/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Tree Style Tab. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2012 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ******/ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['TreeStyleTabWindow']; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/base.js'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'TreeStyleTabBrowser', function() { var ns = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/browser.js', ns); return ns.TreeStyleTabBrowser; }); function TreeStyleTabWindow(aWindow) { this.window = aWindow; this.document = aWindow.document; this._restoringTabs = []; this._shownPopups = []; this.restoringCount = 0; aWindow.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this, true); aWindow.addEventListener('load', this, false); aWindow.TreeStyleTabService = this; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(aWindow, 'TreeStyleTabBrowser', function() { var ns = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/browser.js', ns); return ns.TreeStyleTabBrowser; }); } TreeStyleTabWindow.prototype = { utils : TreeStyleTabBase, __proto__ : TreeStyleTabBase, window : null, document : null, get MutationObserver() { return this.window.MutationObserver || this.window.MozMutationObserver; }, /* API */ changeTabbarPosition : function TSTWindow_changeTabbarPosition(aNewPosition) /* PUBLIC API (obsolete, for backward compatibility) */ { this.position = aNewPosition; }, get position() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.preInitialized && this.browser.treeStyleTab ? this.browser.treeStyleTab.position : this.utils.position ; }, set position(aValue) { if ('UndoTabService' in this.window && this.window.UndoTabService.isUndoable()) { var current = this.utils.position; var self = this; this.window.UndoTabService.doOperation( function() { self.utils.position = aValue; }, { label : self.treeBundle.getString('undo_changeTabbarPosition_label'), name : 'treestyletab-changeTabbarPosition', data : { oldPosition : current, newPosition : aValue } } ); } else { this.utils.position = aValue; } return aValue; }, undoChangeTabbarPosition : function TSTWindow_undoChangeTabbarPosition() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.utils.undoChangeTabbarPosition(); }, redoChangeTabbarPosition : function TSTWindow_redoChangeTabbarPosition() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.utils.redoChangeTabbarPosition(); }, get treeViewEnabled() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.utils.treeViewEnabled; }, set treeViewEnabled(aValue) { return this.utils.treeViewEnabled = aValue; }, get useTMPSessionAPI() /* PUBLIC API */ { return this.utils.useTMPSessionAPI; }, set useTMPSessionAPI(aValue) { return this.utils.useTMPSessionAPI = aValue; }, get browser() { var w = this.window; this.assertBeforeDestruction(w); return 'SplitBrowser' in w ? w.SplitBrowser.activeBrowser : w.gBrowser ; }, get browserBottomBox() { return this.document.getElementById('browser-bottombox'); }, get isPopupWindow() { return this.document && this.document.documentElement.getAttribute('chromehidden') != ''; }, /* backward compatibility */ getTempTreeStyleTab : function TSTWindow_getTempTreeStyleTab(aTabBrowser) { var namespace = {}; Components.utils.import( 'resource://treestyletab-modules/browser.js', namespace ); return aTabBrowser.treeStyleTab || new namespace.TreeStyleTabBrowser(this, aTabBrowser); }, initTabAttributes : function TSTWindow_initTabAttributes(aTab, aTabBrowser) { var b = aTabBrowser || this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); this.getTempTreeStyleTab(b).initTabAttributes(aTab); }, initTabContents : function TSTWindow_initTabContents(aTab, aTabBrowser) { var b = aTabBrowser || this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); this.getTempTreeStyleTab(b).initTabContents(aTab); }, initTabContentsOrder : function TSTWindow_initTabContentsOrder(aTab, aTabBrowser) { var b = aTabBrowser || this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); this.getTempTreeStyleTab(b).initTabContentsOrder(aTab); }, /* Utilities */ stopRendering : function TSTWindow_stopRendering() { this.window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].stopRendering.stop(); }, startRendering : function TSTWindow_startRendering() { this.window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].stopRendering.start(); }, getPropertyPixelValue : function TSTWindow_getPropertyPixelValue(aElementOrStyle, aProp) { var style = aElementOrStyle instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration ? aElementOrStyle : this.window.getComputedStyle(aElementOrStyle, null) ; return Number(style.getPropertyValue(aProp).replace(/px$/, '')); }, get isToolbarCustomizing() { var w = this.window; var toolbox = w.gToolbox || w.gNavToolbox; return toolbox && toolbox.customizing; }, get maximized() { var sizemode = this.document.documentElement.getAttribute('sizemode'); return ( this.window.fullScreen || this.window.windowState == this.window.STATE_MAXIMIZED || sizemode == 'maximized' || sizemode == 'fullscreen' ); }, maxTabbarWidth : function TSTWindow_maxTabbarWidth(aWidth, aTabBrowser) { aTabBrowser = aTabBrowser || this.browser; var safePadding = 20; // for window border, etc. var windowWidth = this.maximized ? this.window.screen.availWidth - safePadding : this.window.outerWidth ; var rootWidth = parseInt(this.document.documentElement.getAttribute('width') || 0); var max = Math.max(windowWidth, rootWidth); return Math.max(0, Math.min(aWidth, max * this.MAX_TABBAR_SIZE_RATIO)); }, maxTabbarHeight : function TSTWindow_maxTabbarHeight(aHeight, aTabBrowser) { aTabBrowser = aTabBrowser || this.browser; var safePadding = 20; // for window border, etc. var windowHeight = this.maximized ? this.window.screen.availHeight - safePadding : this.window.outerHeight ; var rootHeight = parseInt(this.document.documentElement.getAttribute('height') || 0); var max = Math.max(windowHeight, rootHeight); return Math.max(0, Math.min(aHeight, max * this.MAX_TABBAR_SIZE_RATIO)); }, shouldOpenSearchResultAsChild : function TSTWindow_shouldOpenSearchResultAsChild(aTerm) { aTerm = aTerm.