#define READLINE_CALLBACKS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "interface.h" #include "net.h" #include "mtproto-client.h" #include "mtproto-common.h" #include "queries.h" #include "telegram.h" extern char *default_username; extern char *auth_token; void set_default_username (const char *s); int default_dc_num; void net_loop (int flags, int (*is_end)(void)) { while (!is_end ()) { struct pollfd fds[101]; int cc = 0; if (flags & 1) { fds[0].fd = 0; fds[0].events = POLLIN; cc ++; } int x = connections_make_poll_array (fds + cc, 101 - cc) + cc; double timer = next_timer_in (); if (timer > 1000) { timer = 1000; } if (poll (fds, x, timer) < 0) { /* resuming from interrupt, so not an error situation, this generally happens when you suspend your messenger with "C-z" and then "fg". This is allowed " */ if (flags & 1) { rl_reset_line_state (); rl_forced_update_display (); } work_timers (); continue; } work_timers (); if ((flags & 1) && (fds[0].revents & POLLIN)) { rl_callback_read_char (); } connections_poll_result (fds + cc, x - cc); } } int ret1 (void) { return 0; } int main_loop (void) { net_loop (1, ret1); return 0; } struct dc *DC_list[MAX_DC_ID + 1]; struct dc *DC_working; int dc_working_num; int auth_state; char *get_auth_key_filename (void); int zero[512]; void write_dc (int auth_file_fd, struct dc *DC) { assert (write (auth_file_fd, &DC->port, 4) == 4); int l = strlen (DC->ip); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &l, 4) == 4); assert (write (auth_file_fd, DC->ip, l) == l); if (DC->flags & 1) { assert (write (auth_file_fd, &DC->auth_key_id, 8) == 8); assert (write (auth_file_fd, DC->auth_key, 256) == 256); } else { assert (write (auth_file_fd, zero, 256 + 8) == 256 + 8); } assert (write (auth_file_fd, &DC->server_salt, 8) == 8); } void write_auth_file (void) { int auth_file_fd = open (get_auth_key_filename (), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRWXU); assert (auth_file_fd >= 0); int x = DC_SERIALIZED_MAGIC; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); x = MAX_DC_ID; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &dc_working_num, 4) == 4); assert (write (auth_file_fd, &auth_state, 4) == 4); int i; for (i = 0; i <= MAX_DC_ID; i++) { if (DC_list[i]) { x = 1; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); write_dc (auth_file_fd, DC_list[i]); } else { x = 0; assert (write (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); } } close (auth_file_fd); } void read_dc (int auth_file_fd, int id) { int port = 0; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &port, 4) == 4); int l = 0; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &l, 4) == 4); assert (l >= 0); char *ip = malloc (l + 1); assert (read (auth_file_fd, ip, l) == l); ip[l] = 0; struct dc *DC = alloc_dc (id, ip, port); assert (read (auth_file_fd, &DC->auth_key_id, 8) == 8); assert (read (auth_file_fd, &DC->auth_key, 256) == 256); assert (read (auth_file_fd, &DC->server_salt, 8) == 8); if (DC->auth_key_id) { DC->flags |= 1; } } void empty_auth_file (void) { struct dc *DC = alloc_dc (1, strdup (TG_SERVER), 443); assert (DC); dc_working_num = 1; write_auth_file (); } void read_auth_file (void) { int auth_file_fd = open (get_auth_key_filename (), O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRWXU); if (auth_file_fd < 0) { empty_auth_file (); } assert (auth_file_fd >= 0); int x; if (read (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) < 4 || x != DC_SERIALIZED_MAGIC) { close (auth_file_fd); empty_auth_file (); return; } assert (read (auth_file_fd, &x, 4) == 4); assert (x >= 0 && x <= MAX_DC_ID); assert (read (auth_file_fd, &dc_working_num, 4) == 4); assert (read (auth_file_fd, &auth_state, 4) == 4); int i; for (i = 0; i <= x; i++) { int y; assert (read (auth_file_fd, &y, 4) == 4); if (y) { read_dc (auth_file_fd, i); } } close (auth_file_fd); } int readline_active; int loop (void) { on_start (); read_auth_file (); assert (DC_list[dc_working_num]); DC_working = DC_list[dc_working_num]; if (!DC_working->auth_key_id) { dc_authorize (DC_working); } else { dc_create_session (DC_working); } if (!auth_state) { if (!default_username) { size_t size = 0; char *user = 0; if (!user && !auth_token) { printf ("Telephone number (with '+' sign): "); if (getline (&user, &size, stdin) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } user[strlen (user) - 1] = 0; set_default_username (user); } } do_send_code (default_username); char *code = 0; size_t size = 0; printf ("Code from sms: "); while (1) { if (getline (&code, &size, stdin) == -1) { perror ("getline()"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } code[strlen (code) - 1] = 0; if (do_send_code_result (code) >= 0) { break; } printf ("Invalid code. Try again: "); } auth_state = 1; } write_auth_file (); fflush (stdin); fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); readline_active = 1; rl_callback_handler_install (get_default_prompt (), interpreter); rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *) complete_text; rl_completion_entry_function = complete_none; return main_loop (); }