/* * i3bar - an xcb-based status- and ws-bar for i3 * * © 2010-2011 Axel Wagner and contributors * * See file LICNSE for license information * * src/xcb.c: Communicating with X * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #if defined(__APPLE__) /* * Taken from FreeBSD * Returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the * string, but only copies at most n characters. * */ char *strndup(const char *str, size_t n) { size_t len; char *copy; for (len = 0; len < n && str[len]; len++) continue; if ((copy = malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) return (NULL); memcpy(copy, str, len); copy[len] = '\0'; return (copy); } #endif /* We save the Atoms in an easy to access array, indexed by an enum */ enum { #define ATOM_DO(name) name, #include "xcb_atoms.def" NUM_ATOMS }; xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t atom_cookies[NUM_ATOMS]; xcb_atom_t atoms[NUM_ATOMS]; /* Variables, that are the same for all functions at all times */ xcb_connection_t *xcb_connection; xcb_screen_t *xcb_screen; xcb_window_t xcb_root; xcb_font_t xcb_font; /* We need to cache some data to speed up text-width-prediction */ xcb_query_font_reply_t *font_info; int font_height; xcb_charinfo_t *font_table; /* These are only relevant for XKB, which we only need for grabbing modifiers */ Display *xkb_dpy; int xkb_event_base; int mod_pressed = 0; /* Because the statusline is the same on all outputs, we have * global buffer to render it on */ xcb_gcontext_t statusline_ctx; xcb_gcontext_t statusline_clear; xcb_pixmap_t statusline_pm; uint32_t statusline_width; /* Event-Watchers, to interact with the user */ ev_prepare *xcb_prep; ev_check *xcb_chk; ev_io *xcb_io; ev_io *xkb_io; /* The parsed colors */ struct xcb_colors_t { uint32_t bar_fg; uint32_t bar_bg; uint32_t active_ws_fg; uint32_t active_ws_bg; uint32_t inactive_ws_fg; uint32_t inactive_ws_bg; uint32_t urgent_ws_bg; uint32_t urgent_ws_fg; uint32_t focus_ws_bg; uint32_t focus_ws_fg; }; struct xcb_colors_t colors; /* We define xcb_request_failed as a macro to include the relevant line-number */ #define xcb_request_failed(cookie, err_msg) _xcb_request_failed(cookie, err_msg, __LINE__) int _xcb_request_failed(xcb_void_cookie_t cookie, char *err_msg, int line) { xcb_generic_error_t *err; if ((err = xcb_request_check(xcb_connection, cookie)) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] ERROR: %s. X Error Code: %d\n", __FILE__, line, err_msg, err->error_code); return err->error_code; } return 0; } /* * Predicts the length of text based on cached data. * The string has to be encoded in ucs2 and glyph_len has to be the length * of the string (in glyphs). * */ uint32_t predict_text_extents(xcb_char2b_t *text, uint32_t length) { /* If we don't have per-character data, return the maximum width */ if (font_table == NULL) { return (font_info->max_bounds.character_width * length); } uint32_t width = 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { xcb_charinfo_t *info; int row = text[i].byte1; int col = text[i].byte2; if (row < font_info->min_byte1 || row > font_info->max_byte1 || col < font_info->min_char_or_byte2 || col > font_info->max_char_or_byte2) { continue; } /* Don't you ask me, how this one works… */ info = &font_table[((row - font_info->min_byte1) * (font_info->max_char_or_byte2 - font_info->min_char_or_byte2 + 1)) + (col - font_info->min_char_or_byte2)]; if (info->character_width != 0 || (info->right_side_bearing | info->left_side_bearing | info->ascent | info->descent) != 0) { width += info->character_width; } } return width; } /* * Draws text given in UCS-2-encoding to a given drawable and position * */ void draw_text(xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t ctx, int16_t x, int16_t y, xcb_char2b_t *text, uint32_t glyph_count) { int offset = 0; int16_t pos_x = x; int16_t font_ascent = font_info->font_ascent; while (glyph_count > 0) { uint8_t chunk_size = MIN(255, glyph_count); uint32_t chunk_width = predict_text_extents(text + offset, chunk_size); xcb_image_text_16(xcb_connection, chunk_size, drawable, ctx, pos_x, y + font_ascent, text + offset); offset += chunk_size; pos_x += chunk_width; glyph_count -= chunk_size; } } /* * Converts a colorstring to a colorpixel as expected from xcb_change_gc. * s is assumed to be in the format "rrggbb" * */ uint32_t get_colorpixel(const char *s) { char strings[3][3] = { { s[0], s[1], '\0'} , { s[2], s[3], '\0'} , { s[4], s[5], '\0'} }; uint8_t r = strtol(strings[0], NULL, 16); uint8_t g = strtol(strings[1], NULL, 16); uint8_t b = strtol(strings[2], NULL, 16); return (r << 16 | g << 8 | b); } /* * Redraws the statusline to the buffer * */ void refresh_statusline() { int glyph_count; if (statusline == NULL) { return; } xcb_char2b_t *text = (xcb_char2b_t*) convert_utf8_to_ucs2(statusline, &glyph_count); statusline_width = predict_text_extents(text, glyph_count); xcb_rectangle_t rect = { 0, 0, xcb_screen->width_in_pixels, font_height }; xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(xcb_connection, statusline_pm, statusline_clear, 1, &rect); draw_text(statusline_pm, statusline_ctx, 0, 0, text, glyph_count); FREE(text); } /* * Hides all bars (unmaps them) * */ void hide_bars() { if (!config.hide_on_modifier) { return; } i3_output *walk; SLIST_FOREACH(walk, outputs, slist) { if (!walk->active) { continue; } xcb_unmap_window(xcb_connection, walk->bar); } stop_child(); } /* * Unhides all bars (maps them) * */ void unhide_bars() { if (!config.hide_on_modifier) { return; } i3_output *walk; xcb_void_cookie_t cookie; uint32_t mask; uint32_t values[5]; cont_child(); SLIST_FOREACH(walk, outputs, slist) { if (walk->bar == XCB_NONE) { continue; } mask = XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE; values[0] = walk->rect.x; values[1] = walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font_height - 6; values[2] = walk->rect.w; values[3] = font_height + 6; values[4] = XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE; DLOG("Reconfiguring Window for output %s to %d,%d\n", walk->name, values[0], values[1]); cookie = xcb_configure_window_checked(xcb_connection, walk->bar, mask, values); if (xcb_request_failed(cookie, "Could not reconfigure window")) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } xcb_map_window(xcb_connection, walk->bar); } } /* * Parse the colors into a format that we can use * */ void init_colors(const struct xcb_color_strings_t *new_colors) { #define PARSE_COLOR(name, def) \ do { \ colors.name = get_colorpixel(new_colors->name ? new_colors->name : def); \ } while (0) PARSE_COLOR(bar_fg, "FFFFFF"); PARSE_COLOR(bar_bg, "000000"); PARSE_COLOR(active_ws_fg, "FFFFFF"); PARSE_COLOR(active_ws_bg, "480000"); PARSE_COLOR(inactive_ws_fg, "FFFFFF"); PARSE_COLOR(inactive_ws_bg, "240000"); PARSE_COLOR(urgent_ws_fg, "FFFFFF"); PARSE_COLOR(urgent_ws_bg, "002400"); PARSE_COLOR(focus_ws_fg, "FFFFFF"); PARSE_COLOR(focus_ws_bg, "480000"); #undef PARSE_COLOR } /* * Handle a button-press-event (i.e. a mouse click on one of our bars). * We determine, whether the click occured on a ws-button or if the scroll- * wheel was used and change the workspace appropriately * */ void handle_button(xcb_button_press_event_t *event) { i3_ws *cur_ws; /* Determine, which bar was clicked */ i3_output *walk; xcb_window_t bar = event->event; SLIST_FOREACH(walk, outputs, slist) { if (walk->bar == bar) { break; } } if (walk == NULL) { DLOG("Unknown Bar klicked!\n"); return; } /* TODO: Move this to extern get_ws_for_output() */ TAILQ_FOREACH(cur_ws, walk->workspaces, tailq) { if (cur_ws->visible) { break; } } if (cur_ws == NULL) { DLOG("No Workspace active?