function TreeStyleTabBrowser(aTabBrowser) { this.mTabBrowser = aTabBrowser; if (TreeStyleTabService.isGecko19) { this.isPlatformNotSupported = false; this.isTimerSupported = true; } } TreeStyleTabBrowser.prototype = { kMENUITEM_REMOVESUBTREE : 'context-item-removeTabSubTree', kMENUITEM_REMOVECHILDREN : 'context-item-removeDescendantTabs', kMENUITEM_COLLAPSEEXPAND_SEPARATOR : 'context-separator-collapseExpandAll', kMENUITEM_COLLAPSE : 'context-item-collapseAllSubtree', kMENUITEM_EXPAND : 'context-item-expandAllSubtree', kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE_SEPARATOR : 'context-separator-toggleAutoHide', kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE : 'context-item-toggleAutoHide', kMENUITEM_FIXED : 'context-item-toggleFixed', kMENUITEM_POSITION : 'context-menu-tabbarPosition', kMENUITEM_BOOKMARKSUBTREE : 'context-item-bookmarkTabSubTree', mTabBrowser : null, tabbarResizing : false, levelMargin : -1, levelMarginProp : 'margin-left', positionProp : 'screenY', sizeProp : 'height', invertedPositionProp : 'screenX', invertedSizeProp : 'width', get browser() { return this.mTabBrowser; }, get container() { if (!this._container) { this._container = document.getElementById('appcontent'); } return this._container; }, _container : null, get scrollBox() { if (!this._scrollBox) { this._scrollBox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabs-frame') || // Tab Mix Plus this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer.mTabstrip; } return this._scrollBox; }, _scrollBox : null, get scrollBoxObject() { return this.scrollBox.scrollBoxObject || this.scrollBox.boxObject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIScrollBoxObject); // Tab Mix Plus }, /* utils */ /* get tab contents */ getTabLabel : function(aTab) { var label = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', 'tab-text-stack') || // Mac OS X document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', 'tab-text-container') || // Tab Mix Plus document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', 'tab-text'); return label; }, getTabClosebox : function(aTab) { var close = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', 'tab-close-button tabs-closebutton always-right') || // Tab Mix Plus document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', 'tab-close-button'); return close; }, /* status */ get isVertical() { var b = this.mTabBrowser; if (!b) return false; var box = this.scrollBox || b.mTabContainer ; return (box.getAttribute('orient') || window.getComputedStyle(box, '').getPropertyValue('-moz-box-orient')) == 'vertical'; }, isTabInViewport : function(aTab) { if (!aTab) return false; var tabBox = aTab.boxObject; var barBox = this.scrollBox.boxObject; return (tabBox.screenX >= barBox.screenX && tabBox.screenX + tabBox.width <= barBox.screenX + barBox.width && tabBox.screenY >= barBox.screenY && tabBox.screenY + tabBox.height <= barBox.screenY + barBox.height); }, isMultiRow : function() { return false; }, /* initialize */ init : function() { var b = this.mTabBrowser; this.initTabbar(); b.addEventListener('TabOpen', this, true); b.addEventListener('TabClose', this, true); b.addEventListener('TabMove', this, true); b.addEventListener('SSTabRestoring', this, true); b.mStrip.addEventListener('dragenter', this, false); b.mStrip.addEventListener('dragexit', this, false); b.mStrip.addEventListener('dragover', this, false); b.mStrip.addEventListener('dragdrop', this, false); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('mouseover', this, true); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('mouseout', this, true); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('click', this, true); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('dblclick', this, true); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('mousedown', this, true); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('select', this, true); b.mTabContainer.addEventListener('scroll', this, true); var container = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabs-container'); if (container) container.removeAttribute('overflow'); var inner = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox'); if (inner) { inner.addEventListener('overflow', this, true); inner.addEventListener('underflow', this, true); window.setTimeout(function() { inner = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(inner, 'anonid', 'scrollbox'); if (inner) inner = document.getAnonymousNodes(inner)[0]; if ( inner && ( inner.boxObject.width > container.boxObject.width || inner.boxObject.height > container.boxObject.height ) ) { container.setAttribute('overflow', true); } }, 100); } /* Closing collapsed last tree breaks selected tab. To solve this problem, I override the setter to force to set a tab and forbid it becomes null. */ var getter = b.__lookupGetter__('selectedTab'); var setter = b.__lookupSetter__('selectedTab'); eval('setter = '+setter.toSource().replace( '{', .toString() )); /* We have to use both __defineSetter__ and __defineGetter__ just in same time!! If we update only setter, getter will be vanished. */ b.__defineGetter__('selectedTab', getter); b.__defineSetter__('selectedTab', setter); var selectNewTab = '_selectNewTab' in b.mTabContainer ? '_selectNewTab' : // Firefox 3 'selectNewTab' ; // Firefox 2 eval('b.mTabContainer.'+selectNewTab+' = '+ b.mTabContainer[selectNewTab].toSource().replace( '{', <> ) ); eval('b.mTabContainer.adjustTabstrip = '+ b.mTabContainer.adjustTabstrip.toSource().replace( /(\})(\)?)$/, <> ) ); eval('b.mTabContainer.advanceSelectedTab = '+ b.mTabContainer.advanceSelectedTab.toSource().replace( '{', <> ) ); eval('b.mTabContainer._handleTabSelect = '+ b.mTabContainer._handleTabSelect.toSource().replace( '{', <> ) ); /* if ('ensureElementIsVisible' in b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip && '_smoothScrollByPixels' in b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip) { eval('b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip.ensureElementIsVisible = '+ b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip.ensureElementIsVisible.toSource().replace( '{', <> ).replace( /\.left/g, '[startProp]' ).replace( /\.right/g, '[endProp]' ).replace( '|| this.getAttribute("orient") == "vertical"', '' ) ); eval('b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip._smoothScrollByPixels = '+ b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip._smoothScrollByPixels.toSource().replace( '{', <> ).replace( 'scrollBy(distance, 0)', <> ) ); } */ eval('b.mTabContainer._notifyBackgroundTab = '+ b.mTabContainer._notifyBackgroundTab.toSource().replace( '{', '{ var treeStyleTab = TreeStyleTabService.getTabBrowserFromChild(this).treeStyleTab;' ).replace( /\.screenX/g, '[treeStyleTab.positionProp]' ).replace( /\.width/g, '[treeStyleTab.sizeProp]' ) ); this.updateTabDNDObserver(b); eval('b.getNewIndex = '+ b.getNewIndex.toSource().replace( /\.screenX/g, '[this.treeStyleTab.positionProp]' ).replace( /\.width/g, '[this.treeStyleTab.sizeProp]' ) ); eval('b.moveTabForward = '+ b.moveTabForward.toSource().replace( '{', '{ var nextTab;' ).replace( 'tabPos < this.browsers.length - 1', 'nextTab = this.treeStyleTab.getNextSiblingTab(this.mCurrentTab)' ).replace( 'tabPos + 1', 'nextTab._tPos' ).replace( 'this.moveTabTo(', <> ).replace( 'this.moveTabToStart();', <> ) ); eval('b.moveTabBackward = '+ b.moveTabBackward.toSource().replace( '{', '{ var prevTab;' ).replace( 'tabPos > 0', 'prevTab = this.treeStyleTab.getPreviousSiblingTab(this.mCurrentTab)' ).replace( 'tabPos - 1', 'prevTab._tPos' ).replace( 'this.moveTabToEnd();', <> ) ); eval('b._keyEventHandler.handleEvent = '+ b._keyEventHandler.handleEvent.toSource().replace( 'this.tabbrowser.moveTabOver(aEvent);', <> ).replace( 'this.tabbrowser.moveTabForward();', <> ).replace( 'this.tabbrowser.moveTabBackward();', <> ) ); eval('b.loadTabs = '+ b.loadTabs.toSource().replace( 'var tabNum = ', <> ).replace( 'if (!aLoadInBackground)', <> ) ); eval('b.createTooltip = '+ b.createTooltip.toSource().replace( 'if (tn.hasAttribute("label")) {', <> ) ); eval('b.onTabBarDblClick = '+ b.onTabBarDblClick.toSource().replace( 'aEvent.originalTarget.localName == "box"', '/^(box|(arrow)?scrollbox|tabs)$/.test(aEvent.originalTarget.localName)' ) ); eval('b.warnAboutClosingTabs = '+ b.warnAboutClosingTabs.toSource().replace( 'var numTabs = ', 'var numTabs = this.__treestyletab__closedTabsNum || ' ) ); if ('_onDragEnd' in b) { eval('b._onDragEnd = '+b._onDragEnd.toSource().replace( 'this._replaceTabWithWindow(', 'if (this.treeStyleTab.isDraggingAllTabs(draggedTab)) return; $&' )); } // if ('_beginRemoveTab' in b) { eval('b._beginRemoveTab = '+b._beginRemoveTab.toSource().replace( 'for (let i = 0; i < l; ++i) {', 'l = this.mTabs.length; $&' )); } var tabs = this.getTabs(b); for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { this.initTab(tabs.snapshotItem(i)); } this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', ''); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', ''); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.showBorderForFirstTab'); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.invertScrollbar'); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.hideNewTabButton'); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.hideAlltabsButton'); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.allowSubtreeCollapseExpand'); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.fixed'); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', ''); this.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.dropshadow'); window.setTimeout(function() { b.treeStyleTab.observe(null, 'nsPref:changed', 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoHide.mode'); }, 0); delete i; delete maxi; delete tabs; var tabContext = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b, 'anonid', 'tabContextMenu'); tabContext.addEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); tabContext.addEventListener('popuphiding', this, false); window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { var suffix = '-tabbrowser-'+( || 'instance-'+parseInt(Math.random() * 65000)); [ aSelf.kMENUITEM_REMOVESUBTREE, aSelf.kMENUITEM_REMOVECHILDREN, aSelf.kMENUITEM_COLLAPSEEXPAND_SEPARATOR, aSelf.kMENUITEM_COLLAPSE, aSelf.kMENUITEM_EXPAND, aSelf.kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE_SEPARATOR, aSelf.kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE, aSelf.kMENUITEM_FIXED, aSelf.kMENUITEM_POSITION ].forEach(function(aID) { var item = document.getElementById(aID).cloneNode(true); item.setAttribute('id', item.getAttribute('id')+suffix); tabContext.appendChild(item); }); var item = document.getElementById(aSelf.kMENUITEM_BOOKMARKSUBTREE).cloneNode(true); item.setAttribute('id', item.getAttribute('id')+suffix); var refNodes = tabContext.getElementsByAttribute('command', 'Browser:BookmarkAllTabs'); tabContext.insertBefore( item, (refNodes && refNodes.length) ? (aSelf.getNextTab(refNodes[0]) || refNodes[0]) : null ); }, 0, this); var allTabPopup = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'anonid', 'alltabs-popup'); if (allTabPopup) { allTabPopup.addEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); } /* To move up content area on the tab bar, switch tab. If we don't do it, a gray space appears on the content area by negative margin of it. */ if (b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION) == 'left' && b.getAttribute(this.kSCROLLBAR_INVERTED) == 'true') { b.removeTab( b.selectedTab = b.addTab('about:blank') ); } var stack = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabs-stack'); if (stack) { var canvas = document.createElementNS('', 'canvas'); canvas.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;width:1;height:1;'); stack.firstChild.appendChild(canvas); this.tabbarCanvas = canvas; this.clearTabbarCanvas(); } this.ObserverService.addObserver(this, 'TreeStyleTab:levelMarginModified', false); this.ObserverService.addObserver(this, 'TreeStyleTab:collapseExpandAllSubtree', false); this.addPrefListener(this); }, initTab : function(aTab) { if (!aTab.hasAttribute(this.kID)) { var id = this.getTabValue(aTab, this.kID) || this.makeNewId(); this.setTabValue(aTab, this.kID, id); } aTab.