/* This file is part of telegram-client. Telegram-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Telegram-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this telegram-client. If not, see . Copyright Nikolay Durov, Andrey Lopatin 2012-2013 Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2013 */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "net.h" #include "include.h" #include "queries.h" #include "loop.h" #include "interface.h" #include "structures.h" #include "binlog.h" #if defined(__FreeBSD__) #define __builtin_bswap32(x) bswap32(x) #endif #define sha1 SHA1 #include "mtproto-common.h" #define MAX_NET_RES (1L << 16) extern int log_level; int verbosity; int auth_success; enum dc_state c_state; char nonce[256]; char new_nonce[256]; char server_nonce[256]; extern int binlog_enabled; extern int disable_auto_accept; extern int allow_weak_random; int total_packets_sent; long long total_data_sent; int rpc_execute (struct connection *c, int op, int len); int rpc_becomes_ready (struct connection *c); int rpc_close (struct connection *c); struct connection_methods auth_methods = { .execute = rpc_execute, .ready = rpc_becomes_ready, .close = rpc_close }; long long precise_time; double get_utime (int clock_id) { struct timespec T; my_clock_gettime (clock_id, &T); double res = T.tv_sec + (double) T.tv_nsec * 1e-9; if (clock_id == CLOCK_REALTIME) { precise_time = (long long) (res * (1LL << 32)); } return res; } void secure_random (void *s, int l) { if (RAND_bytes (s, l) < 0) { if (allow_weak_random) { RAND_pseudo_bytes (s, l); } else { assert (0 && "End of random. If you want, you can start with -w"); } } } #define STATS_BUFF_SIZE (64 << 10) int stats_buff_len; char stats_buff[STATS_BUFF_SIZE]; #define MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE (1L << 24) char Response[MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE]; int Response_len; /* * * STATE MACHINE * */ char *rsa_public_key_name = "tg.pub"; RSA *pubKey; long long pk_fingerprint; static int rsa_load_public_key (const char *public_key_name) { pubKey = NULL; FILE *f = fopen (public_key_name, "r"); if (f == NULL) { logprintf ( "Couldn't open public key file: %s\n", public_key_name); return -1; } pubKey = PEM_read_RSAPublicKey (f, NULL, NULL, NULL); fclose (f); if (pubKey == NULL) { logprintf ( "PEM_read_RSAPublicKey returns NULL.\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int auth_work_start (struct connection *c); /* * * UNAUTHORIZED (DH KEY EXCHANGE) PROTOCOL PART * */ BIGNUM dh_prime, dh_g, g_a, dh_power, auth_key_num; char s_power [256]; struct { long long auth_key_id; long long out_msg_id; int msg_len; } unenc_msg_header; #define ENCRYPT_BUFFER_INTS 16384 int encrypt_buffer[ENCRYPT_BUFFER_INTS]; #define DECRYPT_BUFFER_INTS 16384 int decrypt_buffer[ENCRYPT_BUFFER_INTS]; int encrypt_packet_buffer (void) { return pad_rsa_encrypt ((char *) packet_buffer, (packet_ptr - packet_buffer) * 4, (char *) encrypt_buffer, ENCRYPT_BUFFER_INTS * 4, pubKey->n, pubKey->e); } int encrypt_packet_buffer_aes_unauth (const char server_nonce[16], const char hidden_client_nonce[32]) { init_aes_unauth (server_nonce, hidden_client_nonce, AES_ENCRYPT); return pad_aes_encrypt ((char *) packet_buffer, (packet_ptr - packet_buffer) * 4, (char *) encrypt_buffer, ENCRYPT_BUFFER_INTS * 4); } int rpc_send_packet (struct connection *c) { int len = (packet_ptr - packet_buffer) * 4; c->out_packet_num ++; long long next_msg_id = (long long) ((1LL << 32) * get_utime (CLOCK_REALTIME)) & -4; if (next_msg_id <= unenc_msg_header.out_msg_id) { unenc_msg_header.out_msg_id += 4; } else { unenc_msg_header.out_msg_id = next_msg_id; } unenc_msg_header.msg_len = len; int total_len = len + 20; assert (total_len > 0 && !(total_len & 0xfc000003)); total_len >>= 2; if (total_len < 0x7f) { assert (write_out (c, &total_len, 1) == 1); } else { total_len = (total_len << 8) | 0x7f; assert (write_out (c, &total_len, 4) == 4); } write_out (c, &unenc_msg_header, 20); write_out (c, packet_buffer, len); flush_out (c); total_packets_sent ++; total_data_sent += total_len; return 1; } int rpc_send_message (struct connection *c, void *data, int len) { assert (len > 0 && !(len & 0xfc000003)); int total_len = len >> 2; if (total_len < 0x7f) { assert (write_out (c, &total_len, 1) == 1); } else { total_len = (total_len << 8) | 0x7f; assert (write_out (c, &total_len, 4) == 4); } c->out_packet_num ++; assert (write_out (c, data, len) == len); flush_out (c); total_packets_sent ++; total_data_sent += total_len; return 1; } int send_req_pq_packet (struct connection *c) { assert (c_state == st_init); secure_random (nonce, 16); unenc_msg_header.out_msg_id = 0; clear_packet (); out_int (CODE_req_pq); out_ints ((int *)nonce, 4); rpc_send_packet (c); c_state = st_reqpq_sent; return 1; } unsigned long long gcd (unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b) { return b ? gcd (b, a % b) : a; } //typedef unsigned int uint128_t __attribute__ ((mode(TI))); unsigned long long what; unsigned p1, p2; int process_respq_answer (struct connection *c, char *packet, int len) { int i; if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "process_respq_answer(), len=%d\n", len); } assert (len >= 76); assert (!*(long long *) packet); assert (*(int *) (packet + 16) == len - 20); assert (!