\n"); return; } int32_t x = event->event_x; DLOG("Got Button %d\n", event->detail); switch (event->detail) { case 1: /* Left Mousbutton. We determine, which button was clicked * and set cur_ws accordingly */ TAILQ_FOREACH(cur_ws, walk->workspaces, tailq) { DLOG("x = %d\n", x); if (x < cur_ws->name_width + 10) { break; } x -= cur_ws->name_width + 10; } if (cur_ws == NULL) { return; } break; case 4: /* Mouse wheel down. We select the next ws */ if (cur_ws == TAILQ_FIRST(walk->workspaces)) { cur_ws = TAILQ_LAST(walk->workspaces, ws_head); } else { cur_ws = TAILQ_PREV(cur_ws, ws_head, tailq); } break; case 5: /* Mouse wheel up. We select the previos ws */ if (cur_ws == TAILQ_LAST(walk->workspaces, ws_head)) { cur_ws = TAILQ_FIRST(walk->workspaces); } else { cur_ws = TAILQ_NEXT(cur_ws, tailq); } break; } const size_t len = strlen(cur_ws->name) + strlen("workspace \"\"") + 1; char buffer[len]; snprintf(buffer, len, "workspace \"%s\"", cur_ws->name); i3_send_msg(I3_IPC_MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND, buffer); } /* * This function is called immediately before the main loop locks. We flush xcb * then (and only then) * */ void xcb_prep_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_prepare *watcher, int revents) { xcb_flush(xcb_connection); } /* * This function is called immediately after the main loop locks, so when one * of the watchers registered an event. * We check whether an X-Event arrived and handle it. * */ void xcb_chk_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_check *watcher, int revents) { xcb_generic_event_t *event; while ((event = xcb_poll_for_event(xcb_connection)) == NULL) { return; } switch (event->response_type & ~0x80) { case XCB_EXPOSE: /* Expose-events happen, when the window needs to be redrawn */ redraw_bars(); break; case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: /* Button-press-events are mouse-buttons clicked on one of our bars */ handle_button((xcb_button_press_event_t*) event); break; } FREE(event); } /* * Dummy Callback. We only need this, so that the Prepare- and Check-Watchers * are triggered * */ void xcb_io_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *watcher, int revents) { } /* * We need to bind to the modifier per XKB. Sadly, XCB does not implement this * */ void xkb_io_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *watcher, int revents) { XkbEvent ev; int modstate = 0; DLOG("Got XKB-Event!\n"); while (XPending(xkb_dpy)) { XNextEvent(xkb_dpy, (XEvent*)&ev); if (ev.type != xkb_event_base) { ELOG("No Xkb-Event!\n"); continue; } if (ev.any.xkb_type != XkbStateNotify) { ELOG("No State Notify!\n"); continue; } unsigned int mods = ev.state.mods; modstate = mods & Mod4Mask; } if (modstate != mod_pressed) { if (modstate == 0) { DLOG("Mod4 got released!\n"); hide_bars(); } else { DLOG("Mod4 got pressed!\n"); unhide_bars(); } mod_pressed = modstate; } } /* * Initialize xcb and use the specified fontname for text-rendering * */ char *init_xcb(char *fontname) { /* FIXME: xcb_connect leaks Memory */ xcb_connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); if (xcb_connection_has_error(xcb_connection)) { ELOG("Cannot open display\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DLOG("Connected to xcb\n"); /* We have to request the atoms we need */ #define ATOM_DO(name) atom_cookies[name] = xcb_intern_atom(xcb_connection, 0, strlen(#name), #name); #include "xcb_atoms.def" xcb_screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(xcb_connection)).data; xcb_root = xcb_screen->root; /* We load and allocate the font */ xcb_font = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_void_cookie_t open_font_cookie; open_font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(xcb_connection, xcb_font, strlen(fontname), fontname); /* We need to save info about the font, because we need the font's height and * information about the width of characters */ xcb_query_font_cookie_t query_font_cookie; query_font_cookie = xcb_query_font(xcb_connection, xcb_font); /* To grab modifiers without blocking other applications from receiving key-events * involving that modifier, we sadly have to use xkb which is not yet fully supported * in xcb */ if (config.hide_on_modifier) { int xkb_major, xkb_minor, xkb_errbase, xkb_err; xkb_major = XkbMajorVersion; xkb_minor = XkbMinorVersion; xkb_dpy = XkbOpenDisplay(NULL, &xkb_event_base, &xkb_errbase, &xkb_major, &xkb_minor, &xkb_err); if (xkb_dpy == NULL) { ELOG("No XKB!