Sync ========= Sync syncs tmux/vim/bash config files with one command Usage: ```sh usage: [-h] [-t] [-c] [-b] [-s] [-d] optional arguements: -h Show this help message and exit -t Syncs tmux configuration file -c Syncs other configuration files -b Syncs Vim bundles -s Syncs computer with server applications in server.txt -d Syncs computer with desktop applications in desktop.txt ``` Or, install vim bundles and vimrc, customizing which bundles you use first (requires `curl` and `vim` packages): ```sh mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin/ ~/.vim/backup/ ~/.vim/undo/ ~/.vim/tmp/ ~/.vim/bundle/ ~/.vim/bundle/ ; if [ ! -f ~/.vim/plugin/sessionman.vim ] ; then curl -o ~/.vim/plugin/sessionman.vim ; fi ; if [ ! -d ~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ ] ; then git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle ; fi ; curl -o ~/.vimrc -k ; vim ~/.vimrc +"execute \"normal /Bundle 'gmarik\/vundle'\\"" +"execute \"normal :nohlsearch\:function Save()\w\BundleInstall\qa\endfunction\\"" +"nnoremap :call Save():so ~/.vimrc:BundleInstall" ; echo "Installation should be complete. Run \"vim\" to check" ``` Usage: run this command and it will automatically load the bundle list with descriptions of each. Delete the ones you don't want to install and press `F2` in normal mode to install al at once. Or, temporarily load the bashrc (requires `curl` package): ```sh curl -k -o /tmp/tmprc && . /tmp/tmprc ; rm /tmp/tmprc ``` Or, clone the sync project and add all origins automatically: ```sh mkdir sync&&cd sync&&git init&&git remote add testorigin config http.sslVerify false&&git pull testorigin master&&. bashrc&&git remote rm testorigin&&initify stonewareslord Sync -r ```