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); var mode = this.getTreePref('autoAttach.searchResult'); if (mode == this.kSEARCH_RESULT_ATTACH_ALWAYS) { return true; } else if (!aTerm || mode == this.kSEARCH_RESULT_DO_NOT_ATTACH) { return false; } var w = this.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (!w || w.top != this.browser.contentWindow) w = this.browser.contentWindow; return (function(aWindow) { if (!aWindow || !(aWindow instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow)) return false; var selection = aWindow.getSelection(); if (selection && selection.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') == aTerm) return true; return aWindow.frames ? Array.slice(aWindow.frames).some(arguments.callee) : false ; })(w); }, kSEARCH_RESULT_DO_NOT_ATTACH : 0, kSEARCH_RESULT_ATTACH_IF_SELECTED : 1, kSEARCH_RESULT_ATTACH_ALWAYS : 2, get isAutoHide() { return this.window.fullScreen ? ( this.getPref('browser.fullscreen.autohide') && this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.mode.fullscreen') ) : this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.mode'); }, get autoHideWindow() { if (!this._autoHideWindow) { let ns = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/autoHide.js', ns); this._autoHideWindow = new ns.AutoHideWindow(this.window); } return this._autoHideWindow; }, get themeManager() { if (!this._themeManager) { let ns = {}; Components.utils.import('resource://treestyletab-modules/themeManager.js', ns); this._themeManager = new ns.TreeStyleTabThemeManager(this.window); } return this._themeManager; }, /* Initializing */ preInit : function TSTWindow_preInit() { if (this.preInitialized) return; this.preInitialized = true; var w = this.window; w.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this, true); if (w.location.href.indexOf('chrome://browser/content/browser.xul') != 0) return; w.addEventListener('SSTabRestoring', this, true); w.TreeStyleTabWindowHelper.preInit(); // initialize theme this.onPrefChange('extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.style'); }, preInitialized : false, init : function TSTWindow_init() { var w = this.window; w.removeEventListener('load', this, false); w.addEventListener('unload', this, false); if ( w.location.href.indexOf('chrome://browser/content/browser.xul') != 0 || !this.browser ) return; if (this.initialized) return; if (!this.preInitialized) { this.preInit(); } w.removeEventListener('SSTabRestoring', this, true); var d = this.document; d.addEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); d.addEventListener('popuphiding', this, true); d.addEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_COLLAPSED_STATE_CHANGED, this, false); d.addEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_POSITION_CHANGED, this, false); d.addEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_STATE_CHANGED, this, false); d.addEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_NEXT_TAB, this, false); if (this.MutationObserver) { this.browserBottomBoxObserver = new this.MutationObserver(this); this.browserBottomBoxObserver.observe(this.browserBottomBox, { childList : true }); this.initBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners(); } var appcontent = d.getElementById('appcontent'); appcontent.addEventListener('SubBrowserAdded', this, false); appcontent.addEventListener('SubBrowserRemoveRequest', this, false); w.addEventListener('UIOperationHistoryUndo:TabbarOperations', this, false); w.addEventListener('UIOperationHistoryRedo:TabbarOperations', this, false); this.addPrefListener(this); this.initUninstallationListener(); w.TreeStyleTabWindowHelper.onBeforeBrowserInit(); this.initTabBrowser(this.browser); w.TreeStyleTabWindowHelper.onAfterBrowserInit(); this.processRestoredTabs(); this.updateTabsOnTop(); // Init autohide service only if it have to be activated. if (this.isAutoHide) this.onPrefChange('extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoHide.mode'); this.onPrefChange('extensions.treestyletab.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect.whileFocusMovingByShortcut'); this.initialized = true; }, initialized : false, initUninstallationListener : function TSTWindow_initUninstallationListener() { var namespace = {}; Components.utils.import( 'resource://treestyletab-modules/lib/prefs.js', namespace ); var prefs = namespace.prefs; namespace = void(0); var self = this; var restorePrefs = function() { if (prefs.getPref('extensions.treestyletab.tabsOnTop.originalState')) { prefs.clearPref('extensions.treestyletab.tabsOnTop.originalState'); try { self.browser.treeStyleTab.position = 'top'; } catch(e) { } self.window.TabsOnTop.enabled = true; } if (!prefs) return; let restorePrefs = [ 'browser.tabs.loadFolderAndReplace', 'browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent', 'extensions.stm.tabBarMultiRows' // Super Tab Mode ]; for (let i = 0, maxi = pref.length; i < maxi; i++) { let pref = restorePrefs[i]; let backup = prefs.getPref(pref+'.backup'); if (backup === null) continue; prefs.setPref(pref+'.override', backup); // we have to set to ".override" pref, to avoid unexpectedly reset by the preference listener. prefs.clearPref(pref+'.backup'); } }; new this.window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].UninstallationListener({ id : 'treestyletab@piro.sakura.ne.jp', onuninstalled : restorePrefs, ondisabled : restorePrefs }); }, initTabBrowser : function TSTWindow_initTabBrowser(aTabBrowser) { if (aTabBrowser.localName != 'tabbrowser') return; var namespace = {}; Components.utils.import( 'resource://treestyletab-modules/browser.js', namespace ); (new namespace.TreeStyleTabBrowser(this, aTabBrowser)).init(); }, updateAllTabsButton : function TSTWindow_updateAllTabsButton(aTabBrowser) { var d = this.document; aTabBrowser = aTabBrowser || this.browser; var allTabsButton = d.getElementById('alltabs-button') || ( // Tab Mix Plus this.getTreePref('compatibility.TMP') && d.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aTabBrowser.mTabContainer, 'anonid', 'alltabs-button') ); if (allTabsButton && allTabsButton.hasChildNodes() && aTabBrowser.treeStyleTab) allTabsButton.firstChild.setAttribute('position', aTabBrowser.treeStyleTab.isVertical ? 