Michael Stapelberg 07d583d780 tests: sync_with_i3 before warping pointer
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure where the race condition originates
from, but when making sure that there are no pending events
(which is what sync_with_i3 accomplishes) before warping the pointer, we
have less flaky testsuite runs.

closes #1189
2014-02-25 20:44:17 +01:00

343 lines
11 KiB

# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Please read the following documents before working on tests:
# • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html
# (or docs/testsuite)
# • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html
# (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm)
# • http://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html
# (or docs/ipc)
# • http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_a4.pdf
# (unless you are already familiar with Perl)
# Checks if the 'move [window/container] to workspace' command works correctly
use i3test;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
# We move the pointer out of our way to avoid a bug where the focus will
# be set to the window under the cursor
$x->root->warp_pointer(0, 0);
sub move_workspace_test {
my ($movecmd) = @_;
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
is_num_children($tmp, 0, 'no containers yet');
my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two containers on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws yet');
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd "$movecmd $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws anymore');
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp2);
is($focus->[0], $second, 'same container on different ws');
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
ok($nodes->[0]->{focused}, 'first container focused on first ws');
move_workspace_test('move workspace'); # supported for legacy reasons
move_workspace_test('move to workspace');
# Those are just synonyms and more verbose ways of saying the same thing:
move_workspace_test('move window to workspace');
move_workspace_test('move container to workspace');
# Check that 'move to workspace number <number>' works to move a window to
# named workspaces which start with <number>.
cmd 'workspace 13: meh';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('13: meh', 1, 'one container on 13: meh');
ok(!workspace_exists('13'), 'workspace 13 does not exist yet');
cmd 'workspace 12';
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move to workspace number 13';
is_num_children('13: meh', 2, 'one container on 13: meh');
is_num_children('12', 0, 'no container on 12 anymore');
ok(!workspace_exists('13'), 'workspace 13 does still not exist');
# Check that 'move to workspace number <number><name>' works to move a window to
# named workspaces which start with <number>.
cmd 'workspace 15: meh';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('15: meh', 1, 'one container on 15: meh');
ok(!workspace_exists('15'), 'workspace 15 does not exist yet');
ok(!workspace_exists('15: duh'), 'workspace 15: duh does not exist yet');
cmd 'workspace 14';
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move to workspace number 15: duh';
is_num_children('15: meh', 2, 'two containers on 15: meh');
is_num_children('14', 0, 'no container on 14 anymore');
ok(!workspace_exists('15'), 'workspace 15 does still not exist');
ok(!workspace_exists('15: duh'), 'workspace 15 does still not exist');
# check if 'move workspace next' and 'move workspace prev' work
# Open two containers on the first workspace, one container on the second
# workspace. Because the workspaces are named, they will be sorted by order of
# creation.
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
is_num_children($tmp, 0, 'no containers yet');
my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two containers');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers yet');
my $third = open_empty_con($i3);
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
# go back to the first workspace, move one of the containers to the next one
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd 'move workspace next';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 2, 'two containers on second ws');
# go to the second workspace and move two containers to the first one
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
cmd 'move workspace prev';
cmd 'move workspace prev';
is_num_children($tmp, 3, 'three containers on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# check if 'move workspace current' works
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
$first = open_window(name => 'win-name');
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers yet');
cmd qq|[title="win-name"] move workspace $tmp2|;
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
cmd qq|[title="win-name"] move workspace $tmp|;
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# check if floating cons are moved to new workspaces properly
# (that is, if they are floating on the target ws, too)
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd "open";
cmd "floating toggle";
my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
is(@{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on workspace');
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is(@{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on workspace');
# Check that 'move workspace number' works correctly.
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
cmd 'open';
cmd 'workspace 16';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('16', 1, 'one node on ws 16');
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move workspace number 16';
is_num_children('16', 2, 'two nodes on ws 16');
ok(!workspace_exists('17'), 'workspace 17 does not exist yet');
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move workspace number 17';
ok(workspace_exists('17'), 'workspace 17 created by moving');
is(@{get_ws('17')->{nodes}}, 1, 'one node on ws 16');
# The following four tests verify the various 'move workspace' commands when
# the selection is itself a workspace.
# borrowed from 122-split.t
# recursively sums up all nodes and their children
sub sum_nodes {
my ($nodes) = @_;
return 0 if !@{$nodes};
my @children = (map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$nodes},
map { @{$_->{'floating_nodes'}} } @{$nodes});
return @{$nodes} + sum_nodes(\@children);
# move workspace 'next|prev'
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 2, 'two containers on second ws');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd 'move workspace prev';
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two child containers on first ws');
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp)), 4, 'four total containers on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# move workspace current
# This is a special case that should be a no-op.
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
my $tmpcount = sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp));
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp";
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp)), $tmpcount, 'number of containers in first ws unchanged');
# move workspace '<name>'
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 2, 'two containers on second ws');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp";
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two child containers on first ws');
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp)), 4, 'four total containers on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# move workspace number '<number>'
cmd 'workspace 18';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('18', 1, 'one container on ws 18');
cmd 'workspace 19';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('19', 1, 'one container on ws 19');
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('19', 2, 'two containers on ws 19');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd 'move workspace number 18';
is_num_children('18', 2, 'two child containers on ws 18');
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content('18')), 4, 'four total containers on ws 18');
is_num_children('19', 0, 'no containers on ws 19');
# move workspace '<name>' with a floating child
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
cmd 'floating toggle';
cmd 'open';
cmd 'floating toggle';
cmd 'open';
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 2, 'two floating nodes on first workspace');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 2, 'two floating nodes on second workspace');
# same as the above, but with only floating children
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
cmd 'floating toggle';
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
is_num_children($tmp, 0, 'no regular nodes on first workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on first workspace');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no regular nodes on second workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on second workspace');