(len & 3)); assert (*(int *) (packet + 20) == CODE_resPQ); assert (!memcmp (packet + 24, nonce, 16)); memcpy (server_nonce, packet + 40, 16); char *from = packet + 56; int clen = *from++; assert (clen <= 8); what = 0; for (i = 0; i < clen; i++) { what = (what << 8) + (unsigned char)*from++; } while (((unsigned long)from) & 3) ++from; p1 = 0, p2 = 0; if (verbosity >= 2) { logprintf ( "%lld received\n", what); } int it = 0; unsigned long long g = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3 || it < 1000; i++) { int q = ((lrand48() & 15) + 17) % what; unsigned long long x = (long long)lrand48 () % (what - 1) + 1, y = x; int lim = 1 << (i + 18); int j; for (j = 1; j < lim; j++) { ++it; unsigned long long a = x, b = x, c = q; while (b) { if (b & 1) { c += a; if (c >= what) { c -= what; } } a += a; if (a >= what) { a -= what; } b >>= 1; } x = c; unsigned long long z = x < y ? what + x - y : x - y; g = gcd (z, what); if (g != 1) { break; } if (!(j & (j - 1))) { y = x; } } if (g > 1 && g < what) break; } assert (g > 1 && g < what); p1 = g; p2 = what / g; if (p1 > p2) { unsigned t = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = t; } if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "p1 = %d, p2 = %d, %d iterations\n", p1, p2, it); } /// ++p1; /// assert (*(int *) (from) == CODE_vector); int fingerprints_num = *(int *)(from + 4); assert (fingerprints_num >= 1 && fingerprints_num <= 64 && len == fingerprints_num * 8 + 8 + (from - packet)); long long *fingerprints = (long long *) (from + 8); for (i = 0; i < fingerprints_num; i++) { if (fingerprints[i] == pk_fingerprint) { //logprintf ( "found our public key at position %d\n", i); break; } } if (i == fingerprints_num) { logprintf ( "fatal: don't have any matching keys (%016llx expected)\n", pk_fingerprint); exit (2); } // create inner part (P_Q_inner_data) clear_packet (); packet_ptr += 5; out_int (CODE_p_q_inner_data); out_cstring (packet + 57, clen); //out_int (0x0f01); // pq=15 if (p1 < 256) { clen = 1; } else if (p1 < 65536) { clen = 2; } else if (p1 < 16777216) { clen = 3; } else { clen = 4; } p1 = __builtin_bswap32 (p1); out_cstring ((char *)&p1 + 4 - clen, clen); p1 = __builtin_bswap32 (p1); if (p2 < 256) { clen = 1; } else if (p2 < 65536) { clen = 2; } else if (p2 < 16777216) { clen = 3; } else { clen = 4; } p2 = __builtin_bswap32 (p2); out_cstring ((char *)&p2 + 4 - clen, clen); p2 = __builtin_bswap32 (p2); //out_int (0x0301); // p=3 //out_int (0x0501); // q=5 out_ints ((int *) nonce, 4); out_ints ((int *) server_nonce, 4); secure_random (new_nonce, 32); out_ints ((int *) new_nonce, 8); sha1 ((unsigned char *) (packet_buffer + 5), (packet_ptr - packet_buffer - 5) * 4, (unsigned char *) packet_buffer); int l = encrypt_packet_buffer (); clear_packet (); out_int (CODE_req_DH_params); out_ints ((int *) nonce, 4); out_ints ((int *) server_nonce, 4); //out_int (0x0301); // p=3 //out_int (0x0501); // q=5 if (p1 < 256) { clen = 1; } else if (p1 < 65536) { clen = 2; } else if (p1 < 16777216) { clen = 3; } else { clen = 4; } p1 = __builtin_bswap32 (p1); out_cstring ((char *)&p1 + 4 - clen, clen); p1 = __builtin_bswap32 (p1); if (p2 < 256) { clen = 1; } else if (p2 < 65536) { clen = 2; } else if (p2 < 16777216) { clen = 3; } else { clen = 4; } p2 = __builtin_bswap32 (p2); out_cstring ((char *)&p2 + 4 - clen, clen); p2 = __builtin_bswap32 (p2); out_long (pk_fingerprint); out_cstring ((char *) encrypt_buffer, l); c_state = st_reqdh_sent; return rpc_send_packet (c); } int check_prime (BIGNUM *p) { int r = BN_is_prime (p, BN_prime_checks, 0, BN_ctx, 0); ensure (r >= 0); return r; } int check_DH_params (BIGNUM *p, int g) { if (g < 2 || g > 7) { return -1; } BIGNUM t; BN_init (&t); BN_init (&dh_g); ensure (BN_set_word (&dh_g, 4 * g)); ensure (BN_mod (&t, p, &dh_g, BN_ctx)); int x = BN_get_word (&t); assert (x >= 0 && x < 4 * g); BN_free (&dh_g); switch (g) { case 2: if (x != 7) { return -1; } break; case 3: if (x % 3 != 2 ) { return -1; } break; case 4: break; case 5: if (x % 5 != 1 && x % 5 != 4) { return -1; } break; case 6: if (x != 19 && x != 23) { return -1; } break; case 7: if (x % 7 != 3 && x % 7 != 5 && x % 7 != 6) { return -1; } break; } if (!check_prime (p)) { return -1; } BIGNUM b; BN_init (&b); ensure (BN_set_word (&b, 2)); ensure (BN_div (&t, 0, p, &b, BN_ctx)); if (!check_prime (&t)) { return -1; } BN_free (&b); BN_free (&t); return 0; } int check_g (unsigned char p[256], BIGNUM *g) { static unsigned char s[256]; memset (s, 0, 256); assert (BN_num_bytes (g) <= 256); BN_bn2bin (g, s); int ok = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (s[i]) { ok = 1; break; } } if (!ok) { return -1; } ok = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (s[255 - i]) { ok = 1; break; } } if (!ok) { return -1; } ok = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (s[i] < p[i]) { ok = 1; break; } else if (s[i] > p[i]) { logprintf ("i = %d (%d %d)\n", i, (int)s[i], (int)p[i]); return -1; } } if (!ok) { return -1; } return 0; } int check_g_bn (BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *g) { static unsigned char s[256]; memset (s, 0, 256); assert (BN_num_bytes (p) <= 256); BN_bn2bin (p, s); return check_g (s, g); } int process_dh_answer (struct connection *c, char *packet, int len) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "process_dh_answer(), len=%d\n", len); } if (len < 116) { logprintf ( "%u * %u = %llu", p1, p2, what); } assert (len >= 116); assert (!*(long long *) packet); assert (*(int *) (packet + 16) == len - 20); assert (!