#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'minitest/autorun' require 'fileutils' DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20 base = File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__) Dir.chdir base FZF = "#{base}/bin/fzf" class NilClass def include? str false end def start_with? str false end def end_with? str false end end def wait since = Time.now while Time.now - since < DEFAULT_TIMEOUT return if yield sleep 0.05 end throw 'timeout' end class Shell class << self def bash 'PS1= PROMPT_COMMAND= bash --rcfile ~/.fzf.bash' end def zsh FileUtils.mkdir_p '/tmp/fzf-zsh' FileUtils.cp File.expand_path('~/.fzf.zsh'), '/tmp/fzf-zsh/.zshrc' 'PS1= PROMPT_COMMAND= HISTSIZE=100 ZDOTDIR=/tmp/fzf-zsh zsh' end end end class Tmux TEMPNAME = '/tmp/fzf-test.txt' attr_reader :win def initialize shell = :bash @win = case shell when :bash go("new-window -d -P -F '#I' '#{Shell.bash}'").first when :zsh go("new-window -d -P -F '#I' '#{Shell.zsh}'").first when :fish go("new-window -d -P -F '#I' 'fish'").first else raise "Unknown shell: #{shell}" end @lines = `tput lines`.chomp.to_i if shell == :fish send_keys('function fish_prompt; end; clear', :Enter) self.until { |lines| lines.empty? } end end def closed? !go("list-window -F '#I'").include?(win) end def close wait do send_keys 'C-c', 'C-u', 'exit', :Enter closed? end end def kill go("kill-window -t #{win} 2> /dev/null") end def send_keys *args target = if args.last.is_a?(Hash) hash = args.pop go("select-window -t #{win}") "#{win}.#{hash[:pane]}" else win end args = args.map { |a| %{"#{a}"} }.join ' ' go("send-keys -t #{target} #{args}") end def capture pane = 0 File.unlink TEMPNAME while File.exists? TEMPNAME wait do go("capture-pane -t #{win}.#{pane} \\; save-buffer #{TEMPNAME} 2> /dev/null") $?.exitstatus == 0 end File.read(TEMPNAME).split($/)[0, @lines].reverse.drop_while(&:empty?).reverse end def until pane = 0 lines = nil begin wait do lines = capture(pane) class << lines def item_count self[-2] ? self[-2].strip.split('/').last.to_i : 0 end end yield lines end rescue Exception puts $!.backtrace puts '>' * 80 puts lines puts '<' * 80 raise end lines end def prepare tries = 0 begin self.send_keys 'C-u', 'hello', 'Right' self.until { |lines| lines[-1].end_with?('hello') } rescue Exception (tries += 1) < 5 ? retry : raise end self.send_keys 'C-u' end private def go *args %x[tmux #{args.join ' '}].split($/) end end class TestBase < Minitest::Test TEMPNAME = '/tmp/output' attr_reader :tmux def setup ENV.delete 'FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS' ENV.delete 'FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND' File.unlink TEMPNAME while File.exists?(TEMPNAME) end def readonce wait { File.exists?(TEMPNAME) } File.read(TEMPNAME) ensure File.unlink TEMPNAME while File.exists?(TEMPNAME) end def fzf(*opts) fzf!(*opts) + " > #{TEMPNAME}.tmp; mv #{TEMPNAME}.tmp #{TEMPNAME}" end def fzf!(*opts) opts = opts.map { |o| case o when Symbol o = o.to_s o.length > 1 ? "--#{o.gsub('_', '-')}" : "-#{o}" when String, Numeric o.to_s else nil end }.compact "#{FZF} #{opts.join ' '}" end end class TestGoFZF < TestBase def setup super @tmux = Tmux.new end def teardown @tmux.kill end def test_vanilla tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100000 | #{fzf}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.last =~ /^>/ && lines[-2] =~ /^ 100000/ } lines = tmux.capture assert_equal ' 2', lines[-4] assert_equal '> 1', lines[-3] assert_equal ' 100000/100000', lines[-2] assert_equal '>', lines[-1] # Testing basic key bindings tmux.send_keys '99', 'C-a', '1', 'C-f', '3', 'C-b', 'C-h', 'C-u', 'C-e', 'C-y', 'C-k', 'Tab', 'BTab' tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2] == ' 856/100000' } lines = tmux.capture assert_equal '> 1391', lines[-4] assert_equal ' 391', lines[-3] assert_equal ' 856/100000', lines[-2] assert_equal '> 391', lines[-1] tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.close assert_equal '1391', readonce.chomp end def test_fzf_default_command tmux.send_keys "FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='echo hello' #{fzf}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.last =~ /^>/ } tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.close assert_equal 'hello', readonce.chomp end def test_key_bindings tmux.send_keys "#{FZF} -q 'foo bar foo-bar'", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.last =~ /^>/ } # CTRL-A tmux.send_keys "C-A", "(" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> (foo bar foo-bar' } # META-F tmux.send_keys :Escape, :f, ")" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> (foo) bar foo-bar' } # CTRL-B tmux.send_keys "C-B", "var" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> (foovar) bar foo-bar' } # Left, CTRL-D tmux.send_keys :Left, :Left, "C-D" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> (foovr) bar foo-bar' } # META-BS tmux.send_keys :Escape, :BSpace tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> (r) bar foo-bar' } # CTRL-Y tmux.send_keys "C-Y", "C-Y" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> (foovfoovr) bar foo-bar' } # META-B tmux.send_keys :Escape, :b, :Space, :Space tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> ( foovfoovr) bar foo-bar' } # CTRL-F / Right tmux.send_keys 'C-F', :Right, '/' tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> ( fo/ovfoovr) bar foo-bar' } # CTRL-H / BS tmux.send_keys 'C-H', :BSpace tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> ( fovfoovr) bar foo-bar' } # CTRL-E tmux.send_keys "C-E", 'baz' tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> ( fovfoovr) bar foo-barbaz' } # CTRL-U tmux.send_keys "C-U" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '>' } # CTRL-Y tmux.send_keys "C-Y" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> ( fovfoovr) bar foo-barbaz' } # CTRL-W tmux.send_keys "C-W", "bar-foo" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> ( fovfoovr) bar bar-foo' } # META-D tmux.send_keys :Escape, :b, :Escape, :b, :Escape, :d, "C-A", "C-Y" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last == '> bar( fovfoovr) bar -foo' } # CTRL-M tmux.send_keys "C-M" tmux.until { |lines| lines.last !~ /^>/ } tmux.close end def test_multi_order tmux.send_keys "seq 1 10 | #{fzf :multi}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.last =~ /^>/ } tmux.send_keys :Tab, :Up, :Up, :Tab, :Tab, :Tab, # 3, 2 'C-K', 'C-K', 'C-K', 'C-K', :BTab, :BTab, # 5, 6 :PgUp, 'C-J', :Down, :Tab, :Tab # 8, 7 tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '(6)' } tmux.send_keys "C-M" assert_equal %w[3 2 5 6 8 7], readonce.split($/) tmux.close end def test_with_nth [true, false].each do |multi| tmux.send_keys "(echo ' 1st 2nd 3rd/'; echo ' first second third/') | #{fzf multi && :multi, :x, :nth, 2, :with_nth, '2,-1,1'}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include?('2/2') } # Transformed list lines = tmux.capture assert_equal ' second third/first', lines[-4] assert_equal '> 2nd 3rd/1st', lines[-3] # However, the output must not be transformed if multi tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :Enter assert_equal [' 1st 2nd 3rd/', ' first second third/'], readonce.split($/) else tmux.send_keys '^', '3' tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include?('1/2') } tmux.send_keys :Enter assert_equal [' 1st 2nd 3rd/'], readonce.split($/) end end end def test_scroll [true, false].each do |rev| tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf rev && :reverse}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.include? ' 100/100' } tmux.send_keys *110.times.map { rev ? :Down : :Up } tmux.until { |lines| lines.include? '> 100' } tmux.send_keys :Enter assert_equal '100', readonce.chomp end end def test_select_1 tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf :with_nth, '..,..', :print_query, :q, 5555, :'1'}", :Enter assert_equal ['5555', '55'], readonce.split($/) end def test_exit_0 tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf :with_nth, '..,..', :print_query, :q, 555555, :'0'}", :Enter assert_equal ['555555'], readonce.split($/) end def test_select_1_exit_0_fail [:'0', :'1', [:'1', :'0']].each do |opt| tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf :print_query, :multi, :q, 5, *opt}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.last =~ /^> 5/ } tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :BTab, :Enter assert_equal ['5', '5', '15', '25'], readonce.split($/) end end def test_query_unicode tmux.send_keys "(echo abc; echo 가나다) | #{fzf :query, '가다'}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1/2' } tmux.send_keys :Enter assert_equal ['가나다'], readonce.split($/) end def test_sync tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf! :multi} | awk '{print \\$1 \\$1}' | #{fzf :sync}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == '>' } tmux.send_keys 9 tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2] == ' 19/100' } tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :BTab, :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == '>' } tmux.send_keys 'C-K', :Enter assert_equal ['1919'], readonce.split($/) end def test_tac tmux.send_keys "seq 1 1000 | #{fzf :tac, :multi}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1000/1000' } tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :BTab, :Enter assert_equal %w[1000 999 998], readonce.split($/) end def test_tac_sort tmux.send_keys "seq 1 1000 | #{fzf :tac, :multi}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1000/1000' } tmux.send_keys '99' tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :BTab, :Enter assert_equal %w[99 999 998], readonce.split($/) end def test_tac_nosort tmux.send_keys "seq 1 1000 | #{fzf :tac, :no_sort, :multi}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1000/1000' } tmux.send_keys '00' tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '10/1000' } tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :BTab, :Enter assert_equal %w[1000 900 800], readonce.split($/) end def test_expect test = lambda do |key, feed, expected = key| tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf :expect, key}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '100/100' } tmux.send_keys '55' tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1/100' } tmux.send_keys *feed assert_equal [expected, '55'], readonce.split($/) end test.call 'ctrl-t', 'C-T' test.call 'ctrl-t', 'Enter', '' test.call 'alt-c', [:Escape, :c] test.call 'f1', 'f1' test.call 'f2', 'f2' test.call 'f3', 'f3' test.call 'f2,f4', 'f2', 'f2' test.call 'f2,f4', 'f4', 'f4' test.call '@', '@' end def test_expect_print_query tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf '--expect=alt-z', :print_query}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '100/100' } tmux.send_keys '55' tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1/100' } tmux.send_keys :Escape, :z assert_equal ['55', 'alt-z', '55'], readonce.split($/) end def test_expect_print_query_select_1 tmux.send_keys "seq 1 100 | #{fzf '-q55 -1 --expect=alt-z --print-query'}", :Enter assert_equal ['55', '', '55'], readonce.split($/) end def test_toggle_sort tmux.send_keys "seq 1 111 | #{fzf '-m +s --tac --toggle-sort=ctrl-r -q11'}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-3].include? '> 111' } tmux.send_keys :Tab tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '4/111 (1)' } tmux.send_keys 'C-R' tmux.until { |lines| lines[-3].include? '> 11' } tmux.send_keys :Tab tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '4/111/S (2)' } tmux.send_keys :Enter assert_equal ['111', '11'], readonce.split($/) end def test_unicode_case tempname = TEMPNAME + Time.now.to_f.to_s writelines tempname, %w[строКА1 СТРОКА2 строка3 Строка4] assert_equal %w[СТРОКА2 Строка4], `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -fС`.split($/) assert_equal %w[строКА1 СТРОКА2 строка3 Строка4], `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -fс`.split($/) rescue File.unlink tempname end def test_tiebreak tempname = TEMPNAME + Time.now.to_f.to_s input = %w[ --foobar-------- -----foobar--- ----foobar-- -------foobar- ] writelines tempname, input assert_equal input, `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -ffoobar --tiebreak=index`.split($/) by_length = %w[ ----foobar-- -----foobar--- -------foobar- --foobar-------- ] assert_equal by_length, `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -ffoobar`.split($/) assert_equal by_length, `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -ffoobar --tiebreak=length`.split($/) by_begin = %w[ --foobar-------- ----foobar-- -----foobar--- -------foobar- ] assert_equal by_begin, `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -ffoobar --tiebreak=begin`.split($/) assert_equal by_begin, `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -f"!z foobar" -x --tiebreak begin`.split($/) assert_equal %w[ -------foobar- ----foobar-- -----foobar--- --foobar-------- ], `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -ffoobar --tiebreak end`.split($/) assert_equal input, `cat #{tempname} | #{FZF} -f"!z" -x --tiebreak end`.split($/) rescue File.unlink tempname end def test_invalid_cache tmux.send_keys "(echo d; echo D; echo x) | #{fzf '-q d'}", :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '2/3' } tmux.send_keys :BSpace tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '3/3' } tmux.send_keys :D tmux.until { |lines| lines[-2].include? '1/3' } tmux.send_keys :Enter end def test_smart_case_for_each_term assert_equal 1, `echo Foo bar | #{FZF} -x -f "foo Fbar" | wc -l`.to_i end private def writelines path, lines File.unlink path while File.exists? path File.open(path, 'w') { |f| f << lines.join($/) } end end module TestShell def setup super end def teardown @tmux.kill end def test_ctrl_t tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'C-t', pane: 0 lines = tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 1 } expected = lines.values_at(-3, -4).map { |line| line[2..-1] }.join(' ') tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :Enter, pane: 1 tmux.until(0) { |lines| lines[-1].include? expected } tmux.send_keys 'C-c' # FZF_TMUX=0 new_shell tmux.send_keys 'C-t', pane: 0 lines = tmux.until(0) { |lines| lines.item_count > 1 } expected = lines.values_at(-3, -4).map { |line| line[2..