2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
echo -ne '[ ]\r'
2015-04-02 23:32:32 -04:00
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history
2015-07-31 16:55:11 -04:00
for config (~/.zsh/*.zsh) source $config
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
2015-06-01 14:41:41 -04:00
source "$HOME/.antigen/antigen.zsh"
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
2015-08-24 21:43:29 +00:00
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
2015-06-23 10:24:46 -04:00
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
2015-03-02 11:20:59 -05:00
2014-10-14 16:15:59 -04:00
if [ -f /etc/zsh_command_not_found ] ; then
source /etc/zsh_command_not_found
2015-03-25 14:25:22 -04:00
2015-08-22 00:38:19 +00:00
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:$(readlink -e ~/bin)"
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
export EDITOR='vim'
2015-08-22 00:38:19 +00:00
function asroot(){
# Use temporary file for added security
xauth extract $TEMPFILE $DISPLAY
sudo zsh -c "xauth merge $TEMPFILE;(srm $TEMPFILE||rm $TEMPFILE)&'$@';"
2016-01-03 19:17:50 -05:00
alias pg="pcregrep -M"
2016-01-06 08:33:57 -05:00
alias eix="eix -F"
2015-10-30 10:51:20 -04:00
alias mouse1="xmodmap <(echo pointer = 1 2 3)"
alias mouse2="xmodmap <(echo pointer = 3 2 1)"
2015-09-17 17:21:37 +00:00
alias where="readlink -e"
2015-09-11 15:05:34 +00:00
alias ocp="ocp -vs0 -dcurses"
2015-08-18 22:38:07 +00:00
alias dumpx="xauth extract /tmp/xauthstuff $DISPLAY"
alias impx="xauth merge /tmp/xauthstuff;rm /tmp/xauthstuff"
2015-07-15 09:37:43 -04:00
alias sudo='sudo '
2015-07-18 18:43:40 -04:00
alias con='git x php app/console'
2014-11-22 19:14:54 -05:00
alias srm='srm -dv'
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias disphost='export DISPLAY=:0.0'
2015-12-09 15:12:43 -05:00
alias ll='ls -AlhF'
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias la='ls -A'
2015-01-16 11:11:49 -05:00
alias l='ls -CF'
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias logout='sudo pkill -u $USER'
2015-12-04 09:10:58 -05:00
function rsh(){
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
if [ -z $1 ] ; then
echo "Valid hostnames:"
cat /home/stonewareslord/syncthing/shared/ips
return 1
2015-12-09 13:01:35 -05:00
ADDR=$(cat /home/stonewareslord/syncthing/shared/ips | sed -rne "s/^$1: //pi")
2015-12-06 13:11:19 -05:00
2015-12-04 09:10:58 -05:00
if [ -z $ADDR ] ; then
echo "Hostname not found"
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
return 2
2015-12-04 09:10:58 -05:00
echo "SSH to $ADDR..."