(len & 3)); assert (*(int *) (packet + 20) == (int)CODE_server_DH_params_ok); assert (!memcmp (packet + 24, nonce, 16)); assert (!memcmp (packet + 40, server_nonce, 16)); init_aes_unauth (server_nonce, new_nonce, AES_DECRYPT); in_ptr = (int *)(packet + 56); in_end = (int *)(packet + len); int l = prefetch_strlen (); assert (l > 0); l = pad_aes_decrypt (fetch_str (l), l, (char *) decrypt_buffer, DECRYPT_BUFFER_INTS * 4 - 16); assert (in_ptr == in_end); assert (l >= 60); assert (decrypt_buffer[5] == (int)CODE_server_DH_inner_data); assert (!memcmp (decrypt_buffer + 6, nonce, 16)); assert (!memcmp (decrypt_buffer + 10, server_nonce, 16)); int g = decrypt_buffer[14]; in_ptr = decrypt_buffer + 15; in_end = decrypt_buffer + (l >> 2); BN_init (&dh_prime); BN_init (&g_a); assert (fetch_bignum (&dh_prime) > 0); assert (fetch_bignum (&g_a) > 0); assert (check_g_bn (&dh_prime, &g_a) >= 0); int server_time = *in_ptr++; assert (in_ptr <= in_end); assert (check_DH_params (&dh_prime, g) >= 0); static char sha1_buffer[20]; sha1 ((unsigned char *) decrypt_buffer + 20, (in_ptr - decrypt_buffer - 5) * 4, (unsigned char *) sha1_buffer); assert (!memcmp (decrypt_buffer, sha1_buffer, 20)); assert ((char *) in_end - (char *) in_ptr < 16); GET_DC(c)->server_time_delta = server_time - time (0); GET_DC(c)->server_time_udelta = server_time - get_utime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC); //logprintf ( "server time is %d, delta = %d\n", server_time, server_time_delta); // Build set_client_DH_params answer clear_packet (); packet_ptr += 5; out_int (CODE_client_DH_inner_data); out_ints ((int *) nonce, 4); out_ints ((int *) server_nonce, 4); out_long (0LL); BN_init (&dh_g); ensure (BN_set_word (&dh_g, g)); secure_random (s_power, 256); BIGNUM *dh_power = BN_bin2bn ((unsigned char *)s_power, 256, 0); ensure_ptr (dh_power); BIGNUM *y = BN_new (); ensure_ptr (y); ensure (BN_mod_exp (y, &dh_g, dh_power, &dh_prime, BN_ctx)); out_bignum (y); BN_free (y); BN_init (&auth_key_num); ensure (BN_mod_exp (&auth_key_num, &g_a, dh_power, &dh_prime, BN_ctx)); l = BN_num_bytes (&auth_key_num); assert (l >= 250 && l <= 256); assert (BN_bn2bin (&auth_key_num, (unsigned char *)GET_DC(c)->auth_key)); memset (GET_DC(c)->auth_key + l, 0, 256 - l); BN_free (dh_power); BN_free (&auth_key_num); BN_free (&dh_g); BN_free (&g_a); BN_free (&dh_prime); //hexdump (auth_key, auth_key + 256); sha1 ((unsigned char *) (packet_buffer + 5), (packet_ptr - packet_buffer - 5) * 4, (unsigned char *) packet_buffer); //hexdump ((char *)packet_buffer, (char *)packet_ptr); l = encrypt_packet_buffer_aes_unauth (server_nonce, new_nonce); clear_packet (); out_int (CODE_set_client_DH_params); out_ints ((int *) nonce, 4); out_ints ((int *) server_nonce, 4); out_cstring ((char *) encrypt_buffer, l); c_state = st_client_dh_sent; return rpc_send_packet (c); } int process_auth_complete (struct connection *c UU, char *packet, int len) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "process_dh_answer(), len=%d\n", len); } assert (len == 72); assert (!*(long long *) packet); assert (*(int *) (packet + 16) == len - 20); assert (!(len & 3)); assert (*(int *) (packet + 20) == CODE_dh_gen_ok); assert (!memcmp (packet + 24, nonce, 16)); assert (!memcmp (packet + 40, server_nonce, 16)); static unsigned char tmp[44], sha1_buffer[20]; memcpy (tmp, new_nonce, 32); tmp[32] = 1; //GET_DC(c)->auth_key_id = *(long long *)(sha1_buffer + 12); bl_do_set_auth_key_id (GET_DC(c)->id, (unsigned char *)GET_DC(c)->auth_key); sha1 ((unsigned char *)GET_DC(c)->auth_key, 256, sha1_buffer); memcpy (tmp + 33, sha1_buffer, 8); sha1 (tmp, 41, sha1_buffer); assert (!memcmp (packet + 56, sha1_buffer + 4, 16)); GET_DC(c)->server_salt = *(long long *)server_nonce ^ *(long long *)new_nonce; if (verbosity >= 3) { logprintf ( "auth_key_id=%016llx\n", GET_DC(c)->auth_key_id); } //kprintf ("OK\n"); //c->status = conn_error; //sleep (1); c_state = st_authorized; //return 1; if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "Auth success\n"); } auth_success ++; GET_DC(c)->flags |= 1; write_auth_file (); return 1; } /* * * AUTHORIZED (MAIN) PROTOCOL PART * */ struct encrypted_message enc_msg; long long client_last_msg_id, server_last_msg_id; double get_server_time (struct dc *DC) { if (!DC->server_time_udelta) { DC->server_time_udelta = get_utime (CLOCK_REALTIME) - get_utime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC); } return get_utime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) + DC->server_time_udelta; } long long generate_next_msg_id (struct dc *DC) { long long next_id = (long long) (get_server_time (DC) * (1LL << 32)) & -4; if (next_id <= client_last_msg_id) { next_id = client_last_msg_id += 4; } else { client_last_msg_id = next_id; } return next_id; } void init_enc_msg (struct session *S, int useful) { struct dc *DC = S->dc; assert (DC->auth_key_id); enc_msg.auth_key_id = DC->auth_key_id; // assert (DC->server_salt); enc_msg.server_salt = DC->server_salt; if (!S->session_id) { secure_random (&S->session_id, 8); } enc_msg.session_id = S->session_id; //enc_msg.auth_key_id2 = auth_key_id; enc_msg.msg_id = generate_next_msg_id (DC); //enc_msg.msg_id -= 0x10000000LL * (lrand48 () & 15); //kprintf ("message id %016llx\n", enc_msg.msg_id); enc_msg.seq_no = S->seq_no; if (useful) { enc_msg.seq_no |= 1; } S->seq_no += 2; }; int aes_encrypt_message (struct dc *DC, struct encrypted_message *enc) { unsigned char sha1_buffer[20]; const int MINSZ = offsetof (struct encrypted_message, message); const int UNENCSZ = offsetof (struct encrypted_message, server_salt); int enc_len = (MINSZ - UNENCSZ) + enc->msg_len; assert (enc->msg_len >= 0 && enc->msg_len <= MAX_MESSAGE_INTS * 4 - 16 && !