Optimize plugins

This commit is contained in:
Austen Adler 2016-10-12 23:42:35 -04:00
parent a8a3d4038c
commit ee941c3b97
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ else
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" Code writing {
Plug 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat'
Plug 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat', { 'on': 'Autoformat'}
"Adds autoformat command | https://github.com/Chiel92/vim-autoformat
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
"Surround selection in ({\"' or HTML tags | https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround
@ -266,16 +266,16 @@ endif
"Exchange two selections of text | https://github.com/tommcdo/vim-exchange
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
"Repeat last tpope command with . | https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive', { 'on': ['Gstatus','Gcommit'] }
"Great Vim-Git compatibility | https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive
Plug 'kien/ctrlp.vim'
"Fuzzy file search | https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim
Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'
Plug 'godlygeek/tabular', { 'on': 'Tab' }
"Quickly make tables in vim | https://github.com/godlygeek/tabular
Plug 'sirver/UltiSnips'
"Adds snippets | https://github.com/sirver/UltiSnips
"Adds snippet support | https://github.com/sirver/UltiSnips
Plug 'https://austenwares.com/gogs/vim/vim-snippets'
"More snippets | https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets
"Add snippets | https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets
Plug 'othree/eregex.vim'
"Real regexes in vim | https://github.com/othree/eregex.vim
Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify'
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ endif
"i3 syntax | https://github.com/PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax
" }
" Misc {
Plug 'mattn/flappyvird-vim'
Plug 'mattn/flappyvird-vim', { 'on': [] }
"The amazing Flappy Bird game | https://github.com/mattn/flappyvird-vim
Plug 'jamessan/vim-gnupg'
"GPG support | https://github.com/jamessan/vim-gnupg
@ -319,6 +319,10 @@ endif
"Plug 'https://github.com/zenbro/mirror.vim'
" "Edit files remotely | https://github.com/zenbro/mirror.vim
" }
" Staging {
"Plug 'https://github.com/idanarye/vim-vebugger'
"Debugger | https://github.com/idanarye/vim-vebugger
" }
call plug#end()
filetype plugin indent on
if exists("+undofile")