Fix adapted from [@adamheins: fzf, vi-mode, and fixing delays][1].
The basic problem is that
fzf presses <Esc> to enter vi-movement-mode
(as opposed to insert mode)
and then presses a bunch of keys to set up the buffer.
But the <Esc> keypress is also the prefix for a bunch of other commands,
so Bash will dutifully wait an excruciating half-second
before actually executing this command.
Instead, we bind <C-x><C-a>, which is unused by default
and seems reasonably unlikely to be custom-bound,
to be another way to enter vi-movement-mode;
this binding is unambiguous, so fzf can use it without delay.
This change was made by just `:s/\\e/\\C-x\\C-a/gc`
in the relevant section,
after adding the actual binding and comment at the top.
This fixes the problem where a new tab page is not closed when the
following configuration is used:
let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': 'execute (tabpagenr()-1)."tabnew"' }
- Slightly more efficient processing of Options
- Do not return reference type arguments that are mutated inside the
- Use util.Constrain function when appropriate
If you do `man fzf > /dev/null`, you'll get the following output
`R' is a string (producing the registered sign), not a macro.
`R' is a string (producing the registered sign), not a macro.
`R' is a string (producing the registered sign), not a macro.
`R' is a string (producing the registered sign), not a macro.
`R' is a string (producing the registered sign), not a macro.
`R' is a string (producing the registered sign), not a macro.
Removing these `.R` macros with a newline seems to have no effect on the
page but gets rid of the error.
Note that $SHELL only points to the default shell instead of the current
shell. If you're on a non-default shell, you might want to override the
value like follows.
SHELL=zsh fzf --bind 'enter:execute:echo $ZSH_VERSION; sleep 1'
- You can now override _fzf_compgen_path and _fzf_compgen_dir functions
to use custom commands such as ag instead of find for listing
completion candidates.
- The first argument is the base path to start traversal
- Removed file-only completion in bash, i.e. _fzf_file_completion.
Maintaining a list of commands that only expect files, not
directories, is cumbersome (there are too many) and error-prone.
- Added $FZF_COMPLETION_DIR_COMMANDS to customize the list of commands
which use directory-only completion. The default is "cd pushd rmdir".
Not sure if it's the best approach to address the requirement, I'll
leave it as an undocumented feature.
Related: #406 (@thomcom), #456 (@frizinak)