/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Tree Style Tab. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010-2013 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['TreeStyleTabConstants']; const TreeStyleTabConstants = Object.freeze({ /* attributes */ kID : 'treestyletab-id', kCHILDREN : 'treestyletab-children', kPARENT : 'treestyletab-parent', kANCESTOR : 'treestyletab-ancestors', kNEST : 'treestyletab-nest', kINSERT_BEFORE : 'treestyletab-insert-before', kINSERT_AFTER : 'treestyletab-insert-after', kCLOSED_SET_ID : 'treestyletab-closed-set-id', kID_NEW : 'treestyletab-id-new', kID_RESTORING : 'treestyletab-id-restoring', kCHILDREN_RESTORING : 'treestyletab-children-restoring', kSUBTREE_COLLAPSED : 'treestyletab-subtree-collapsed', kSUBTREE_EXPANDED_MANUALLY : 'treestyletab-subtree-expanded-manually', kCOLLAPSED : 'treestyletab-collapsed', kCOLLAPSED_DONE : 'treestyletab-collapsed-done', kCOLLAPSING_PHASE : 'treestyletab-collapsing-phase', kCOLLAPSING_PHASE_TO_BE_COLLAPSED : 'collapse', kCOLLAPSING_PHASE_TO_BE_EXPANDED : 'expand', kALLOW_COLLAPSE : 'treestyletab-allow-subtree-collapse', kALLOW_STACK : 'treestyletab-stack-collapsed-tabs', kREMOVED : 'treestyletab-removed', kX_OFFSET : 'treestyletab-x-offset', kY_OFFSET : 'treestyletab-y-offset', kTABBAR_POSITION : 'treestyletab-tabbar-position', kMODE : 'treestyletab-mode', kHIDE_NEWTAB : 'treestyletab-hide-newtab-button', kSTYLE : 'treestyletab-style', kFIRSTTAB_BORDER : 'treestyletab-firsttab-border', kFIXED : 'treestyletab-tabbar-fixed', kRESIZING : 'treestyletab-tabbar-resizing', kINDENTED : 'treestyletab-tabs-indented', kMAX_LEVEL : 'treestyletab-max-tree-level', kPRINT_PREVIEW : 'treestyletab-print-preview', kANIMATION_ENABLED : 'treestyletab-animation-enabled', kINVERT_SCROLLBAR : 'treestyletab-invert-scrollbar', kNARROW_SCROLLBAR : 'treestyletab-narrow-scrollbar', kFAVICONIZED : 'treestyletab-faviconized', kBG_NOTIFY_PHASE : 'treestyletab-notifybgtab-phase', kIGNORE_POPUP_STATE : 'treestyletab-ignore-state', kDOM_FULLSCREEN_ACTIVATED : 'treestyletab-dom-fullscreen-activated', kTAB_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-tab-inverted', kTAB_CONTENTS_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-tab-contents-inverted', kCLOSEBOX_INVERTED : 'treestyletab-closebox-inverted', kTWISTY_HOVER : 'treestyletab-twisty-hover', kTWISTY_STYLE : 'treestyletab-twisty-style', kDROP_POSITION : 'treestyletab-drop-position', kDRAG_TYPE_TABBAR : 'application/x-moz-treestyletab-tabbrowser-tabbar', kDROP_POSITION_UNKNOWN : 'unknown', kTABBAR_MOVE_FORCE : 'force', kTABBAR_MOVE_NORMAL : 'normal', /* classes */ kTWISTY : 'treestyletab-twisty', kCOUNTER : 'treestyletab-counter', kCOUNTER_CONTAINER : 'treestyletab-counter-container', kCOUNTER_PAREN : 'treestyletab-counter-paren', kSPLITTER : 'treestyletab-splitter', kTABBAR_TOGGLER : 'treestyletab-tabbar-toggler', kTABBAR_PLACEHOLDER : 'treestyletab-tabbar-placeholder', kTABBAR_TOOLBAR : 'treestyletab-tabbar-toolbar', kTABBAR_TOOLBAR_READY : 'treestyletab-tabbar-toolbar-ready', kTABBAR_TOOLBAR_READY_POPUP : 'treestyletab-tabbar-toolbar-ready-popup', /* event types, topics */ kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_KEY_DOWN : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabFocusSwitchingKeyDown', kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_START : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabFocusSwitchingStart', kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_END : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabFocusSwitchingEnd', kTAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_SCROLL_DOWN : (1 << 0), kTAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_SCROLL_UP : (1 << 1), kTAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_STAND_BY : (1 << 2), kTAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_ONLY_SHIFT_KEY : (1 << 3), kEVENT_TYPE_SUBTREE_CLOSING : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabSubtreeClosing', kEVENT_TYPE_SUBTREE_CLOSED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabSubtreeClosed', kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_COLLAPSED_STATE_CHANGED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabCollapsedStateChange', kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_INITIALIZED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabTabbarInitialized', kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_POSITION_CHANGING : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabTabbarPositionChanging', kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_POSITION_CHANGED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabTabbarPositionChanged', kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_STATE_CHANGING : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabTabbarStateChanging', kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_STATE_CHANGED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabTabbarStateChanged', kEVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_NEXT_TAB : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabFocusNextTab', kEVENT_TYPE_ATTACHED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabAttached', kEVENT_TYPE_DETACHED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabParted', kEVENT_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW_ENTERED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabPrintPreviewEntered', kEVENT_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW_EXITED : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabPrintPreviewExited', kEVENT_TYPE_AUTO_HIDE_STATE_CHANGING : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabAutoHideStateChanging', kEVENT_TYPE_AUTO_HIDE_STATE_CHANGE : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabAutoHideStateChange', kEVENT_TYPE_BEFORE_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZATION : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabBeforeToolbarCustomization', kEVENT_TYPE_AFTER_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZATION : 'nsDOMTreeStyleTabAfterToolbarCustomization', kTOPIC_INDENT_MODIFIED : 'TreeStyleTab:indentModified', kTOPIC_COLLAPSE_EXPAND_ALL : 'TreeStyleTab:collapseExpandAllSubtree', kTOPIC_CHANGE_TREEVIEW_AVAILABILITY : 'TreeStyleTab:changeTreeViewAvailability', /* other constant values */ kFOCUS_ALL : 0, kFOCUS_VISIBLE : 1, kDROP_BEFORE : -1, kDROP_ON : 0, kDROP_AFTER : 1, kACTION_MOVE : 1 << 0, kACTION_STAY : 1 << 1, kACTION_DUPLICATE : 1 << 2, kACTION_IMPORT : 1 << 3, kACTION_NEWTAB : 1 << 4, kACTION_ATTACH : 1 << 10, kACTION_PART : 1 << 11, kACTIONS_FOR_SOURCE : (1 << 0) | (1 << 1), kACTIONS_FOR_DESTINATION : (1 << 2) | (1 << 3), kTABBAR_TOP : 1 << 0, kTABBAR_BOTTOM : 1 << 1, kTABBAR_LEFT : 1 << 2, kTABBAR_RIGHT : 1 << 3, kTABBAR_HORIZONTAL : (1 << 0) | (1 << 1), kTABBAR_VERTICAL : (1 << 2) | (1 << 3), kTABBAR_REGULAR : (1 << 0) | (1 << 2), kTABBAR_INVERTED : (1 << 3) | (1 << 4), kINSERT_FISRT : 0, kINSERT_LAST : 1, kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_UNKNOWN_REASON : (1 << 0), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_RESET : (1 << 1), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_PREF_CHANGE : (1 << 2), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_APPEARANCE_CHANGE : (1 << 3), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_SHOWHIDE_TABBAR : (1 << 4), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_TABBAR_RESIZE : (1 << 5), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_WINDOW_RESIZE : (1 << 6), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_FULLSCREEN : (1 << 7), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_PRIVATE_BROWSING : (1 << 8), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_AUTOHIDE : (1 << 9), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_INITIALIZE : (1 << 10), kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_TOGGLE_SIDEBAR : (1 << 11), kTABBAR_UPDATE_NOW : (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10), kTABBAR_UPDATE_SYNC_TO_TABBAR : (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9), kTABBAR_UPDATE_SYNC_TO_PLACEHOLDER : (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11), kCLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_PROMOTE_FIRST_CHILD : 3, kCLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_PROMOTE_ALL_CHILDREN : 0, kCLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_DETACH_ALL_CHILDREN : 1, kCLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_SIMPLY_DETACH_ALL_CHILDREN : 4, kCLOSE_PARENT_BEHAVIOR_CLOSE_ALL_CHILDREN : 2, // onTabRemoved only kRESTORE_TREE_LEVEL_NONE : 0, kRESTORE_TREE_ONLY_VISIBLE : 1, kRESTORE_TREE_ALL : 2, kCOUNTER_ROLE_ALL_TABS : 1, kCOUNTER_ROLE_CONTAINED_TABS : 2, MAX_TABBAR_SIZE_RATIO : 0.8, DEFAULT_SHRUNKEN_WIDTH_RATIO : 0.67, MIN_TABBAR_WIDTH : 24, MIN_TABBAR_HEIGHT : 24 });