(enc->msg_len & 3)); sha1 ((unsigned char *) &enc->server_salt, enc_len, sha1_buffer); //printf ("enc_len is %d\n", enc_len); if (verbosity >= 2) { logprintf ( "sending message with sha1 %08x\n", *(int *)sha1_buffer); } memcpy (enc->msg_key, sha1_buffer + 4, 16); init_aes_auth (DC->auth_key, enc->msg_key, AES_ENCRYPT); //hexdump ((char *)enc, (char *)enc + enc_len + 24); return pad_aes_encrypt ((char *) &enc->server_salt, enc_len, (char *) &enc->server_salt, MAX_MESSAGE_INTS * 4 + (MINSZ - UNENCSZ)); } long long encrypt_send_message (struct connection *c, int *msg, int msg_ints, int useful) { struct dc *DC = GET_DC(c); struct session *S = c->session; assert (S); const int UNENCSZ = offsetof (struct encrypted_message, server_salt); if (msg_ints <= 0 || msg_ints > MAX_MESSAGE_INTS - 4) { return -1; } if (msg) { memcpy (enc_msg.message, msg, msg_ints * 4); enc_msg.msg_len = msg_ints * 4; } else { if ((enc_msg.msg_len & 0x80000003) || enc_msg.msg_len > MAX_MESSAGE_INTS * 4 - 16) { return -1; } } init_enc_msg (S, useful); //hexdump ((char *)msg, (char *)msg + (msg_ints * 4)); int l = aes_encrypt_message (DC, &enc_msg); //hexdump ((char *)&enc_msg, (char *)&enc_msg + l + 24); assert (l > 0); rpc_send_message (c, &enc_msg, l + UNENCSZ); return client_last_msg_id; } int longpoll_count, good_messages; int auth_work_start (struct connection *c UU) { return 1; } void rpc_execute_answer (struct connection *c, long long msg_id UU); int unread_messages; int our_id; int pts; int qts; int last_date; int seq; void fetch_pts (void) { int p = fetch_int (); if (p <= pts) { return; } if (p != pts + 1) { if (pts) { //logprintf ("Hole in pts p = %d, pts = %d\n", p, pts); // get difference should be here pts = p; } else { pts = p; } } else { pts ++; } bl_do_set_pts (pts); } void fetch_qts (void) { int p = fetch_int (); if (p <= qts) { return; } if (p != qts + 1) { if (qts) { //logprintf ("Hole in qts\n"); // get difference should be here qts = p; } else { qts = p; } } else { qts ++; } bl_do_set_qts (qts); } void fetch_date (void) { int p = fetch_int (); if (p > last_date) { last_date = p; bl_do_set_date (last_date); } } void fetch_seq (void) { int x = fetch_int (); if (x > seq + 1) { logprintf ("Hole in seq: seq = %d, x = %d\n", seq, x); //do_get_difference (); //seq = x; } else if (x == seq + 1) { seq = x; bl_do_set_seq (seq); } } void work_update_binlog (void) { unsigned op = fetch_int (); switch (op) { case CODE_update_user_name: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *UC = user_chat_get (user_id); if (UC) { struct user *U = &UC->user; if (U->first_name) { tfree_str (U->first_name); } if (U->last_name) { tfree_str (U->last_name); } if (U->print_name) { peer_delete_name (UC); tfree_str (U->print_name); } U->first_name = fetch_str_dup (); U->last_name = fetch_str_dup (); U->print_name = create_print_name (U->id, U->first_name, U->last_name, 0, 0); peer_insert_name ((void *)U); } else { fetch_skip_str (); fetch_skip_str (); } } break; case CODE_update_user_photo: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *UC = user_chat_get (user_id); fetch_date (); if (UC) { struct user *U = &UC->user; unsigned y = fetch_int (); if (y == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { U->photo_id = 0; U->photo_big.dc = -2; U->photo_small.dc = -2; } else { assert (y == CODE_user_profile_photo); U->photo_id = fetch_long (); fetch_file_location (&U->photo_small); fetch_file_location (&U->photo_big); } } else { struct file_location t; unsigned y = fetch_int (); if (y == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { } else { assert (y == CODE_user_profile_photo); fetch_long (); // photo_id fetch_file_location (&t); fetch_file_location (&t); } } fetch_bool (); } break; default: assert (0); } } void work_update (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { unsigned op = fetch_int (); switch (op) { case CODE_update_new_message: { struct message *M = fetch_alloc_message (); assert (M); fetch_pts (); unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); break; }; case CODE_update_message_i_d: { int id = fetch_int (); // id int new = fetch_long (); // random_id struct message *M = message_get (new); if (M) { bl_do_set_msg_id (M, id); } } break; case CODE_update_read_messages: { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int id = fetch_int (); struct message *M = message_get (id); if (M) { bl_do_set_unread (M, 0); } } fetch_pts (); if (log_level >= 1) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" %d messages marked as read\n", n); pop_color (); print_end (); } } break; case CODE_update_user_typing: { peer_id_t id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (id); if (log_level >= 2) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (id, U); printf (" is typing....\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } } break; case CODE_update_chat_user_typing: { peer_id_t chat_id = MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); peer_id_t id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *C = user_chat_get (chat_id); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (id); if (log_level >= 2) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (id, U); printf (" is typing in chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, C); printf ("....