git-svn-id: http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/treestyletab/trunk@5024 599a83e7-65a4-db11-8015-0010dcdd6dc2
This commit is contained in:
@ -635,9 +635,6 @@
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.tooltip.includeChildren"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick"
@ -675,9 +672,6 @@
<checkbox id="extensions.treestyletab.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick-check"
<checkbox id="extensions.treestyletab.tooltip.includeChildren-check"
<!--checkbox id="extensions.treestyletab.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild-check"
@ -718,6 +712,9 @@
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.animation.enabled"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.tooltip.includeChildren"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.useEffectiveTLD"
@ -726,6 +723,9 @@
<checkbox id="extensions.treestyletab.animation.enabled-check"
<checkbox id="extensions.treestyletab.tooltip.includeChildren-check"
<groupbox id="useEffectiveTLD">
<caption label="&config.useEffectiveTLD.caption;"/>
<radiogroup id="extensions.treestyletab.useEffectiveTLD-radiogroup"
@ -55,6 +55,18 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 In einem neuen Tab öffnen, falls es eine andere Webseite ist">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 Immer in einem neuen Tab öffnen">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Links, die sich unerwartet in einem neuen Fenster öffnen">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Als Fenster öffnen">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Als neues Tab öffnen (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Immer im aktiven Tab laden">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Verhalten von "Alle in Tabs öffnen" für Seiten in einem Lesezeichenordner">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Jedes Mal nachfragen">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Als Zweig öffnen (Empfohlen)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Als eigenständige Tabs öffnen (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Aktuelles Tab durch die neuen Tabs ersetzen">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Seiten zur Gruppierung einem Dummytab unterordnen">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "Eingegebene Adressen">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 Immer im aktiven Tab laden (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 In neuem Tab laden, falls es eine andere Webseite ist">
@ -69,18 +81,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "Seite im Tab laden (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "Seite in einem neuen untergeordneten Tab laden">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Verhalten von "Alle in Tabs öffnen" für Seiten in einem Lesezeichenordner">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Jedes Mal nachfragen">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Als Zweig öffnen (Empfohlen)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Als eigenständige Tabs öffnen (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Aktuelles Tab durch die neuen Tabs ersetzen">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Seiten zur Gruppierung einem Dummytab unterordnen">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Links, die sich unerwartet in einem neuen Fenster öffnen">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Als Fenster öffnen">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Als neues Tab öffnen (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Immer im aktiven Tab laden">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "Fenster, die sich durch Skripte öffnen">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "Als Fenster öffnen, wenn das Skript eine bestimmte Fenstergröße vorgibt (Firefox Standard)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "Auf jeden Fall als Tab öffnen (Empfohlen)">
@ -120,7 +120,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "Nicht aktive Zweige zuklappen">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "Bei Doppelklick auf Tab untergeordneten Zweig auf- oder zuklappen">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "Zweig automatisch aufklappen, wenn ein Tab in den Zweig eingefügt wird">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Wenn ein Tab geschlossen wird">
@ -141,6 +140,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "Animationseffekte aktivieren">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "Erkennung der "gleichen Webseite"">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "Nur Domain berücksichtigen ("a.example.com" and "b.example.com" gehören zur gleichen Webseite)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "Host/Subdomain auch berücksichtigen ("a.example.com" and "b.example.com" zählen als unterschiedliche Webeiten)">
@ -54,6 +54,18 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 Open links to different website in new tab">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 Open any link in new tab">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "New window opened from links in webpages unexpectedly">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Open as Window">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Open as Tab (Firefox default, recommended)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Open as a tree (Recommended)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Open as separate tabs (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "Automatic New Tab Level for the Location Bar">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 Nothing (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 Load into new tab if it is a different website">
@ -68,18 +80,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "Load link into the tab (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "Open link in a new child tab of the tab">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Open as a tree (Recommended)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Open as separate tabs (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "New window opened from links in webpages unexpectedly">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Open as Window">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Open as Tab (Firefox default, recommended)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "New window opened from scripts in webpages">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "Open as Window when it have special width, height, etc. (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "Open as Tab instead of Window anyway (Recommended)">
@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "When a tab gets focus, expand his tree and collapse others automatically">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "Collapse/Expand tree of the tab by double-click">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "Expand tree automatically, when tabs are inserted into the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
@ -140,6 +139,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "Enable Animation Effects">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "Detecting method for "same website"">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "by Domain ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are same websites)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "by Host ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are different websites)">
