Go to file
2013-11-08 02:51:47 +02:00
prompt.sh fix upstream 2013-11-08 02:51:47 +02:00
README.md README.md reports that the script has been tested on Ubuntu and that the standard font must be changed 2013-09-13 16:04:57 +02:00


![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git-gh-pages/gh-pages/images/samples/01-not in a git repo.jpg) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git-gh-pages/gh-pages/images/samples/02-in a git repo.jpg) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git-gh-pages/gh-pages/images/samples/03-on master.jpg) alt tag alt tag ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git-gh-pages/gh-pages/images/samples/06-a typical session.jpg) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git-gh-pages/gh-pages/images/samples/07-tracking branch.jpg) ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git-gh-pages/gh-pages/images/samples/08-explicit upstream.jpg) alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag

alt tag


One liner for Mac:

cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git.git && echo source $HOME/oh-my-git/prompt.sh >> .profile

One liner for Ubuntu:

cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/arialdomartini/oh-my-git.git && echo source $HOME/oh-my-git/prompt.sh >> .bashrc

Then, set your Terminal font to Monospace (or edit oh-my-git and change the symbols used)

Manual installation

Fork the repo and git clone it in your home directory

Then add

source $HOME/oh-my-git/prompt.sh

to the bash startup file (~/.profile on Mac, ~/.bashrc on Linux)

Known bugs and limitations

  • It works weird on brand new repositories, before the first commit
  • It has been tested on Mac and Ubuntu only. I never managed to make it work on Cygwin
  • You need an unicode font (like Menlo or Monaco on Mac OS X, or Monospace on Ubuntu)
  • With the default Ubuntu terminal font, some symbols are not properly displayed. Use Monospace, or edit the prompt.sh file and choose other symbols

zsh version

Coming soon. I'm working on the integration with zsh + oh-my-zsh + antigen Wanna help? Great! Fork it! It will be really appreciated!