#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Tests the standalone parser binary to see if it calls the right code when # confronted with various commands, if it prints proper error messages for # wrong commands and if it terminates in every case. # use i3test i3_autostart => 0; sub parser_calls { my ($command) = @_; # TODO: use a timeout, so that we can error out if it doesn’t terminate # TODO: better way of passing arguments my $stdout = qx(../test.commands_parser '$command' 2>&-); # Filter out all debugging output. my @lines = split("\n", $stdout); @lines = grep { not /^# / } @lines; # The criteria management calls are irrelevant and not what we want to test # in the first place. @lines = grep { !(/cmd_criteria_init()/ || /cmd_criteria_match_windows/) } @lines; return join("\n", @lines); } ################################################################################ # 1: First that the parser properly recognizes commands which are ok. ################################################################################ # The first call has only a single command, the following ones are consolidated # for performance. is(parser_calls('move workspace 3'), 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)', 'single number (move workspace 3) ok'); is(parser_calls( 'move to workspace 3; ' . 'move window to workspace 3; ' . 'move container to workspace 3; ' . 'move workspace foobar; ' . 'move workspace 3: foobar; ' . 'move workspace "3: foobar"; ' . 'move workspace "3: foobar, baz"; '), "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)\n" . "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)\n" . "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)\n" . "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(foobar)\n" . "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar)\n" . "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar)\n" . "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar, baz)", 'move ok'); is(parser_calls('move workspace 3: foobar, nop foo'), "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar)\n" . "cmd_nop(foo)", 'multiple ops (move workspace 3: foobar, nop foo) ok'); is(parser_calls( 'exec i3-sensible-terminal; ' . 'exec --no-startup-id i3-sensible-terminal'), "cmd_exec((null), i3-sensible-terminal)\n" . "cmd_exec(--no-startup-id, i3-sensible-terminal)", 'exec ok'); is(parser_calls( 'resize shrink left; ' . 'resize shrink left 25 px; ' . 'resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt; ' . 'resize shrink left 25'), "cmd_resize(shrink, left, 10, 10)\n" . "cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 10)\n" . "cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)\n" . "cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 10)", 'simple resize ok'); is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt,'), 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)', 'trailing comma resize ok'); is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt;'), 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)', 'trailing semicolon resize ok'); is(parser_calls('[con_mark=yay] focus'), "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" . "cmd_focus()", 'criteria focus ok'); is(parser_calls("[con_mark=yay con_mark=bar] focus"), "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" . "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, bar)\n" . "cmd_focus()", 'criteria focus ok'); is(parser_calls("[con_mark=yay\tcon_mark=bar] focus"), "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" . "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, bar)\n" . "cmd_focus()", 'criteria focus ok'); is(parser_calls("[con_mark=yay\tcon_mark=bar]\tfocus"), "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" . "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, bar)\n" . "cmd_focus()", 'criteria focus ok'); is(parser_calls('[con_mark="yay"] focus'), "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" . "cmd_focus()", 'quoted criteria focus ok'); # Make sure trailing whitespace is stripped off: While this is not an issue for # commands being parsed due to the configuration, people might send IPC # commands with leading or trailing newlines. is(parser_calls("workspace test\n"), 'cmd_workspace_name(test)', 'trailing whitespace stripped off ok'); is(parser_calls("\nworkspace test"), 'cmd_workspace_name(test)', 'trailing whitespace stripped off ok'); ################################################################################ # 2: Verify that the parser spits out the right error message on commands which # are not ok. ################################################################################ is(parser_calls('unknown_literal'), "Expected one of these tokens: , '[', 'move', 'exec', 'exit', 'restart', 'reload', 'border', 'layout', 'append_layout', 'workspace', 'focus', 'kill', 'open', 'fullscreen', 'split', 'floating', 'mark', 'resize', 'nop', 'scratchpad', 'mode'\n" . "Your command: unknown_literal\n" . " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", 'error for unknown literal ok'); is(parser_calls('move something to somewhere'), "Expected one of these tokens: 'window', 'container', 'to', 'workspace', 'output', 'scratchpad', 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'\n" . "Your command: move something to somewhere\n" . " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", 'error for unknown literal ok'); ################################################################################ # 3: Verify that escaping of double quotes works correctly ################################################################################ is(parser_calls('workspace "foo"'), 'cmd_workspace_name(foo)', 'Command with simple double quotes ok'); is(parser_calls('workspace "foo'), 'cmd_workspace_name(foo)', 'Command without ending double quotes ok'); is(parser_calls('workspace "foo \"bar"'), 'cmd_workspace_name(foo "bar)', 'Command with escaped double quotes ok'); done_testing;