/* * i3bar - an xcb-based status- and ws-bar for i3 * * © 2010 Axel Wagner and contributors * * See file LICNSE for license information * */ #ifndef OUTPUTS_H_ #define OUTPUTS_H_ #include #include "common.h" typedef struct i3_output i3_output; SLIST_HEAD(outputs_head, i3_output); struct outputs_head *outputs; /* * Start parsing the received json-string * */ void parse_outputs_json(char* json); /* * Initiate the output-list * */ void init_outputs(); /* * Returns the output with the given name * */ i3_output* get_output_by_name(char* name); struct i3_output { char* name; /* Name of the output */ bool active; /* If the output is active */ int ws; /* The number of the currently visible ws */ rect rect; /* The rect (relative to the root-win) */ xcb_window_t bar; /* The id of the bar of the output */ xcb_gcontext_t bargc; /* The graphical context of the bar */ struct ws_head *workspaces; /* The workspaces on this output */ SLIST_ENTRY(i3_output) slist; /* Pointer for the SLIST-Macro */ }; #endif