\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } } break; case CODE_update_user_status: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (user_id); if (U) { fetch_user_status (&U->user.status); if (log_level >= 3) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf (" is now "); printf ("%s\n", (U->user.status.online > 0) ? "online" : "offline"); pop_color (); print_end (); } } else { struct user_status t; fetch_user_status (&t); } } break; case CODE_update_user_name: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *UC = user_chat_get (user_id); if (UC && (UC->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { int l1 = prefetch_strlen (); char *f = fetch_str (l1); int l2 = prefetch_strlen (); char *l = fetch_str (l2); struct user *U = &UC->user; bl_do_set_user_real_name (U, f, l1, l, l2); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, UC); printf (" changed name to "); print_user_name (user_id, UC); printf ("\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } else { fetch_skip_str (); fetch_skip_str (); } } break; case CODE_update_user_photo: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *UC = user_chat_get (user_id); fetch_date (); if (UC && (UC->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { struct user *U = &UC->user; unsigned y = fetch_int (); long long photo_id; struct file_location big; struct file_location small; memset (&big, 0, sizeof (big)); memset (&small, 0, sizeof (small)); if (y == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { photo_id = 0; big.dc = -2; small.dc = -2; } else { assert (y == CODE_user_profile_photo); photo_id = fetch_long (); fetch_file_location (&small); fetch_file_location (&big); } bl_do_set_user_profile_photo (U, photo_id, &big, &small); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, UC); printf (" updated profile photo\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } else { struct file_location t; unsigned y = fetch_int (); if (y == CODE_user_profile_photo_empty) { } else { assert (y == CODE_user_profile_photo); fetch_long (); // photo_id fetch_file_location (&t); fetch_file_location (&t); } } fetch_bool (); } break; case CODE_update_restore_messages: { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Restored %d messages\n", n); pop_color (); print_end (); fetch_skip (n); fetch_pts (); } break; case CODE_update_delete_messages: { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Deleted %d messages\n", n); pop_color (); print_end (); fetch_skip (n); fetch_pts (); } break; case CODE_update_chat_participants: { unsigned x = fetch_int (); assert (x == CODE_chat_participants || x == CODE_chat_participants_forbidden); peer_id_t chat_id = MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); int n = 0; peer_t *C = user_chat_get (chat_id); if (C && (C->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { bl_do_set_chat_admin (&C->chat, fetch_int ()); assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); struct chat_user *users = talloc (12 * n); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_chat_participant); users[i].user_id = fetch_int (); users[i].inviter_id = fetch_int (); users[i].date = fetch_int (); } int version = fetch_int (); bl_do_set_chat_participants (&C->chat, version, n, users); } } else { if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { fetch_int (); // admin_id assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); fetch_skip (n * 4); fetch_int (); // version } } print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, C); if (x == CODE_chat_participants) { printf (" changed list: now %d members\n", n); } else { printf (" changed list, but we are forbidden to know about it (Why this update even was sent to us?\n"); } pop_color (); print_end (); } break; case CODE_update_contact_registered: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (user_id); fetch_int (); // date print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf (" registered\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } break; case CODE_update_contact_link: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (user_id); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Updated link with user "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf ("\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); unsigned t = fetch_int (); assert (t == CODE_contacts_my_link_empty || t == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested || t == CODE_contacts_my_link_contact); if (t == CODE_contacts_my_link_requested) { fetch_bool (); // has_phone } t = fetch_int (); assert (t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_unknown || t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested || t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_mutual); if (t == CODE_contacts_foreign_link_requested) { fetch_bool (); // has_phone } } break; case CODE_update_activation: { peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_t *U = user_chat_get (user_id); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" User "); print_user_name (user_id, U); printf (" activated\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } break; case CODE_update_new_authorization: { fetch_long (); // auth_key_id fetch_int (); // date char *s = fetch_str_dup (); char *location = fetch_str_dup (); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" New autorization: device='%s' location='%s'\n", s, location); pop_color (); print_end (); tfree_str (s); tfree_str (location); } break; case CODE_update_new_geo_chat_message: { struct message *M = fetch_alloc_geo_message (); unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); } break; case