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
tsh $ADDR $*
2015-12-04 09:10:58 -05:00
2015-03-25 14:25:22 -04:00
function fixsh(){
2015-04-14 22:10:18 -04:00
sed -i -e $1"d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
2015-03-25 14:25:22 -04:00
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias tmux='tmux -2'
2015-01-20 07:43:44 -05:00
alias less='less -R'
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias tree='tree -C'
alias skim="(head -5; tail -5) <"
2015-09-17 17:21:37 +00:00
alias cp='rsync --partial -ha --info=progress2 "$@"'
2015-01-03 00:34:38 -05:00
function mv() { /bin/mv -v "$@" }
function m() { mv "$@" }
2015-02-20 17:00:42 -05:00
compdef _cp c m mv cp copy
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias dt='date "+%F %T"'
alias awake='disphost; while true; do xdotool mousemove 0 0; sleep 60; done'
2014-09-20 23:09:59 -04:00
alias adk='/home/stonewareslord/Applications/adk/bin/studio.sh & disown'
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias resource='. ~/.zshrc'
2015-02-22 16:26:41 -05:00
alias etup='sudo etc-update'
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias search='apt-cache search'
2015-07-29 16:27:13 -04:00
if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then
2015-07-30 03:24:10 -04:00
# Not Mac
2015-07-29 16:27:13 -04:00
alias ls='ls --color=always -F'
2015-12-29 23:04:58 -05:00
alias steamo='sudo kill -9 `pidof steam`;sudo unshare -n -- sh -c "ifconfig lo up;sudo -u stonewareslord steam" > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown'
2015-07-29 16:27:13 -04:00
alias matlab='matlab -glnx86'
alias bat='upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0| grep -E "state|to\ full|percentage"'
2015-12-29 23:04:58 -05:00
if command -v greadlink 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
alias readlink='greadlink'
2015-07-30 03:24:10 -04:00
2015-07-31 16:52:21 -04:00
if test -f /etc/gentoo-release; then
2015-07-29 16:27:13 -04:00
# Gentoo
2015-07-30 03:24:10 -04:00
2015-07-29 16:27:13 -04:00
echo "args: $*"
sudo zsh -c "emerge --autounmask-write -av $*"
2015-08-25 14:14:40 +00:00
function update(){
# If this is a server computer
if [ "$(hostname|cut -b1)" = "S" ] ; then
echo "You're a server. Exiting"
2015-09-11 15:05:34 +00:00
2015-08-25 14:14:40 +00:00
cd /usr/portage >/dev/null
sudo zsh -c "git up&&echo Done pulling&&eix-update&&echo Done with eix"
cd ->/dev/null
2015-12-29 23:04:58 -05:00
alias upgrade='sudo emerge --update --newuse --with-bdeps=y --deep --verbose -t -a --keep-going=y --verbose-conflicts @world'
2015-07-31 16:52:21 -04:00
elif test -f /etc/lsb-release; then
# Ubuntu
alias install='sudo apt-get --show-progress install'
alias remove='sudo apt-get --show-progress remove'
alias update='sudo apt-get update'
alias upgrade='sudo apt-get --show-progress upgrade'
alias autoremove='sudo apt-get --show-progress autoremove'
alias updateall='sudo sh -c "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade -y;apt-get dist-upgrade -y;apt-get autoremove -y"'
2015-07-29 16:27:13 -04:00
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias ..='k ..'
alias ...='k ../..'
alias ....='k ../../..'
alias .....='k ../../../..'
alias ......='k ../../../../..'
alias .......='k ../../../../../..'
alias ........='k ../../../../../../..'
alias .........='k ../../../../../../../..'
alias ..........='k ../../../../../../../../..'
alias ...........='k ../../../../../../../../../..'
alias ............='k ../../../../../../../../../../..'
alias .............='k ../../../../../../../../../../../..'
alias ..............='k ../../../../../../../../../../../../..'
alias ...............='k ../../../../../../../../../../../../../..'