@ -55,6 +55,19 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 Abrir enlaces a un diferente sitio en una nueva pestaña">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 Abrir cualquier enlace en una nueva pestaña">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Nuevas ventanas abiertas desde enlaces inesperadamente">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Abrir como una ventana">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Abrir como pestaña (Predeterminado en Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption ""Abrir todos en pestañas" desde carpetas de marcadores"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Abrir como un sub-árbol (Recomendado)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Abrir como pestañas separadas (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "Automatic New Tab Level for the Location Bar">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 Nothing (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 Cargar en una nueva pestaña si es un sitio diferente al actual">
@ -69,19 +82,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "Cargar enlace dentro de una nueva pestaña (Predeterminado en Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "Abrir enlace como hija de la pestaña actual">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption ""Abrir todos en pestañas" desde carpetas de marcadores"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Abrir como un sub-árbol (Recomendado)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Abrir como pestañas separadas (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Nuevas ventanas abiertas desde enlaces inesperadamente">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Abrir como una ventana">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Abrir como pestaña (Predeterminado en Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "Nuevas ventanas abiertas desde Scripts">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "Abrir como ventana cuando contienen un ancho o altura especial. (Predeterminado en Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "Abrir como pestañas en ves de ventanas (Recomendado)">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "When a tab gets focus, expand his tree and collapse others automatically">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "Colapsar/Expandir sub-árboles de la pestaña al hacer doble-click">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "Expandir sub-árboles automáticamente cuando una pestaña es insertada dentro del sub-árbol">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
@ -144,6 +143,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "Activar los efectos de animación">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "Detecting method for "same website"">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "by Domain ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are same websites)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "by Host ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are different websites)">
@ -55,6 +55,19 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 Apri i collegamenti a siti esterni in una nuova scheda">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 Apri tutti i collegamenti in una nuova scheda">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Forza i collegamenti che aprono nuove finestre">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "ad aprirsi in una nuova finestra">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "ad aprirsi in una nuova scheda (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "La voce "Apri tutti in schede" nel menu Segnalibri"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "apre i segnalibri come sottoalbero (Raccomandato)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "apre i segnalibri in schede separate (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "sostituisce la scheda in uso con i segnalibri contenuti nella cartella selezionata">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "Automatic New Tab Level for the Location Bar">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 Nothing (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 apre una nuova scheda se appartiene a un sito web differente">
@ -69,19 +82,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "carica il collegamento nella scheda (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "apre il collegamento in una nuova sottoscheda">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "La voce "Apri tutti in schede" nel menu Segnalibri"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "apre i segnalibri come sottoalbero (Raccomandato)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "apre i segnalibri in schede separate (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "sostituisce la scheda in uso con i segnalibri contenuti nella cartella selezionata">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Forza i collegamenti che aprono nuove finestre">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "ad aprirsi in una nuova finestra">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "ad aprirsi in una nuova scheda (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "Forza gli script che aprono nuove finestre">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "ad aprire una nuova finestra se questa è ridimensionata (comportamento predefinito di Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "ad aprirsi tutti in nuove schede (Raccomandato)">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "When a tab gets focus, expand his tree and collapse others automatically">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "Contrai/espandi sottoalberi della scheda con un doppio-clic">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "Espandi automaticamente i sottoalberi all'inserimento di nuove schede">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Alla chiusura della scheda principale">
@ -144,6 +143,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "Attiva effetti di animazione">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "Metodo di individuazione per lo stesso sito web">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "Per dominio("aaa.example.com" e "bbb.example.com" sono lo stesso sito web)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "Per indirizzo ("aaa.example.com" e "bbb.example.com" sono siti web diversi)">
@ -54,6 +54,18 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 異なるサイトへのリンクをタブで開く">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 すべてのリンクをタブで開く">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Webページのリンクから勝手に開かれたウィンドウの制御">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "ウィンドウで開く">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "タブで開く(Firefox初期状態・推奨)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "ウィンドウやタブを開かず、常に元のタブで読み込む">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "ブックマークフォルダの内容をタブで開く時">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "どうするか毎回尋ねる">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "一つのツリーとして開く(推奨)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "ばらばらのタブとして開く(Firefox初期状態)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "現在のタブ1つだけをブックマークの内容で置き換える">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "グループ化用のダミーのタブを親にする">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "ロケーションバーから自動的にタブを開くレベル">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 なし(Firefox初期状態)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 異なるサイトを新しいタブで開く">