'before_start' : 'after_end' ); }, updateAllTabsPopup : function TSTWindow_updateAllTabsPopup(aEvent) { if (!this.getTreePref('enableSubtreeIndent.allTabsPopup')) return; var items = Array.slice(aEvent.originalTarget.childNodes); var firstItemIndex = 0; // ignore menu items inserted by Weave (Firefox Sync), Tab Utilities, and others. for (let i = 0, maxi = items.length; i < maxi; i++) { let item = items[i]; if ( item.getAttribute('anonid') || item.id || item.hidden || item.localName != 'menuitem' ) firstItemIndex = i + 1; } items = items.slice(firstItemIndex); var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aEvent.originalTarget) || this.browser; var tabs = this.getTabs(b); for (let i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { items[i].style.marginLeft = tabs[i].getAttribute(this.kNEST)+'em'; } }, initBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners : function TSTWindow_initBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners() { Array.forEach(this.browserBottomBox.childNodes, function(aChild) { var observer = aChild.__treestyletab__attributeObserver; if (!observer) { observer = new this.MutationObserver(this); observer.observe(aChild, { attributes : true }); aChild.__treestyletab__attributeObserver = observer; } }, this) }, destroy : function TSTWindow_destroy() { var w = this.window; if (this.browser) { this.utils.inWindowDestoructionProcess = true; try { w.removeEventListener('unload', this, false); this.autoHideWindow.destroy(); delete this._autoHideWindow; this.themeManager.destroy(); delete this._themeManager; this.browser.treeStyleTab.saveCurrentState(); this.destroyTabBrowser(this.browser); this.endListenKeyEventsFor(this.LISTEN_FOR_AUTOHIDE); this.endListenKeyEventsFor(this.LISTEN_FOR_AUTOEXPAND_BY_FOCUSCHANGE); let d = this.document; d.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); d.removeEventListener('popuphiding', this, true); d.removeEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_COLLAPSED_STATE_CHANGED, this, false); d.removeEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_POSITION_CHANGED, this, false); d.removeEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_STATE_CHANGED, this, false); d.removeEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_NEXT_TAB, this, false); if (this.browserBottomBoxObserver) { this.destroyBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners(); this.browserBottomBoxObserver.disconnect(); delete this.browserBottomBoxObserver; } for (let i = 0, maxi = this._tabFocusAllowance.length; i < maxi; i++) { w.removeEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_NEXT_TAB, this._tabFocusAllowance[i], false); } var appcontent = d.getElementById('appcontent'); appcontent.removeEventListener('SubBrowserAdded', this, false); appcontent.removeEventListener('SubBrowserRemoveRequest', this, false); w.removeEventListener('UIOperationHistoryUndo:TabbarOperations', this, false); w.removeEventListener('UIOperationHistoryRedo:TabbarOperations', this, false); this.removePrefListener(this); } catch(e) { throw e; } finally { this.utils.inWindowDestoructionProcess = false; } } delete w.TreeStyleTabService; delete this.window; delete this.document; }, destroyTabBrowser : function TSTWindow_destroyTabBrowser(aTabBrowser) { if (aTabBrowser.localName != 'tabbrowser') return; aTabBrowser.treeStyleTab.destroy(); delete aTabBrowser.treeStyleTab; }, destroyBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners : function TSTWindow_destroyBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners() { Array.forEach(this.browserBottomBox.childNodes, function(aChild) { var observer = aChild.__treestyletab__attributeObserver; if (observer) { observer.disconnect(); delete aChild.__treestyletab__attributeObserver; } }, this) }, /* Event Handling */ handleEvent : function TSTWindow_handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case 'DOMContentLoaded': return this.preInit(); case 'load': return this.init(); case 'unload': return this.destroy(); case 'SSTabRestoring': return this.onTabRestored(aEvent); case 'popupshowing': this.onPopupShown(aEvent.originalTarget); if ((aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute('anonid') || aEvent.originalTarget.id) == 'alltabs-popup') this.updateAllTabsPopup(aEvent); return; case 'popuphiding': return this.onPopupHidden(aEvent.originalTarget); case this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_COLLAPSED_STATE_CHANGED: return this.updateAeroPeekPreviews(); case this.kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_POSITION_CHANGED: case this.kEVENT_TYPE_TABBAR_STATE_CHANGED: return this.updateTabsOnTop(); case this.kEVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_NEXT_TAB: return this.onFocusNextTab(aEvent); case 'keydown': return this.onKeyDown(aEvent); case 'keyup': case 'keypress': return this.onKeyRelease(aEvent); case 'mousedown': return this.onTabbarResizeStart(aEvent); case 'mouseup': return this.onTabbarResizeEnd(aEvent); case 'mousemove': return this.onTabbarResizing(aEvent); case 'dblclick': return this.onTabbarReset(aEvent); case 'click': return this.handleNewTabActionOnButton(aEvent); case 'SubBrowserAdded': return this.initTabBrowser(aEvent.originalTarget.browser); case 'SubBrowserRemoveRequest': return this.destroyTabBrowser(aEvent.originalTarget.browser); case 'UIOperationHistoryUndo:TabbarOperations': switch (aEvent.entry.name) { case 'treestyletab-changeTabbarPosition': this.position = aEvent.entry.data.oldPosition; return; case 'treestyletab-changeTabbarPosition-private': aEvent.entry.data.target.treeStyleTab.position = aEvent.entry.data.oldPosition; return; } return; case 'UIOperationHistoryRedo:TabbarOperations': switch (aEvent.entry.name) { case 'treestyletab-changeTabbarPosition': this.position = aEvent.entry.data.newPosition; return; case 'treestyletab-changeTabbarPosition-private': aEvent.entry.data.target.treeStyleTab.position = aEvent.entry.data.newPosition; return; } return; } }, keyEventListening : false, keyEventListeningFlags : 0, LISTEN_FOR_AUTOHIDE : 1, LISTEN_FOR_AUTOEXPAND_BY_FOCUSCHANGE : 2, startListenKeyEventsFor : function TSTWindow_startListenKeyEventsFor(aReason) { if (this.keyEventListeningFlags & aReason) return; if (!this.keyEventListening) { let w = this.window; w.addEventListener('keydown', this, true); w.addEventListener('keyup', this, true); w.addEventListener('keypress', this, true); this.keyEventListening = true; } this.keyEventListeningFlags |= aReason; }, endListenKeyEventsFor : function TSTWindow_endListenKeyEventsFor(aReason) { if (!