if (!aTab) return null; return this.evaluateXPath( 'following-sibling::xul:tab[1]', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getPreviousTab : function TSTUtils_getPreviousTab(aTab) { if (!aTab) return null; return this.evaluateXPath( 'preceding-sibling::xul:tab[1]', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getTabIndex : function TSTUtils_getTabIndex(aTab) { if (!aTab) return -1; return this.evaluateXPath( 'count(preceding-sibling::xul:tab)', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE ).numberValue; }, getNextVisibleTab : function TSTUtils_getNextVisibleTab(aTab) { if (!aTab) return null; if (!this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab)) return this.getNextTab(aTab); return this.evaluateXPath( 'following-sibling::xul:tab[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")][1]', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getPreviousVisibleTab : function TSTUtils_getPreviousVisibleTab(aTab) { if (!aTab) return null; if (!this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab)) return this.getPreviousTab(aTab); return this.evaluateXPath( 'preceding-sibling::xul:tab[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")][1]', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getLastVisibleTab : function TSTUtils_getLastVisibleTab(aTabBrowserChild) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChild); if (!b) return null; if (!this.canCollapseSubtree(b)) return this.getLastTab(b); return this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")][last()]', b.mTabContainer, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getVisibleTabs : function TSTUtils_getVisibleTabs(aTabBrowserChild) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowserChild); if (!this.canCollapseSubtree(b)) return this.getTabs(b); var XPathResult = this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")]', b.mTabContainer ); return XPathResult; }, getVisibleIndex : function TSTUtils_getVisibleIndex(aTab) { if (!aTab) return -1; if (!this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab)) return this.getTabIndex(aTab); return aTab.getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true' ? -1 : this.evaluateXPath( 'count(preceding-sibling::xul:tab[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")])', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE ).numberValue; }, /* notify "ready to open child tab(s)" */ readyToOpenChildTab : function TSTUtils_readyToOpenChildTab(aFrameOrTabBrowser, aMultiple, aInsertBefore) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!this.getTreePref('autoAttachNewTabsAsChildren')) return; var frame = this.getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(aFrameOrTabBrowser); if (!frame) return; var ownerBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromFrame(frame); var parentTab = this.getTabFromFrame(frame, ownerBrowser); ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.ensureTabInitialized(parentTab); var parentId = parentTab.getAttribute(this.kID); var refId = null; if (aInsertBefore) { ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.ensureTabInitialized(parentTab); refId = aInsertBefore.getAttribute(this.kID); } ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachNewTab = true; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachMultiple = aMultiple || false ; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.multipleCount = 0; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.parentTab = parentId; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.insertBefore = refId; }, readyToOpenNewTabGroup : function TSTUtils_readyToOpenNewTabGroup(aFrameOrTabBrowser, aTreeStructure) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!this.getTreePref('autoAttachNewTabsAsChildren')) return; var frame = this.getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(aFrameOrTabBrowser); if (!frame) return; this.stopToOpenChildTab(frame); var ownerBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromFrame(frame); ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachNewTabGroup = true; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachMultiple = true; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.multipleCount = 0; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.treeStructure = aTreeStructure; }, stopToOpenChildTab : function TSTUtils_stopToOpenChildTab(aFrameOrTabBrowser) /* PUBLIC API */ { var frame = this.getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(aFrameOrTabBrowser); if (!frame) return; var ownerBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromFrame(frame); ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachNewTab = false; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachNewTabGroup = false; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachMultiple = false; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.multipleCount = 0; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.parentTab = null; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.insertBefore = null; ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.treeStructure = null; }, checkToOpenChildTab : function TSTUtils_checkToOpenChildTab(aFrameOrTabBrowser) /* PUBLIC API */ { var frame = this.getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(aFrameOrTabBrowser); if (!frame) return false; var ownerBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromFrame(frame); return ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachNewTab || ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToAttachNewTabGroup ? true : false ; }, checkReadyToOpenNewTab : function TSTUtils_checkReadyToOpenNewTab(aInfo) { /* 挙動の説明 ・現在のサイトと異なるサイトを読み込む場合にタブを開く時: →特に何もしない。新しく開くタブを子タブにする場合は別途 readyToOpenChildTabを使う。 ・現在のサイトと同じサイトのページを読み込む場合にタブを開く時: →親のタブは同じサイトか? No :子タブを開く Yes:兄弟としてタブを開く。ただし、このタブからのタブはすべて 現在のタブと次の兄弟タブとの間に開かれ、仮想サブツリーとなる。 →現在のタブに「__treestyletab__next」プロパティが あるか? Yes:__treestyletab__nextで示されたタブの直前に 新しい兄弟タブを挿入する。 No :現在のタブの次の兄弟タブのIDを__treestyletab__next プロパティに保持し、仮想の子タブを挿入する位置の 基準とする。 */ var info = aInfo || { uri : '' }; if (/^javascript:/.test(info.uri)) return false; var frame = this.getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(info.target); if (!frame) return false; var external = info.external || {}; var internal = info.internal || {}; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromFrame(frame); var nextTab = b.treeStyleTab.getNextSiblingTab(currentTab); var targetHost = this._getDomainFromURI(info.uri); var currentTab = this.getTabFromFrame(frame); var currentURI = frame.location.href; var currentHost = this._getDomainFromURI(currentURI); var parentTab = b.treeStyleTab.getParentTab(currentTab); var parentURI = parentTab ? parentTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI : null ; var parentHost = this._getDomainFromURI(parentURI); var openTab = false; var parent = null; var insertBefore = null; if (info.modifier) openTab = true; if ( internal.newTab && currentHost == targetHost && currentURI != 'about:blank' && currentURI.split('#')[0] != info.uri.split('#')[0] ) { openTab = info.modifier && info.invert ? !openTab : true ; parent = ('forceChild' in internal && !internal.forceChild) ? null : (parentHost == targetHost && !internal.forceChild) ? parentTab : frame ; insertBefore = parentHost == targetHost && !internal.forceChild && (this.getTreePref('insertNewChildAt') == this.kINSERT_FIRST ? nextTab : ( b.treeStyleTab.getTabById(currentTab.__treestyletab__next) || (nextTab ? (currentTab.__treestyletab__next = nextTab.getAttribute(this.kID), nextTab) : null ) ) ); } else if ( external.newTab && currentHost != targetHost && currentURI != 'about:blank' ) { openTab = info.modifier && info.invert ? !openTab : true ; if (external.forceChild) { parent = frame; } } if (openTab && parent) { this.readyToOpenChildTab(parent, false, insertBefore); } return openTab; }, checkReadyToOpenNewTabOnLocationBar : function TSTUtils_checkReadyToOpenNewTabOnLocationBar(aURI, aModifier) { return this.checkReadyToOpenNewTab({ uri : aURI, external : { newTab : this.getTreePref('urlbar.loadDifferentDomainToNewTab'), forceChild : this.getTreePref('urlbar.loadDifferentDomainToNewTab.asChild') }, internal : { newTab : this.getTreePref('urlbar.loadSameDomainToNewTab'), forceChild : this.getTreePref('urlbar.loadSameDomainToNewTab.asChild') }, modifier : aModifier, invert : this.getTreePref('urlbar.invertDefaultBehavior') }); }, _getDomainFromURI : function TSTUtils__getDomainFromURI(aURI) { if (!aURI) return null; if (this.getTreePref('useEffectiveTLD') && this.EffectiveTLD) { try { var uri = aURI; if (!(uri instanceof Ci.nsIURI)) uri = this.makeURIFromSpec(uri); var domain = this.EffectiveTLD.getBaseDomain(uri, 0); if (domain) return domain; } catch(e) { } } var str = aURI; if (str instanceof Ci.nsIURI) str = aURI.spec; return /^\w+:\/\/([^:\/]+)/.test(getShortcutOrURI(str)) ? RegExp.