While this is a bit ugly, it makes the log messages end up where they are supposed to: in the shmlog/stdout in case of i3 and on stdout in case of utilities such as i3-input
Introduction ============ libi3 is an *INTERNAL* library which contains functions that i3 and related tools (i3-msg, i3-input, i3-nagbar, i3-config-wizard, i3bar) use. It is NOT to be used by other programs. Structure ========= Every function gets its own .c file, which in turn gets compiled into an .o object file. Afterwards, all .o files are archived into one static library (libi3.a). This library will be linked into all i3 binaries. The linker is able to eliminate unused .o files when linking, so only the functions which you actually use will be included in the corresponding binary.