CODE_update_new_encrypted_message: { struct message *M = fetch_alloc_encrypted_message (); unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); fetch_qts (); } break; case CODE_update_encryption: { struct secret_chat *E = fetch_alloc_encrypted_chat (); if (verbosity >= 2) { logprintf ("Secret chat state = %d\n", E->state); } print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); switch (E->state) { case sc_none: break; case sc_waiting: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in wait state\n"); break; case sc_request: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in request state. Sending request ok\n"); break; case sc_ok: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in ok state\n"); break; case sc_deleted: printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name (E->id, (void *)E); printf (" is now in deleted state\n"); break; } pop_color (); print_end (); if (E->state == sc_request && !disable_auto_accept) { do_accept_encr_chat_request (E); } fetch_int (); // date } break; case CODE_update_encrypted_chat_typing: { peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (fetch_int ()); peer_t *P = user_chat_get (id); print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); if (P) { printf (" User "); peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (P->encr_chat.user_id); print_user_name (user_id, user_chat_get (user_id)); printf (" typing in secret chat "); print_encr_chat_name (id, P); printf ("\n"); } else { printf (" Some user is typing in unknown secret chat\n"); } pop_color (); print_end (); } break; case CODE_update_encrypted_messages_read: { peer_id_t id = MK_ENCR_CHAT (fetch_int ()); // chat_id fetch_int (); // max_date fetch_int (); // date peer_t *P = user_chat_get (id); int x = -1; if (P && P->last) { x = 0; struct message *M = P->last; while (M && (!M->out || M->unread)) { if (M->out) { M->unread = 0; x ++; } M = M->next; } } if (log_level >= 1) { print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Encrypted chat "); print_encr_chat_name_full (id, user_chat_get (id)); printf (": %d messages marked read \n", x); pop_color (); print_end (); } } break; case CODE_update_chat_participant_add: { peer_id_t chat_id = MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); peer_id_t inviter_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); int version = fetch_int (); peer_t *C = user_chat_get (chat_id); if (C && (C->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { bl_do_chat_add_user (&C->chat, version, get_peer_id (user_id), get_peer_id (inviter_id), time (0)); } print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, user_chat_get (chat_id)); printf (": user "); print_user_name (user_id, user_chat_get (user_id)); printf (" added by user "); print_user_name (inviter_id, user_chat_get (inviter_id)); printf ("\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } break; case CODE_update_chat_participant_delete: { peer_id_t chat_id = MK_CHAT (fetch_int ()); peer_id_t user_id = MK_USER (fetch_int ()); int version = fetch_int (); peer_t *C = user_chat_get (chat_id); if (C && (C->flags & FLAG_CREATED)) { bl_do_chat_del_user (&C->chat, version, get_peer_id (user_id)); } print_start (); push_color (COLOR_YELLOW); print_date (time (0)); printf (" Chat "); print_chat_name (chat_id, user_chat_get (chat_id)); printf (": user "); print_user_name (user_id, user_chat_get (user_id)); printf (" deleted\n"); pop_color (); print_end (); } break; default: logprintf ("Unknown update type %08x\n", op); ; } } void work_update_short (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_update_short); work_update (c, msg_id); fetch_date (); } void work_updates (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_updates); assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { work_update (c, msg_id); } assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fetch_alloc_user (); } assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); n = fetch_int (); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fetch_alloc_chat (); } bl_do_set_date (fetch_int ()); bl_do_set_seq (fetch_int ()); } void work_update_short_message (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_update_short_message); struct message *M = fetch_alloc_message_short (); unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); if (M->date > last_date) { last_date = M->date; } } void work_update_short_chat_message (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_update_short_chat_message); struct message *M = fetch_alloc_message_short_chat (); unread_messages ++; print_message (M); update_prompt (); if (M->date > last_date) { last_date = M->date; } } void work_container (struct connection *c, long long msg_id UU) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "work_container: msg_id = %lld\n", msg_id); } assert (fetch_int () == CODE_msg_container); int n = fetch_int (); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { long long id = fetch_long (); //int seqno = fetch_int (); fetch_int (); // seq_no if (id & 1) { insert_msg_id (c->session, id); } int bytes = fetch_int (); int *t = in_end; in_end = in_ptr + (bytes / 4); rpc_execute_answer (c, id); assert (in_ptr == in_end); in_end = t; } } void work_new_session_created (struct connection *c, long long msg_id UU) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "work_new_session_created: msg_id = %lld\n", msg_id); } assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_new_session_created); fetch_long (); // first message id //DC->session_id = fetch_long (); fetch_long (); // unique_id GET_DC(c)->server_salt = fetch_long (); } void work_msgs_ack (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "work_msgs_ack: msg_id = %lld\n", msg_id); } assert (fetch_int () == CODE_msgs_ack); assert (fetch_int () == CODE_vector); int n = fetch_int (); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { long long id = fetch_long (); if (verbosity) { logprintf ("ack for %lld\n", id); } query_ack (id); } } void work_rpc_result (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "work_rpc_result: msg_id = %lld\n", msg_id); } assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_rpc_result); long long id = fetch_long (); int op = prefetch_int (); if (op == CODE_rpc_error) { query_error (id); } else { query_result (id); } } #define MAX_PACKED_SIZE (1 << 24) void work_packed (struct connection *c, long long msg_id) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_gzip_packed); static int in_gzip; static int buf[MAX_PACKED_SIZE >> 2]; assert (!in_gzip); in_gzip = 1; int l = prefetch_strlen (); char *s = fetch_str (l); int total_out = tinflate (s, l, buf, MAX_PACKED_SIZE); int *end = in_ptr; int *eend = in_end; //assert (total_out % 4 == 0); in_ptr = buf; in_end = in_ptr + total_out / 4; if (verbosity >= 4) { logprintf ( "Unzipped data: "); hexdump_in (); } rpc_execute_answer (c, msg_id); in_ptr = end; in_end = eend; in_gzip = 0; } void work_bad_server_salt (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_bad_server_salt); long long id = fetch_long (); query_restart (id); fetch_int (); // seq_no fetch_int (); // error_code long long new_server_salt = fetch_long (); GET_DC(c)->server_salt = new_server_salt; } void work_pong (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_pong); fetch_long (); // msg_id fetch_long (); // ping_id } void work_detailed_info (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == CODE_msg_detailed_info); fetch_long (); // msg_id fetch_long (); // answer_msg_id fetch_int (); // bytes fetch_int (); // status } void work_new_detailed_info (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_msg_new_detailed_info); fetch_long (); // answer_msg_id fetch_int (); // bytes fetch_int (); // status } void work_updates_to_long (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_updates_too_long); logprintf ("updates to long... Getting difference\n"); do_get_difference (); } void work_bad_msg_notification (struct connection *c UU, long long msg_id UU) { assert (fetch_int () == (int)CODE_bad_msg_notification); long long m1 = fetch_long (); int s = fetch_int (); int e = fetch_int (); logprintf ("bad_msg_notification: msg_id = %lld, seq = %d, error = %d\n", m1, s, e); } void rpc_execute_answer (struct connection *c, long long msg_id UU) { if (verbosity >= 5) { logprintf ("rpc_execute_answer: fd=%d\n", c->fd); hexdump_in (); } int op = prefetch_int (); switch (op) { case CODE_msg_container: work_container (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_new_session_created: work_new_session_created (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_msgs_ack: work_msgs_ack (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_rpc_result: work_rpc_result (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_update_short: work_update_short (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_updates: work_updates (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_update_short_message: work_update_short_message (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_update_short_chat_message: work_update_short_chat_message (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_gzip_packed: work_packed (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_bad_server_salt: work_bad_server_salt (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_pong: work_pong (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_msg_detailed_info: work_detailed_info (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_msg_new_detailed_info: work_new_detailed_info (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_updates_too_long: work_updates_to_long (c, msg_id); return; case CODE_bad_msg_notification: work_bad_msg_notification (c, msg_id); return; } logprintf ( "Unknown message: \n"); hexdump_in (); in_ptr = in_end; // Will not fail due to assertion in_ptr == in_end } int process_rpc_message (struct connection *c UU, struct encrypted_message *enc, int len) { const int MINSZ = offsetof (struct encrypted_message, message); const int UNENCSZ = offsetof (struct encrypted_message, server_salt); if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "process_rpc_message(), len=%d\n", len); } assert (len >= MINSZ && (len & 15) == (UNENCSZ & 15)); struct dc *DC = GET_DC(c); assert (enc->auth_key_id == DC->auth_key_id); assert (DC->auth_key_id); init_aes_auth (DC->auth_key + 8, enc->msg_key, AES_DECRYPT); int l = pad_aes_decrypt ((char *)&enc->server_salt, len - UNENCSZ, (char *)&enc->server_salt, len - UNENCSZ); assert (l == len - UNENCSZ); //assert (enc->auth_key_id2 == enc->auth_key_id); assert (!