Add two color for the X11 support, green (support) and yellow (no support, not
set in red, because it is not a critical warning). The bold cyan of the hostname
was to close to the green of the colon and the @, change it to blue.
If the current connection supports X (if we are in a X session or if we have
enabled X11 forwarding under ssh), the @ displayed in front of the hostname
is colored in blue (use LP_COLOR_X11 to change the color).
Yes, much more config options, but it allows to lighten the prompt and
so improve its speed. I wanted to detect the useful parts by parsing the
theme but it seems impossible (I didn't find how).
This add colors to features in the main code, so as to avoid having to specify
them in the template part. LP_PS1 is thus easier to set, with just a list of
features to activate along with basic characters.
* a green ⌁ if the battery is charging and above a given threshold,
* a yellow ⌁ if the battery is charging and under threshold,
* a red ⌁ if the battery is discharging but above threshold;
This adds the possibility to forge a different prompt than the default one, by
laying out liquidprompt features in a different order.
Just build a properly escaped LP_PS1 variable.
± for git directories, ☿ for mercurial, ‡ for svn.
Thus, do not display the now useless letter prefix before the branch name.
Refactor the smart mark function.
Do you want to display the hostname, even if not connected through network?
Use LP_HOSTNAME_ALWAYS. It defaults to 0 (do not display hostname when localy
connected). Set it to 1 if you want to always see the hostname.