Minor changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ set $rd #e89393
## set some nice colors border background text
## set some nice colors border background text
#client.focused #262626 #262626 $tx
#client.focused #262626 #262626 $tx
client.focused #262626 #262626 $tx
client.focused #5a5a5a #5a5a5a #000000
client.unfocused $bg $bg $ia
client.unfocused $bg $bg $ia
client.focused_inactive $bg $bg $ac
client.focused_inactive $bg $bg $ac
client.urgent $rd $rd $tx
client.urgent $rd $rd $tx
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ bar {
new_window pixel 0
new_window pixel 1
# split in vertical orientation
# split in vertical orientation
bindsym $mod+v split h
bindsym $mod+v split h
# split in horizontal orientation
# split in horizontal orientation
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ exec --no-startup-id "sleep 25;/usr/bin/owncloud"
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/gtk-redshift -l 36.3:-80.3 -t 6500:4000
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/gtk-redshift -l 36.3:-80.3 -t 6500:4000
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/parcellite
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/parcellite
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/numlockx
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/numlockx
bindsym $mod+p exec dmenu_run -sb \#262626 -nb \#121212 -p Run -l 5 -i -f
bindsym $mod+p exec dmenu_run -sf \#000000 -sb \#5a5a5a -nb \#121212 -p Run -l 5 -i # -f
bindsym $mod+shift+p exec "~/.i3/run.sh pass"
bindsym $mod+shift+p exec "~/.i3/run.sh pass"
#exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/synapse -s
#exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/synapse -s
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/zeal
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/zeal
@ -57,11 +57,9 @@ export EDITOR='vim'
if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then
if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then
alias ls='ls --color=always -F'
alias ls='ls --color=always -F'
alias hc='herbstclient'
alias steam='sudo kill -9 `pidof steam`;sudo unshare -n -- sh -c "ifconfig lo up;sudo -u stonewareslord steam" > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown'
alias steam='sudo kill -9 `pidof steam`;sudo unshare -n -- sh -c "ifconfig lo up;sudo -u stonewareslord steam" > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown'
alias matlab='matlab -glnx86'
alias matlab='matlab -glnx86'
alias srm='srm -dv'
alias srm='srm -dv'
#alias pass='DISPLAY= pass'
alias ehistory='cat ~/.bash_eternal_history|egrep -iP $@'
alias ehistory='cat ~/.bash_eternal_history|egrep -iP $@'
alias bat='upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0| grep -E "state|to\ full|percentage"'
alias bat='upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0| grep -E "state|to\ full|percentage"'
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ function ins(){
alias etup='sudo etc-update'
alias etup='sudo etc-update'
alias search='apt-cache search'
alias search='apt-cache search'
#alias install='sudo apt-get --show-progress install'
alias install='sudo apt-get --show-progress install'
alias remove='sudo apt-get --show-progress remove'
alias remove='sudo apt-get --show-progress remove'
alias update='sudo apt-get update'
alias update='sudo apt-get update'
alias upgrade='sudo apt-get --show-progress upgrade'
alias upgrade='sudo apt-get --show-progress upgrade'
@ -114,13 +112,9 @@ alias tux="wemux"
alias rmgit="git remote rm origin;git remote rm https;git remote rm oOrigin;git remote rm oHttps"
alias rmgit="git remote rm origin;git remote rm https;git remote rm oOrigin;git remote rm oHttps"
alias rname="while true;do echo -n \"Rename: \";read A;echo -n \"To: \";read B;i3-msg 'rename workspace $A to $B';done"
alias rname="while true;do echo -n \"Rename: \";read A;echo -n \"To: \";read B;i3-msg 'rename workspace $A to $B';done"
alias g="git $@"
alias g="git $@"
alias echip="curl ifconfig.me"
alias vpn="cd ~/.openvpn;sudo openvpn config.ovpn;cd -"