__treestyletab__linkedTabBrowser = this.mTabBrowser; this.initTabAttributes(aTab); this.initTabContents(aTab); aTab.setAttribute(this.kNEST, 0); }, initTabAttributes : function(aTab) { var pos = this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); if (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right') { aTab.setAttribute('align', 'stretch'); aTab.removeAttribute('maxwidth'); aTab.removeAttribute('minwidth'); aTab.removeAttribute('width'); aTab.removeAttribute('flex'); aTab.maxWidth = 65000; aTab.minWidth = 0; aTab.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr'); // Tab Mix Plus } else { aTab.removeAttribute('align'); aTab.setAttribute('maxwidth', 250); aTab.setAttribute('minwidth', this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer.mTabMinWidth); aTab.setAttribute('width', '0'); aTab.setAttribute('flex', 100); aTab.maxWidth = 250; aTab.minWidth = this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer.mTabMinWidth; aTab.removeAttribute('dir'); // Tab Mix Plus } }, initTabContents : function(aTab) { var icon = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', 'tab-icon'); var label = this.getTabLabel(aTab); var close = this.getTabClosebox(aTab); var counter = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', this.kCOUNTER_CONTAINER); if (!document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', this.kTWISTY)) { var twisty = document.createElement('image'); twisty.setAttribute('class', this.kTWISTY); var container = document.createElement('hbox'); container.setAttribute('class', this.kTWISTY_CONTAINER); container.appendChild(twisty); icon.appendChild(container); var marker = document.createElement('image'); marker.setAttribute('class', this.kDROP_MARKER); container = document.createElement('hbox'); container.setAttribute('class', this.kDROP_MARKER_CONTAINER); container.appendChild(marker); icon.appendChild(container); } if (!counter) { var counter = document.createElement('hbox'); counter.setAttribute('class', this.kCOUNTER_CONTAINER); counter.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); counter.lastChild.setAttribute('class', this.kCOUNTER); counter.lastChild.setAttribute('value', '(0)'); if (label) { label.parentNode.insertBefore(counter, label.nextSibling); } } this.initTabContentsOrder(aTab); }, initTabContentsOrder : function(aTab) { var label = this.getTabLabel(aTab); var close = this.getTabClosebox(aTab); var counter = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', this.kCOUNTER_CONTAINER); var nodes = document.getAnonymousNodes(aTab); for (var i = nodes.length-1; i > -1; i--) { nodes[i].setAttribute('ordinal', (i + 1) * 10); } nodes = label.parentNode.childNodes; if (this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION) == 'right' && this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kUI_INVERTED) == 'true') { for (var i = nodes.length-1; i > -1; i--) { if (nodes[i].getAttribute('class') == 'informationaltab-thumbnail-container') continue; nodes[i].setAttribute('ordinal', (nodes.length - i + 1) * 10); } if (counter) counter.setAttribute('ordinal', parseInt(label.getAttribute('ordinal')) + 1); close.setAttribute('ordinal', parseInt(label.parentNode.getAttribute('ordinal')) - 5); } else { for (var i = nodes.length-1; i > -1; i--) { if (nodes[i].getAttribute('class') == 'informationaltab-thumbnail-container') continue; nodes[i].setAttribute('ordinal', (i + 1) * 10); } } }, updateInvertedTabContentsOrder : function(aAll) { if (this.getTreePref('tabbar.position') != 'right' || !this.getTreePref('tabbar.invertUI')) return; window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { var b = aSelf.mTabBrowser; if (aAll) { aSelf.getTabsArray(b).forEach(function(aTab) { aSelf.initTabContentsOrder(aTab); }); } else { aSelf.initTabContentsOrder(b.selectedTab); } }, 0, this); }, initTabbar : function(aPosition) { this.clearTabbarCanvas(); var b = this.mTabBrowser; if (!aPosition) aPosition = this.getTreePref('tabbar.position'); aPosition = String(aPosition).toLowerCase(); if (b.getAttribute('id') != 'content' && !this.getTreePref('tabbar.position.subbrowser.enabled')) { aPosition = 'top'; } var pos = (aPosition == 'left') ? this.kTABBAR_LEFT : (aPosition == 'right') ? this.kTABBAR_RIGHT : (aPosition == 'bottom') ? this.kTABBAR_BOTTOM : this.kTABBAR_TOP; var splitter = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b, 'class', this.kSPLITTER); if (!splitter) { splitter = document.createElement('splitter'); splitter.setAttribute('class', this.kSPLITTER); splitter.setAttribute('onmouseup', 'TreeStyleTabService.onTabbarResized(event);'); splitter.setAttribute('state', 'open'); splitter.appendChild(document.createElement('grippy')); var ref = b.mPanelContainer; ref.parentNode.insertBefore(splitter, ref); } // Tab Mix Plus var scrollFrame = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabs-frame'); var newTabBox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'id', 'tabs-newbutton-box'); var tabBarMode = this.getPref('extensions.tabmix.tabBarMode'); // All-in-One Sidebar var toolboxContainer = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mStrip, 'anonid', 'aiostbx-toolbox-tableft'); if (toolboxContainer) toolboxContainer = toolboxContainer.parentNode; var scrollInnerBox = b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip._scrollbox ? document.getAnonymousNodes(b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip._scrollbox)[0] : scrollFrame; // Tab Mix Plus var allTabsButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabs-alltabs-button') || document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'anonid', 'alltabs-button'); // Tab Mix Plus this.tabbarResizing = false; b.removeAttribute(this.kRESIZING); if (pos & this.kTABBAR_VERTICAL) { this.positionProp = 'screenY'; this.sizeProp = 'height'; this.invertedPositionProp = 'screenX'; this.invertedSizeProp = 'width'; b.mTabBox.orient = splitter.orient = 'horizontal'; b.mStrip.orient = b.mTabContainer.orient = b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip.orient = b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip.parentNode.orient = 'vertical'; if (allTabsButton.parentNode.localName == 'hbox') { // Firefox 2 allTabsButton.parentNode.orient = 'vertical'; allTabsButton.parentNode.setAttribute('align', 'stretch'); } if (allTabsButton.hasChildNodes()) { allTabsButton.firstChild.setAttribute('position', 'before_start'); } b.mTabContainer.setAttribute('align', 'stretch'); // for Mac OS X scrollInnerBox.removeAttribute('flex'); if (scrollFrame) { // Tab Mix Plus scrollFrame.parentNode.orient = scrollFrame.orient = 'vertical'; newTabBox.orient = 'horizontal'; if (tabBarMode == 2) this.setPref('extensions.tabmix.tabBarMode', 1); } if (toolboxContainer) toolboxContainer.orient = 'vertical'; b.mStrip.removeAttribute('width'); b.mStrip.setAttribute('width', this.getTreePref('tabbar.width')); b.setAttribute(this.kMODE, 'vertical'); if (pos == this.kTABBAR_RIGHT) { b.setAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION, 'right'); if (this.getTreePref('tabbar.invertUI')) { b.setAttribute(this.kUI_INVERTED, 'true'); this.levelMarginProp = 'margin-right'; } else { b.removeAttribute(this.kUI_INVERTED); this.levelMarginProp = 'margin-left'; } window.setTimeout(function(aWidth) { /* in Firefox 3, the width of the rightside tab bar unexpectedly becomes 0 on the startup. so, we have to set the width again. */ b.mStrip.setAttribute('width', aWidth); b.mTabDropIndicatorBar.setAttribute('ordinal', 1); b.mStrip.setAttribute('ordinal', 30); splitter.setAttribute('ordinal', 20); b.mPanelContainer.setAttribute('ordinal', 10); splitter.setAttribute('collapse', 'after'); }, 0, this.getTreePref('tabbar.width')); } else { b.setAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION, 'left'); b.removeAttribute(this.kUI_INVERTED); this.levelMarginProp = 'margin-left'; window.setTimeout(function() { b.mTabDropIndicatorBar.setAttribute('ordinal', 1); b.mStrip.setAttribute('ordinal', 10); splitter.setAttribute('ordinal', 20); b.mPanelContainer.setAttribute('ordinal', 30); splitter.setAttribute('collapse', 'before'); }, 0); } } else { this.positionProp = 'screenX'; this.sizeProp = 'width'; this.invertedPositionProp = 'screenY'; this.invertedSizeProp = 'height'; b.mTabBox.orient = splitter.orient = 'vertical'; b.mStrip.orient = b.mTabContainer.orient = b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip.orient = b.mTabContainer.mTabstrip.parentNode.orient = 'horizontal'; if (allTabsButton.parentNode.localName == 'hbox') { // Firefox 2 allTabsButton.parentNode.orient = 'horizontal'; allTabsButton.parentNode.removeAttribute('align'); } if (allTabsButton.hasChildNodes()) { allTabsButton.firstChild.setAttribute('position', 'after_end'); } b.mTabContainer.removeAttribute('align'); // for Mac OS X scrollInnerBox.setAttribute('flex', 1); if (scrollFrame) { // Tab Mix Plus scrollFrame.parentNode.orient = scrollFrame.orient = 'horizontal'; newTabBox.orient = 'vertical'; } if (toolboxContainer) toolboxContainer.orient = 'horizontal'; b.mStrip.removeAttribute('width'); b.mPanelContainer.removeAttribute('width'); b.setAttribute(this.kMODE, this.getTreePref('tabbar.multirow') ? 'multirow' : 'horizontal' ); b.removeAttribute(this.kUI_INVERTED); if (pos == this.kTABBAR_BOTTOM) { b.setAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION, 'bottom'); this.levelMarginProp = 'margin-bottom'; window.setTimeout(function() { b.mTabDropIndicatorBar.setAttribute('ordinal', 1); b.mStrip.setAttribute('ordinal', 30); splitter.setAttribute('ordinal', 20); b.mPanelContainer.setAttribute('ordinal', 10); }, 0); } else { b.setAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION, 'top'); this.levelMarginProp = 'margin-top'; window.setTimeout(function() { b.mTabDropIndicatorBar.setAttribute('ordinal', 1); b.mStrip.setAttribute('ordinal', 10); splitter.setAttribute('ordinal', 20); b.mPanelContainer.setAttribute('ordinal', 30); }, 0); } } // 何故かxbl:inheritsによる属性値の継承が効かなくなってしまっているらしい…… var closebutton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'anonid', 'tabs-closebutton'); if (closebutton && !closebutton.hasAttribute('oncommand') && b.mTabContainer.hasAttribute('onclosetab')) { closebutton.setAttribute('oncommand', b.mTabContainer.getAttribute('onclosetab')); } }, destroy : function() { this.endAutoHide(); var b = this.mTabBrowser; var tabs = this.getTabs(b); for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { this.destroyTab(tabs.snapshotItem(i)); } b.removeEventListener('TabOpen', this, true); b.removeEventListener('TabClose', this, true); b.removeEventListener('TabMove', this, true); b.removeEventListener('SSTabRestoring', this, true); b.mStrip.removeEventListener('dragenter', this, false); b.mStrip.removeEventListener('dragexit', this, false); b.mStrip.removeEventListener('dragover', this, false); b.mStrip.removeEventListener('dragdrop', this, false); b.mTabContainer.removeEventListener('click', this, true); b.mTabContainer.removeEventListener('dblclick', this, true); b.mTabContainer.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, true); b.mTabContainer.removeEventListener('select', this, true); b.mTabContainer.removeEventListener('scroll', this, true); var inner = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'class', 'tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox'); if (inner) { inner.removeEventListener('overflow', this, true); inner.removeEventListener('underflow', this, true); } var tabContext = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b, 'anonid', 'tabContextMenu'); tabContext.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); tabContext.removeEventListener('popuphiding', this, false); var allTabPopup = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b.mTabContainer, 'anonid', 'alltabs-popup'); if (allTabPopup) { allTabPopup.