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fcntl(ConnectionNumber(xkb_dpy), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) { ELOG("Could not set FD_CLOEXEC on xkbdpy: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int i1; if (!XkbQueryExtension(xkb_dpy, &i1, &xkb_event_base, &xkb_errbase, &xkb_major, &xkb_minor)) { ELOG("XKB not supported by X-server!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!XkbSelectEvents(xkb_dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, XkbStateNotifyMask, XkbStateNotifyMask)) { ELOG("Could not grab Key!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } xkb_io = malloc(sizeof(ev_io)); ev_io_init(xkb_io, &xkb_io_cb, ConnectionNumber(xkb_dpy), EV_READ); ev_io_start(main_loop, xkb_io); XFlush(xkb_dpy); } /* We draw the statusline to a seperate pixmap, because it looks the same on all bars and * this way, we can choose to crop it */ uint32_t mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND; uint32_t vals[3] = { colors.bar_bg, colors.bar_bg, xcb_font }; statusline_clear = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_void_cookie_t clear_ctx_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection, statusline_clear, xcb_root, mask, vals); mask |= XCB_GC_BACKGROUND | XCB_GC_FONT; vals[0] = colors.bar_fg; statusline_ctx = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_void_cookie_t sl_ctx_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection, statusline_ctx, xcb_root, mask, vals); statusline_pm = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_void_cookie_t sl_pm_cookie = xcb_create_pixmap_checked(xcb_connection, xcb_screen->root_depth, statusline_pm, xcb_root, xcb_screen->width_in_pixels, xcb_screen->height_in_pixels); /* The various Watchers to communicate with xcb */ xcb_io = malloc(sizeof(ev_io)); xcb_prep = malloc(sizeof(ev_prepare)); xcb_chk = malloc(sizeof(ev_check)); ev_io_init(xcb_io, &xcb_io_cb, xcb_get_file_descriptor(xcb_connection), EV_READ); ev_prepare_init(xcb_prep, &xcb_prep_cb); ev_check_init(xcb_chk, &xcb_chk_cb); ev_io_start(main_loop, xcb_io); ev_prepare_start(main_loop, xcb_prep); ev_check_start(main_loop, xcb_chk); /* Now we get the atoms and save them in a nice data structure */ get_atoms(); xcb_get_property_cookie_t path_cookie; path_cookie = xcb_get_property_unchecked(xcb_connection, 0, xcb_root, atoms[I3_SOCKET_PATH], XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, PATH_MAX); /* We check, if i3 set its socket-path */ xcb_get_property_reply_t *path_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(xcb_connection, path_cookie, NULL); char *path = NULL; if (path_reply) { int len = xcb_get_property_value_length(path_reply); if (len != 0) { path = strndup(xcb_get_property_value(path_reply), len); } } /* Now we save the font-infos */ font_info = xcb_query_font_reply(xcb_connection, query_font_cookie, NULL); if (xcb_request_failed(open_font_cookie, "Could not open font")) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } font_height = font_info->font_ascent + font_info->font_descent; if (xcb_query_font_char_infos_length(font_info) == 0) { font_table = NULL; } else { font_table = xcb_query_font_char_infos(font_info); } DLOG("Calculated Font-height: %d\n", font_height); if (xcb_request_failed(sl_pm_cookie, "Could not allocate statusline-buffer") || xcb_request_failed(clear_ctx_cookie, "Could not allocate statusline-buffer-clearcontext") || xcb_request_failed(sl_ctx_cookie, "Could not allocate statusline-buffer-context")) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return path; } /* * Cleanup the xcb-stuff. * Called once, before the program terminates. * */ void clean_xcb() { i3_output *o_walk; free_workspaces(); SLIST_FOREACH(o_walk, outputs, slist) { destroy_window(o_walk); FREE(o_walk->workspaces); FREE(o_walk->name); } FREE_SLIST(outputs, i3_output); FREE(outputs); xcb_disconnect(xcb_connection); ev_check_stop(main_loop, xcb_chk); ev_prepare_stop(main_loop, xcb_prep); ev_io_stop(main_loop, xcb_io); FREE(xcb_chk); FREE(xcb_prep); FREE(xcb_io); FREE(font_info); } /* * Get