
University Level Courses Taught

Educational Resources

Children’s Science Books Authored/Co-authored

What in the World is Happening to Our Climate?

This Elementary GLOBE Climate Book was co-authored by Becca Hatheway and Diane Stanitski with illustrations by Lisa Gardiner. You can find PDFs of the text in English, Spanish, French and Norwegian, and five teacher activities here: https://www.globe.gov/web/elementary-globe/overview/climate

GLOBE stands for Global Learning and Observations to Benefit of the Environment (https://www.globe.gov/about)

NOAA Teacher at Sea books

Teacher at Sea: Miss Cook's Voyage on the Ronald H. Brown

Teacher in the Air: Dr. Diane's Flight with the NOAA Hurricane Hunters

Teacher at Sea, Mrs. Armwood's Hydrographic Adventure on the NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER

Teacher at Sea: Mr. Tanenbaum Explores Atlantic Fisheries on the NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow

Diane authored/co-authored four NOAA Teacher at Sea (TAS) books and accompanying teacher activities between 2005 and 2009. The updated TAS website will soon feature the books and lessons here: https://teacheratsea.noaa.gov. (The site is under construction)