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); } if (this.tabbarCanvas) { this.tabbarCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.tabbarCanvas); this.tabbarCanvas = null; } this.ObserverService.removeObserver(this, 'TreeStyleTab:levelMarginModified'); this.ObserverService.removeObserver(this, 'TreeStyleTab:collapseExpandAllSubtree'); this.removePrefListener(this); delete this.mTabBrowser; }, destroyTab : function(aTab) { delete aTab.__treestyletab__linkedTabBrowser; }, /* nsIObserver */ domain : 'extensions.treestyletab', observe : function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; switch (aTopic) { case 'TreeStyleTab:levelMarginModified': if (this.levelMargin > -1) { this.updateAllTabsIndent(); } break; case 'TreeStyleTab:collapseExpandAllSubtree': if (aSubject == window) this.collapseExpandAllSubtree(aData == 'collapse'); break; case 'nsPref:changed': var value = this.getPref(aData); var tabContainer = b.mTabContainer; var tabs = this.getTabsArray(b); switch (aData) { case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.position': // if (value != 'left' && value != 'right') { // this.endAutoHide(); // } if (this.autoHideEnabled && this.autoHideShown) this.hideTabbar(); this.initTabbar(); tabs.forEach(function(aTab) { this.initTabAttributes(aTab); }, this); this.updateAllTabsIndent(); tabs.forEach(function(aTab) { this.initTabContents(aTab); }, this); if (this.autoHideEnabled) this.showTabbar(); this.updateTabbarTransparency(); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.invertUI': case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.multirow': this.initTabbar(); this.updateAllTabsIndent(); tabs.forEach(function(aTab) { this.initTabContents(aTab); }, this); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.enableSubtreeIndent': this.updateAllTabsIndent(); break; case '': if (value) b.setAttribute(this.kSTYLE, value); else b.removeAttribute(this.kSTYLE); break; case '': if (value == 'auto') { if (document.documentElement.getAttribute('informationaltab-thumbnail-enabled') == 'true') { value = 'retro'; } else { value = 'modern-black'; } } b.setAttribute(this.kTWISTY_STYLE, value); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.showBorderForFirstTab': if (value) b.setAttribute(this.kFIRSTTAB_BORDER, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kFIRSTTAB_BORDER); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.invertScrollbar': if (value && b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION) == 'left' && this.isGecko18) b.setAttribute(this.kSCROLLBAR_INVERTED, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kSCROLLBAR_INVERTED); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.hideNewTabButton': var pos = b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); if (value && (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right')) b.setAttribute(this.kHIDE_NEWTAB, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kHIDE_NEWTAB); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.hideAlltabsButton': var pos = b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); if (value && (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right')) b.setAttribute(this.kHIDE_ALLTABS, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kHIDE_ALLTABS); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.allowSubtreeCollapseExpand': if (value) b.setAttribute(this.kALLOW_COLLAPSE, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kALLOW_COLLAPSE); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoHide.mode': this.endAutoHide(); // update internal property after the appearance of the tab bar is updated. window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf.autoHideMode = value; if (value != aSelf.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_DISABLED) aSelf.startAutoHide(); }, 0, this); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoShow.mousemove': if (this.autoHideEnabled && value) this.startListenMouseMove(); else this.endListenMouseMove(); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.fixed': if (value) b.setAttribute(this.kFIXED, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kFIXED); break; case '': this.updateTabbarTransparency(); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.width': case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.shrunkenWidth': this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.dropshadow': if (value) b.setAttribute(this.kDROP_SHADOW, true); else b.removeAttribute(this.kDROP_SHADOW); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } }, /* DOM Event Handling */ handleEvent : function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case 'TabOpen': this.onTabAdded(aEvent); return; case 'TabClose': this.onTabRemoved(aEvent); if (this.isVertical) { var x = {}, y = {}; var scrollBoxObject = this.scrollBoxObject; if (!scrollBoxObject) return; scrollBoxObject.getPosition(x, y); this.lastScrollX = x.value; this.lastScrollY = y.value; // var tab = aEvent.originalTarget; // var delta = tab.boxObject.height; // scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(x.value, y.value-delta); } return; case 'TabMove': this.onTabMove(aEvent); return; case 'SSTabRestoring': this.onTabRestored(aEvent); return; case 'select': this.onTabSelect(aEvent); return; case 'click': if ( == document) { this.onTabClick(aEvent); return; } return; case 'dblclick': var tab = this.getTabFromEvent(aEvent); if (tab && this.hasChildTabs(tab) && this.getTreePref('collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick')) { this.collapseExpandSubtree(tab, tab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) != 'true'); aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); } return; case 'mousedown': if (aEvent.currentTarget == this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer) { this.onTabMouseDown(aEvent); } else { if ( !this.tabbarResizing && ( aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute('class') == this.kSPLITTER || aEvent.originalTarget.parentNode.getAttribute('class') == this.kSPLITTER ) ) { this.tabbarResizing = true; this.clearTabbarCanvas(); this.mTabBrowser.setAttribute(this.kRESIZING, true); if (this.isGecko19) { /* canvasを非表示にしたのと同じタイミングでリサイズを行うと、 まだ内部的にcanvasの大きさが残ったままなので、その大きさ以下に タブバーの幅を縮められなくなる。手動でイベントを再送してやると この問題を防ぐことができる。 */ aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); var flags = 0; const nsIDOMNSEvent = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNSEvent; if (aEvent.altKey) flags |= nsIDOMNSEvent.ALT_MASK; if (aEvent.ctrlKey) flags |= nsIDOMNSEvent.CONTROL_MASK; if (aEvent.shiftKey) flags |= nsIDOMNSEvent.SHIFT_MASK; if (aEvent.metaKey) flags |= nsIDOMNSEvent.META_MASK; window.setTimeout(function(aX, aY, aButton, aDetail) { window .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .sendMouseEvent('mousedown', aX, aY, aButton, aDetail, flags); }, 0, aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, aEvent.button, aEvent.detail); } } this.cancelShowHideTabbarOnMousemove(); if ( this.autoHideEnabled && this.autoHideShown && ( aEvent.originalTarget.ownerDocument != document || !this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aEvent.originalTarget) ) ) this.hideTabbar(); this.lastMouseDownTarget = aEvent.originalTarget.localName; } return; case 'mouseup': if (aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute('class') == this.kSPLITTER || aEvent.originalTarget.parentNode.getAttribute('class') == this.kSPLITTER) { this.tabbarResizing = false; this.mTabBrowser.removeAttribute(this.kRESIZING); if (this.autoHideShown) this.redrawContentArea(); } this.cancelShowHideTabbarOnMousemove(); this.lastMouseDownTarget = null; return; case 'mousemove': if (!this.tabbarResizing) { if ( !this.tabContextMenuShown && ( !this.autoHideShown || this.showHideTabbarReason == this.kSHOWN_BY_MOUSEMOVE ) ) this.showHideTabbarOnMousemove(aEvent); return; } if (/^(scrollbar|thumb|slider|scrollbarbutton)$/i.test(this.lastMouseDownTarget)) return; case 'resize': if (this.autoHideShown) { switch (this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION)) { case 'left': = '-'+this.autoHideXOffset+'px'; break; case 'right': = '-'+this.autoHideXOffset+'px'; break; case 'bottom': = '-'+this.autoHideYOffset+'px'; break; default: = '-'+this.autoHideYOffset+'px'; break; } this.redrawContentArea(); } return; case 'scroll': var node = aEvent.originalTarget; if (node && node.ownerDocument == document) { if (this.lastScrollX < 0 || this.lastScrollY < 0) return; var x = {}, y = {}; var scrollBoxObject = this.scrollBoxObject; scrollBoxObject.getPosition(x, y); if (x.value != this.lastScrollX || y.value != this.lastScrollY) scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(this.lastScrollX, this.lastScrollY); this.lastScrollX = -1; this.lastScrollY = -1; } else if (this.autoHideEnabled) { this.redrawContentArea(); } return; case 'load': this.redrawContentArea(); return; case 'popupshowing': if ( != aEvent.currentTarget) return; switch ('anonid')) { case 'tabContextMenu': this.tabContextMenuShown = true; this.initTabContextMenu(aEvent); break; case 'alltabs-popup': this.initAllTabsPopup(aEvent); break; } return; case 'popuphiding': if ( != aEvent.currentTarget) return; switch ('anonid')) { case 'tabContextMenu': this.tabContextMenuShown = false; break; } return; case 'dragenter': nsDragAndDrop.dragEnter(aEvent, this); return; case 'dragexit': nsDragAndDrop.dragExit(aEvent, this); return; case 'dragover': nsDragAndDrop.dragOver(aEvent, this); return; case 'dragdrop': nsDragAndDrop.drop(aEvent, this); return; case 'mouseover': if (this.isEventFiredOnTwisty(aEvent)) {, true); } return; case 'mouseout': if (this.isEventFiredOnTwisty(aEvent)) {; } return; case 'overflow': case 'underflow': var box = aEvent.currentTarget; var tabs = this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer; var horizontal = tabs.orient == 'horizontal'; if (horizontal) return; aEvent.stopPropagation(); if (aEvent.type == 'overflow') { tabs.setAttribute('overflow', 'true'); box.scrollBoxObject.ensureElementIsVisible(tabs.selectedItem); } else { tabs.removeAttribute('overflow'); } return; } }, lastScrollX : -1, lastScrollY : -1, onTabAdded : function(aEvent) { var tab = aEvent.originalTarget; var b = this.mTabBrowser; this.initTab(tab); if (this.readyToAttachNewTab) { var parent = this.getTabById(this.parentTab); if (parent) this.attachTabTo(tab, parent); var refTab; var newIndex = -1; if (this.insertBefore && (refTab = this.getTabById(this.insertBefore))) { newIndex = refTab._tPos; } else if (parent && this.getTreePref('insertNewChildAt') == this.kINSERT_FISRT && this.multipleCount == 0) { /* 複数の子タブを一気に開く場合、最初に開いたタブだけを 子タブの最初の位置に挿入し、続くタブは「最初の開いたタブ」と 「元々最初の子だったタブ」との間に挿入していく */ newIndex = parent._tPos + 1; if (refTab = this.getFirstChildTab(parent)) this.insertBefore = refTab.getAttribute(this.kID); } if (newIndex > -1) { if (newIndex > tab._tPos) newIndex--; this.internallyTabMoving = true; b.moveTabTo(tab, newIndex); this.internallyTabMoving = false; } } if (!this.readyToAttachMultiple) { this.stopToOpenChildTab(b); } else { this.multipleCount++; } this.showTabbarForFeedback(); }, onTabRemoved : function(aEvent) { var tab = aEvent.originalTarget; var b = this.mTabBrowser; this.destroyTab(tab); if (tab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true') { var descendant = this.getDescendantTabs(tab); for (var i = descendant.length-1; i > -1; i--) { b.removeTab(descendant[i]); } if (this.getTabs(b).snapshotLength == 1) { // this is the last tab b.addTab('about:blank'); } } var firstChild = this.getFirstChildTab(tab); var parentTab = this.getParentTab(tab); var nextFocusedTab = null; var next = this.getNextSiblingTab(tab); if (next) this.setTabValue(tab, this.kINSERT_BEFORE, next.getAttribute(this.kID)); if (firstChild) { var backupChildren = this.getTabValue(tab, this.kCHILDREN); var children = this.getChildTabs(tab); var self = this; var attach = this.getTreePref('attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab'); var processTab = !attach ? function(aTab) { self.partTab(aTab, true); self.moveTabSubTreeTo(aTab, self.getLastTab(b)._tPos); } : parentTab ? function(aTab) { self.attachTabTo(aTab, parentTab, { insertBefore : tab, dontUpdateIndent : true, dontExpand : true }); } : function(aTab) { self.partTab(aTab, true); }; for (var i = 0, maxi = children.length; i < maxi; i++) { processTab(children[i]); } this.updateTabsIndent(children); this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); if (attach) { nextFocusedTab = firstChild; } this.setTabValue(tab, this.kCHILDREN, backupChildren); } if (parentTab) { var firstSibling = this.getFirstChildTab(parentTab); var lastSibling = this.getLastChildTab(parentTab); if (tab == lastSibling && !nextFocusedTab) { if (tab == firstSibling) { // there is only one child nextFocusedTab = parentTab; } else { // previous sibling tab nextFocusedTab = this.getPreviousSiblingTab(tab); } } var ancestors = []; do { ancestors.push(parentTab.getAttribute(this.kID)); if (!next && (next = this.getNextSiblingTab(parentTab))) this.setTabValue(tab, this.kINSERT_BEFORE, next.getAttribute(this.kID)); } while (parentTab = this.getParentTab(parentTab)); this.setTabValue(tab, this.kANCESTOR, ancestors.join('|')); this.partTab(tab, true); } else if (!nextFocusedTab) { nextFocusedTab = this.getNextSiblingTab(tab); } if ( nextFocusedTab && b.selectedTab == tab && this._tabFocusAllowance.every(function(aFunc) { return aFunc(b); }) ) b.selectedTab = nextFocusedTab; this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); this.showTabbarForFeedback(); }, onTabMove : function(aEvent) { var tab = aEvent.originalTarget; var b = this.mTabBrowser; this.initTabContents(tab); // twisty vanished after the tab is moved!! // var rebuildTreeDone = false; if (this.hasChildTabs(tab) && !this.isSubTreeMoving) { this.moveTabSubTreeTo(tab, tab._tPos); // rebuildTreeDone = true; } var parentTab = this.getParentTab(tab); if (parentTab && !this.isSubTreeChildrenMoving) { this.updateChildrenArray(parentTab); } this.updateTabsCount(tab, true); if ( // rebuildTreeDone || this.isSubTreeMoving || this.internallyTabMoving ) return; this.attachTabFromPosition(tab, aEvent.detail); this.showTabbarForFeedback(); }, attachTabFromPosition : function(aTab, aOldPosition) { var parent = this.getParentTab(aTab); if (aOldPosition === void(0)) aOldPosition = aTab._tPos; var pos = this.getChildIndex(aTab, parent); var oldPos = this.getChildIndex(this.getTabs(this.mTabBrowser).snapshotItem(aOldPosition), parent); var delta; if (pos == oldPos) { // no move? return; } else if (pos < 0 || oldPos < 0) { delta = 2; } else { delta = Math.abs(pos - oldPos); } var prevTab = this.getPreviousTab(aTab); var nextTab = this.getNextTab(aTab); var tabs = this.getDescendantTabs(aTab); if (tabs.length) { nextTab = this.getNextTab(tabs[tabs.length-1]); } var prevParent = this.getParentTab(prevTab); var nextParent = this.getParentTab(nextTab); var prevLevel = prevTab ? Number(prevTab.getAttribute(this.kNEST)) : -1 ; var nextLevel = nextTab ? Number(nextTab.getAttribute(this.kNEST)) : -1 ; var newParent; if (!prevTab) { newParent = null; } else if (!nextTab) { newParent = (delta > 1) ? prevParent : parent ; } else if (prevParent == nextParent) { newParent = prevParent; } else if (prevLevel > nextLevel) { var realDelta = Math.abs(aTab._tPos - aOldPosition); newParent = realDelta < 2 ? prevParent : parent ; } else if (prevLevel < nextLevel) { newParent = this.getParentTab(aTab); } if (newParent != parent) { if (newParent) this.attachTabTo(aTab, newParent, { insertBefore : nextTab }); else this.partTab(aTab); } }, updateChildrenArray : function(aTab) { var children = this.getChildTabs(aTab); children.sort(function(aA, aB) { return aA._tPos - aB._tPos; }); this.setTabValue( aTab, this.kCHILDREN, children .map(function(aItem) { return aItem.getAttribute(this.kID); }, this) .join('|') ); }, onTabRestored : function(aEvent) { this.restoreStructure(aEvent.originalTarget); }, restoreStructure : function(aTab) { var tab = aTab; var b = this.mTabBrowser; var maybeDuplicated = false; var id = this.getTabValue(tab, this.kID); if (this.getTabById(id)) { // this is a duplicated tab! maybeDuplicated = true; id = this.redirectId(id); } if (!maybeDuplicated) { /* If it has a parent, it is wrongly attacched by tab moving on restoring. Restoring the old ID (the next statement) breaks the children list of the temporary parent and causes many problems. So, to prevent these problems, I part the tab from the temporary parent manually. */ this.partTab(tab); /* reset attributes before restoring */ tab.removeAttribute(this.kID); tab.removeAttribute(this.kPARENT); tab.removeAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); tab.removeAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED); tab.removeAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED); tab.removeAttribute(this.kNEST); this.updateTabsIndent([tab]); } this.setTabValue(tab, this.kID, id); var isSubTreeCollapsed = (this.getTabValue(tab, this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true'); var children = this.getTabValue(tab, this.kCHILDREN); var tabs = []; if (children) { tab.removeAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); children = children.split('|'); if (maybeDuplicated) children = { return this.redirectId(aChild); }, this); for (var i = 0, maxi = children.length; i < maxi; i++) { if (children[i] && (children[i] = this.getTabById(children[i]))) { this.attachTabTo(children[i], tab, { dontExpand : true, dontUpdateIndent : true }); tabs.push(children[i]); } } } var nextTab = this.getTabValue(tab, this.kINSERT_BEFORE); if (nextTab && maybeDuplicated) { nextTab = this.redirectId(nextTab); } var ancestors = (this.getTabValue(tab, this.kANCESTOR) || this.getTabValue(tab, this.kPARENT) || '').split('|'); var parent = null; for (var i in ancestors) { if (maybeDuplicated) ancestors[i] = this.redirectId(ancestors[i]); parent = this.getTabById(ancestors[i]); if (parent) { parent = ancestors[i]; break; } } this.deleteTabValue(tab, this.kANCESTOR); if (parent) { tab.removeAttribute(this.kPARENT); parent = this.getTabById(parent); if (parent) { this.attachTabTo(tab, parent, { dontExpand : true, insertBefore : (nextTab ? this.getTabById(nextTab) : null ), dontUpdateIndent : true }); this.updateTabsIndent([tab]); this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); } else { this.deleteTabValue(tab, this.kPARENT); } } else if (children) { this.updateTabsIndent(tabs); this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); } if (!parent) { nextTab = this.getTabById(nextTab); if (!nextTab) nextTab = this.getNextTab(tab); var parentOfNext = this.getParentTab(nextTab); var newPos = -1; if (parentOfNext) { var descendants = this.getDescendantTabs(parentOfNext); newPos = descendants[descendants.length-1]._tPos; } else if (nextTab) { var newPos = nextTab._tPos; if (newPos > tab._tPos) newPos--; } if (newPos > -1) b.moveTabTo(tab, newPos); } this.deleteTabValue(tab, this.kINSERT_BEFORE); if (isSubTreeCollapsed) { this.collapseExpandSubtree(tab, isSubTreeCollapsed); } if (maybeDuplicated) this.clearRedirectionTable(); }, redirectId : function(aId) { if (!(aId in this._redirectionTable)) this._redirectionTable[aId] = this.makeNewId(); return this._redirectionTable[aId]; }, _redirectionTable : {}, clearRedirectionTable : function() { if (this._clearRedirectionTableTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this._clearRedirectionTableTimer); this._clearRedirectionTableTimer = null; } this._clearRedirectionTableTimer = window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf._redirectionTable = {}; }, 1000, this); }, _clearRedirectionTableTimer : null, onTabSelect : function(aEvent) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var tab = b.selectedTab if (tab.getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true') { var parentTab = tab; while (parentTab = this.getParentTab(parentTab)) { this.collapseExpandSubtree(parentTab, false); } } else if (this.hasChildTabs(tab) && (tab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true') && this.getTreePref('autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect')) { this.collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor(tab); } if (this.autoHideEnabled && this.autoHideShown) this.redrawContentArea(); this.updateInvertedTabContentsOrder(); if (!this.accelKeyPressed) this.showTabbarForFeedback(); }, onTabClick : function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button != 0) return; if (this.isEventFiredOnTwisty(aEvent)) { var tab = this.getTabFromEvent(aEvent); this.collapseExpandSubtree(tab, tab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) != 'true'); } else if (!this.getTabFromEvent(aEvent)) { var tab = this.getTabFromTabbarEvent(aEvent); if (tab) this.mTabBrowser.selectedTab = tab; } else { return; } aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); }, getTabFromTabbarEvent : function(aEvent) { if ( !this.shouldDetectClickOnIndentSpaces || this.isEventFiredOnClickable(aEvent) ) return null; var tab = null; var clickedPoint = aEvent[this.positionProp]; this.getTabsArray(this.mTabBrowser).some(function(aTab) { var box = aTab.boxObject; if (box[this.positionProp] > clickedPoint || box[this.positionProp] + box[this.sizeProp] < clickedPoint) { return false; } tab = aTab; return true; }, this); return tab; }, onTabMouseDown : function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button != 0 || !this.isEventFiredOnTwisty(aEvent)) return; this.getTabFromEvent(aEvent).__treestyletab__preventSelect = true; }, initTabContextMenu : function(aEvent) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var item, sep; // remove subtree item = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_REMOVESUBTREE+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_REMOVESUBTREE)) item.removeAttribute('hidden'); else item.setAttribute('hidden', true); this.showHideSubTreeMenuItem(item, [b.mContextTab]); item = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_REMOVECHILDREN+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_REMOVECHILDREN)) item.removeAttribute('hidden'); else item.setAttribute('hidden', true); this.showHideSubTreeMenuItem(item, [b.mContextTab]); // collapse/expand all sep = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuseparator[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_COLLAPSEEXPAND_SEPARATOR+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; var collapseItem = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_COLLAPSE+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; var expanndItem = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_EXPAND+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kCHILDREN+']', b.mTabContainer ).snapshotLength) { if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_COLLAPSE)) { collapseItem.removeAttribute('hidden'); if (this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kCHILDREN+' and not(@'+this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED+'="true")]', b.mTabContainer ).snapshotLength) { collapseItem.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { collapseItem.setAttribute('disabled', true); } } else { collapseItem.setAttribute('hidden', true); } if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_EXPAND)) { expanndItem.removeAttribute('hidden'); if (this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kCHILDREN+' and @'+this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED+'="true"]', b.mTabContainer ).snapshotLength) { expanndItem.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { expanndItem.setAttribute('disabled', true); } } else { expanndItem.setAttribute('hidden', true); } } else { collapseItem.setAttribute('hidden', true); expanndItem.setAttribute('hidden', true); } if (collapseItem.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true' && expanndItem.