@ -68,18 +80,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "ドロップ先のタブの中に読み込む(Firefox初期状態)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "ドロップ先のタブのツリーに新しいタブを開く">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "ブックマークフォルダの内容をタブで開く時">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "どうするか毎回尋ねる">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "一つのツリーとして開く(推奨)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "ばらばらのタブとして開く(Firefox初期状態)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "現在のタブ1つだけをブックマークの内容で置き換える">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "グループ化用のダミーのタブを親にする">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Webページのリンクから勝手に開かれたウィンドウの制御">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "ウィンドウで開く">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "タブで開く(Firefox初期状態・推奨)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "ウィンドウやタブを開かず、常に元のタブで読み込む">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "Webページのスクリプトで開かれるウィンドウの制御">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "大きさや位置を指定されたウィンドウはウィンドウとして開く(Firefox初期状態)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "スクリプトで開かれるウィンドウはすべてタブで開く(推奨)">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Control(Command)-Tabでタブを切り替える時、折りたたまれたタブにもフォーカスする">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "タブのダブルクリックでツリーを開閉する">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "タブのツールチップにツリーの内容を表示する">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "折り畳まれたツリー内に子孫のタブが追加された時、ツリーを自動的に展開する">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "親のタブを閉じた時の挙動">
@ -141,6 +140,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "アニメーション効果を有効にする">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "タブのツールチップにツリーの内容を表示する">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "同じサイトかどうかの判別方法">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "ドメイン名で判別する(aaa.example.comとbbb.example.comを同じサイトと見なす)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "ホスト名で判別する(aaa.example.comとbbb.example.comを別のサイトと見なす)">
@ -55,6 +55,19 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 Otwieraj odnośniki do innej witryny w nowych kartach">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 Otwieraj wszystkie odnośniki w nowych kartach">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Nowe okno niespodziewanie otwierane z odnośników na stronie">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Otwieraj jako okno">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Otwieraj jako kartę (domyślnie działanie Firefoksa)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Działanie funkcji „Otwórz wszystkie w kartach” wywoływanej z poziomu menu zakładek"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Otwieraj jako potomne drzewo (zalecane)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Otwieraj jako osobne karty (domyślnie działanie Firefoksa)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "Automatic New Tab Level for the Location Bar">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 Nothing (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 Jeśli jest to inna witryna, otwórz w nowej karcie">
@ -69,19 +82,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "Otwieraj odnośnik w nowej karcie (domyślne działanie Firefoksa)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "Otwieraj odnośnik w nowej, potomnej karcie">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Działanie funkcji „Otwórz wszystkie w kartach” wywoływanej z poziomu menu zakładek"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Otwieraj jako potomne drzewo (zalecane)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Otwieraj jako osobne karty (domyślnie działanie Firefoksa)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Nowe okno niespodziewanie otwierane z odnośników na stronie">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Otwieraj jako okno">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Otwieraj jako kartę (domyślnie działanie Firefoksa)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "Nowe okno otwierane przez skrypt na stronie">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "Otwieraj jako okno jeśli ma określoną wysokość, szerokość itp. (domyślnie działanie Firefoksa)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "Otwieraj jako kartę zamiast okna (zalecane)">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "When a tab gets focus, expand his tree and collapse others automatically">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "Zwijaj/rozwijaj drzewo potomne karty za pomocą dwukrotnego kliknięcia">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "Rozwijaj drzewo potomne automatycznie, gdy są do niego wstawione karty">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Kiedy karta główna jest zamykana:">
@ -143,6 +142,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "Włącz efekty animacji">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "Detecting method for "same website"">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "by Domain ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are same websites)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "by Host ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are different websites)">
@ -55,6 +55,19 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 Открывать ссылки на другой сайт в новой вкладке">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 Открывать все ссылки в новой вкладке">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Открытие высплывающих окон">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Открывать как окно">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Открывать как вкладку (по умочанию в Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption ""Открытие во вкладках " из папок закладок"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Открывать как поддерево (рекомендуется)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Открывать как раздельные вкладки (в Firefox по умолчанию)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "Automatic New Tab Level for the Location Bar">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 Nothing (Firefox default)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 Загружать в новой вкладке если ведут на другой сайт">
@ -69,19 +82,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "Загрузить ссылку во вкладке (в Firefox по умолчанию)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "Открыть ссылку в новой вкладке дочерней от текущей">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "Behavior of "Open All in Tabs" for bookmark folders">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption ""Открытие во вкладках " из папок закладок"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "Ask me always">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "Открывать как поддерево (рекомендуется)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "Открывать как раздельные вкладки (в Firefox по умолчанию)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "Replace the current one tab with the pages in the folder">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "Put tabs under a dummy tab for grouping">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "Открытие высплывающих окон">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "Открывать как окно">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "Открывать как вкладку (по умочанию в Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "Load into the Current Tab anyway">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "Открытие новых окон скриптами на страницах">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "Открывать как окно, когда используется специальная ширина, высота, и т.д. (по умолчанию в Firefox)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "Всегда открывать как вкладку вместо окна (рекомендуется)">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "When a tab gets focus, expand his tree and collapse others automatically">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "Exclude focus moving caused by current tab closing">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "Сворачивать/разворачивать поддерево вкладок по двойному клику">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "Разворачивать поддерево автоматически, когда вкладки вставляются в поддерево">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
