i3-nagbar(1) ============ Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de> v4.0, July 2011 == NAME i3-nagbar - displays an error bar on top of your screen == SYNOPSIS i3-nagbar -m 'message' -b 'label' 'action' == DESCRIPTION i3-nagbar is used by i3 to tell you about errors in your configuration file (for example). While these errors are logged to the logfile (if any), the past has proven that users are either not aware of their logfile or do not check it after modifying the configuration file. == EXAMPLE ------------------------------------------------ i3-nagbar -m 'You have an error in your i3 config file!' \ -b 'edit config' 'xterm $EDITOR ~/.i3/config' ------------------------------------------------ == SEE ALSO i3(1) == AUTHOR Michael Stapelberg and contributors