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true') { sep.setAttribute('hidden', true); } else { sep.removeAttribute('hidden'); } // auto hide var autohide = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; var pos = b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE)/* && (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right')*/) { autohide.removeAttribute('hidden'); if (this.autoHideMode != this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_DISABLED) autohide.setAttribute('checked', true); else autohide.removeAttribute('checked'); } else { autohide.setAttribute('hidden', true); } // fix var fixed = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_FIXED+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_FIXED) && (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right')) { fixed.removeAttribute('hidden'); if (this.getTreePref('tabbar.fixed')) fixed.setAttribute('checked', true); else fixed.removeAttribute('checked'); } else { fixed.setAttribute('hidden', true); } // position var position = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menu[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_POSITION+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_POSITION)) { position.removeAttribute('hidden'); position.getElementsByAttribute('value', pos)[0].setAttribute('checked', true); } else { position.setAttribute('hidden', true); } sep = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuseparator[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_AUTOHIDE_SEPARATOR+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (autohide.getAttribute('hidden') != 'true' || fixed.getAttribute('hidden') != 'true' || position.getAttribute('hidden') != 'true') { sep.removeAttribute('hidden'); } else { sep.setAttribute('hidden', true); } // bookmark item = this.evaluateXPath( 'descendant::xul:menuitem[starts-with(@id, "'+this.kMENUITEM_BOOKMARKSUBTREE+'")]', aEvent.currentTarget, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ).singleNodeValue; if (this.getTreePref('show.'+this.kMENUITEM_BOOKMARKSUBTREE)) item.removeAttribute('hidden'); else item.setAttribute('hidden', true); this.showHideSubTreeMenuItem(item, [b.mContextTab]); }, initAllTabsPopup : function(aEvent) { if (!this.getTreePref('enableSubtreeIndent.allTabsPopup')) return; var items =; var tabs = this.getTabs(this.mTabBrowser); for (var i = 0, maxi = items.length; i < maxi; i++) { items[i].style.paddingLeft = tabs.snapshotItem(i).getAttribute(this.kNEST)+'em'; } }, /* drag and drop */ isPlatformNotSupported : /* !this.isGecko19 && */ navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac') != -1, // see bug 136524 isTimerSupported : /* this.isGecko19 || */ navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') == -1, // see bug 232795. autoExpandTimer : null, autoExpandTarget : null, autoExpandedTabs : [], onDragEnter : function(aEvent, aDragSession) { var tab =; if (tab.localName != 'tab' || !this.getTreePref('autoExpand.enabled')) return; var now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (this.isPlatformNotSupported) return; if (this.isTimerSupported || !aDragSession.sourceNode) { window.clearTimeout(this.autoExpandTimer); if ( == aDragSession.sourceNode) return; this.autoExpandTimer = window.setTimeout( function(aSelf, aTarget) { var tab = aSelf.getTabById(aTarget); if (tab && tab.getAttribute(aSelf.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true' && tab.getAttribute(aSelf.kDROP_POSITION) == 'self') { if (aSelf.getTreePref('autoExpand.intelligently')) { aSelf.collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor(tab); } else { aSelf.autoExpandedTabs.push(aTarget); aSelf.collapseExpandSubtree(tab, false); } } }, this.getTreePref('autoExpand.delay'), this, tab.getAttribute(this.kID) ); } else { this.autoExpandTimer = now; this.autoExpandTarget = tab.getAttribute(this.kID); } }, onDragExit : function(aEvent, aDragSession) { var now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (this.isPlatformNotSupported) return; if (this.isTimerSupported || !aDragSession.sourceNode) { window.clearTimeout(this.autoExpandTimer); this.autoExpandTimer = null; } else { this.autoExpandTimer = null; this.autoExpandTarget = null; } }, onDragOver : function(aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { if (this.isPlatformNotSupported) return; if (this.isTimerSupported || !aDragSession.sourceNode) return; var now = (new Date()).getTime(); var delay = this.getTreePref('autoExpand.delay'); if (this.autoExpandTimer && (now - delay > this.autoExpandTimer)) { var tab = this.getTabById(this.autoExpandTarget); if (tab && tab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true' && tab.getAttribute(this.kDROP_POSITION) == 'self') { if (this.getTreePref('autoExpand.intelligently')) { this.collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor(tab); } else { this.autoExpandedTabs.push(this.autoExpandTarget); this.collapseExpandSubtree(tab, false); } } this.autoExpandTimer = null; this.autoExpandTarget = null; } }, onDrop : function(aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { if (!this.autoExpandedTabs.length) return; if (this.getTreePref('autoExpand.collapseFinally')) { this.autoExpandedTabs.forEach(function(aTarget) { this.collapseExpandSubtree(this.getTabById(aTarget), true); }, this); } this.autoExpandedTabs = []; }, canDrop : function(aEvent, aDragSession) { var dropAction = this.getDropAction(aEvent, aDragSession); if ('dataTransfer' in aEvent) { var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; if (dropAction.action & this.kACTION_NEWTAB) { dt.effectAllowed = dt.dropEffect = ( !dropAction.source ? 'link' : this.isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent) ? 'copy' : 'move' ); } } return dropAction.canDrop; }, getSupportedFlavours : function() { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour('application/x-moz-tabbrowser-tab'); flavourSet.appendFlavour('text/x-moz-url'); flavourSet.appendFlavour('text/unicode'); flavourSet.appendFlavour('text/plain'); flavourSet.appendFlavour('application/x-moz-file', 'nsIFile'); return flavourSet; }, getCurrentDragSession : function() { return Components .classes[';1'] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIDragService) .getCurrentSession(); }, getDropAction : function(aEvent, aDragSession) { if (!aDragSession) aDragSession = this.getCurrentDragSession(); var tab = aDragSession ? this.getTabFromChild(aDragSession.sourceNode) : null ; var info = this.getDropActionInternal(aEvent, tab); info.canDrop = true; info.source = tab; if (tab) { var isCopy = this.isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent); if (isCopy && 'duplicateTab' in this.mTabBrowser) { info.action |= this.kACTION_DUPLICATE; } if ( !isCopy && this.getTabBrowserFromChild(tab) != this.mTabBrowser && ( ('duplicateTab' in this.mTabBrowser) || ('swapBrowsersAndCloseOther' in this.mTabBrowser) ) ) { info.action |= this.kACTION_IMPORT; } if (info.action & this.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION) { if (info.action & this.kACTION_MOVE) info.action ^= this.kACTION_MOVE; if (info.action & this.kACTION_STAY) info.action ^= this.kACTION_STAY; } if (info.action & this.kACTION_ATTACH) { if (info.parent == tab) { info.canDrop = false; } else { var orig = tab; tab =; while (tab = this.getParentTab(tab)) { if (tab != orig) continue; info.canDrop = false; break; } } } } return info; }, getDropActionInternal : function(aEvent, aSourceTab) { var tab =; var b = this.mTabBrowser; var tabs = this.getTabsArray(b); var isInverted = this.isVertical ? false : window.getComputedStyle(b.parentNode, null).direction == 'rtl'; var info = { target : null, position : null, action : null, parent : null, insertBefore : null }; var isTabMoveFromOtherWindow = aSourceTab && aSourceTab.ownerDocument != document; var isNewTabAction = !aSourceTab || aSourceTab.ownerDocument != document; if (tab.localName != 'tab') { var action = isTabMoveFromOtherWindow ? this.kACTION_STAY : (this.kACTION_MOVE | this.kACTION_PART) ; if (isNewTabAction) action |= this.kACTION_NEWTAB; if (aEvent[this.positionProp] < tabs[0].boxObject[this.positionProp]) { = info.parent = info.insertBefore = tabs[0]; info.position = isInverted ? this.kDROP_AFTER : this.kDROP_BEFORE ; info.action = action; return info; } else if (aEvent[this.positionProp] > tabs[tabs.length-1].boxObject[this.positionProp] + tabs[tabs.length-1].boxObject[this.sizeProp]) { = info.parent = tabs[tabs.length-1]; info.position = isInverted ? this.kDROP_BEFORE : this.kDROP_AFTER ; info.action = action; return info; } else { = tabs[Math.min(b.getNewIndex(aEvent), tabs.length - 1)]; } } else { = tab; } var boxPos = tab.boxObject[this.positionProp]; var boxUnit = Math.round(tab.boxObject[this.sizeProp] / 3); if (aEvent[this.positionProp] < boxPos + boxUnit) { info.position = isInverted ? this.kDROP_AFTER : this.kDROP_BEFORE ; } else if (aEvent[this.positionProp] > boxPos + boxUnit + boxUnit) { info.position = isInverted ? this.kDROP_BEFORE : this.kDROP_AFTER ; } else { info.position = this.kDROP_ON; } switch (info.position) { case this.kDROP_ON: info.action = this.kACTION_MOVE | this.kACTION_ATTACH; info.parent = tab; info.insertBefore = this.getNextSiblingTab(tab); break; case this.kDROP_BEFORE: /* [TARGET ] ↑part from parent, and move [ ] [TARGET ] ↑attach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET ] ↑attach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET] ↑attach to the parent of the target (previous tab), and move */ var prevTab = this.getPreviousVisibleTab(tab); if (!prevTab) { info.action = this.kACTION_MOVE | this.kACTION_PART; info.insertBefore = tabs[0]; } else { var prevLevel = Number(prevTab.getAttribute(this.kNEST)); var targetNest = Number(tab.getAttribute(this.kNEST)); info.parent = (prevLevel < targetNest) ? prevTab : this.getParentTab(tab) ; info.action = this.kACTION_MOVE | (info.parent ? this.kACTION_ATTACH : this.kACTION_PART ); info.insertBefore = tab; } break; case this.kDROP_AFTER: /* [TARGET ] ↓if the target has a parent, attach to it and and move [TARGET] ↓attach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET ] ↓attach to the parent of the target, and move [ ] [TARGET ] ↓attach to the target, and move [ ] */ var nextTab = this.getNextVisibleTab(tab); if (!nextTab) { info.action = this.kACTION_MOVE | this.kACTION_ATTACH; info.parent = this.getParentTab(tab); } else { var targetNest = Number(tab.getAttribute(this.kNEST)); var nextLevel = Number(nextTab.getAttribute(this.kNEST)); info.parent = (targetNest < nextLevel) ? tab : this.getParentTab(tab) ; info.action = this.kACTION_MOVE | (info.parent ? this.kACTION_ATTACH : this.kACTION_PART ); info.insertBefore = nextTab; /* [TARGET ] ↓attach dragged tab to the parent of the target as its next sibling [DRAGGED] */ if (aSourceTab == nextTab && this.getDescendantTabs(info.parent).length == 1) { info.action = this.kACTION_MOVE | this.kACTION_ATTACH; info.parent = this.getParentTab(tab); info.insertBefore = this.getNextTab(nextTab); } } break; } if (isNewTabAction) action |= this.kACTION_NEWTAB; return info; }, performDrop : function(aInfo, aDraggedTab) { var tabsInfo = this.getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab(aInfo, aDraggedTab); aDraggedTab = tabsInfo.draggedTab; var draggedTabs = tabsInfo.draggedTabs; var draggedRoots = tabsInfo.draggedRoots; var targetBrowser = this.mTabBrowser; var tabs = this.getTabsArray(targetBrowser); var sourceWindow = aDraggedTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; var sourceBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aDraggedTab); if (aInfo.action & this.kACTIONS_FOR_SOURCE) { if (aInfo.action & this.kACTION_PART) { this.partTabsOnDrop(draggedRoots); } else if (aInfo.action & this.kACTION_ATTACH) { this.attachTabsOnDrop(draggedRoots, aInfo.parent); } else { return false; } if ( // if this move will cause no change... sourceBrowser == targetBrowser && sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab.getNextVisibleTab(draggedTabs[draggedTabs.length-1]) == aInfo.insertBefore ) { // then, do nothing return true; } } // prevent Multiple Tab Handler feature targetBrowser.duplicatingSelectedTabs = true; targetBrowser.movingSelectedTabs = true; var newRoots = []; var shouldClose = ( aInfo.action & this.kACTION_IMPORT && this.getTabs(sourceBrowser).snapshotLength == draggedTabs.length ); var oldTabs = []; var newTabs = []; var treeStructure = { var parent = sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab.getParentTab(aTab); return parent ? draggedTabs.indexOf(parent) : -1 ; }); draggedTabs.forEach(function(aTab) { var tab = aTab; if (aInfo.action & this.