$1 : null ; }, readyToOpenDivertedTab : function TSTUtils_readyToOpenDivertedTab(aFrameOrTabBrowser) { var frame = this.getFrameFromTabBrowserElements(aFrameOrTabBrowser); if (!frame) return; var ownerBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromFrame(frame); ownerBrowser.treeStyleTab.readiedToOpenDivertedTab = true; }, /* tree manipulations */ get treeViewEnabled() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this._treeViewEnabled; }, set treeViewEnabled(aValue) { this._treeViewEnabled = aValue ? true : false ; this.ObserverService.notifyObservers( window, 'TreeStyleTab:changeTreeViewAvailability', this._treeViewEnabled ); return aValue; }, _treeViewEnabled : true, get rootTabs() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.getArrayFromXPathResult( this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[not(@'+this.kNEST+') or @'+this.kNEST+'="0" or @'+this.kNEST+'=""]', this.browser.mTabContainer ) ); }, canCollapseSubtree : function TSTUtils_canCollapseSubtree(aTabBrowser) /* PUBLIC API */ { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabBrowser) || this.browser; return b.getAttribute(this.kALLOW_COLLAPSE) == 'true'; }, isCollapsed : function TSTUtils_isCollapsed(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab || !this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab)) return false; return aTab.getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true'; }, isSubtreeCollapsed : function TSTUtils_isSubtreeCollapsed(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab || !this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab) || !this.hasChildTabs(aTab)) return false; return aTab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true'; }, shouldCloseTabSubtreeOf : function TSTUtils_shouldCloseTabSubtreeOf(aTab) { return ( this.hasChildTabs(aTab) && ( this.getTreePref('closeParentBehavior') == this.CLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_CLOSE || this.isSubtreeCollapsed(aTab) ) ); }, shouldCloseTabSubTreeOf : function() { return this.shouldCloseTabSubtreeOf.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility shouldCloseLastTabSubtreeOf : function TSTUtils_shouldCloseLastTabSubtreeOf(aTab) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); return ( this.shouldCloseTabSubtreeOf(aTab) && this.getDescendantTabs(aTab).length + 1 == this.getTabs(b).snapshotLength ); }, shouldCloseLastTabSubTreeOf : function() { return this.shouldCloseLastTabSubtreeOf.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility getParentTab : function TSTUtils_getParentTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return null; var id = aTab.getAttribute(this.kID); if (!id) return null; // not initialized yet return this.evaluateXPath( 'parent::*/child::xul:tab[contains(concat("|", @'+this.kCHILDREN+', "|"), "|'+id+'|")]', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; }, getRootTab : function TSTUtils_getRootTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { var parent = aTab; var root = aTab; while (parent = this.getParentTab(parent)) { root = parent; } return root; }, getNextSiblingTab : function TSTUtils_getNextSiblingTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return null; var parentTab = this.getParentTab(aTab); if (!parentTab) { let next = aTab; do { next = next.nextSibling; } while (next && next.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE && this.getParentTab(next)); return next; } var children = parentTab.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); if (children) { let list = ('|'+children).split('|'+aTab.getAttribute(this.kID))[1].split('|'); for (let i = 0, maxi = list.length; i < maxi; i++) { let firstChild = this.getTabById(list[i], aTab); if (firstChild) return firstChild; } } return null; }, getPreviousSiblingTab : function TSTUtils_getPreviousSiblingTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return null; var parentTab = this.getParentTab(aTab); if (!parentTab) { let prev = aTab; do { prev = prev.previousSibling; } while (prev && prev.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE && this.getParentTab(prev)); return prev; } var children = parentTab.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); if (children) { let list = ('|'+children).split('|'+aTab.getAttribute(this.kID))[0].split('|'); for (let i = list.length-1; i > -1; i--) { let lastChild = this.getTabById(list[i], aTab); if (lastChild) return lastChild; } } return null; }, getChildTabs : function TSTUtils_getChildTabs(aTab, aAllTabsArray) /* PUBLIC API */ { var tabs = []; if (!aTab) return tabs; var children = aTab.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); if (!children) return tabs; if (aAllTabsArray) tabs = aAllTabsArray; var list = children.split('|'); for (let i = 0, maxi = list.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = this.getTabById(list[i], aTab); if (!tab) continue; tabs.push(tab); if (aAllTabsArray) this.getChildTabs(tab, tabs); } return tabs; }, hasChildTabs : function TSTUtils_hasChildTabs(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return false; return aTab.hasAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); }, getDescendantTabs : function TSTUtils_getDescendantTabs(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { var tabs = []; this.getChildTabs(aTab, tabs); return tabs; }, getFirstChildTab : function TSTUtils_getFirstChildTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return null; var children = aTab.