I profiled fzf and it turned out that it was spending significant amount of time repeatedly converting character arrays into Unicode codepoints. This commit greatly improves search performance after the initial scan by memoizing the converted results. This commit also addresses the problem of unbounded memory usage of fzf. fzf is a short-lived process that usually processes small input, so it was implemented to cache the intermediate results very aggressively with no notion of cache expiration/eviction. I still think a proper implementation of caching scheme is definitely an overkill. Instead this commit introduces limits to the maximum size (or minimum selectivity) of the intermediate results that can be cached.
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package fzf
import "sync"
// Chunk is a list of Item pointers whose size has the upper limit of chunkSize
type Chunk []*Item // >>> []Item
// ItemBuilder is a closure type that builds Item object from a pointer to a
// string and an integer
type ItemBuilder func(*string, int) *Item
// ChunkList is a list of Chunks
type ChunkList struct {
chunks []*Chunk
count int
mutex sync.Mutex
trans ItemBuilder
// NewChunkList returns a new ChunkList
func NewChunkList(trans ItemBuilder) *ChunkList {
return &ChunkList{
chunks: []*Chunk{},
count: 0,
mutex: sync.Mutex{},
trans: trans}
func (c *Chunk) push(trans ItemBuilder, data *string, index int) {
*c = append(*c, trans(data, index))
// IsFull returns true if the Chunk is full
func (c *Chunk) IsFull() bool {
return len(*c) == chunkSize
func (cl *ChunkList) lastChunk() *Chunk {
return cl.chunks[len(cl.chunks)-1]
// CountItems returns the total number of Items
func CountItems(cs []*Chunk) int {
if len(cs) == 0 {
return 0
return chunkSize*(len(cs)-1) + len(*(cs[len(cs)-1]))
// Push adds the item to the list
func (cl *ChunkList) Push(data string) {
defer cl.mutex.Unlock()
if len(cl.chunks) == 0 || cl.lastChunk().IsFull() {
newChunk := Chunk(make([]*Item, 0, chunkSize))
cl.chunks = append(cl.chunks, &newChunk)
cl.lastChunk().push(cl.trans, &data, cl.count)
// Snapshot returns immutable snapshot of the ChunkList
func (cl *ChunkList) Snapshot() ([]*Chunk, int) {
defer cl.mutex.Unlock()
ret := make([]*Chunk, len(cl.chunks))
copy(ret, cl.chunks)
// Duplicate the last chunk
if cnt := len(ret); cnt > 0 {
ret[cnt-1] = ret[cnt-1].dupe()
return ret, cl.count
func (c *Chunk) dupe() *Chunk {
newChunk := make(Chunk, len(*c))
for idx, ptr := range *c {
newChunk[idx] = ptr
return &newChunk