Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ rm -r ~/Library/Containers/
### iTunes
#### Stop Responding to the Keyboard Media Keys
#### Stop Responding to Keyboard Media Keys
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ sudo defaults write /System/Library/Launch Daemons/ StartI
hash tmutil &> /dev/null && sudo tmutil disablelocal
#### Prevent Time Machine From Prompting to Use New Hard Drives as Backup Volume
#### Prevent Time Machine from Prompting to Use New Hard Drives as Backup Volume
defaults write DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup -bool true
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ brew install --HEAD neovim
### Xcode
#### Install Command Line Tools Without Xcode
#### Install Command Line Tools without Xcode
xcode-select --install
@ -346,6 +346,13 @@ defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-t
killall Dock
#### Set Auto Show/Hide Delay
The float number defines the show/hide delay in ms.
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 &&\
killall Dock
## Documents
@ -591,12 +598,12 @@ caffeinate -u -t 3600
sudo pmset -g
#### Put Display to Sleep After 15 Minutes of Inactivity
#### Put Display to Sleep after 15 Minutes of Inactivity
sudo pmset displaysleep 15
#### Put Computer to Sleep After 30 Minutes of Inactivity
#### Put Computer to Sleep after 30 Minutes of Inactivity
sudo pmset sleep 30
@ -621,14 +628,14 @@ sudo systemsetup -setcomputersleep Never
sudo systemsetup -setrestartfreeze on
#### Enable Chime when Charging
#### Enable Chime When Charging
Play iOS charging sound when MagSafe is connected.
defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true && \
open /System/Library/CoreServices/
#### Disable Chime when Charging
#### Disable Chime When Charging
defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool false && \
killall PowerChime
@ -780,6 +787,11 @@ dig +short
### Wi-Fi
#### Join a Wi-Fi Network
networksetup -setairportnetwork en0 WIFI_SSID WIFI_PASSWORD
#### Scan Available Access Points
Create a symbolic link to the airport command for easy access:
@ -811,6 +823,11 @@ Exchange SSID with the SSID of the access point you wish to query the password f
security find-generic-password -D "AirPort network password" -a "SSID" -gw
#### Turn on Wi-Fi Adapter
networksetup -setairportpower en0 on
## Package Managers
- [Fink]( - The full world of Unix Open Source software for Darwin.
@ -1311,6 +1328,7 @@ shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family.
Install the latest version and set as current users' default shell:
brew install zsh && \
sudo sh -c 'echo $(brew --prefix)/bin/zsh >> /etc/shells' && \
chsh -s $(brew --prefix)/bin/zsh
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- Titles need to be [capitalized]( properly. Don't be lazy. For help with this, see [Online Capitalize Tool](
- Titles need to be [capitalized]( properly. Don't be lazy. For help with this, see [Online Capitalize Tool]( Use *Chicago Manual of Style* rules.
- Keep descriptions short and simple.
- End all descriptions with a full stop/period.
- Order titles alphabetically within each category.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user