(this.keyEventListeningFlags & aReason)) return; this.keyEventListeningFlags ^= aReason; if (!this.keyEventListeningFlags && this.keyEventListening) { let w = this.window; w.removeEventListener('keydown', this, true); w.removeEventListener('keyup', this, true); w.removeEventListener('keypress', this, true); this.keyEventListening = false; } }, onKeyDown : function TSTWindow_onKeyDown(aEvent) { /** * On Mac OS X, default accel key is the Command key (metaKey), but * Cmd-Tab is used to switch applications by the OS itself. So Firefox * uses Ctrl-Tab to switch tabs on all platforms. */ // this.accelKeyPressed = this.isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent); this.accelKeyPressed = aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL; var left = aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT; var right = aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT; var up = aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP; var down = aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN; if ( this.FocusManager && this.FocusManager.focusedElement == this.browser.selectedTab && (up || down || left || right) ) this.arrowKeyEventOnTab = { keyCode : aEvent.keyCode, left : left, right : right, up : up, down : down, altKey : aEvent.altKey, ctrlKey : aEvent.ctrlKey, metaKey : aEvent.metaKey, shiftKey : aEvent.shiftKey }; var b = this.browser; var data = { sourceEvent : aEvent }; /* PUBLIC API */ this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_KEY_DOWN, b, true, false, data); // for backward compatibility this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_KEY_DOWN.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), b, true, false, data); }, accelKeyPressed : false, arrowKeyEventOnTab : null, onKeyRelease : function TSTWindow_onKeyRelease(aEvent) { var b = this.browser; if (!b || !b.treeStyleTab) return; var sv = b.treeStyleTab; var scrollDown, scrollUp; // this.accelKeyPressed = this.isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent); this.accelKeyPressed = aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL; this.window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf.arrowKeyEventOnTab = null; }, 10, this); var standBy = scrollDown = scrollUp = (!aEvent.altKey && this.accelKeyPressed); scrollDown = scrollDown && ( !aEvent.shiftKey && ( aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_TAB || aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN ) ); scrollUp = scrollUp && ( aEvent.shiftKey ? (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_TAB) : (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP) ); var onlyShiftKey = (!aEvent.shiftKey && aEvent.keyCode == 16 && (aEvent.type == 'keyup' || aEvent.charCode == 0)); var data = { scrollDown : scrollDown, scrollUp : scrollUp, standBy : standBy, onlyShiftKey : onlyShiftKey, sourceEvent : aEvent }; if ( scrollDown || scrollUp || ( // when you release "shift" key standBy && onlyShiftKey ) ) { /* PUBLIC API */ this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_START, b, true, false, data); // for backward compatibility this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_START.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), b, true, false, data); return; } // when you just release accel key... /* PUBLIC API */ let (event) { this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_END, b, true, false, data); // for backward compatibility this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_TAB_FOCUS_SWITCHING_END.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), b, true, false, data); } if (this._tabShouldBeExpandedAfterKeyReleased) { let tab = this._tabShouldBeExpandedAfterKeyReleased; if (this.hasChildTabs(tab) && this.isSubtreeCollapsed(tab)) { this.getTabBrowserFromChild(tab) .treeStyleTab .collapseExpandTreesIntelligentlyFor(tab); } } this._tabShouldBeExpandedAfterKeyReleased = null; }, get shouldListenKeyEventsForAutoExpandByFocusChange() { return !this.ctrlTabPreviewsEnabled && ( this.getTreePref('autoExpandSubtreeOnSelect.whileFocusMovingByShortcut') || this.getTreePref('autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect') ); }, get ctrlTabPreviewsEnabled() { return 'allTabs' in this.window && this.getPref('browser.ctrlTab.previews'); }, onTabbarResizeStart : function TSTWindow_onTabbarResizeStart(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button != 0) return; if (!this.isEventFiredOnGrippy(aEvent)) aEvent.stopPropagation(); if ('setCapture' in aEvent.currentTarget) aEvent.currentTarget.setCapture(true); aEvent.currentTarget.addEventListener('mousemove', this, false); var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aEvent.currentTarget); var box = aEvent.currentTarget.id == 'treestyletab-tabbar-resizer-splitter' ? this.getTabStrip(b) : b.treeStyleTab.tabStripPlaceHolder || b.tabContainer ; this.tabbarResizeStartWidth = box.boxObject.width; this.tabbarResizeStartHeight = box.boxObject.height; this.tabbarResizeStartX = aEvent.screenX; this.tabbarResizeStartY = aEvent.screenY; }, onTabbarResizeEnd : function TSTWindow_onTabbarResizeEnd(aEvent) { if (this.tabbarResizeStartWidth < 0) return; var target = aEvent.currentTarget; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(target); aEvent.stopPropagation(); if ('releaseCapture' in target) target.releaseCapture(); target.removeEventListener('mousemove', this, false); this.tabbarResizeStartWidth = -1; this.tabbarResizeStartHeight = -1; this.tabbarResizeStartX = -1; this.tabbarResizeStartY = -1; this.Deferred.next(function() { b.treeStyleTab.fixTooNarrowTabbar(); }).error(this.defaultDeferredErrorHandler); }, onTabbarResizing : function TSTWindow_onTabbarResizing(aEvent) { var target = aEvent.currentTarget; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(target); var expanded = target.id == 'treestyletab-tabbar-resizer-splitter'; if (expanded) aEvent.stopPropagation(); var