#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "outputs.h" #include "workspaces.h" #include "ipc.h" ev_io* i3_connection; typedef void(*handler_t)(char*); int get_ipc_fd(const char* socket_path) { int sockfd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd == -1) { printf("ERROR: Could not create Socket!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct sockaddr_un addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); addr.sun_family = AF_LOCAL; strcpy(addr.sun_path, socket_path); if (connect(sockfd, (const struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) < 0) { printf("ERROR: Could not connct to i3\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return sockfd; } void got_command_reply(char *reply) { } void got_workspace_reply(char *reply) { printf("Got Workspace-Data!\n"); parse_workspaces_json(reply); } void got_subscribe_reply(char *reply) { printf("Got Subscribe Reply: %s\n", reply); } void got_output_reply(char *reply) { parse_outputs_json(reply); printf("Got Outputs-Data!\n"); } handler_t reply_handlers[] = { &got_command_reply, &got_workspace_reply, &got_subscribe_reply, &got_output_reply, }; void got_workspace_event(char *event) { printf("Got Workspace Event!\n"); i3_send_msg(I3_IPC_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_WORKSPACES, NULL); } void got_output_event(char *event) { printf("Got Output Event!\n"); i3_send_msg(I3_IPC_MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_OUTPUTS, NULL); } handler_t event_handlers[] = { &got_workspace_event, &got_output_event }; void got_data(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *watcher, int events) { printf("Got data!\n"); int fd = watcher->fd; uint32_t header_len = strlen(I3_IPC_MAGIC) + sizeof(uint32_t)*2; char *header = malloc(header_len); if (header == NULL) { printf("ERROR: Could not allocate memory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uint32_t rec = 0; while (rec < header_len) { int n = read(fd, header + rec, header_len - rec); if (n == -1) { printf("ERROR: read() failed!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (n == 0) { printf("ERROR: Nothing to read!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rec += n; } if (strncmp(header, I3_IPC_MAGIC, strlen(I3_IPC_MAGIC))) { printf("ERROR: Wrong magic code: %.*s\n Expected: %s\n", (int) strlen(I3_IPC_MAGIC), header, I3_IPC_MAGIC); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *walk = header + strlen(I3_IPC_MAGIC); uint32_t size = *((uint32_t*) walk); walk += sizeof(uint32_t); uint32_t type = *((uint32_t*) walk); char *buffer = malloc(size + 1); if (buffer == NULL) { printf("ERROR: Could not allocate memory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rec = 0; while (rec < size) { int n = read(fd, buffer + rec, size - rec); if (n == -1) { printf("ERROR: read() failed!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (n == 0) { printf("ERROR: Nothing to read!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rec += n; } buffer[size] = '\0'; if (type & (1 << 31)) { type ^= 1 << 31; event_handlers[type](buffer); } else { reply_handlers[type](buffer); } FREE(buffer); } int i3_send_msg(uint32_t type, const char* payload) { uint32_t len = 0; if (payload != NULL) { len = strlen(payload); } uint32_t to_write = strlen (I3_IPC_MAGIC) + sizeof(uint32_t)*2 + len; char *buffer = malloc(to_write); if (buffer == NULL) { printf("ERROR: Could not allocate memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *walk = buffer; strncpy(buffer, I3_IPC_MAGIC, strlen(I3_IPC_MAGIC)); walk += strlen(I3_IPC_MAGIC); memcpy(walk, &len, sizeof(uint32_t)); walk += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(walk, &type, sizeof(uint32_t)); walk += sizeof(uint32_t); strncpy(walk, payload, len); uint32_t written = 0; while (to_write > 0) { int n = write(i3_connection->fd, buffer + written, to_write); if (n == -1) { printf("ERROR: write() failed!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } to_write -= n; written += n; } FREE(buffer); return 1; } int init_connection(const char *socket_path) { int sockfd = get_ipc_fd(socket_path); i3_connection = malloc(sizeof(ev_io)); ev_io_init(i3_connection, &got_data, sockfd, EV_READ); ev_io_start(main_loop, i3_connection); return 1; } void subscribe_events() { i3_send_msg(I3_IPC_MESSAGE_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE, "[ \"workspace\", \"output\" ]"); }