The former two provide fallbacks in case $PAGER or $EDITOR is not set (which might be more common than you think, because they have to be set in ~/.xsession, not in the shell configuration!) while the latter tries to launch a terminal emulator. The scripts are most prominently used in i3-nagbar, which alerts the user when the configuration is broken for some reason. Also, i3-sensible-terminal is used in the default configuration. This commit does not rely on the shell supporting ${PAGER:-less} anymore, which is not the case for 'fish'.
16 lines
610 B
Executable File
16 lines
610 B
Executable File
# This script tries to exec a terminal emulator by trying some known terminal
# emulators.
# Distributions/packagers should enhance this script with a
# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred terminal emulator. On
# Debian, there is the x-terminal-emulator symlink for example.
# Please don't touch the first line, though:
which $TERMINAL >/dev/null && exec $TERMINAL "$@"
# Hopefully one of these is installed:
which xterm >/dev/null && exec xterm "$@"
which urxvt >/dev/null && exec urxvt "$@"
which rxvt >/dev/null && exec rxvt "$@"
which roxterm >/dev/null && exec roxterm "$@"