width = this.tabbarResizeStartWidth; var height = this.tabbarResizeStartHeight; var pos = b.treeStyleTab.position; if (b.treeStyleTab.isVertical) { let delta = aEvent.screenX - this.tabbarResizeStartX; width += (pos == 'left' ? delta : -delta ); width = this.maxTabbarWidth(width, b); if (expanded || b.treeStyleTab.autoHide.expanded) { this.setPrefForActiveWindow(function() { this.setTreePref('tabbar.width', width); }); if (b.treeStyleTab.autoHide.mode == b.treeStyleTab.autoHide.kMODE_SHRINK && b.treeStyleTab.tabStripPlaceHolder) b.treeStyleTab.tabStripPlaceHolder.setAttribute('width', this.getTreePref('tabbar.shrunkenWidth')); } else { this.setPrefForActiveWindow(function() { this.setTreePref('tabbar.shrunkenWidth', width); }); } } else { let delta = aEvent.screenY - this.tabbarResizeStartY; height += (pos == 'top' ? delta : -delta ); this.setPrefForActiveWindow(function() { this.setTreePref('tabbar.height', this.maxTabbarHeight(height, b)); }); } b.treeStyleTab.updateFloatingTabbar(this.kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_TABBAR_RESIZE); }, tabbarResizeStartWidth : -1, tabbarResizeStartHeight : -1, tabbarResizeStartX : -1, tabbarResizeStartY : -1, onTabbarReset : function TSTWindow_onTabbarReset(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button != 0) return; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aEvent.currentTarget); if (b) { b.treeStyleTab.resetTabbarSize(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); } }, onFocusNextTab : function TSTWindow_onFocusNextTab(aEvent) { var tab = aEvent.originalTarget; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(tab); if ( this.getPref('browser.tabs.selectOwnerOnClose') && tab.owner && ( !b._removingTabs || b._removingTabs.indexOf(tab.owner) < 0 ) ) aEvent.preventDefault(); }, showHideSubtreeMenuItem : function TSTWindow_showHideSubtreeMenuItem(aMenuItem, aTabs) { if (!aMenuItem || aMenuItem.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true' || !aTabs || !aTabs.length) return; var hasSubtree = false; for (var i = 0, maxi = aTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { if (!this.hasChildTabs(aTabs[i])) continue; hasSubtree = true; break; } if (hasSubtree) aMenuItem.removeAttribute('hidden'); else aMenuItem.setAttribute('hidden', true); }, showHideSubTreeMenuItem : function() { return this.showHideSubtreeMenuItem.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility updateAeroPeekPreviews : function TSTWindow_updateAeroPeekPreviews() { var w = this.window; if ( this.updateAeroPeekPreviewsTimer || !this.getPref('browser.taskbar.previews.enable') || !this.getTreePref('taskbarPreviews.hideCollapsedTabs') || !('Win7Features' in w) || !w.Win7Features || !this.AeroPeek || !this.AeroPeek.windows ) return; this.updateAeroPeekPreviewsTimer = w.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { aSelf.updateAeroPeekPreviewsTimer = null; try { aSelf.updateAeroPeekPreviewsInternal(); } catch(e) { dump(e+'\n'); aSelf.updateAeroPeekPreviews(); } }, 250, this); }, updateAeroPeekPreviewsTimer : null, updateAeroPeekPreviewsInternal : function TSTWindow_updateAeroPeekPreviewsInternal() { if ( !this.getPref('browser.taskbar.previews.enable') || !this.getTreePref('taskbarPreviews.hideCollapsedTabs') ) return; this.AeroPeek.windows.some(function(aTabWindow) { if (aTabWindow.win == this.window) { let previews = aTabWindow.previews; for (let i = 0, maxi = previews.length; i < maxi; i++) { let preview = previews[i]; if (!preview) continue; let tab = preview.controller.wrappedJSObject.tab; preview.visible = !this.isCollapsed(tab); } this.AeroPeek.checkPreviewCount(); return true; } return false; }, this); }, updateTabsOnTop : function TSTWindow_updateTabsOnTop() { var w = this.window; if ( this.isPopupWindow || this.tabsOnTopChangingByUI || this.tabsOnTopChangingByTST || !('TabsOnTop' in w) || !('enabled' in w.TabsOnTop) ) return; this.tabsOnTopChangingByTST = true; try { var TabsOnTop = w.TabsOnTop; var originalState = this.getTreePref('tabsOnTop.originalState'); if (originalState === null) { let current = this.getDefaultPref('browser.tabs.onTop') === null ? TabsOnTop.enabled : this.getPref('browser.tabs.onTop') ; this.setTreePref('tabsOnTop.originalState', originalState = current); } if (this.browser.treeStyleTab.position != 'top' || !this.browser.treeStyleTab.fixed) { if (TabsOnTop.enabled) TabsOnTop.enabled = false; } else { if (TabsOnTop.enabled != originalState) TabsOnTop.enabled = originalState; this.clearTreePref('tabsOnTop.originalState'); } } finally { this.tabsOnTopChangingByTST = false; } }, onPopupShown : function TSTWindow_onPopupShown(aPopup) { if (!aPopup.boxObject || this.evaluateXPath( 'parent::*/ancestor-or-self::*[local-name()="tooltip" or local-name()="panel" or local-name()="popup" or local-name()="menupopup"]', aPopup, Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE ).booleanValue) return; this.window.setTimeout(function(aSelf) { if ((!aPopup.boxObject.width && !aPopup.boxObject.height) || aPopup.boxObject.popupState == 'closed') return; var id = aPopup.id; var item = id && aSelf.document.getElementById(id) ? id : aPopup ; var index = aSelf._shownPopups.indexOf(item); if (index < 0) aSelf._shownPopups.push(item); }, 10, this); }, onPopupHidden : function TSTWindow_onPopupHidden(aPopup) { var id = aPopup.id; aPopup = id && this.document.getElementById(id) ? id : aPopup ; var index = this._shownPopups.indexOf(aPopup); if (index > -1) this._shownPopups.splice(index, 1); }, isPopupShown : function TSTWindow_isPopupShown() { this._shownPopups = this._shownPopups.filter(function(aItem) { if (typeof aItem == 'string') aItem = this.document.getElementById(aItem); return aItem && aItem.boxObject && ((aItem.boxObject.width || aItem.boxObject.height) && aItem.state != 'closed'); }, this); return this._shownPopups.length > 0; }, kNEWTAB_DO_NOTHING : -1, kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_ORPHAN : 0, kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_CHILD : 1, kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_SIBLING : 2, kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_NEXT_SIBLING : 3, _handleNewTabCommand : function