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION) { var parent = sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab.getParentTab(aTab); if (tabsInfo.isSelectionMove) sourceWindow.MultipleTabService.setSelection(aTab, false); if (aInfo.action & this.kACTION_IMPORT && 'swapBrowsersAndCloseOther' in targetBrowser) { tab = targetBrowser.addTab(); tab.linkedBrowser.stop(); tab.linkedBrowser.docShell; targetBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(tab, aTab); targetBrowser.setTabTitle(tab); } else { tab = targetBrowser.duplicateTab(aTab); this.deleteTabValue(tab, this.kCHILDREN); this.deleteTabValue(tab, this.kPARENT); if (aInfo.action & this.kACTION_IMPORT) oldTabs.push(aTab); } newTabs.push(tab); if (tabsInfo.isSelectionMove) MultipleTabService.setSelection(tab, true); if (!parent || draggedTabs.indexOf(parent) < 0) newRoots.push(tab); } var newIndex = aInfo.insertBefore ? aInfo.insertBefore._tPos : tabs.length - 1 ; if (aInfo.insertBefore && newIndex > tab._tPos) newIndex--; this.internallyTabMoving = true; targetBrowser.moveTabTo(tab, newIndex); this.collapseExpandTab(tab, false); this.internallyTabMoving = false; }, this); // close imported tabs from the source browser oldTabs.forEach(function(aTab) { sourceBrowser.removeTab(aTab); }); if (shouldClose) this.closeOwner(sourceBrowser); // restore tree structure for newly opened tabs newTabs.forEach(function(aTab, aIndex) { var index = treeStructure[aIndex]; if (index < 0) return; targetBrowser.treeStyleTab.attachTabTo(aTab, newTabs[index]); }); if (aInfo.action & this.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION && aInfo.action & this.kACTION_ATTACH) this.attachTabsOnDrop(newRoots, aInfo.parent); // Multiple Tab Handler targetBrowser.movingSelectedTabs = false; targetBrowser.duplicatingSelectedTabs = false; return true; }, getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab : function(aInfo, aTab) { aTab = this.getTabFromChild(aTab); var targetBrowser = this.mTabBrowser; var tabs = this.getTabsArray(targetBrowser); var draggedTabs = [aTab]; var draggedRoots = [aTab]; var sourceWindow = aTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; var sourceBrowser = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); var isSelectionMove = ( 'MultipleTabService' in sourceWindow && sourceWindow.MultipleTabService.isSelected(aTab) && MultipleTabService.allowMoveMultipleTabs ); if (isSelectionMove) { draggedTabs = sourceWindow.MultipleTabService.getSelectedTabs(sourceBrowser); if (!(aInfo.action & this.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION)) { draggedRoots = []; draggedTabs.forEach(function(aTab) { var parent = aTab, current; do { current = parent; parent = sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab.getParentTab(parent) if (parent && sourceWindow.MultipleTabService.isSelected(parent)) continue; draggedRoots.push(current); return; } while (parent); }, this); } } else if (aInfo.action & this.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION) { draggedTabs = draggedTabs.concat(sourceBrowser.treeStyleTab.getDescendantTabs(aTab)); } return { draggedTab : aTab, draggedTabs : draggedTabs, draggedRoots : draggedRoots, isSelectionMove : isSelectionMove }; }, attachTabsOnDrop : function(aTabs, aParent) { this.mTabBrowser.movingSelectedTabs = true; // Multiple Tab Handler aTabs.forEach(function(aTab) { if (aParent) this.attachTabTo(aTab, aParent); else this.partTab(aTab); this.collapseExpandTab(aTab, false); }, this); this.mTabBrowser.movingSelectedTabs = false; // Multiple Tab Handler }, partTabsOnDrop : function(aTabs) { this.mTabBrowser.movingSelectedTabs = true; // Multiple Tab Handler aTabs.forEach(function(aTab) { this.partTab(aTab); this.collapseExpandTab(aTab, false); }, this); this.mTabBrowser.movingSelectedTabs = false; // Multiple Tab Handler }, closeOwner : function(aTabOwner) { var w = aTabOwner.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!w) return; if ('SplitBrowser' in w && 'getSubBrowserFromChild' in w.SplitBrowser) { var subbrowser = w.SplitBrowser.getSubBrowserFromChild(aTabOwner); if (subbrowser) { subbrowser.close(); return; } } w.close(); }, clearDropPosition : function() { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var xpathResult = this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kDROP_POSITION+']', b.mTabContainer ); for (var i = 0, maxi = xpathResult.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { xpathResult.snapshotItem(i).removeAttribute(this.kDROP_POSITION); } }, isDraggingAllTabs : function(aTab) { var actionInfo = { action : this.kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION | this.kACTION_IMPORT }; var tabsInfo = this.getDraggedTabsInfoFromOneTab(actionInfo, aTab); return tabsInfo.draggedTabs.length == this.getTabs(this.mTabBrowser).snapshotLength; }, /* commands */ /* attach/part */ attachTabTo : function(aChild, aParent, aInfo) { if ( !aChild || !aParent || aChild == aParent || this.getParentTab(aChild) == aParent ) { this.attachTabPostProcess(aChild, aParent); return; } if (!aInfo) aInfo = {}; var id = aChild.getAttribute(this.kID); if (!id || !aParent.getAttribute(this.kID)) return; // if the tab is not initialized yet, do nothing. this.partTab(aChild, true); var children = aParent.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN); var newIndex; if (children.indexOf(id) > -1) { children = ('|'+children).replace('|'+id, '').replace(/^\|/); } var insertBefore = aInfo.insertBefore; var beforeTab = insertBefore ? insertBefore.getAttribute(this.kID) : null ; if (beforeTab && children.indexOf(beforeTab) > -1) { children = children.replace(beforeTab, id+'|'+beforeTab); newIndex = insertBefore._tPos; } else { children = ((children || '')+'|'+id).replace(/^\|/, ''); var refTab = aParent; var descendant = this.getDescendantTabs(aParent); if (descendant.length) refTab = descendant[descendant.length-1]; newIndex = refTab._tPos+1; } this.setTabValue(aParent, this.kCHILDREN, children); this.setTabValue(aChild, this.kPARENT, aParent.getAttribute(this.kID)); this.updateTabsCount(aParent); if (newIndex > aChild._tPos) newIndex--; this.moveTabSubTreeTo(aChild, newIndex); if (!aInfo.dontExpand) { if ( /* ( aParent.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true' || children.indexOf('|') > -1 // not a first child ) && */ this.getTreePref('autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect') ) { this.collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor(aParent); var p = aParent; do { this.collapseExpandSubtree(p, false); } while (p = this.getParentTab(p)); } else if (aParent.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true') { if (this.getTreePref('autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild')) { var p = aParent; do { this.collapseExpandSubtree(p, false); } while (p = this.getParentTab(p)); } else this.collapseExpandTab(aChild, true); } if (aParent.getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true') this.collapseExpandTab(aChild, true); } else if (aParent.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true' || aParent.getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true') { this.collapseExpandTab(aChild, true); } if (!aInfo.dontUpdateIndent) { this.updateTabsIndent([aChild]); this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); } this.attachTabPostProcess(aChild, aParent); }, attachTabPostProcess : function(aChild, aParent) { this._attachTabPostProcesses.forEach(function(aProcess) { aProcess(aChild, aParent, this); }, this); }, partTab : function(aChild, aDontUpdateIndent) { if (!aChild) return; var parentTab = this.getParentTab(aChild); if (!parentTab) return; var id = aChild.getAttribute(this.kID); var children = ('|'+parentTab.getAttribute(this.kCHILDREN)) .replace(new RegExp('\\|'+id), '') .replace(/^\|/, ''); this.setTabValue(parentTab, this.kCHILDREN, children); this.deleteTabValue(aChild, this.kPARENT); this.updateTabsCount(parentTab); if (!aDontUpdateIndent) { this.updateTabsIndent([aChild]); this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); } this.attachTabPostProcess(aChild, null); }, updateTabsIndent : function(aTabs, aLevel, aProp) { if (!aTabs || !aTabs.length) return; if (aLevel === void(0)) { var parentTab = this.getParentTab(aTabs[0]); var aLevel = 0; while (parentTab) { aLevel++; parentTab = this.getParentTab(parentTab); } } var b = this.mTabBrowser; if (!aProp) { aProp = this.getTreePref('enableSubtreeIndent') ? this.levelMarginProp : 0 ; } var margin = this.levelMargin < 0 ? this.baseLebelMargin : this.levelMargin ; var indent = margin * aLevel; var multirow = this.isMultiRow(); var topBottom = this.levelMarginProp.match(/top|bottom/); var innerBoxes, j, colors, maxIndent = parseInt(aTabs[0].boxObject.height / 2); for (var i = 0, maxi = aTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { if (multirow) { indent = Math.min(aLevel * 3, maxIndent); innerBoxes = document.getAnonymousNodes(aTabs[i]); colors = '-moz-border-top-colors:'+(function(aNum) { var retVal = []; for (var i = 1; i < aNum; i++) { retVal.push('transparent'); } retVal.push('ThreeDShadow'); return retVal.length == 1 ? 'none' : retVal.join(' ') ; })(indent)+' !important;'; for (j = 0, maxj = innerBoxes.length; j < maxj; j++) { if (innerBoxes[j].nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; innerBoxes[j].setAttribute('style', innerBoxes[j].getAttribute('style').replace(/(-moz-)?border-(top|bottom)(-[^:]*)?.*:[^;]+;?/g, '')+'; border-'+topBottom+': solid transparent '+indent+'px !important;'+colors); } } else { aTabs[i].setAttribute('style', aTabs[i].getAttribute('style').replace(/margin(-[^:]+):[^;]+;?/g, '')+'; '+aProp+':'+indent+'px !important;'); } aTabs[i].setAttribute(this.kNEST, aLevel); this.updateTabsIndent(this.getChildTabs(aTabs[i]), aLevel+1, aProp); } }, updateAllTabsIndent : function() { this.updateTabsIndent(this.rootTabs, 0); // this.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); }, checkTabsIndentOverflow : function() { if (this.checkTabsIndentOverflowTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.checkTabsIndentOverflowTimer); this.checkTabsIndentOverflowTimer = null; } this.checkTabsIndentOverflowTimer = window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf.checkTabsIndentOverflowCallback(); }, 100, this); }, checkTabsIndentOverflowTimer : null, checkTabsIndentOverflowCallback : function() { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var tabs = this.getArrayFromXPathResult(this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kNEST+' and not(@'+this.kNEST+'="0" or @'+this.kNEST+'="")]', b.mTabContainer )); if (!tabs.length) return; var self = this; tabs.sort(function(aA, aB) { return Number(aA.getAttribute(self.kNEST)) - Number(aB.getAttribute(self.kNEST)); }); var nest = tabs[tabs.length-1].getAttribute(this.kNEST); if (!nest) return; var oldMargin = this.levelMargin; var indent = (oldMargin < 0 ? this.baseLebelMargin : oldMargin ) * nest; var maxIndent = ( this.getFirstTab(b).boxObject[this.invertedSizeProp] || b.mTabContainer.boxObject[this.invertedSizeProp] ) * 0.33; var marginUnit = Math.max(Math.floor(maxIndent / nest), 1); if (indent > maxIndent) { this.levelMargin = marginUnit; } else { this.levelMargin = -1; if ((this.baseLebelMargin * nest) > maxIndent) this.levelMargin = marginUnit; } if (oldMargin != this.levelMargin) { this.updateAllTabsIndent(); } }, updateTabsCount : function(aTab, aDontUpdateAncestor) { var count = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTab, 'class', this.kCOUNTER); if (count) { count.setAttribute('value', '('+this.getDescendantTabs(aTab).length+')'); } var parent = this.getParentTab(aTab); if (parent && !aDontUpdateAncestor) this.updateTabsCount(parent); }, /* move */ moveTabSubTreeTo : function(aTab, aIndex) { if (!aTab) return; var b = this.mTabBrowser; this.isSubTreeMoving = true; this.internallyTabMoving = true; b.moveTabTo(aTab, aIndex); this.internallyTabMoving = false; this.isSubTreeChildrenMoving = true; this.internallyTabMoving = true; var tabs = this.getDescendantTabs(aTab); for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { b.moveTabTo(tabs[i], aTab._tPos+i+(aTab._tPos < tabs[i]._tPos ? 