@ -143,6 +142,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "Использование эффектов анимации">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "Show tree contents in tooltips on tabs">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "Detecting method for "same website"">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "by Domain ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are same websites)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "by Host ("aaa.example.com" and "bbb.example.com" are different websites)">
@ -56,6 +56,18 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "Lv.1 在新标签中打开外部网站的链接">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "Lv.2 在新标签中打开所有链接">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "手动打开到新窗口">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "在窗口中打开">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "在标签中打开 (Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "覆盖当前标签">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "如何“在标签页中打开书签组”?">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "总是询问">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "在子树中打开 (推荐)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "在单独标签中打开 (Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "覆盖当前标签打开">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "将标签置于一伪标签下以便分组">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "如何打开地址栏输入的网址?">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "Lv.0 当前页面打开(Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "Lv.1 与当前标签处于不同网站时在新标签中打开">
@ -73,18 +85,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "在标签中加载链接 (Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "在此标签的新建子标签中打开链接">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "如何“在标签页中打开书签组”?">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "总是询问">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "在子树中打开 (推荐)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "在单独标签中打开 (Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "覆盖当前标签打开">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "将标签置于一伪标签下以便分组">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "手动打开到新窗口">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "在窗口中打开">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "在标签中打开 (Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "覆盖当前标签">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "从网页脚本上打开的新窗口">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "如果已指定宽度、高度等,则在新窗口中打开 (Firefox 默认)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "任何情况下都在标签而非窗口中打开 (推荐)">
@ -124,7 +124,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "某一标签获得焦点时,自动展开该标签的树和折叠其他标签树">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "当前标签关闭引起的焦点转移除外">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "通过双击折叠/展开标签的子树">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "在树节点按钮的工具提示中显示树的分支内容">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "当标签被插入子树时,自动展开子树">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "关闭父标签时">
@ -145,6 +144,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "使用动画效果">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "在树节点按钮的工具提示中显示树的分支内容">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "“相同网站”的标准">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "相同域名(“aaa.example.com” 和 “bbb.example.com” 视为相同网站)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "相同主机(“aaa.example.com” 和 “bbb.example.com” 视为不同网站)">
@ -55,6 +55,19 @@
<!ENTITY config.link.outer "位階-1 用新分頁開啟通往不同網站的鏈結">
<!ENTITY config.link.any "位階-2 用新分頁開啟所有鏈結">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "從網頁鏈結開啟新視窗的控制">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "用新視窗開啟">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "用新分頁開啟(Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "直接開在目前瀏覽的分頁">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "按書籤資料夾的「全部開啟」時">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "按書籤資料夾的「全部開啟」時"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "每次都問我">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "用一個子樹開啟(推薦)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "用分開的分頁開啟(Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "將目前瀏覽的分頁取代為書籤的內容">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "將各分頁開啟於一虛分頁之下以便分組">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.caption "位址欄新分頁位階自動化">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.none "位階-0 無 (Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.urlbar.outer "位階-1 用新分頁開啟通往不同網站的 URL">
@ -69,19 +82,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.load "在拖曳目的地分頁載入鏈結(Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.dropLinksOnTab.newTab "用拖曳目的地分頁之下的新子分頁開啟鏈結">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "按書籤資料夾的「全部開啟」時">
<!--ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.caption "按書籤資料夾的「全部開啟」時"-->
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.ask "每次都問我">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.subtree "用一個子樹開啟(推薦)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.flat "用分開的分頁開啟(Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.replace "將目前瀏覽的分頁取代為書籤的內容">
<!ENTITY config.openGroupBookmark.underParent "將各分頁開啟於一虛分頁之下以便分組">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.caption "從網頁鏈結開啟新視窗的控制">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.window "用新視窗開啟">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.tab "用新分頁開啟(Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.open_newwindow.current "直接開在目前瀏覽的分頁">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.caption "從網頁的指令碼開啟新視窗的控制">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.default "當指定了大小和位置,則用新視窗開啟(Firefox 預設)">
<!ENTITY config.jsopen.forcetab "在任何情况下用新分頁而非新視窗開啟(推薦)">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect "切換分頁時,自動展開該子樹並摺疊無關者">
<!ENTITY config.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect.onCurrentTabRemove "不包括因關閉當前分頁而造成的切換">
<!ENTITY config.collapseExpandSubTree.dblclick "按兩下分頁開關子樹">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "於頁籤提示方塊中顯示該樹的內容">
<!ENTITY config.autoExpandSubTreeOnAppendChild "當新增分頁到子樹時,自動展開子樹">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "當關閉親分頁時">
@ -143,6 +142,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.animation.enabled "啟用動畫效果">
<!ENTITY config.tooltip.includeChildren "於頁籤提示方塊中顯示該樹的內容">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.caption "「同類其他分頁」定義依據">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.enabled "依據網域("aaa.example.com" 與 "bbb.example.com" 視為同類)">
<!ENTITY config.useEffectiveTLD.disabled "依據主機("aaa.example.com" 與 "bbb.example.com" 不算同類)">
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