TSTWindow_handleNewTabCommand(aBaseTab, aBehavior) { switch (aBehavior) { case this.kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_ORPHAN: case this.kNEWTAB_DO_NOTHING: default: break; case this.kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_CHILD: this.readyToOpenChildTabNow(aBaseTab); break; case this.kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_SIBLING: let (parentTab = this.getParentTab(aBaseTab)) { if (parentTab) this.readyToOpenChildTabNow(parentTab); } break; case this.kNEWTAB_OPEN_AS_NEXT_SIBLING: this.readyToOpenNextSiblingTabNow(aBaseTab); break; } }, onBeforeNewTabCommand : function TSTWindow_onBeforeNewTabCommand(aTabBrowser) { var self = this.windowService || this; if (self._clickEventOnNewTabButtonHandled) return; var b = aTabBrowser || this.browser; this._handleNewTabCommand(b.selectedTab, this.getTreePref('autoAttach.newTabCommand')); }, handleNewTabActionOnButton : function TSTWindow_handleNewTabActionOnButton(aEvent) { // ignore non new-tab commands (middle click, Ctrl-click) if (aEvent.button != 1 && (aEvent.button != 0 || !this.isAccelKeyPressed(aEvent))) return; var newTabButton = this.getNewTabButtonFromEvent(aEvent); if (newTabButton) { this._handleNewTabCommand(this.browser.selectedTab, this.getTreePref('autoAttach.newTabButton')); let self = this.windowService || this; self._clickEventOnNewTabButtonHandled = true; this.Deferred.next(function() { self._clickEventOnNewTabButtonHandled = false; }); } else if (aEvent.target.id == 'urlbar-go-button' || aEvent.target.id == 'go-button') { this._handleNewTabCommand(this.browser.selectedTab, this.getTreePref('autoAttach.goButton')); } }, _clickEventOnNewTabButtonHandled : false, onBeforeTabDuplicate : function TSTWindow_onBeforeTabDuplicate(aTab, aWhere, aDelta) { if (aWhere && aWhere.indexOf('tab') != 0) return; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab) || this.browser; var behaviorPref = !aDelta ? 'autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand' : aDelta < 0 ? 'autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.back' : 'autoAttach.duplicateTabCommand.forward' var behavior = this.getTreePref(behaviorPref); this._handleNewTabCommand(aTab || b.selectedTab, behavior); }, onBeforeOpenLink : function TSTWindow_onBeforeOpenLink(aWhere, aOwner) { if (aWhere == 'tab' || aWhere == 'tabshifted') this.readyToOpenChildTab(aOwner); }, onBeforeOpenLinkWithParams : function TSTWindow_onBeforeOpenLinkWithParams(aParams) { if (aParams.linkNode && !this.checkToOpenChildTab(aParams.linkNode.ownerDocument.defaultView)) this.readyToOpenChildTab(aParams.linkNode.ownerDocument.defaultView); }, onBeforeOpenNewTabByThirdParty : function TSTWindow_onBeforeOpenNewTabByThirdParty(aOwner) { if (!this.checkToOpenChildTab(aOwner)) this.readyToOpenChildTab(aOwner); }, onBeforeBrowserAccessOpenURI : function TSTWindow_onBeforeBrowserAccessOpenURI(aOpener, aWhere) { if (aOpener && aWhere == Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWTAB) this.readyToOpenChildTab(aOpener); }, onBeforeViewMedia : function TSTWindow_onBeforeViewMedia(aEvent, aOwner) { if (String(this.window.whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true)).indexOf('tab') == 0) this.readyToOpenChildTab(aOwner); }, onBeforeBrowserSearch : function TSTWindow_onBeforeBrowserSearch(aTerm, aForceNewTab) { if ((arguments.length == 1 || aForceNewTab) && this.shouldOpenSearchResultAsChild(aTerm)) this.readyToOpenChildTab(); }, /* Tree Style Tabの初期化が行われる前に復元されたセッションについてツリー構造を復元 */ onTabRestored : function TSTWindow_onTabRestored(aEvent) { this._restoringTabs.push(aEvent.originalTarget); }, processRestoredTabs : function TSTWindow_processRestoredTabs() { for (let i = 0, maxi = this._restoringTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = this._restoringTabs[i]; try { let b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); if (b) b.treeStyleTab.handleRestoredTab(aTab); } catch(e) { } } this._restoringTabs = []; }, handleMutations : function TSTWindow_handleMutations(aMutations, aObserver) { aMutations.forEach(function(aMutation) { switch (aMutation.type) { case 'childList': this.destroyBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners(); this.initBrowserBottomBoxChildListeners(); break; case 'attributes': if (aMutation.attributeName == 'hidden' || aMutation.attributeName == 'collapsed') this.browser.treeStyleTab.updateFloatingTabbar(this.kTABBAR_UPDATE_BY_WINDOW_RESIZE); break; } }, this); }, /* Commands */ setTabbarWidth : function TSTWindow_setTabbarWidth(aWidth, aForceExpanded) /* PUBLIC API */ { this.browser.treeStyleTab.autoHide.setWidth(aWidth, aForceExpanded); }, setContentWidth : function TSTWindow_setContentWidth(aWidth, aKeepWindowSize) /* PUBLIC API */ { var w = this.window; var treeStyleTab = this.browser.treeStyleTab; var strip = treeStyleTab.tabStrip; var tabbarWidth = treeStyleTab.splitterWidth + (treeStyleTab.isVertical ? strip.boxObject.width : 0 ); var contentWidth = this.browser.boxObject.width - tabbarWidth; if (aKeepWindowSize || w.fullScreen || w.windowState != Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow.STATE_NORMAL) { this.setTabbarWidth(Math.max(10, this.browser.boxObject.width - aWidth)); } else if (tabbarWidth + aWidth <= w.screen.availWidth) { w.resizeBy(aWidth - contentWidth, 0); } else { w.resizeBy(w.screen.availWidth - w.outerWidth, 0); this.setTabbarWidth(this.browser.boxObject.width - aWidth); } }, toggleAutoHide : function TSTWindow_toggleAutoHide(aTabBrowser) /* PUBLIC API, for backward compatibility */ { this.autoHideWindow.toggleMode(aTabBrowser || this.browser); }, toggleFixed : function TSTWindow_toggleFixed(aTabBrowser) /* PUBLIC API */ { var b = aTabBrowser || this.browser; var orient = b.treeStyleTab.isVertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal' ; var newFixed = b.getAttribute(this.kFIXED+'-'+orient) != 'true'; this.setTabbrowserAttribute(this.kFIXED+'-'+orient, newFixed || null, b); this.setPrefForActiveWindow(function() { b.treeStyleTab.fixed = newFixed; this.setTreePref('tabbar.fixed.'