1 : 0 )); } this.internallyTabMoving = false; this.isSubTreeChildrenMoving = false; this.isSubTreeMoving = false; }, moveTabLevel : function(aEvent) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var parentTab = this.getParentTab(b.mCurrentTab); if (aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT) { var prevTab = this.getPreviousSiblingTab(b.mCurrentTab); if ((!parentTab && prevTab) || (parentTab && b.mCurrentTab != this.getFirstChildTab(parentTab))) { this.attachTabTo(b.mCurrentTab, prevTab); b.mCurrentTab.focus(); return true; } } else if (aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT && parentTab) { var grandParent = this.getParentTab(parentTab); if (grandParent) { this.attachTabTo(b.mCurrentTab, grandParent, { insertBefore : this.getNextSiblingTab(parentTab) }); b.mCurrentTab.focus(); return true; } else { var nextTab = this.getNextSiblingTab(parentTab); this.partTab(b.mCurrentTab); this.internallyTabMoving = true; if (nextTab) { b.moveTabTo(b.mCurrentTab, nextTab._tPos - 1); } else { b.moveTabTo(b.mCurrentTab, this.getLastTab(b)._tPos); } this.internallyTabMoving = false; b.mCurrentTab.focus(); return true; } } return false; }, /* collapse/expand */ collapseExpandSubtree : function(aTab, aCollapse) { if (!aTab) return; if ((aTab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true') == aCollapse) return; var b = this.mTabBrowser; this.doingCollapseExpand = true; this.setTabValue(aTab, this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED, aCollapse); var tabs = this.getChildTabs(aTab); for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { this.collapseExpandTab(tabs[i], aCollapse); } if (!aCollapse) this.scrollToTabSubTree(aTab); this.doingCollapseExpand = false; }, collapseExpandTab : function(aTab, aCollapse) { if (!aTab || !this.getParentTab(aTab)) return; this.setTabValue(aTab, this.kCOLLAPSED, aCollapse); var b = this.mTabBrowser; var parent; if (aCollapse && aTab == b.selectedTab && (parent = this.getParentTab(aTab))) { var newSelection = parent; while (parent.getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true') { parent = this.getParentTab(parent); if (!parent) break; newSelection = parent; } b.selectedTab = newSelection; } var isSubTreeCollapsed = (aTab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) == 'true'); var tabs = this.getChildTabs(aTab); for (var i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { if (!isSubTreeCollapsed) this.collapseExpandTab(tabs[i], aCollapse); } }, collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor : function(aTab) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; if (this.doingCollapseExpand) return; var sameParentTab = this.getParentTab(aTab); var expandedParentTabs = [ aTab.getAttribute(this.kID) ]; var parentTab = aTab; while (parentTab = this.getParentTab(parentTab)) { expandedParentTabs.push(parentTab.getAttribute(this.kID)); } expandedParentTabs = expandedParentTabs.join('|'); var xpathResult = this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kCHILDREN+' and not(@'+this.kCOLLAPSED+'="true") and not(@'+this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED+'="true") and @'+this.kID+' and not(contains("'+expandedParentTabs+'", @'+this.kID+'))]', b.mTabContainer ); var collapseTab; var dontCollapse; for (var i = 0, maxi = xpathResult.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { dontCollapse = false; collapseTab = xpathResult.snapshotItem(i); parentTab = this.getParentTab(collapseTab); if (parentTab) { dontCollapse = true; if (parentTab.getAttribute(this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED) != 'true') { do { if (expandedParentTabs.indexOf(parentTab.getAttribute(this.kID)) < 0) continue; dontCollapse = false; break; } while (parentTab = this.getParentTab(parentTab)); } } if (!dontCollapse) this.collapseExpandSubtree(collapseTab, true); } this.collapseExpandSubtree(aTab, false); }, collapseExpandAllSubtree : function(aCollapse) { var xpathResult = this.evaluateXPath( 'child::xul:tab[@'+this.kID+' and @'+this.kCHILDREN+ ( aCollapse ? ' and not(@'+this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED+'="true")' : ' and @'+this.kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED+'="true"' )+ ']', this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer ); for (var i = 0, maxi = xpathResult.snapshotLength; i < maxi; i++) { this.collapseExpandSubtree(xpathResult.snapshotItem(i), aCollapse); } }, /* scroll */ scrollTo : function(aEndX, aEndY) { if (this.getTreePref('tabbar.scroll.smooth')) { this.smoothScrollTo(aEndX, aEndY); } else { try { this.scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(aEndX, aEndY); } catch(e) { } } }, smoothScrollTo : function(aEndX, aEndY) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; if (this.smoothScrollTimer) { window.clearInterval(this.smoothScrollTimer); this.smoothScrollTimer = null; } var scrollBoxObject = this.scrollBoxObject; var x = {}, y = {}; scrollBoxObject.getPosition(x, y); this.smoothScrollTimer = window.setInterval( this.smoothScrollToCallback, 10, this, x.value, y.value, aEndX, aEndY,, this.getTreePref('tabbar.scroll.timeout') ); }, smoothScrollToCallback : function(aSelf, aStartX, aStartY, aEndX, aEndY, aStartTime, aTimeout) { var past = - aStartTime; var newX = aStartX + parseInt( (aEndX - aStartX) * (past / aTimeout) ); var newY = aStartY + parseInt( (aEndY - aStartY) * (past / aTimeout) ); var scrollBoxObject = aSelf.scrollBoxObject; var x = {}, y = {}; scrollBoxObject.getPosition(x, y); var w = {}, h = {}; scrollBoxObject.getScrolledSize(w, h); var maxX = Math.max(0, w.value - scrollBoxObject.width); var maxY = Math.max(0, h.value - scrollBoxObject.height); if ( (past > aTimeout) || ( ( aEndX - aStartX > 0 ? x.value >= Math.min(aEndX, maxX) : x.value <= Math.min(aEndX, maxX) ) && ( aEndY - aStartY > 0 ? y.value >= Math.min(aEndY, maxY) : y.value <= Math.min(aEndY, maxY) ) ) ) { if (aSelf.smoothScrollTimer) { window.clearInterval(aSelf.smoothScrollTimer); aSelf.smoothScrollTimer = null; } return; } scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(newX, newY); }, scrollToTab : function(aTab) { if (!aTab || this.isTabInViewport(aTab)) return; var b = this.mTabBrowser; var scrollBoxObject = this.scrollBoxObject; var w = {}, h = {}; try { scrollBoxObject.getScrolledSize(w, h); } catch(e) { // Tab Mix Plus return; } var targetTabBox = aTab.boxObject; var baseTabBox = aTab.parentNode.firstChild.boxObject; var targetX = (aTab.boxObject.screenX < scrollBoxObject.screenX) ? (targetTabBox.screenX - baseTabBox.screenX) - (targetTabBox.width * 0.5) : (targetTabBox.screenX - baseTabBox.screenX) - scrollBoxObject.width + (targetTabBox.width * 1.5) ; var targetY = (aTab.boxObject.screenY < scrollBoxObject.screenY) ? (targetTabBox.screenY - baseTabBox.screenY) - (targetTabBox.height * 0.5) : (targetTabBox.screenY - baseTabBox.screenY) - scrollBoxObject.height + (targetTabBox.height * 1.5) ; this.scrollTo(targetX, targetY); }, scrollToTabSubTree : function(aTab) { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var descendant = this.getDescendantTabs(aTab); var lastVisible = aTab; for (var i = descendant.length-1; i > -1; i--) { if (descendant[i].getAttribute(this.kCOLLAPSED) == 'true') continue; lastVisible = descendant[i]; break; } if (this.isTabInViewport(aTab) && this.isTabInViewport(lastVisible)) { return; } var containerPosition = b.mStrip.boxObject[this.positionProp]; var containerSize = b.mStrip.boxObject[this.sizeProp]; var parentPosition = aTab.boxObject[this.positionProp]; var lastPosition = lastVisible.boxObject[this.positionProp]; var tabSize = lastVisible.boxObject[this.sizeProp]; if (lastPosition - parentPosition + tabSize > containerSize - tabSize) { // out of screen var endPos = parentPosition - this.getFirstTab(b).boxObject[this.positionProp] - tabSize * 0.5; var endX = this.isVertical ? 0 : endPos ; var endY = this.isVertical ? endPos : 0 ; this.scrollTo(endX, endY); } else if (!this.isTabInViewport(aTab) && this.isTabInViewport(lastVisible)) { this.scrollToTab(aTab); } else if (this.isTabInViewport(aTab) && !this.isTabInViewport(lastVisible)) { this.scrollToTab(lastVisible); } else if (parentPosition < containerPosition) { this.scrollToTab(aTab); } else { this.scrollToTab(lastVisible); } }, /* show/hide tab bar */ tabbarShown : true, tabbarExpanded : true, get tabbarWidth() { if (this.autoHideShown) { this._tabbarWidth = this.mTabBrowser.mStrip.boxObject.width; } return this._tabbarWidth; }, set tabbarWidth(aNewWidth) { this._tabbarWidth = aNewWidth; return this._tabbarWidth; }, _tabbarWidth : 0, get splitterWidth() { if (this.tabbarShown) { var splitter = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.mTabBrowser, 'class', this.kSPLITTER); this._splitterWidth = (splitter ? splitter.boxObject.width : 0 ); } return this._splitterWidth; }, set splitterWidth(aNewWidth) { this._splitterWidth = aNewWidth; return this._splitterWidth; }, _splitterWidth : 0, get tabbarHeight() { if (this.tabbarShown) { this._tabbarHeight = this.mTabBrowser.mStrip.boxObject.height; } return this._tabbarHeight; }, set tabbarHeight(aNewHeight) { this._tabbarHeight = aNewHeight; return this._tabbarHeight; }, _tabbarHeight : 0, get autoHideShown() { switch (this.autoHideMode) { case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_HIDE: return this.tabbarShown; default: case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK: return this.tabbarExpanded; } }, set autoHideShown(aValue) { switch (this.autoHideMode) { case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_HIDE: this.tabbarShown = aValue; break; default: case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK: this.tabbarExpanded = aValue; break; } return aValue; }, get autoHideXOffset() { switch (this.autoHideMode) { case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_HIDE: return this.tabbarWidth + this.splitterWidth; break; default: case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK: return this.getTreePref('tabbar.width') - this.getTreePref('tabbar.shrunkenWidth'); break; } }, get autoHideYOffset() { return this.tabbarHeight; }, get autoHideMode() { return TreeStyleTabService.autoHideMode; }, set autoHideMode(aValue) { TreeStyleTabService.autoHideMode = aValue; return aValue; }, showHideTabbarInternal : function(aReason) {; var b = this.mTabBrowser; var pos = this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); if (this.autoHideShown) { // to be hidden or shrunken this.tabbarHeight = b.mStrip.boxObject.height; this.tabbarWidth = b.mStrip.boxObject.width; var splitter = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(b, 'class', this.kSPLITTER); this.splitterWidth = (splitter ? splitter.boxObject.width : 0 ); = 0; switch (this.autoHideMode) { case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_HIDE: b.setAttribute(this.kAUTOHIDE, 'hidden'); break; default: case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK: b.setAttribute(this.kAUTOHIDE, 'show'); if (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right') b.mStrip.width = this.getTreePref('tabbar.shrunkenWidth'); break; } this.showHideTabbarReason = aReason || this.kSHOWN_BY_UNKNOWN; this.autoHideShown = false; } else { // to be shown or expanded switch (b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION)) { case 'left': = '-'+this.autoHideXOffset+'px'; break; case 'right': = '-'+this.autoHideXOffset+'px'; break; case 'bottom': = '-'+this.autoHideYOffset+'px'; break; default: = '-'+this.autoHideYOffset+'px'; break; } if (this.isGecko18) b.setAttribute(this.kAUTOHIDE, 'show'); switch (this.autoHideMode) { case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_HIDE: break; default: case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK: if (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right') b.mStrip.width = this.getTreePref('tabbar.width'); break; } this.showHideTabbarReason = aReason || this.kSHOWN_BY_UNKNOWN; this.autoHideShown = true; } window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { if ( aSelf.autoHideShown && ( aSelf.autoHideMode == aSelf.