alias ytdl="youtube-dl $@ -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 -c -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s'"
alias tux="wemux"
alias rmgit="git remote rm origin;git remote rm https;git remote rm oOrigin;git remote rm oHttps"
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
alias rname="while true;do echo -n \"Rename: \";read A;echo -n \"To: \";read B;i3-msg 'rename workspace $A to $B';done"
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
alias g="git $@"
2015-04-18 23:12:55 -04:00
alias stdns="sudo sh -c 'echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf'"
2014-11-22 19:14:54 -05:00
alias fvim="vim -u NONE +\"so ~/.vim/plugged/flappyvird-vim/plugin/flappyvird.vim\" +\"so ~/.vim/plugged/flappyvird-vim/autoload/flappyvird.vim\" +\":FlappyVird\" +\":q\""
2014-09-28 11:45:17 -04:00
alias fk='k `fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x`'
alias fkill='ps -ef | sed 1d | fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x | awk "{print $2}" | xargs kill -${1:-9}'
2015-09-17 17:21:37 +00:00
alias susp="sudo true&&(slock&echo mem | sudo tee /sys/power/state >/dev/null)"
2015-05-12 12:50:06 -04:00
alias aoeu='setxkbmap -layout us -option "'
alias asdf='setxkbmap -layout dvorak -option ""'
2014-08-19 11:20:34 -06:00
alias -s html="firefox"
alias -s log="less -MN"
2014-10-14 16:15:59 -04:00
alias -s odt="libreoffice"
alias -s doc="libreoffice"
alias -s docx="libreoffice"
2015-09-17 17:21:37 +00:00
alias -g c='rsync --partial -ha --info=progress2 "$@"'
2014-09-28 11:45:17 -04:00
alias -g F='`fzf --no-mouse -m -1 -x`'
2014-08-23 22:33:15 -04:00
alias -g nify=" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
2014-09-23 18:10:30 -04:00
alias -g nifyd=" > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown"
2015-07-22 16:28:39 -04:00
alias -g L="2>&1|less"
#alias -g L="2>&1|vimpager"
2015-01-28 23:02:40 -05:00
alias -g G='|& ag'
2014-09-28 11:45:17 -04:00
export FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS='--no-mouse -m -1 -x'
2015-02-23 13:12:42 -05:00
function ctar(){
2015-12-09 13:01:35 -05:00
tar -cf - $@|pv -WcN tar|gzip|pv -WcN gzip
#tar -cf - $@|pv -WcN tar -s $(echo $(du -sb $@|awk '{print $1}'|tr '\n' '+')0|bc)|gzip|pv -WcN dest
2015-07-16 16:51:57 -04:00
#tar -cf - $@|pv -WcN tar -s $(echo $(du -sb $@|awk '{print $1}'|tr '\n' '+')0|bc)|gzip|pv -WcN dest
2015-02-23 13:12:42 -05:00
2014-12-27 04:35:51 -05:00
function offline(){
echo unshare -n -- sh -c "sudo -u stonewareslord zsh -c '$@'"
sudo unshare -n -- sh -c "sudo -u stonewareslord zsh -c '$@'"
2014-11-07 21:25:46 -05:00
function smon(){
2014-11-08 12:34:11 -05:00
timeout 1s pdsh -R ssh -w, "$@"
2014-11-07 21:25:46 -05:00
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
function dnstest(){
2014-11-22 19:14:54 -05:00
echo "resolv.conf:"
cat /etc/resolv.conf
2014-12-07 13:52:33 -05:00
echo "Testing DNS:"
dig google.com
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
echo "Testing ping:"
2014-09-23 18:10:30 -04:00
ping -c 2
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
echo "Testing IP curl:"
2014-12-07 13:52:33 -05:00
curl -k
2014-11-22 19:14:54 -05:00
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
echo "Testing DNS"
2014-09-20 23:09:10 -04:00
curl ifconfig.me
2014-08-29 09:46:43 -04:00
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
function cinitify(){
mkdir $2
cd $2
git init
git remote add origin git@austenwares.com:$1/$2.git
git remote add https https://austenwares.com/gitlab/$1/$2.git
#Offline mode
git remote add oOrigin git@$1/$2.git
git remote add oHttps$1/$2.git
git remote -v
2014-08-12 15:18:54 -04:00
git config http.sslVerify false
2015-01-02 18:50:23 -05:00
if [[ $3 == "-v" ]] ; then
# Vagrant repository
vagrant init $4
echo ".vagrant" > .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
vagrant up
elif [[ ! $3 == "-r" ]] ; then
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
echo -n "Pull from: "
read from
git pull $from
git checkout master
function initify(){
git init
git remote add origin git@austenwares.com:$1/$2.git
git remote add https https://austenwares.com/gitlab/$1/$2.git
#Offline mode
git remote add oOrigin git@$1/$2.git
git remote add oHttps$1/$2.git
git remote -v
2014-08-12 15:18:54 -04:00
git config http.sslVerify false
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
if [[ ! $3 == "-r" ]] ; then
echo -n "Pull from: "
read from
git pull $from
git checkout master
function tsh(){
ssh $* -X
if which ponysay >/dev/null; then
ponysay "Connection closed!"
echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSESSION CLOSED\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
2015-06-10 17:01:47 -04:00
function mcl(){
2015-07-22 16:28:39 -04:00
mkdir -p $1
2015-06-10 17:01:47 -04:00
cd $1
2015-08-18 22:38:07 +00:00
function rc(){
case $1 in
z) vim ~/.zshrc;;
v) vim ~/.vimrc;;
i) vim ~/.i3/config;;
2015-08-23 15:44:31 +00:00
use) sudo vim /etc/portage/package.use/package.use;;
make) sudo vim /etc/portage/make.conf;;
unmask) sudo vim /etc/portage/package.unmask;;
mask) sudo vim /etc/portage/package.mask/package.mask;;
accept_keywords) sudo vim /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/package.accept_keywords;;
2015-09-17 17:23:25 +00:00
*) echo "Opts:\nz v i\nuse make unmask mask accept_keywords"
2015-08-23 15:44:31 +00:00
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
function pub-git-init(){
# Get the project name
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
branch=$(git remote -v | ag '^origin\s+' | sed -e 's/^origin\s*//' | cut -d\ -f1 | sed -r -e 's/^.+\///' -e 's/#.+$//' -e 's/\.git$//' | head -n1)
echo "Branch: $branch"
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
# Get the hashed project name
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
enc_branch=$(echo "$branch" | sha512sum | cut -d\ -f1)
git remote add local "gcrypt::git@localhost:stonewareslord/79a79b1a6e37813d9226872c6428aca29eec9f6111558109861cb0dcd2f0ffc8198deea4e361f84e170989212452fdfb21e0ef690da2ad399c03ce308d79dcfe#$enc_branch"
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
git remote add ncsu "gcrypt::git@github.ncsu.edu:agadler/a86a0f8757772be2ec617b395a0716679bfce51c1bfdeb8da6127feebd84facde645e9e30188318344eb458f5834e3d86800.git#$enc_branch"
git remote add gitlab "gcrypt::git@gitlab.com:stonewareslord/e6e03ea006d55de0970a28bcb7fcf65f4c66f98f50830bd69b50c5dc502bdf1a4e4172187cfb5fcef8c32bd7fb316bdc67d7d86713ebfe232f97eb303ac316ae.git#$enc_branch"
2015-08-24 21:43:29 +00:00
git config remote.ncsu.gcrypt-participants "CCDFE3F1"
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
git config remote.gitlab.gcrypt-participants "CCDFE3F1"
2015-08-24 21:43:29 +00:00
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
function pub-git-rm(){
2016-01-03 19:17:50 -05:00
if (( $# == 0 )) ; then
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
git remote rm local
git remote rm ncsu
git remote rm gitlab
while (( $# > 0 )) ; do
git remote rm "$1"
function pub-git-push(){
2015-12-31 13:02:45 -05:00
if (( $# == 0 )) ; then
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
git push local --all && git push local --tags
git push ncsu --all && git push ncsu --tags
git push gitlab --all && git push gitlab --tags
while (( $# > 0 )) ; do
git push "$1" --all && git push "$1" --tags
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
function pub-git-clone(){
case $1 in
ncsu) remote="gcrypt::git@github.ncsu.edu:agadler/a86a0f8757772be2ec617b395a0716679bfce51c1bfdeb8da6127feebd84facde645e9e30188318344eb458f5834e3d86800.git#" ;;
gitlab) remote="gcrypt::git@gitlab.com:stonewareslord/e6e03ea006d55de0970a28bcb7fcf65f4c66f98f50830bd69b50c5dc502bdf1a4e4172187cfb5fcef8c32bd7fb316bdc67d7d86713ebfe232f97eb303ac316ae.git#" ;;
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
local) remote="gcrypt::git@localhost:stonewareslord/79a79b1a6e37813d9226872c6428aca29eec9f6111558109861cb0dcd2f0ffc8198deea4e361f84e170989212452fdfb21e0ef690da2ad399c03ce308d79dcfe#" ;;