+orient, newFixed); }); b.treeStyleTab.updateTabbarState(); }, removeTabSubtree : function TSTWindow_removeTabSubtree(aTabOrTabs, aOnlyChildren) { var tabs = this.gatherSubtreeMemberTabs(aTabOrTabs, aOnlyChildren); if (!this.warnAboutClosingTabs(tabs.length)) return; if (aOnlyChildren) tabs = this.gatherSubtreeMemberTabs(aTabOrTabs); var allSubtrees = this.splitTabsToSubtrees(tabs); for (let i = 0, maxi = allSubtrees.length; i < maxi; i++) { let subtreeTabs = allSubtrees[i]; if (!this.fireTabSubtreeClosingEvent(subtreeTabs[0], subtreeTabs)) continue; let b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(subtreeTabs[0]); if (aOnlyChildren) subtreeTabs = subtreeTabs.slice(1); if (!subtreeTabs.length) continue; this.stopRendering(); this.markAsClosedSet(subtreeTabs); for (let i = subtreeTabs.length-1; i > -1; i--) { b.removeTab(subtreeTabs[i], { animate : true }); } this.startRendering(); this.fireTabSubtreeClosedEvent(b, subtreeTabs[0], subtreeTabs) } }, removeTabSubTree : function() { return this.removeTabSubtree.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility fireTabSubtreeClosingEvent : function TSTWindow_fireTabSubtreeClosingEvent(aParentTab, aClosedTabs) { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aParentTab); var data = { parent : aParentTab, tabs : aClosedTabs }; var canClose = ( /* PUBLIC API */ this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_SUBTREE_CLOSING, b, true, true, data) && // for backward compatibility this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_SUBTREE_CLOSING.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), b, true, true, data) ); return canClose; }, fireTabSubtreeClosedEvent : function TSTWindow_fireTabSubtreeClosedEvent(aTabBrowser, aParentTab, aClosedTabs) { aClosedTabs = aClosedTabs.filter(function(aTab) { return !aTab.parentNode; }); var data = { parent : aParentTab, tabs : aClosedTabs }; /* PUBLIC API */ this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_SUBTREE_CLOSED, aTabBrowser, true, false, data); // for backward compatibility this.fireDataContainerEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_SUBTREE_CLOSED.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), aTabBrowser, true, false, data); }, warnAboutClosingTabSubtreeOf : function TSTWindow_warnAboutClosingTabSubtreeOf(aTab) { if (!this.shouldCloseTabSubtreeOf(aTab)) return true; var tabs = [aTab].concat(this.getDescendantTabs(aTab)); return this.warnAboutClosingTabs(tabs.length); }, warnAboutClosingTabSubTreeOf : function() { return this.warnAboutClosingTabSubtreeOf.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility warnAboutClosingTabs : function TSTWindow_warnAboutClosingTabs(aTabsCount) { if ( aTabsCount <= 1 || !this.getPref('browser.tabs.warnOnClose') ) return true; var checked = { value:true }; var w = this.window; w.focus(); var shouldClose = Services.prompt.confirmEx(w, this.tabbrowserBundle.getString('tabs.closeWarningTitle'), this.tabbrowserBundle.getFormattedString('tabs.closeWarningMultipleTabs', [aTabsCount]), (Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0) + (Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1), this.tabbrowserBundle.getString('tabs.closeButtonMultiple'), null, null, this.tabbrowserBundle.getString('tabs.closeWarningPromptMe'), checked ) == 0; if (shouldClose && !checked.value) this.setPref('browser.tabs.warnOnClose', false); return shouldClose; }, reloadTabSubtree : function TSTWindow_reloadTabSubtree(aTabOrTabs, aOnlyChildren) { var tabs = this.gatherSubtreeMemberTabs(aTabOrTabs, aOnlyChildren); var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(tabs[0]); for (var i = tabs.length-1; i > -1; i--) { b.reloadTab(tabs[i]); } }, reloadTabSubTree : function() { return this.reloadTabSubtree.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility createSubtree : function TSTWindow_createSubtree(aTabs) { aTabs = this.getRootTabs(aTabs); if (!aTabs.length) return; var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTabs[0]); var parent = this.getParentTab(aTabs[0]); var next = aTabs[0]; while ( (next = this.getNextSiblingTab(next)) && aTabs.indexOf(next) > -1 ); var root = this.getTreePref('createSubtree.underParent') ? b.addTab(this.getGroupTabURI()) : aTabs.shift() ; var self = this; this.Deferred.next(function(self) { for (let i = 0, maxi = aTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = aTabs[i]; b.treeStyleTab.attachTabTo(tab, root); b.treeStyleTab.collapseExpandTab(tab, false); } if (parent) { b.treeStyleTab.attachTabTo(root, parent, { insertBefore : next }); } else if (next) { b.treeStyleTab.moveTabSubtreeTo(root, next._tPos); } }).error(this.defaultDeferredErrorHandler); }, createSubTree : function() { return this.createSubtree.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility canCreateSubtree : function TSTWindow_canCreateSubtree(aTabs) { aTabs = this.getRootTabs(aTabs); if (aTabs.length < 2) return false; var lastParent = this.getParentTab(aTabs[0]); for (let i = 1, maxi = aTabs.length-1; i < maxi; i++) { let parent = this.getParentTab(aTabs[i]); if (!lastParent || parent != lastParent) return true; lastParent = parent; } return this.getChildTabs(lastParent).length != aTabs.length; }, canCreateSubTree : function() { return this.canCreateSubtree.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility getRootTabs : function TSTWindow_getRootTabs(aTabs) { var roots = []; if (!aTabs || !aTabs.length) return roots; aTabs = this.cleanUpTabsArray(aTabs); for (let i = 0, maxi = aTabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { let tab = aTabs[i]; let parent = this.getParentTab(tab); if (parent && aTabs.indexOf(parent) > -1) continue; roots.push(tab); } return roots; }, collapseExpandAllSubtree : function TSTWindow_collapseExpandAllSubtree(aCollapse) { Services.obs.notifyObservers( this.window, this.kTOPIC_COLLAPSE_EXPAND_ALL, (aCollapse ? 