I profiled fzf and it turned out that it was spending significant amount of time repeatedly converting character arrays into Unicode codepoints. This commit greatly improves search performance after the initial scan by memoizing the converted results. This commit also addresses the problem of unbounded memory usage of fzf. fzf is a short-lived process that usually processes small input, so it was implemented to cache the intermediate results very aggressively with no notion of cache expiration/eviction. I still think a proper implementation of caching scheme is definitely an overkill. Instead this commit introduces limits to the maximum size (or minimum selectivity) of the intermediate results that can be cached.
213 lines
4.5 KiB
213 lines
4.5 KiB
package fzf
import (
const rangeEllipsis = 0
// Range represents nth-expression
type Range struct {
begin int
end int
// Token contains the tokenized part of the strings and its prefix length
type Token struct {
text *[]rune
prefixLength int
func newRange(begin int, end int) Range {
if begin == 1 {
begin = rangeEllipsis
if end == -1 {
end = rangeEllipsis
return Range{begin, end}
// ParseRange parses nth-expression and returns the corresponding Range object
func ParseRange(str *string) (Range, bool) {
if (*str) == ".." {
return newRange(rangeEllipsis, rangeEllipsis), true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(*str, "..") {
end, err := strconv.Atoi((*str)[2:])
if err != nil || end == 0 {
return Range{}, false
return newRange(rangeEllipsis, end), true
} else if strings.HasSuffix(*str, "..") {
begin, err := strconv.Atoi((*str)[:len(*str)-2])
if err != nil || begin == 0 {
return Range{}, false
return newRange(begin, rangeEllipsis), true
} else if strings.Contains(*str, "..") {
ns := strings.Split(*str, "..")
if len(ns) != 2 {
return Range{}, false
begin, err1 := strconv.Atoi(ns[0])
end, err2 := strconv.Atoi(ns[1])
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || begin == 0 || end == 0 {
return Range{}, false
return newRange(begin, end), true
n, err := strconv.Atoi(*str)
if err != nil || n == 0 {
return Range{}, false
return newRange(n, n), true
func withPrefixLengths(tokens []string, begin int) []Token {
ret := make([]Token, len(tokens))
prefixLength := begin
for idx, token := range tokens {
// Need to define a new local variable instead of the reused token to take
// the pointer to it
runes := []rune(token)
ret[idx] = Token{text: &runes, prefixLength: prefixLength}
prefixLength += len([]rune(token))
return ret
const (
awkNil = iota
func awkTokenizer(input *string) ([]string, int) {
// 9, 32
ret := []string{}
str := []rune{}
prefixLength := 0
state := awkNil
for _, r := range []rune(*input) {
white := r == 9 || r == 32
switch state {
case awkNil:
if white {
} else {
state = awkBlack
str = append(str, r)
case awkBlack:
str = append(str, r)
if white {
state = awkWhite
case awkWhite:
if white {
str = append(str, r)
} else {
ret = append(ret, string(str))
state = awkBlack
str = []rune{r}
if len(str) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, string(str))
return ret, prefixLength
// Tokenize tokenizes the given string with the delimiter
func Tokenize(str *string, delimiter *regexp.Regexp) []Token {
if delimiter == nil {
// AWK-style (\S+\s*)
tokens, prefixLength := awkTokenizer(str)
return withPrefixLengths(tokens, prefixLength)
tokens := delimiter.FindAllString(*str, -1)
return withPrefixLengths(tokens, 0)
func joinTokens(tokens *[]Token) *string {
ret := ""
for _, token := range *tokens {
ret += string(*token.text)
return &ret
func joinTokensAsRunes(tokens *[]Token) *[]rune {
ret := []rune{}
for _, token := range *tokens {
ret = append(ret, *token.text...)
return &ret
// Transform is used to transform the input when --with-nth option is given
func Transform(tokens []Token, withNth []Range) *[]Token {
transTokens := make([]Token, len(withNth))
numTokens := len(tokens)
for idx, r := range withNth {
part := []rune{}
minIdx := 0
if r.begin == r.end {
idx := r.begin
if idx == rangeEllipsis {
part = append(part, *joinTokensAsRunes(&tokens)...)
} else {
if idx < 0 {
idx += numTokens + 1
if idx >= 1 && idx <= numTokens {
minIdx = idx - 1
part = append(part, *tokens[idx-1].text...)
} else {
var begin, end int
if r.begin == rangeEllipsis { // ..N
begin, end = 1, r.end
if end < 0 {
end += numTokens + 1
} else if r.end == rangeEllipsis { // N..
begin, end = r.begin, numTokens
if begin < 0 {
begin += numTokens + 1
} else {
begin, end = r.begin, r.end
if begin < 0 {
begin += numTokens + 1
if end < 0 {
end += numTokens + 1
minIdx = util.Max(0, begin-1)
for idx := begin; idx <= end; idx++ {
if idx >= 1 && idx <= numTokens {
part = append(part, *tokens[idx-1].text...)
var prefixLength int
if minIdx < numTokens {
prefixLength = tokens[minIdx].prefixLength
} else {
prefixLength = 0
transTokens[idx] = Token{&part, prefixLength}
return &transTokens