the earlier requested atoms and save them in the prepared data structure * */ void get_atoms() { xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *reply; #define ATOM_DO(name) reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(xcb_connection, atom_cookies[name], NULL); \ if (reply == NULL) { \ ELOG("Could not get atom %s\n", #name); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } \ atoms[name] = reply->atom; \ free(reply); #include "xcb_atoms.def" DLOG("Got Atoms\n"); } /* * Destroy the bar of the specified output * */ void destroy_window(i3_output *output) { if (output == NULL) { return; } if (output->bar == XCB_NONE) { return; } xcb_destroy_window(xcb_connection, output->bar); output->bar = XCB_NONE; } /* * Reallocate the statusline-buffer * */ void realloc_sl_buffer() { xcb_free_pixmap(xcb_connection, statusline_pm); statusline_pm = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_void_cookie_t sl_pm_cookie = xcb_create_pixmap_checked(xcb_connection, xcb_screen->root_depth, statusline_pm, xcb_root, xcb_screen->width_in_pixels, xcb_screen->height_in_pixels); uint32_t mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND; uint32_t vals[3] = { colors.bar_bg, colors.bar_bg, xcb_font }; xcb_free_gc(xcb_connection, statusline_clear); statusline_clear = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_void_cookie_t clear_ctx_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection, statusline_clear, xcb_root, mask, vals); mask |= XCB_GC_BACKGROUND | XCB_GC_FONT; vals[0] = colors.bar_fg; statusline_ctx = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); xcb_free_gc(xcb_connection, statusline_ctx); xcb_void_cookie_t sl_ctx_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection, statusline_ctx, xcb_root, mask, vals); if (xcb_request_failed(sl_pm_cookie, "Could not allocate statusline-buffer") || xcb_request_failed(clear_ctx_cookie, "Could not allocate statusline-buffer-clearcontext") || xcb_request_failed(sl_ctx_cookie, "Could not allocate statusline-buffer-context")) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* * Reconfigure all bars and create new bars for recently activated outputs * */ void reconfig_windows() { uint32_t mask; uint32_t values[5]; i3_output *walk; SLIST_FOREACH(walk, outputs, slist) { if (!walk->active) { /* If an output is not active, we destroy its bar */ /* FIXME: Maybe we rather want to unmap? */ DLOG("Destroying window for output %s\n", walk->name); destroy_window(walk); continue; } if (walk->bar == XCB_NONE) { DLOG("Creating Window for output %s\n", walk->name); walk->bar = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); walk->buffer = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); mask = XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL | XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT | XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK; /* Black background */ values[0] = colors.bar_bg; /* If hide_on_modifier is set, i3 is not supposed to manage our bar-windows */ values[1] = config.hide_on_modifier; /* The events we want to receive */ values[2] = XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE; if (!config.disable_ws) { values[2] |= XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS; } xcb_void_cookie_t win_cookie = xcb_create_window_checked(xcb_connection, xcb_screen->root_depth, walk->bar, xcb_root, walk->rect.x, walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font_height - 6, walk->rect.w, font_height + 6, 1, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, xcb_screen->root_visual, mask, values); /* The double-buffer we use to render stuff off-screen */ xcb_void_cookie_t pm_cookie = xcb_create_pixmap_checked(xcb_connection, xcb_screen->root_depth, walk->buffer, walk->bar, walk->rect.w, walk->rect.h); /* We want dock-windows (for now). When