'collapse' : 'open' ) ); }, promoteTab : function TSTWindow_promoteTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); var sv = b.treeStyleTab; var parent = sv.getParentTab(aTab); if (!parent) return; var nextSibling = sv.getNextSiblingTab(parent); var grandParent = sv.getParentTab(parent); if (grandParent) { sv.attachTabTo(aTab, grandParent, { insertBefore : nextSibling }); } else { sv.detachTab(aTab); let index = nextSibling ? nextSibling._tPos : b.mTabContainer.childNodes.length ; if (index > aTab._tPos) index--; b.moveTabTo(aTab, index); } }, promoteCurrentTab : function TSTWindow_promoteCurrentTab() /* PUBLIC API */ { this.promoteTab(this.browser.selectedTab); }, demoteTab : function TSTWindow_demoteTab(aTab) /* PUBLIC API */ { var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); var sv = b.treeStyleTab; var previous = this.getPreviousSiblingTab(aTab); if (previous) sv.attachTabTo(aTab, previous); }, demoteCurrentTab : function TSTWindow_demoteCurrentTab() /* PUBLIC API */ { this.demoteTab(this.browser.selectedTab); }, expandTreeAfterKeyReleased : function TSTWindow_expandTreeAfterKeyReleased(aTab) { if (this.getTreePref('autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect.whileFocusMovingByShortcut')) return; this._tabShouldBeExpandedAfterKeyReleased = aTab || null; }, _tabShouldBeExpandedAfterKeyReleased : null, removeAllTabsBut : function TSTWindow_removeAllTabsBut(aTab) { var keepTabs = [aTab].concat(this.getDescendantTabs(aTab)); var b = this.getTabBrowserFromChild(aTab); var closeTabs = this.getTabs(b).filter(function(aTab) { return keepTabs.indexOf(aTab) < 0 && !aTab.hasAttribute('pinned'); }); if (!this.warnAboutClosingTabs(closeTabs.length)) return; this.stopRendering(); this.markAsClosedSet(closeTabs); var tabs = closeTabs.reverse(); for (let i = 0, maxi = tabs.length; i < maxi; i++) { b.removeTab(tabs[i]); } this.startRendering(); }, // For backward compatibility. You should use DOM event to block TST's focus handling. registerTabFocusAllowance : function TSTWindow_registerTabFocusAllowance(aProcess) /* PUBLIC API */ { var listener = { process : aProcess, handleEvent : function(aEvent) { var tab = aEvent.originalTarget; var b = tab.__treestyletab__linkedTabBrowser; if (!this.process.call(b.treeStyleTab, b)) aEvent.preventDefault(); } }; this.window.addEventListener(this.kEVENT_TYPE_FOCUS_NEXT_TAB, listener, false); this._tabFocusAllowance.push(listener); }, _tabFocusAllowance : [], tearOffSubtreeFromRemote : function TSTWindow_tearOffSubtreeFromRemote() { var w = this.window; var remoteTab = w.arguments[0]; var remoteWindow = remoteTab.ownerDocument.defaultView; var remoteService = remoteWindow.TreeStyleTabService; var remoteMultipleTabService = remoteWindow.MultipleTabService; if (remoteService.hasChildTabs(remoteTab) || (remoteMultipleTabService && remoteMultipleTabService.isSelected(remoteTab))) { let remoteBrowser = remoteService.getTabBrowserFromChild(remoteTab); if (remoteBrowser.treeStyleTab.tabbarDNDObserver.isDraggingAllTabs(remoteTab)) { w.close(); } else { let actionInfo = { action : remoteTab.__treestyletab__toBeDuplicated ? this.kACTION_DUPLICATE : this.kACTION_IMPORT }; let b = this.browser; let blankTab; this.Deferred .next(function() { var blankTab = b.selectedTab; b.treeStyleTab.tabbarDNDObserver.performDrop(actionInfo, remoteTab); return blankTab; }) .next(function(aBlankTab) { b.removeTab(aBlankTab); remoteTab = null; remoteBrowser = null; remoteWindow = null remoteService = null; remoteMultipleTabService = null; }) .error(this.defaultDeferredErrorHandler); } return true; } return false; }, tearOffSubTreeFromRemote : function() { return this.tearOffSubtreeFromRemote.apply(this, arguments); }, // obsolete, for backward compatibility onPrintPreviewEnter : function TSTWindow_onPrintPreviewEnter() { var d = this.document; var event = d.createEvent('Events'); event.initEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW_ENTERED, true, false); d.documentElement.dispatchEvent(event); // for backward compatibility event = d.createEvent('Events'); event.initEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW_ENTERED.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), true, false); d.documentElement.dispatchEvent(event); }, onPrintPreviewExit : function TSTWindow_onPrintPreviewExit() { var d = this.document; var event = d.createEvent('Events'); event.initEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW_EXITED, true, false); d.documentElement.dispatchEvent(event); // for backward compatibility event = d.createEvent('Events'); event.initEvent(this.kEVENT_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW_EXITED.replace(/^nsDOM/, ''), true, false); d.documentElement.dispatchEvent(event); }, observe : function TSTWindow_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case 'nsPref:changed': this.onPrefChange(aData); return; } }, get restoringTree() { if (this._restoringTree || !!this.restoringCount) return true; var count = 0; this.browser.visibleTabs.some(function(aTab) { if (aTab.linkedBrowser.__treestyletab__toBeRestored) count++; return count > 1; }); return count > 1; }, set restoringTree(aValue) { return this._restoringTree = !!aValue; }, _restoringTree : false, /* Pref Listener */ domains : [ 'extensions.treestyletab', 'browser.ctrlTab.previews' ], onPrefChange : function TSTWindow_onPrefChange(aPrefName) { var value = this.getPref(aPrefName); switch (aPrefName) { case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoHide.mode': // don't set on this time, because appearance of all tabbrowsers are not updated yet. // this.autoHide.mode = this.getTreePref('tabbar.autoHide.mode'); case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoShow.accelKeyDown': case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoShow.tabSwitch': case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.autoShow.feedback': this.autoHideWindow.updateKeyListeners(this.window); break; case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.style': case 'extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.position': this.themeManager.set(this.getPref('extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.style'), this.position); break; case 'browser.ctrlTab.previews': this.autoHideWindow.updateKeyListeners(this.window); case 'extensions.treestyletab.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect.whileFocusMovingByShortcut': case 'extensions.treestyletab.autoCollapseExpandSubtreeOnSelect': if (this.shouldListenKeyEventsForAutoExpandByFocusChange) this.startListenKeyEventsFor(this.LISTEN_FOR_AUTOEXPAND_BY_FOCUSCHANGE); else this.endListenKeyEventsFor(this.LISTEN_FOR_AUTOEXPAND_BY_FOCUSCHANGE); break; default: break; } } };