Indicate if the battery is (dis)charging

* a green ⌁ if the battery is charging and above a given threshold,
* a yellow ⌁ if the battery is charging and under threshold,
* a red ⌁ if the battery is discharging but above threshold;
This commit is contained in:
nojhan 2012-08-12 12:13:47 +02:00
parent 697bb3a31a
commit 508b218004
2 changed files with 73 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ A liquid prompt displaying everything may look like this:
It displays:
* the average of the batteries remaining power, if it is under a given
threshold, with a colormap too;
* a green ⌁ if the battery is charging and above a given threshold,
a yellow ⌁ if the battery is charging and under threshold,
a red ⌁ if the battery is discharging but above threshold;
* the average of the batteries remaining power, if it is under the given
threshold, with a colormap, going more and more red with decreasing power;
* the average of the processors load, if it is over a given limit, with a
colormap that became more and more noticeable with increasing load;
* the number of detached sessions (`screen`), if there is any;

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@ -618,37 +618,87 @@ __svn_branch_color()
# Get the battery status in percent
# returns 1 if no battery support
# returns 0 (and battery level) if battery is discharging and under threshold
# returns 1 (and battery level) if battery is discharging and above threshold
# returns 2 (and battery level) if battery is charging but under threshold
# returns 3 (and battery level) if battery is charging and above threshold
# returns 4 if no battery support
command -v acpi >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 1;
bat=$(acpi --battery 2>/dev/null | sed "s/^Battery .*, \([0-9]*\)%.*$/\1/")
if [[ "${bat}" == "" ]] ; then
return 1
command -v acpi >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 4; # or no battery support
local acpi=$(acpi --battery 2>/dev/null)
local bat=$( echo $acpi | sed "s/^Battery .*, \([0-9]*\)%.*$/\1/")
if [[ -z "${bat}" ]] ; then
# not battery level found
return 4
# discharging
elif [[ "$acpi" == *"Discharging"* ]] ; then
if [[ ${bat} -le $LP_BATTERY_THRESHOLD ]] ; then
# under threshold
echo -n "${bat}"
return 0
# above threshold
echo -n "${bat}"
return 1
# charging
if [[ ${bat} -le $LP_BATTERY_THRESHOLD ]] ; then
# under threshold
echo -n "${bat}"
return 2
# above threshold
echo -n "${bat}"
return 3
# Compute a gradient of background/foreground colors depending on the battery status
# Display:
# a green ⌁ if the battery is charging and above threshold
# a yellow ⌁ if the battery is charging and under threshold
# a red ⌁ if the battery is discharging but above threshold
local mark="⌁"
local bat
local ret
if [[ "$?" = "1" ]] ; then return; fi; # no battery support
if [[ "$bat" != "" ]] ; then
if [[ ${bat} -gt $LP_BATTERY_THRESHOLD ]] ; then
return; # nothing displayed above 75%
if [[ $ret == 4 || $bat == 100 ]] ; then
# no battery support or battery full: nothing displayed
elif [[ $ret == 3 && $bat != 100 ]] ; then
# charging and above threshold and not 100%
# green ⌁
echo -ne "${GREEN}$mark${NO_COL}"
elif [[ $ret == 2 ]] ; then
# charging but under threshold
# yellow ⌁
echo -ne "${YELLOW}$mark${NO_COL}"
elif [[ $ret == 1 ]] ; then
# discharging but above threshold
# red ⌁
echo -ne "${RED}$mark${NO_COL}"
if [[ ${bat} -le 75 ]] && [[ ${bat} -gt 50 ]] ; then
# discharging and under threshold
elif [[ "$bat" != "" ]] ; then
if [[ ${bat} -le 100 ]] && [[ ${bat} -gt 75 ]] ; then
elif [[ ${bat} -le 75 ]] && [[ ${bat} -gt 50 ]] ; then
elif [[ ${bat} -le 40 ]] && [[ ${bat} -gt 20 ]] ; then
elif [[ ${bat} -le 50 ]] && [[ ${bat} -gt 20 ]] ; then
elif [[ ${bat} -le 20 ]] && [[ ${bat} -gt 10 ]] ; then