--------------------- - Command mode --------------------- This is the grammar for the 'command mode' (your configuration file uses these commands, too). left := <h> | <cursor-left> right := <l> | <cursor-right> up := <j> | <cursor-up> down := <k> | <cursor-down> where := <left|right|up|down> | <tag> move := <m> snap := <s> cmd := [ <times> ] [ <move> | <snap> ] <where> with := <w> { [ <times> ] <where> }+ <space> <cmd> jump := [ "<window class>[/<window title>]" | <workspace> [ <column> <row> ] ] focus := focus [ <times> | floating | tiling | ft ] (travels the focus stack backwards, <times> number of times (by default 1). So by specifying "focus 1" it selects the window which last had the focus before you focused the current one window. The following 3 special values are also valid: 'floating' (select the next floating window). 'tiling' (select the next tiling window). 'ft' (toggle tiling/floating: if the current window is floating, select the next tiling window and vice-versa) special := [ exec <path> | kill | exit | restart ] input := [ <cmd> | <with> | <jump> | <focus> | <special> ] you can cancel command mode by pressing escape anytime. Some examples: Select the window on the left: h Select the window two places on the left: 2h Move window to the right: ml Move window and window on the bottom to the right: wk ml