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2015-06-14 09:45:40 +02:00
#! /usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 Stefan Simroth <>. All Rights Reserved.
# Based on the script for KeepassX by Juhamatti Niemelä <>.
# This file is licensed under the GPLv2+. Please see COPYING for more information.
# Usage:
# ./ -f export.xml
# By default, takes the name of the root element and puts all passwords in there, but you can disable this:
# ./ -f export.xml -r ""
# Or you can use another root folder:
# ./ -f export.xml -r foo
# Features:
# * This script can handle duplicates and will merge them.
# * Besides the password also the fields 'UserName', 'URL' and 'Notes' (comment) will be inserted.
# * You get a warning if an entry has no password, but it will still insert it.
# Minor Modifications by Rasmus Steinke <>
import getopt, sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def pass_import_entry(path, data):
""" Import new password entry to password-store using pass insert command """
proc = Popen(['pass', 'insert', '--multiline', path], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
def get_value(elements, node_text):
for element in elements:
for child in element.findall('Key'):
if child.text == node_text:
return element.find('Value').text
return ''
def path_for(element, path=''):
""" Generate path name from elements title and current path """
if element.tag == 'Entry':
title = get_value(element.findall("String"), "Title")
elif element.tag == 'Group':
title = element.find('Name').text
else: title = ''
if path == '': return title
else: return '/'.join([path, title])
def password_data(element, path=''):
""" Return password data and additional info if available from password entry element. """
data = ""
password = get_value(element.findall('String'), 'Password')
if password is not None: data = password + "\n"
print "[WARN] No password: %s" % path_for(element, path)
username = get_value(element, 'UserName')
url = get_value(element, 'URL')
notes = get_value(element, 'Notes')
2015-09-13 04:04:21 +02:00
data = "%suser: %s\n" % (data, username)
data = "%surl: %s\n" % (data, url)
2015-06-14 09:45:40 +02:00
data = "%s%s\n" % (data, notes)
return data
def import_entry(entries, element, path=''):
element_path = path_for(element, path)
if entries.has_key(element_path):
existing_data = entries[element_path]
data = (existing_data)
data = password_data(element, path)
entries[element_path] = data
def import_group(entries, element, path=''):
""" Import all entries and sub-groups from given group """
npath = path_for(element, path)
for group in element.findall('Group'):
import_group(entries, group, npath)
for entry in element.findall('Entry'):
import_entry(entries, entry, npath)
def import_passwords(xml_file, root_path=None):
""" Parse given Keepass2 XML file and import password groups from it """
print "[>>>>] Importing passwords from file %s" % xml_file
print "[INFO] Root path: %s" % root_path
entries = dict()
with open(xml_file) as xml:
text =
xml_tree = ElementTree.XML(text)
root = xml_tree.find('Root')
root_group = root.find('Group')
if root_path is None: root_path = root_group.find('Name').text
groups = root_group.findall('Group')
for group in groups:
import_group(entries, group, root_path)
password_count = 0
for path, data in sorted(entries.iteritems()):
sys.stdout.write("[>>>>] Importing %s ... " % path.encode("utf-8"))
pass_import_entry(path, data)
password_count += 1
print "[ OK ] Done. Imported %i passwords." % password_count
def usage():
""" Print usage """
print "Usage: %s -f XML_FILE" % (sys.argv[0])
print "Optional:"
print " -r ROOT_PATH Different root path to use than the one in xml file, use \"\" for none"
def main(argv):
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, "f:r:")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
print str(err)
xml_file = None
root_path = None
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in "-f":
xml_file = arg
if opt in "-r":
root_path = arg
if xml_file is not None:
import_passwords(xml_file, root_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':