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK || !aSelf.isGecko18 ) ) { b.setAttribute(aSelf.kAUTOHIDE, 'show'); aSelf.redrawContentArea(); } aSelf.checkTabsIndentOverflow(); aSelf.redrawContentArea(); fullScreenCanvas.hide(); var event = document.createEvent('Events'); event.initEvent('TreeStyleTabAutoHideStateChange', true, true); event.shown = aSelf.autoHideShown; event.xOffset = aSelf.autoHideXOffset; event.yOffset = aSelf.autoHideYOffset; aSelf.mTabBrowser.dispatchEvent(event); }, 0, this); }, showHideTabbarReason : 0, showTabbar : function(aReason) { if (!this.autoHideShown) this.showHideTabbarInternal(aReason); }, hideTabbar : function(aReason) { if (this.autoHideShown) this.showHideTabbarInternal(aReason); }, redrawContentArea : function() { var pos = this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); try { var v = this.mTabBrowser.markupDocumentViewer; if (this.autoHideShown) { v.move( ( !this.autoHideShown ? 0 : pos == 'left' ? -this.autoHideXOffset : pos == 'right' ? this.autoHideXOffset : 0 ), ( !this.autoHideShown ? 0 : pos == 'top' ? -this.autoHideYOffset : pos == 'bottom' ? this.autoHideYOffset : 0 ) ); if (this.mTabBrowser.hasAttribute(this.kTRANSPARENT) && this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTRANSPARENT) != this.kTRANSPARENT_STYLE[this.kTRANSPARENT_NONE]) this.drawTabbarCanvas(); else this.clearTabbarCanvas(); } else { v.move(window.outerWidth,window.outerHeight); v.move(0,0); this.clearTabbarCanvas(); } } catch(e) { } }, drawTabbarCanvas : function() { if (!this.tabbarCanvas || this.tabbarResizing) return; var pos = this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); var frame = this.mTabBrowser.contentWindow; var tabContainerBox = this.mTabBrowser.mTabContainer.boxObject; var browserBox = this.mTabBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject; var contentBox = frame.document.getBoxObjectFor(frame.document.documentElement); var zoom = this.getZoomForFrame(frame); var x = (pos == 'right') ? browserBox.width - this.autoHideXOffset : 0 ; var y = (pos == 'bottom') ? browserBox.height - this.autoHideYOffset : 0 ; var xOffset = (zoom == 1 && (pos == 'top' || pos == 'bottom')) ? contentBox.screenX + frame.scrollX - browserBox.screenX : 0 ; var yOffset = (zoom == 1 && (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right')) ? contentBox.screenY + frame.scrollY - browserBox.screenY : 0 ; // zero width (heigh) canvas becomes wrongly size!! var w = Math.max(1, (tabContainerBox.width - xOffset)); var h = Math.max(1, (tabContainerBox.height - yOffset)); = 'inline'; = (yOffset || 0)+'px 0 0 '+(xOffset || 0)+'px'; = (this.tabbarCanvas.width = w)+'px'; = (this.tabbarCanvas.height = h)+'px'; var ctx = this.tabbarCanvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);; if (this.autoHideMode == this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK) { var offset = this.getTreePref('tabbar.shrunkenWidth') + this.splitterWidth; if (pos == 'left') ctx.translate(offset, 0); else x += this.splitterWidth; w -= offset; } ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right') { ctx.fillStyle = this.splitterBorderColor; ctx.fillRect((pos == 'left' ? -1 : w+1 ), 0, 1, h); }; ctx.scale(zoom, zoom); ctx.drawWindow( frame, (x / zoom)+frame.scrollX, (y / zoom)+frame.scrollY, w / zoom, h / zoom, '-moz-field' ); ctx.restore(); if (this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTRANSPARENT) != this.kTRANSPARENT_STYLE[this.kTRANSPARENT_FULL]) { var alpha = Number(this.getTreePref('tabbar.transparent.partialTransparency')); if (isNaN(alpha)) alpha = 0.25; ctx.globalAlpha = alpha; ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); } ctx.restore(); }, get splitterBorderColor() { var borderNode = this.getTreePref('tabbar.fixed') ? this.mTabBrowser.mStrip : document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.mTabBrowser, 'class', this.kSPLITTER) ; var pos = this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); var prop = pos == 'left' ? 'right' : pos == 'right' ? 'left' : pos == 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top' ; var borderColor = window.getComputedStyle(borderNode, null).getPropertyValue('-moz-border-'+prop+'-colors'); if (borderColor == 'none') borderRight = window.getComputedStyle(borderNode, null).getPropertyValue('border-'+prop+'-color'); /rgba?\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)(,.*)?\)/.test(borderColor); return 'rgb('+[ parseInt(parseInt(RegExp.$1) * 0.8), parseInt(parseInt(RegExp.$2) * 0.8), parseInt(parseInt(RegExp.$3) * 0.8) ].join(',')+')'; }, getZoomForFrame : function(aFrame) { if (!this.getPref('browser.zoom.full')) return 1; return aFrame .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell) .contentViewer .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMarkupDocumentViewer) .fullZoom; }, clearTabbarCanvas : function() { if (!this.tabbarCanvas) return; = 'none'; = 0; // zero width (heigh) canvas becomes wrongly size!! = = '1px'; this.tabbarCanvas.width = this.tabbarCanvas.height = 1; }, updateTabbarTransparency : function() { var pos = this.mTabBrowser.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); var style = this.kTRANSPARENT_STYLE[ Math.max( this.kTRANSPARENT_NONE, Math.min( this.kTRANSPARENT_FULL, this.getTreePref('') ) ) ]; if (pos != 'top' && this.autoHideMode != this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_DISABLED && style != this.kTRANSPARENT_STYLE[this.kTRANSPARENT_NONE]) this.mTabBrowser.setAttribute(this.kTRANSPARENT, style); else this.mTabBrowser.removeAttribute(this.kTRANSPARENT); }, /* auto hide */ autoHideEnabled : false, get sensitiveArea() { var b = this.mTabBrowser; var area = Math.abs(this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.area')); var pos = b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); switch (this.autoHideMode) { case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_HIDE: if (!this.tabbarShown && this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.expandArea')) area += (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right') ? this.autoHideXOffset + this.splitterWidth : this.autoHideYOffset ; break; default: case this.kAUTOHIDE_MODE_SHRINK: if (pos == 'left' || pos == 'right') { if (!this.tabbarExpanded) area = b.mStrip.boxObject.width - area; } break; } return area; }, startAutoHide : function() { if (this.autoHideEnabled) return; this.autoHideEnabled = true; this.mTabBrowser.addEventListener('mousedown', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.addEventListener('mouseup', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.addEventListener('resize', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.addEventListener('load', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener('scroll', this, true); if (this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoShow.mousemove')) this.startListenMouseMove(); this.clearTabbarCanvas(); this.updateTabbarTransparency(); this.tabbarShown = true; this.tabbarExpanded = true; this.showHideTabbarInternal(); }, endAutoHide : function() { if (!this.autoHideEnabled) return; this.autoHideEnabled = false; if (!this.autoHideShown) this.showHideTabbarInternal(); this.mTabBrowser.removeEventListener('mousedown', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.removeEventListener('mouseup', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.removeEventListener('resize', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.removeEventListener('load', this, true); this.mTabBrowser.mPanelContainer.removeEventListener('scroll', this, true); this.endListenMouseMove(); this.clearTabbarCanvas(); this.updateTabbarTransparency(); = 0; this.mTabBrowser.removeAttribute(this.kAUTOHIDE); this.mTabBrowser.removeAttribute(this.kTRANSPARENT); this.tabbarShown = true; this.tabbarExpanded = true; }, startListenMouseMove : function() { if (this.mouseMoveListening) return; this.mTabBrowser.addEventListener('mousemove', this, true); this.mouseMoveListening = true; }, endListenMouseMove : function() { if (!this.mouseMoveListening) return; this.mTabBrowser.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, true); this.mouseMoveListening = false; }, mouseMoveListening : false, showHideTabbarOnMousemove : function(aEvent) { if ('gestureInProgress' in window && window.gestureInProgress) return; this.cancelShowHideTabbarOnMousemove(); var b = this.mTabBrowser; var pos = b.getAttribute(this.kTABBAR_POSITION); if ( ( !this.autoHideShown || this.showHideTabbarReason == this.kSHOWN_BY_FEEDBACK ) && ( pos == 'left' ? (aEvent.screenX <= b.boxObject.screenX + this.sensitiveArea) : pos == 'right' ? (aEvent.screenX >= b.boxObject.screenX + b.boxObject.width - this.sensitiveArea) : pos == 'bottom' ? (aEvent.screenY >= b.boxObject.screenY + b.boxObject.height - this.sensitiveArea) : (aEvent.screenY <= b.boxObject.screenY + this.sensitiveArea) )) this.showHideTabbarOnMousemoveTimer = window.setTimeout( function(aSelf) { if (aSelf.showHideTabbarReason == aSelf.kSHOWN_BY_FEEDBACK) { aSelf.showHideTabbarReason = aSelf.kSHOWN_BY_MOUSEMOVE; aSelf.cancelHideTabbarForFeedback(); } else aSelf.showTabbar(aSelf.kSHOWN_BY_MOUSEMOVE); }, this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.delay'), this ); if (this.autoHideShown && ( pos == 'left' ? (aEvent.screenX > b.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenX + this.sensitiveArea) : pos == 'right' ? (aEvent.screenX < b.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenX + b.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.width - this.sensitiveArea) : pos == 'bottom' ? (aEvent.screenY < b.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenY + b.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.height - this.sensitiveArea) : (aEvent.screenY > b.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenY + this.sensitiveArea) )) this.showHideTabbarOnMousemoveTimer = window.setTimeout( function(aSelf) { if (aSelf.showHideTabbarReason == aSelf.kSHOWN_BY_MOUSEMOVE) aSelf.hideTabbar(aSelf.kSHOWN_BY_MOUSEMOVE); }, this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.delay'), this ); }, showHideTabbarOnMousemoveTimer : null, cancelShowHideTabbarOnMousemove : function() { if (this.showHideTabbarOnMousemoveTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.showHideTabbarOnMousemoveTimer); this.showHideTabbarOnMousemoveTimer = null; } }, showTabbarForFeedback : function() { if (!this.autoHideEnabled || !this.getTreePref('')) return; if (this.delayedShowTabbarForFeedbackTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.delayedShowTabbarForFeedbackTimer); this.delayedShowTabbarForFeedbackTimer = null; } this.cancelHideTabbarForFeedback(); this.delayedShowTabbarForFeedbackTimer = window.setTimeout( function(aSelf) { aSelf.delayedShowTabbarForFeedbackTimer = null; aSelf.delayedShowTabbarForFeedback(); }, 100, this ); }, delayedShowTabbarForFeedback : function() { this.showTabbar(this.kSHOWN_BY_FEEDBACK); this.cancelHideTabbarForFeedback(); this.delayedHideTabbarForFeedbackTimer = window.setTimeout( function(aSelf) { aSelf.delayedHideTabbarForFeedbackTimer = null; if (aSelf.showHideTabbarReason == aSelf.kSHOWN_BY_FEEDBACK) aSelf.hideTabbar(); }, this.getTreePref(''), this ); }, cancelHideTabbarForFeedback : function() { if (this.delayedHideTabbarForFeedbackTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.delayedHideTabbarForFeedbackTimer); this.delayedHideTabbarForFeedbackTimer = null; } } }; TreeStyleTabBrowser.prototype.__proto__ = TreeStyleTabService;