alias to="~/.todo/todo.sh"
alias stdns="sudo sh -c 'echo \"nameserver\\nnameserver\" > /etc/resolv.conf'"
alias stdns="sudo sh -c 'echo \"nameserver\\nnameserver\" > /etc/resolv.conf'"
alias fvim="vim -u NONE +\"so ~/.vim/plugged/flappyvird-vim/plugin/flappyvird.vim\" +\"so ~/.vim/plugged/flappyvird-vim/autoload/flappyvird.vim\" +\":FlappyVird\" +\":q\""
alias fvim="vim -u NONE +\"so ~/.vim/plugged/flappyvird-vim/plugin/flappyvird.vim\" +\"so ~/.vim/plugged/flappyvird-vim/autoload/flappyvird.vim\" +\":FlappyVird\" +\":q\""
alias fk='k `fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x`'
alias fk='k `fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x`'
alias fh='eval $(([ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ] && fc --no-mouse -m -1 -x -l 1 || history) | fzf +s | sed "s/ *[0-9]* *//")'
alias fkill='ps -ef | sed 1d | fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x | awk "{print $2}" | xargs kill -${1:-9}'
alias fkill='ps -ef | sed 1d | fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x | awk "{print $2}" | xargs kill -${1:-9}'
alias slp='smon ./x&DISPLAY=:0.0 i3lock -di `echo $(shuf -n1 -e ~/.i3/wall/*) | tee /tmp/wall`'
alias slp='smon ./x&DISPLAY=:0.0 i3lock -di `echo $(shuf -n1 -e ~/.i3/wall/*) | tee /tmp/wall`'
alias updateall='sudo sh -c "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade -y;apt-get dist-upgrade -y;apt-get autoremove -y"'
alias updateall='sudo sh -c "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade -y;apt-get dist-upgrade -y;apt-get autoremove -y"'
@ -137,9 +131,7 @@ alias -g G='|& ag'
alias -g AW='austenwares.com'
alias -g AW='austenwares.com'
export FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS='--no-mouse -m -1 -x'
export FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS='--no-mouse -m -1 -x'
function ctar(){
function ctar(){
tar -cf - $@|pv -cN tar -s $(echo $(du -sb $@|awk '{print $1}'|tr '\n' '+')0|bc)|pv -cN gzip|gzip|pv -cN dest
tar -cf - $@|pv -cN tar -s $(echo $(du -sb $@|awk '{print $1}'|tr '\n' '+')0|bc)|pv -cN gzip|gzip>$DST
function pcat(){
function pcat(){
pygmentize -f terminal "$1" | less -R
pygmentize -f terminal "$1" | less -R
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ vnoremap <silent> # :call VisualSelection('b')<CR>
nnoremap <BS> :nohlsearch<CR>g<C-g>zo
nnoremap <BS> :nohlsearch<CR>g<C-g>zo
nnoremap U <C-r>
nnoremap U <C-r>
nnoremap K i<CR><Esc>k$
nnoremap K i<CR><Esc>k$
nnoremap <Enter> :up<CR>:silent! call sy#start()<CR>g<C-g>
nnoremap <Enter> :up<CR>:silent! call sy#start()<CR>
vnoremap gj j
vnoremap gj j
vnoremap gk k
vnoremap gk k
vnoremap j gj
vnoremap j gj
@ -105,11 +105,10 @@ inoremap <> <><Left>
inoremap {} <Right>{}<Left><CR><Esc>O
inoremap {} <Right>{}<Left><CR><Esc>O
inoremap {% {% %}<Left><Left><Left>
inoremap {% {% %}<Left><Left><Left>
inoremap [] []<Left>
inoremap [] []<Left>
inoremap ;;; <Esc>A
inoremap ;; <Esc>m`A;<Esc>``a
inoremap ;; <Esc>m`A;<Esc>``a
inoremap ;;<Space> <Esc>A;<Esc>o
"inoremap ;;<Space> <Esc>A;<Esc>o
nnoremap ;; m"A;<Esc>`"
"nnoremap ;; m"A;<Esc>`"
nnoremap ;;<Space> A;<Esc>o
"nnoremap ;;<Space> A;<Esc>o
inoremap <C-l> <Right>
inoremap <C-l> <Right>
inoremap <C-h> <Left>
inoremap <C-h> <Left>
inoremap <C-k> <Up>
inoremap <C-k> <Up>
@ -123,10 +122,10 @@ nnoremap <C-w>z <C-w>_<C-w>\|
nnoremap <Leader>bun G?Plug <CR>yyjp$hdi'"+gP0Wl3d/\/<CR>xjyyP$"+gp<Esc>:nohlsearch<CR>:up<CR>:PluginInstall
nnoremap <Leader>bun G?Plug <CR>yyjp$hdi'"+gP0Wl3d/\/<CR>xjyyP$"+gp<Esc>:nohlsearch<CR>:up<CR>:PluginInstall
nnoremap <Leader><C-p> :CtrlPFunky<CR>
nnoremap <Leader><C-p> :CtrlPFunky<CR>
nnoremap <F2> :set invpaste<CR>
nnoremap <F2> :set invpaste<CR>
nnoremap <C-Up> [e
"nnoremap <C-Up> [e
nnoremap <C-Down> ]e
"nnoremap <C-Down> ]e
vnoremap <C-Up> [egv
"vnoremap <C-Up> [egv
vnoremap <C-Down> ]egv
"vnoremap <C-Down> ]egv
nnoremap / /\v
nnoremap / /\v
vnoremap / /\v
vnoremap / /\v
inoremap jk <Esc>A
inoremap jk <Esc>A
Reference in New Issue
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