I profiled fzf and it turned out that it was spending significant amount of time repeatedly converting character arrays into Unicode codepoints. This commit greatly improves search performance after the initial scan by memoizing the converted results. This commit also addresses the problem of unbounded memory usage of fzf. fzf is a short-lived process that usually processes small input, so it was implemented to cache the intermediate results very aggressively with no notion of cache expiration/eviction. I still think a proper implementation of caching scheme is definitely an overkill. Instead this commit introduces limits to the maximum size (or minimum selectivity) of the intermediate results that can be cached.
222 lines
4.6 KiB
222 lines
4.6 KiB
package fzf
import (
// MatchRequest represents a search request
type MatchRequest struct {
chunks []*Chunk
pattern *Pattern
final bool
sort bool
// Matcher is responsible for performing search
type Matcher struct {
patternBuilder func([]rune) *Pattern
sort bool
tac bool
eventBox *util.EventBox
reqBox *util.EventBox
partitions int
mergerCache map[string]*Merger
const (
reqRetry util.EventType = iota
// NewMatcher returns a new Matcher
func NewMatcher(patternBuilder func([]rune) *Pattern,
sort bool, tac bool, eventBox *util.EventBox) *Matcher {
return &Matcher{
patternBuilder: patternBuilder,
sort: sort,
tac: tac,
eventBox: eventBox,
reqBox: util.NewEventBox(),
partitions: runtime.NumCPU(),
mergerCache: make(map[string]*Merger)}
// Loop puts Matcher in action
func (m *Matcher) Loop() {
prevCount := 0
for {
var request MatchRequest
m.reqBox.Wait(func(events *util.Events) {
for _, val := range *events {
switch val := val.(type) {
case MatchRequest:
request = val
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected type: %T", val))
if request.sort != m.sort {
m.sort = request.sort
m.mergerCache = make(map[string]*Merger)
// Restart search
patternString := request.pattern.AsString()
var merger *Merger
cancelled := false
count := CountItems(request.chunks)
foundCache := false
if count == prevCount {
// Look up mergerCache
if cached, found := m.mergerCache[patternString]; found {
foundCache = true
merger = cached
} else {
// Invalidate mergerCache
prevCount = count
m.mergerCache = make(map[string]*Merger)
if !foundCache {
merger, cancelled = m.scan(request)
if !cancelled {
if merger.Cacheable() {
m.mergerCache[patternString] = merger
merger.final = request.final
m.eventBox.Set(EvtSearchFin, merger)
func (m *Matcher) sliceChunks(chunks []*Chunk) [][]*Chunk {
perSlice := len(chunks) / m.partitions
// No need to parallelize
if perSlice == 0 {
return [][]*Chunk{chunks}
slices := make([][]*Chunk, m.partitions)
for i := 0; i < m.partitions; i++ {
start := i * perSlice
end := start + perSlice
if i == m.partitions-1 {
end = len(chunks)
slices[i] = chunks[start:end]
return slices
type partialResult struct {
index int
matches []*Item
func (m *Matcher) scan(request MatchRequest) (*Merger, bool) {
startedAt := time.Now()
numChunks := len(request.chunks)
if numChunks == 0 {
return EmptyMerger, false
pattern := request.pattern
if pattern.IsEmpty() {
return PassMerger(&request.chunks, m.tac), false
cancelled := util.NewAtomicBool(false)
slices := m.sliceChunks(request.chunks)
numSlices := len(slices)
resultChan := make(chan partialResult, numSlices)
countChan := make(chan int, numChunks)
waitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
for idx, chunks := range slices {
go func(idx int, chunks []*Chunk) {
defer func() { waitGroup.Done() }()
sliceMatches := []*Item{}
for _, chunk := range chunks {
matches := request.pattern.Match(chunk)
sliceMatches = append(sliceMatches, matches...)
if cancelled.Get() {
countChan <- len(matches)
if m.sort {
if m.tac {
} else {
resultChan <- partialResult{idx, sliceMatches}
}(idx, chunks)
wait := func() bool {
return true
count := 0
matchCount := 0
for matchesInChunk := range countChan {
matchCount += matchesInChunk
if count == numChunks {
if m.reqBox.Peek(reqReset) {
return nil, wait()
if time.Now().Sub(startedAt) > progressMinDuration {
m.eventBox.Set(EvtSearchProgress, float32(count)/float32(numChunks))
partialResults := make([][]*Item, numSlices)
for range slices {
partialResult := <-resultChan
partialResults[partialResult.index] = partialResult.matches
return NewMerger(partialResults, m.sort, m.tac), false
// Reset is called to interrupt/signal the ongoing search
func (m *Matcher) Reset(chunks []*Chunk, patternRunes []rune, cancel bool, final bool, sort bool) {
pattern := m.patternBuilder(patternRunes)
var event util.EventType
if cancel {
event = reqReset
} else {
event = reqRetry
m.reqBox.Set(event, MatchRequest{chunks, pattern, final, sort})