*) echo "Opts: local ncsu gitlab" ; return 1
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
echo "No arg2"
return 2
2015-08-24 21:43:29 +00:00
branch=$(echo $1 | sha512sum | cut -d\ -f1)
2015-12-29 23:51:16 -05:00
git clone "$remote$branch" $1
2015-08-24 21:43:29 +00:00
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
function k(){
2015-06-10 17:01:47 -04:00
#More than 1 arguement
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
if [[ $# > 1 ]] ; then
2015-06-10 17:01:47 -04:00
vim $@
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
elif [ -d "$@" ] ; then
2014-08-30 15:59:01 -04:00
#cd then ls
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
cd "$@" && ls
2014-08-11 15:14:46 -04:00
elif [[ "$@" == "-" ]] ; then
2014-08-30 15:59:01 -04:00
#Because if this isn't here, k - won't work
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
cd - && ls
elif [ -f "$@" ] ; then
2014-08-30 15:59:01 -04:00
#Extract if it's extractable
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
case $1 in
2015-08-23 16:38:10 +00:00
*.tar.xz) pv $1|tar -xJf - ;;
*.tar.bz2) pv $1|tar -xjf - ;;
*.tar.gz) pv $1|tar -xzf - ;;
*.tar) pv $1|tar -xf - ;;
*.tbz2) pv $1|tar -xjf - ;;
*.tgz) pv $1|tar -xzf - ;;
*.lzma) pv $1|tar --lzma -xf - ;;
*.xz) pv $1|tar -xJf - ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) rar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*.lrz) lrzuntar $1 ;;
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
*) vim $1
2015-06-10 17:01:47 -04:00
#Edit with vim
echo -n "vim? "
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
read a
2015-06-10 17:01:47 -04:00
vim "$@"
2014-08-11 01:09:13 -04:00
2015-07-31 16:52:21 -04:00
#source ~/.zsh/*.zsh
2014-09-23 18:10:30 -04:00
[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
2015-09-05 03:59:33 +00:00
# To resize,
# :%S/\[([# ]{9})\]/[\1 ]
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
####echo -ne '[# ]\r'
####antigen bundle Schnouki/git-annex-zsh-completion
###echo -ne '[## ]\r'
###antigen bundle stonewareslord/omg
###echo -ne '[### ]\r'
###antigen theme stonewareslord/oh-my-git-themes af-magic
###echo -ne '[#### ]\r'
###antigen bundle stonewareslord/lpr
####echo -ne '[##### ]\r'
####antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions src
####echo -ne '[###### ]\r'
####antigen bundle sharat87/autoenv
###echo -ne '[####### ]\r'
###antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
###echo -ne '[######## ]\r'
###antigen apply
###echo -ne '[#########]\r'
echo -ne '[# ]\r'
2015-06-01 14:41:41 -04:00
antigen bundle stonewareslord/omg
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
echo -ne '[## ]\r'
2015-06-01 14:41:41 -04:00
antigen theme stonewareslord/oh-my-git-themes af-magic
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
echo -ne '[### ]\r'
2015-06-01 14:41:41 -04:00
antigen bundle stonewareslord/lpr
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
echo -ne '[#### ]\r'
2015-06-01 14:41:41 -04:00
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
echo -ne '[##### ]\r'
2015-06-01 14:41:41 -04:00
antigen apply
2015-12-08 18:26:30 -05:00
echo -ne '[######]\r'
2015-09-04 18:20:08 +00:00
2015-12-31 12:55:30 -05:00
# OPAM configuration
. /home/stonewareslord/.opam/opam-init/init.zsh > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || true