So far, this was blessed for internal use only (by virtue of not being in the documentation), but we want to expose it for the stored layouts.
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239 lines
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# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Please read the following documents before working on tests:
# • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html
# (or docs/testsuite)
# • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html
# (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm)
# • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html
# (or docs/ipc)
# • http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_a4.pdf
# (unless you are already familiar with Perl)
use i3test;
use List::Util qw(first);
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
sub fullscreen_windows {
my $ws = $tmp;
$ws = shift if @_;
scalar grep { $_->{fullscreen_mode} != 0 } @{get_ws_content($ws)}
# get the output of this workspace
my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
my $output;
for my $o (@outputs) {
# get the first CT_CON of each output
my $content = first { $_->{type} eq 'con' } @{$o->{nodes}};
if (defined(first { $_->{name} eq $tmp } @{$content->{nodes}})) {
$output = $o;
# map a window, then fullscreen it
my $original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
my $window = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
dont_map => 1,
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
is_deeply($window->rect, $original_rect, "rect unmodified before mapping");
wait_for_map $window;
# open another container to make the window get only half of the screen
cmd 'open';
my $new_rect = $window->rect;
ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
$original_rect = $new_rect;
$new_rect = $window->rect;
ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned after fullscreen");
my $orect = $output->{rect};
my $wrect = $new_rect;
# see if the window really is fullscreen. 20 px for borders are allowed
my $threshold = 20;
ok(($wrect->{x} - $orect->{x}) < $threshold, 'x coordinate fullscreen');
ok(($wrect->{y} - $orect->{y}) < $threshold, 'y coordinate fullscreen');
ok(abs($wrect->{width} - $orect->{width}) < $threshold, 'width coordinate fullscreen');
ok(abs($wrect->{height} - $orect->{height}) < $threshold, 'height coordinate fullscreen');
# test with a window which is fullscreened before mapping
# open another container because the empty one will swallow the window we
# map in a second
cmd 'open';
$original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
$window = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
dont_map => 1,
is_deeply($window->rect, $original_rect, "rect unmodified before mapping");
wait_for_map $window;
$new_rect = $window->rect;
ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned after fullscreen");
ok($window->mapped, "Window is mapped after opening it in fullscreen mode");
$wrect = $new_rect;
# see if the window really is fullscreen. 20 px for borders are allowed
ok(($wrect->{x} - $orect->{x}) < $threshold, 'x coordinate fullscreen');
ok(($wrect->{y} - $orect->{y}) < $threshold, 'y coordinate fullscreen');
ok(abs($wrect->{width} - $orect->{width}) < $threshold, 'width coordinate fullscreen');
ok(abs($wrect->{height} - $orect->{height}) < $threshold, 'height coordinate fullscreen');
# Verify that when one window wants to go into fullscreen mode, the old
# fullscreen window will be replaced.
$original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
my $swindow = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
dont_map => 1,
ok(!$swindow->mapped, 'window not mapped while fullscreen window active');
$new_rect = $swindow->rect;
ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
is(fullscreen_windows(), 1, 'amount of fullscreen windows');
is(fullscreen_windows(), 1, 'amount of fullscreen windows');
ok($swindow->mapped, 'window mapped after other fullscreen ended');
# as $swindow is out of state at the moment (it requested to be fullscreen,
# but the WM denied), we check what happens if we go out of fullscreen now
# (nothing should happen)
is(fullscreen_windows(), 0, 'amount of fullscreen windows after disabling');
cmd 'fullscreen';
is(fullscreen_windows(), 1, 'amount of fullscreen windows after fullscreen command');
cmd 'fullscreen';
is(fullscreen_windows(), 0, 'amount of fullscreen windows after fullscreen command');
# clean up the workspace so that it will be cleaned when switching away
cmd 'kill' for (@{get_ws_content($tmp)});
# Verify that changing focus while in fullscreen does not work.
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
my $other = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $other->id, 'other window focused');
$window = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $window->id, 'window focused');
cmd 'fullscreen';
is($x->input_focus, $window->id, 'fullscreen window focused');
cmd 'focus left';
is($x->input_focus, $window->id, 'fullscreen window still focused');
# Verify that fullscreening a window on a second workspace and moving it onto
# the first workspace unfullscreens the first window.
my $tmp2 = fresh_workspace;
$swindow = open_window;
cmd 'fullscreen';
is(fullscreen_windows($tmp2), 1, 'one fullscreen window on second ws');
cmd "move workspace $tmp";
is(fullscreen_windows($tmp2), 0, 'no fullscreen windows on second ws');
is(fullscreen_windows($tmp), 1, 'one fullscreen window on first ws');
# Verify that $swindow was the one that initially remained fullscreen.
is(fullscreen_windows($tmp), 0, 'no fullscreen windows on first ws');
# Verify that opening a window with _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN unfullscreens any
# existing container on the workspace and fullscreens the newly opened window.
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
$window = open_window();
cmd "fullscreen";
is(fullscreen_windows($tmp), 1, 'one fullscreen window on ws');
is($x->input_focus, $window->id, 'fullscreen window focused');
$swindow = open_window({
fullscreen => 1
is(fullscreen_windows($tmp), 1, 'one fullscreen window on ws');
is($x->input_focus, $swindow->id, 'fullscreen window focused');