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); var firstChild = null; if (children) { let list = children.split('|'); for (let i = 0, maxi = list.length; i < maxi; i++) { firstChild = this.getTabById(list[i], aTab); if (firstChild) break; } } return firstChild; }, getLastChildTab : function TSTUtils_getLastChildTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return null; var children = aTab.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); var lastChild = null; if (children) { let list = children.split('|'); for (let i = list.length-1; i > -1; i--) { lastChild = this.getTabById(list[i], aTab); if (lastChild) break; } } return lastChild; }, getLastDescendantTab : function TSTUtils_getLastDescendantTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!aTab) return null; var tabs = this.getDescendantTabs(aTab); return tabs.length ? tabs[tabs.length-1] : null ; }, getChildIndex : function TSTUtils_getChildIndex(aTab, aParent) { var parent = this.getParentTab(aTab); if (!aParent || !parent || aParent != parent) { parent = aTab; while (parent && parent != aParent) { aTab = parent; parent = this.getParentTab(parent); } if (parent != aParent) return -1; aParent = parent; } if (aParent) { let children = aParent.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); let list = children.split('|'); let id = aTab.getAttribute(this.kID); for (let i = 0, maxi = list.length; i < maxi; i++) { if (list[i] == id) return i; } return -1; } else { let tabs = this.rootTabs; for (let i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { if (tabs[i] == aTab) return i; } } }, getXOffsetOfTab : function TSTUtils_getXOffsetOfTab(aTab) { var extraCondition = this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab) ? '[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")]' : '' ; return this.evaluateXPath( 'sum((self::* | preceding-sibling::xul:tab'+extraCondition+')/attribute::'+this.kX_OFFSET+')', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE ).numberValue; }, getYOffsetOfTab : function TSTUtils_getYOffsetOfTab(aTab) { var extraCondition = this.canCollapseSubtree(aTab) ? '[not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true")]' : ''; return this.evaluateXPath( 'sum((self::* | preceding-sibling::xul:tab'+extraCondition+')/attribute::'+this.kY_OFFSET+')', aTab, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE ).numberValue; }, isGroupTab : function TSTUtils_isGroupTab(aTab, aLazyCheck) { return ( (aLazyCheck || aTab.linkedBrowser.sessionHistory.count == 1) && aTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec.indexOf('about:treestyletab-group') > -1 ); }, // tabbar position get currentTabbarPosition() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.getTreePref('tabbar.position') || 'top'; }, set currentTabbarPosition(aValue) { var position = String(aValue); if (!position || !/^(top|bottom|left|right)$/i.test(position)) position = 'top'; position = position.toLowerCase(); this.setTreePref('tabbar.position', position); return aValue; }, rollbackTabbarPosition : function TSTUtils_rollbackTabbarPosition() /* PUBLIC API */ { if (!this._tabbarPositionHistory.length) return false; this._inRollbackTabbarPosition = true; this.currentTabbarPosition = this._tabbarPositionHistory.pop(); this._inRollbackTabbarPosition = false; return true; }, onChangeTabbarPosition : function TSTUtils_onChangeTabbarPosition(aPosition) { if (this._inRollbackTabbarPosition) return; this._tabbarPositionHistory.push(aPosition); }, _tabbarPositionHistory : [], // pref listener domains : [ 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.position' ], observe : function TSTUtils_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case 'nsPref:changed': this.onPrefChange(aData); return; } }, onPrefChange : function TSTUtils_onPrefChange(aPrefName) { var value = this.getPref(aPrefName); switch (aPrefName) { case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.position': this.onChangeTabbarPosition(value); break; default: break; } }, /* Save/Load Prefs */ getTreePref : function TSTUtils_getTreePref(aPrefstring) { return this.getPref('extensions.treestyletab.'+aPrefstring); }, setTreePref : function TSTUtils_setTreePref(aPrefstring, aNewValue) { return this.setPref('extensions.treestyletab.'+aPrefstring, aNewValue); }, clearTreePref : function TSTUtils_clearTreePref(aPrefstring) { return this.clearPref('extensions.treestyletab.'+aPrefstring); } }; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/prefs.js'); TreeStyleTabUtils.__proto__ = window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].prefs;