-1] }.join(' ') tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :Enter, pane: 0 tmux.until(0) { |lines| lines[-1].include? expected } tmux.send_keys 'C-c', 'C-d' end def test_alt_c tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys :Escape, :c, pane: 0 lines = tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 0 } expected = lines[-3][2..-1] tmux.send_keys :Enter, pane: 1 tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys :pwd, :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1].end_with?(expected) } end def test_ctrl_r tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'echo 1st', :Enter; tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'echo 2nd', :Enter; tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'echo 3d', :Enter; tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'echo 3rd', :Enter; tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'echo 4th', :Enter; tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'C-r', pane: 0 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 0 } tmux.send_keys '3d', pane: 1 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines[-3].end_with? 'echo 3rd' } # --no-sort tmux.send_keys :Enter, pane: 1 tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == 'echo 3rd' } tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == '3rd' } end end module CompletionTest def test_file_completion tmux.send_keys 'mkdir -p /tmp/fzf-test; touch /tmp/fzf-test/{1..100}; touch ~/fzf-home no~such~user', :Enter tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'cat /tmp/fzf-test/10**', :Tab, pane: 0 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 0 } tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab, :Enter tmux.until do |lines| tmux.send_keys 'C-L' lines[-1].include?('/tmp/fzf-test/10') && lines[-1].include?('/tmp/fzf-test/100') end # ~USERNAME** tmux.send_keys 'C-u' tmux.send_keys "cat ~#{ENV['USER']}**", :Tab, pane: 0 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 0 } tmux.send_keys 'fzf-home' tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines[-3].end_with? 'fzf-home' } tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.until do |lines| tmux.send_keys 'C-L' lines[-1].end_with?('fzf-home') end # ~INVALID_USERNAME** tmux.send_keys 'C-u' tmux.send_keys "cat ~such**", :Tab, pane: 0 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines[-3].end_with? 'no~such~user' } tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.until do |lines| tmux.send_keys 'C-L' lines[-1].end_with?('no~such~user') end ensure File.unlink 'no~such~user' end def test_dir_completion tmux.send_keys 'mkdir -p /tmp/fzf-test/d{1..100}; touch /tmp/fzf-test/d55/xxx', :Enter tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'cd /tmp/fzf-test/**', :Tab, pane: 0 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 0 } tmux.send_keys :BTab, :BTab # BTab does not work here tmux.send_keys 55 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines[-2].start_with? ' 1/' } tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.until do |lines| tmux.send_keys 'C-L' lines[-1] == 'cd /tmp/fzf-test/d55/' end tmux.send_keys :xx tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == 'cd /tmp/fzf-test/d55/xx' } # Should not match regular files (bash-only) if self.class == TestBash tmux.send_keys :Tab tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == 'cd /tmp/fzf-test/d55/xx' } end # Fail back to plusdirs tmux.send_keys :BSpace, :BSpace, :BSpace tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == 'cd /tmp/fzf-test/d55' } tmux.send_keys :Tab tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1] == 'cd /tmp/fzf-test/d55/' } end def test_process_completion tmux.send_keys 'sleep 12345 &', :Enter lines = tmux.until { |lines| lines[-1].start_with? '[1]' } pid = lines[-1].split.last tmux.prepare tmux.send_keys 'kill ', :Tab, pane: 0 tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines.item_count > 0 } tmux.send_keys 'sleep12345' tmux.until(1) { |lines| lines[-3].include? 'sleep 12345' } tmux.send_keys :Enter tmux.until do |lines| tmux.send_keys 'C-L' lines[-1] == "kill #{pid}" end ensure Process.kill 'KILL', pid.to_i rescue nil if pid end end class TestBash < TestBase include TestShell include CompletionTest def new_shell tmux.send_keys "FZF_TMUX=0 #{Shell.bash}", :Enter tmux.prepare end def setup super @tmux = Tmux.new :bash end end class TestZsh < TestBase include TestShell include CompletionTest def new_shell tmux.send_keys "FZF_TMUX=0 #{Shell.zsh}", :Enter tmux.prepare end def setup super @tmux = Tmux.new :zsh end end class TestFish < TestBase include TestShell def new_shell tmux.send_keys 'env FZF_TMUX=0 fish', :Enter tmux.send_keys 'function fish_prompt; end; clear', :Enter tmux.until { |lines| lines.empty? } end def setup super @tmux = Tmux.new :fish end end