import tgl import pprint from functools import partial our_id = 0 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) binlog_done = False; def on_binlog_replay_end(): binlog_done = True; def on_get_difference_end(): pass def on_our_id(id): our_id = id return "Set ID: " + str(our_id) def msg_cb(success, msg): pp.pprint(success) pp.pprint(msg) HISTORY_QUERY_SIZE = 100 def history_cb(msg_list, ptype, pid, success, msgs): print(len(msgs)) msg_list.extend(msgs) print(len(msg_list)) if len(msgs) == HISTORY_QUERY_SIZE: tgl.get_history(ptype, pid, len(msg_list), HISTORY_QUERY_SIZE, partial(history_cb, msg_list, ptype, pid)); def on_msg_receive(msg): if msg.out and not binlog_done: return; tgl.send_msg(tgl.Peer(97704886), "Test") print("Peers {0}".format( """ def on_msg_receive(msg): if msg["out"] and not binlog_done: return; if msg["to"]["id"] == our_id: # direct message ptype = msg["from"]["type"] pid = msg["from"]["id"] else: # chatroom ptype = msg["to"]["type"] pid = msg["to"]["id"] pp.pprint(msg) text = msg["text"] if text.startswith("!ping"): print("SENDING PONG") tgl.send_msg(ptype, pid, "PONG!", msg_cb) if text.startswith("!loadhistory"): msg_list = [] tgl.get_history_ext(ptype, pid, 0, HISTORY_QUERY_SIZE, partial(history_cb, msg_list, ptype, pid)); """ def on_secret_chat_update(peer, types): return "on_secret_chat_update" def on_user_update(): pass def on_chat_update(): pass # Set callbacks tgl.set_on_binlog_replay_end(on_binlog_replay_end) tgl.set_on_get_difference_end(on_get_difference_end) tgl.set_on_our_id(on_our_id) tgl.set_on_msg_receive(on_msg_receive) tgl.set_on_secret_chat_update(on_secret_chat_update) tgl.set_on_user_update(on_user_update) tgl.set_on_chat_update(on_chat_update)