(enc->msg_len & 3) && enc->msg_len > 0 && enc->msg_len <= len - MINSZ && len - MINSZ - enc->msg_len <= 12); static unsigned char sha1_buffer[20]; sha1 ((void *)&enc->server_salt, enc->msg_len + (MINSZ - UNENCSZ), sha1_buffer); assert (!memcmp (&enc->msg_key, sha1_buffer + 4, 16)); //assert (enc->server_salt == server_salt); //in fact server salt can change if (DC->server_salt != enc->server_salt) { DC->server_salt = enc->server_salt; write_auth_file (); } int this_server_time = enc->msg_id >> 32LL; if (!DC->server_time_delta) { DC->server_time_delta = this_server_time - get_utime (CLOCK_REALTIME); DC->server_time_udelta = this_server_time - get_utime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC); } double st = get_server_time (DC); if (this_server_time < st - 300 || this_server_time > st + 30) { logprintf ("salt = %lld, session_id = %lld, msg_id = %lld, seq_no = %d, st = %lf, now = %lf\n", enc->server_salt, enc->session_id, enc->msg_id, enc->seq_no, st, get_utime (CLOCK_REALTIME)); in_ptr = enc->message; in_end = in_ptr + (enc->msg_len / 4); hexdump_in (); } assert (this_server_time >= st - 300 && this_server_time <= st + 30); //assert (enc->msg_id > server_last_msg_id && (enc->msg_id & 3) == 1); if (verbosity >= 1) { logprintf ( "received mesage id %016llx\n", enc->msg_id); hexdump_in (); } server_last_msg_id = enc->msg_id; //*(long long *)(longpoll_query + 3) = *(long long *)((char *)(&enc->msg_id) + 0x3c); //*(long long *)(longpoll_query + 5) = *(long long *)((char *)(&enc->msg_id) + 0x3c); assert (l >= (MINSZ - UNENCSZ) + 8); //assert (enc->message[0] == CODE_rpc_result && *(long long *)(enc->message + 1) == client_last_msg_id); ++good_messages; in_ptr = enc->message; in_end = in_ptr + (enc->msg_len / 4); if (enc->msg_id & 1) { insert_msg_id (c->session, enc->msg_id); } assert (c->session->session_id == enc->session_id); rpc_execute_answer (c, enc->msg_id); assert (in_ptr == in_end); return 0; } int rpc_execute (struct connection *c, int op, int len) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "outbound rpc connection #%d : received rpc answer %d with %d content bytes\n", c->fd, op, len); } /* if (op < 0) { assert (read_in (c, Response, Response_len) == Response_len); return 0; }*/ if (len >= MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE/* - 12*/ || len < 0/*12*/) { logprintf ( "answer too long (%d bytes), skipping\n", len); return 0; } int Response_len = len; if (verbosity >= 2) { logprintf ("Response_len = %d\n", Response_len); } assert (read_in (c, Response, Response_len) == Response_len); Response[Response_len] = 0; if (verbosity >= 2) { logprintf ( "have %d Response bytes\n", Response_len); } #if !defined(__MACH__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) setsockopt (c->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (int[]){0}, 4); #endif int o = c_state; if (GET_DC(c)->flags & 1) { o = st_authorized;} switch (o) { case st_reqpq_sent: process_respq_answer (c, Response/* + 8*/, Response_len/* - 12*/); #if !defined(__MACH__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) setsockopt (c->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (int[]){0}, 4); #endif return 0; case st_reqdh_sent: process_dh_answer (c, Response/* + 8*/, Response_len/* - 12*/); #if !defined(__MACH__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) setsockopt (c->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (int[]){0}, 4); #endif return 0; case st_client_dh_sent: process_auth_complete (c, Response/* + 8*/, Response_len/* - 12*/); #if !defined(__MACH__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) setsockopt (c->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (int[]){0}, 4); #endif return 0; case st_authorized: if (op < 0 && op >= -999) { logprintf ("Server error %d\n", op); } else { process_rpc_message (c, (void *)(Response/* + 8*/), Response_len/* - 12*/); } #if !defined(__MACH__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) setsockopt (c->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (int[]){0}, 4); #endif return 0; default: logprintf ( "fatal: cannot receive answer in state %d\n", c_state); exit (2); } return 0; } int tc_close (struct connection *c, int who) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "outbound http connection #%d : closing by %d\n", c->fd, who); } return 0; } int tc_becomes_ready (struct connection *c) { if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "outbound connection #%d becomes ready\n", c->fd); } char byte = 0xef; assert (write_out (c, &byte, 1) == 1); flush_out (c); #if !defined(__MACH__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined (__CYGWIN__) setsockopt (c->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_QUICKACK, (int[]){0}, 4); #endif int o = c_state; if (GET_DC(c)->flags & 1) { o = st_authorized; } switch (o) { case st_init: send_req_pq_packet (c); break; case st_authorized: auth_work_start (c); break; default: logprintf ( "c_state = %d\n", c_state); assert (0); } return 0; } int rpc_becomes_ready (struct connection *c) { return tc_becomes_ready (c); } int rpc_close (struct connection *c) { return tc_close (c, 0); } int auth_is_success (void) { return auth_success; } void on_start (void) { prng_seed (0, 0); if (rsa_load_public_key (rsa_public_key_name) < 0) { perror ("rsa_load_public_key"); exit (1); } if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "public key '%s' loaded successfully\n", rsa_public_key_name); } pk_fingerprint = compute_rsa_key_fingerprint (pubKey); } int auth_ok (void) { return auth_success; } void dc_authorize (struct dc *DC) { c_state = 0; auth_success = 0; if (!DC->sessions[0]) { dc_create_session (DC); } if (verbosity) { logprintf ( "Starting authorization for DC #%d: %s:%d\n", DC->id, DC->ip, DC->port); } net_loop (0, auth_ok); }