* closeRootBehaviorの定数の値を変更
* 設定項目追加 git-svn-id: http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/piro/treestyletab/trunk@4513 599a83e7-65a4-db11-8015-0010dcdd6dc2
This commit is contained in:
@ -172,3 +172,13 @@ function updateAutoHideModeLabel()
node.setAttribute(attr, label);
node.setAttribute(attr, label);
function updateCloseRootBehaviorCheck()
var closeParentBehavior = document.getElementById('extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior-radiogroup').value;
var closeRootBehavior = document.getElementById('extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior-check');
if (closeParentBehavior == 0)
closeRootBehavior.setAttribute('disabled', true);
@ -506,7 +506,8 @@
<prefpane id="prefpane-advanced" label="&config.tabs.advanced;">
<prefpane id="prefpane-advanced" label="&config.tabs.advanced;"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.autoCollapseExpandSubTreeOnSelect"
@ -523,6 +524,9 @@
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.insertNewChildAt"
<preference id="extensions.treestyletab.insertNewChildAt"
@ -551,9 +555,19 @@
<caption label="&config.closeParentBehavior.caption;"/>
<caption label="&config.closeParentBehavior.caption;"/>
<radiogroup id="extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior-radiogroup"
<radiogroup id="extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior-radiogroup"
<radio value="2" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.close;"/>
<radio value="2" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.close;"/>
<radio value="0" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.attach;"/>
<radio value="3" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst;"/>
<radio value="0" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll;"/>
<hbox align="center">
<spacer style="width:1em;"/>
<checkbox id="extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior-check"
onsyncfrompreference="return document.getElementById('extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior').value == 3;"
onsynctopreference="return document.getElementById('extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior-check').checked ? 3 : 1 ;"/>
<radio value="1" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.detach;"/>
<radio value="1" label="&config.closeParentBehavior.detach;"/>
@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ TreeStyleTabBrowser.prototype = {
onTabMove : function(aEvent)
onTabMove : function(aEvent)
@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ pref("extensions.treestyletab.focusMode", 1);
pref("extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior", 0);
pref("extensions.treestyletab.closeParentBehavior", 0);
0 = escalate only the first child tab to the root level
3 = escalate only the first child tab to the root level
1 = escalate all children to new roots (=detach all children)
1 = escalate all children to new roots (=detach all children)
Note: this affects only when closeParentBehavior == 0
Note: this affects only when closeParentBehavior == 0
pref("extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior", 0);
pref("extensions.treestyletab.closeRootBehavior", 3);
pref("browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction.override", 0);
pref("browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction.override", 0);
@ -112,10 +112,12 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Wenn ein Tab geschlossen wird">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Wenn ein Tab geschlossen wird">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Untergeordnete Tabs auch schließen">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Untergeordnete Tabs auch schließen">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Untergeordnete Tabs
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Untergeordnete Tabs
auf die Ebene des geschlossenen Tabs verschieben">
auf die Ebene des geschlossenen Tabs verschieben">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Untergeordnete Tabs aus dem Baum ausgliedern">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Untergeordnete Tabs aus dem Baum ausgliedern">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Beim Schließen eines Tabs untergeordnete Tabs aus Zweig ausgliedern"-->
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Beim Schließen eines Tabs untergeordnete Tabs aus Zweig ausgliedern"-->
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent, if the closed parent has no parent">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Strg+Tab selektiert auch versteckte Tabs">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Strg+Tab selektiert auch versteckte Tabs">
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Move child tabs to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Raise all child tabs up to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent, if the closed parent has no parent">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Focus to the next/previous tab even if it is invisible, by Control(Command)-Tab">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Focus to the next/previous tab even if it is invisible, by Control(Command)-Tab">
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Move child tabs to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Raise all child tabs up to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent, if the closed parent has no parent">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Liberar las pestañas hijas del árbol cuando el árbol es cerrado"-->
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Liberar las pestañas hijas del árbol cuando el árbol es cerrado"-->
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Seleccionar la próxima/anterior pestaña aunque no este visible, cuando se presiona Control(Comando)-Tab">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Seleccionar la próxima/anterior pestaña aunque no este visible, cuando se presiona Control(Comando)-Tab">
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Alla chiusura della scheda principale">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Alla chiusura della scheda principale">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "chiudi anche le sottoschede">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "chiudi anche le sottoschede">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "porta le sottoschede al livello della scheda principale">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "porta le sottoschede al livello della scheda principale">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "elimina le sottoschede dall'albero">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "elimina le sottoschede dall'albero">
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent, if the closed parent has no parent">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Elimina le sottoschede dall'albero alla chiusura della scheda principale"-->
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Elimina le sottoschede dall'albero alla chiusura della scheda principale"-->
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Attiva la scheda successiva/precedente, anche se è nascosta, con Control(Command)-Tab">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Attiva la scheda successiva/precedente, anche se è nascosta, con Control(Command)-Tab">
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "親のタブを閉じた時の挙動">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "親のタブを閉じた時の挙動">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "子孫のタブも一緒に閉じる">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "子孫のタブも一緒に閉じる">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "閉じた親タブの階層に子孫のタブを移動する">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "最初の子タブを新しい親にする">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "閉じた親タブの階層に子孫のタブを移動する">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "子孫のタブをツリーから解放する">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "子孫のタブをツリーから解放する">
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.escalateFirst "最上位の親タブを閉じた時だけは、最初の子タブを新しい親にする">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Control(Command)-Tabでタブを切り替える時、折りたたまれたタブにもフォーカスする">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Control(Command)-Tabでタブを切り替える時、折りたたまれたタブにもフォーカスする">
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Kiedy karta główna jest zamykana:">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "Kiedy karta główna jest zamykana:">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Zamykaj również potomne karty">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Zamykaj również potomne karty">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Przenoś potomne karty na poziom głównej karty">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Przenoś potomne karty na poziom głównej karty">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Odłączaj potomne karty od drzewa">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Odłączaj potomne karty od drzewa">
<!ENTITY config.closeRootBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent, if the closed parent has no parent">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Skrót [Ctrl(Command)+Tab] uaktywnia następną/poprzednią kartę nawet jeśli jest niewidoczna">
<!ENTITY config.focusMode "Skrót [Ctrl(Command)+Tab] uaktywnia następną/poprzednią kartę nawet jeśli jest niewidoczna">
@ -112,7 +112,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Move child tabs to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Raise all child tabs up to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Перенести дочерние вкладки в корень дерева, если родительская вкладка закрыта"-->
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "Перенести дочерние вкладки в корень дерева, если родительская вкладка закрыта"-->
@ -112,7 +112,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Move child tabs to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Raise all child tabs up to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "当父标签关闭时从树中释放子标签"-->
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "当父标签关闭时从树中释放子标签"-->
@ -109,7 +109,8 @@
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.caption "When a parent tab is closed">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.close "Close child tabs too">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.attach "Move child tabs to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateFirst "Raise the first child tab up to the new parent">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.escalateAll "Raise all child tabs up to the level of the closed parent tab">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!ENTITY config.closeParentBehavior.detach "Liberate child tabs from the tree">
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "當關閉父分頁時,從樹裡釋放子分頁"-->
<!--ENTITY config.attachChildrenToGrandParentOnRemoveTab "當關閉父分頁時,從樹裡釋放子分頁"-->
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