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Sync syncs tmux/vim/bash config files with one command
usage: sync.sh [-h] [-t] [-c] [-b] [-s] [-d]
optional arguements:
-h Show this help message and exit
-t Syncs tmux configuration file
-c Syncs other configuration files
-b Syncs Vim bundles
-s Syncs computer with server applications in server.txt
-d Syncs computer with desktop applications in desktop.txt
Or, install vim bundles and vimrc, customizing which bundles you use first (requires curl
and vim
mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin/ ~/.vim/backup/ ~/.vim/undo/ ~/.vim/tmp/ ~/.vim/bundle/ ~/.vim/bundle/ ; if [ ! -f ~/.vim/plugin/sessionman.vim ] ; then curl -o ~/.vim/plugin/sessionman.vim http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=15599 ; fi ; if [ ! -d ~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ ] ; then git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle ; fi ; curl -o ~/.vimrc -k https://austenwares.com/gitlab/stonewareslord/Sync/raw/master/vimrc ; vim ~/.vimrc +"execute \"normal /Bundle 'gmarik\/vundle'\<CR>\"" +"execute \"normal :nohlsearch\<CR>:function Save()\<CR>w\<CR>BundleInstall\<CR>qa\<CR>endfunction\<CR>\"" +"nnoremap <F2> :call Save()<CR>:so ~/.vimrc<CR>:BundleInstall<CR>" ; echo "Installation should be complete. Run \"vim\" to check"
Usage: run this command and it will automatically load the bundle list with descriptions of each. Delete the ones you don't want to install and press F2
in normal mode to install al at once.
Or, temporarily load the bashrc (requires curl
curl -k -o /tmp/tmprc && . /tmp/tmprc ; rm /tmp/tmprc
Or, clone the sync project and add all origins automatically:
mkdir sync&&cd sync&&git init&&git remote add testorigin config http.sslVerify false&&git pull testorigin master&&. bashrc&&git remote rm testorigin&&initify stonewareslord Sync -r