This should fix#887 partially. However, when I click the star button twice, there still be another error like:
treestyletab: doPatching: gEditItemOverlay._showHideRows is missing! utils.js:319:0
treestyletab: Failed to patch to gEditItemOverlay.initPanel: function initPanel(aInfo) {
if (typeof(aInfo) != "object" || aInfo === null)
throw new Error("aInfo must be an object.");
// For sanity ensure that the implementer has uninited the panel before
// trying to init it again, or we could end up leaking due to observers.
if (this.initialized)
let { itemId, itemGuid, isItem,
isURI, uri, title,
isBookmark, bulkTagging, uris,
visibleRows } = this._setPaneInfo(aInfo);
let showOrCollapse =
(rowId, isAppropriateForInput, nameInHiddenRows = null) => {
let visible = isAppropriateForInput;
if (visible && "hiddenRows" in aInfo && nameInHiddenRows)
visible &= aInfo.hiddenRows.indexOf(nameInHiddenRows) == -1;
if (visible)
return !(this._element(rowId).collapsed = !visible);
if (showOrCollapse("nameRow", !bulkTagging, "name")) {
this._namePicker.readOnly = this.readOnly;
// In some cases we want to hide the location field, since it's not
// human-readable, but we still want to initialize it.
showOrCollapse("locationRow", isURI, "location");
if (isURI) {
this._locationField.readOnly = this.readOnly;
// hide the description field for
if (showOrCollapse("descriptionRow", isItem && !this.readOnly,
"description")) {
this._descriptionField.readOnly = this.readOnly;
if (showOrCollapse("keywordRow", isBookmark, "keyword")) {
this._keywordField.readOnly = this.readOnly;
// Collapse the tag selector if the item does not accept tags.
if (showOrCollapse("tagsRow", isURI || bulkTagging, "tags"))
else if (!this._element("tagsSelectorRow").collapsed)
// Load in sidebar.
if (showOrCollapse("loadInSidebarCheckbox", isBookmark, "loadInSidebar")) {
// Folder picker.
// Technically we should check that the item is not moveable, but that's
// not cheap (we don't always have the parent), and there's no use case for
// this (it's only the Star UI that shows the folderPicker)
if (showOrCollapse("folderRow", isItem, "folderPicker")) {
let containerId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemId);
// Selection count.
if (showOrCollapse("selectionCount", bulkTagging)) {
this._element("itemsCountText").value =
// Observe changes.
if (!this._observersAdded) {
PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver(this, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", this, false);
this._observersAdded = true;
This is a change from bug 947854 where FullScreen.mouseoverToggle is
replaced with FullScreen.{show,hide}NavToolbox. This fix detects this
and do patching accordingly.
With the preference "dom.compartment_per_addon"="true", updated gBrowserInit._delayedStartup cannot reassign a global variable defined by Firefox itself.
Accessing it as a property of the global object is not forbidden for now.