override_redirect is set, i3 is ignoring * this one */ xcb_void_cookie_t dock_cookie = xcb_change_property(xcb_connection, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, walk->bar, atoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE], XCB_ATOM_ATOM, 32, 1, (unsigned char*) &atoms[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK]); /* We need to tell i3, where to reserve space for i3bar */ /* left, right, top, bottom, left_start_y, left_end_y, * right_start_y, right_end_y, top_start_x, top_end_x, bottom_start_x, * bottom_end_x */ /* A local struct to save the strut_partial property */ struct { uint32_t left; uint32_t right; uint32_t top; uint32_t bottom; uint32_t left_start_y; uint32_t left_end_y; uint32_t right_start_y; uint32_t right_end_y; uint32_t top_start_x; uint32_t top_end_x; uint32_t bottom_start_x; uint32_t bottom_end_x; } __attribute__((__packed__)) strut_partial = {0,}; switch (config.dockpos) { case DOCKPOS_NONE: break; case DOCKPOS_TOP: strut_partial.top = font_height + 6; strut_partial.top_start_x = walk->rect.x; strut_partial.top_end_x = walk->rect.x + walk->rect.w; break; case DOCKPOS_BOT: strut_partial.bottom = font_height + 6; strut_partial.bottom_start_x = walk->rect.x; strut_partial.bottom_end_x = walk->rect.x + walk->rect.w; break; } xcb_void_cookie_t strut_cookie = xcb_change_property(xcb_connection, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, walk->bar, atoms[_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL], XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32, 12, &strut_partial); /* We also want a graphics-context for the bars (it defines the properties * with which we draw to them) */ walk->bargc = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection); mask = XCB_GC_FONT; values[0] = xcb_font; xcb_void_cookie_t gc_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection, walk->bargc, walk->bar, mask, values); /* We finally map the bar (display it on screen), unless the modifier-switch is on */ xcb_void_cookie_t map_cookie; if (!config.hide_on_modifier) { map_cookie = xcb_map_window_checked(xcb_connection, walk->bar); } if (xcb_request_failed(win_cookie, "Could not create window") || xcb_request_failed(pm_cookie, "Could not create pixmap") || xcb_request_failed(dock_cookie, "Could not set dock mode") || xcb_request_failed(strut_cookie, "Could not set strut") || xcb_request_failed(gc_cookie, "Could not create graphical context") || (!config.hide_on_modifier && xcb_request_failed(map_cookie, "Could not map window"))) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { /* We already have a bar, so we just reconfigure it */ mask = XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE; values[0] = walk->rect.x; values[1] = walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font_height - 6; values[2] = walk->rect.w; values[3] = font_height + 6; values[4] = XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE; DLOG("Destroying buffer for output %s", walk->name); xcb_free_pixmap(xcb_connection, walk->buffer); DLOG("Reconfiguring Window for output %s to %d,%d\n", walk->name, values[0], values[1]); xcb_void_cookie_t cfg_cookie = xcb_configure_window_checked(xcb_connection, walk->bar, mask, values); DLOG("Recreating buffer for output %s", walk->name); xcb_void_cookie_t pm_cookie = xcb_create_pixmap_checked(xcb_connection, xcb_screen->root_depth, walk->buffer, walk->bar, walk->rect.w, walk->rect.h); if (xcb_request_failed(cfg_cookie, "Could not reconfigure window")) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (xcb_request_failed(pm_cookie, "Could not create pixmap")) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } } /* * Render the bars, with buttons and statusline * */ void draw_bars() { DLOG("Drawing Bars...\n"); int i = 0; refresh_statusline(); i3_output *outputs_walk; SLIST_FOREACH(outputs_walk, outputs, slist) { if (!outputs_walk->active) { DLOG("Output %s inactive, skipping...\n", outputs_walk->name); continue; } if (outputs_walk->bar == XCB_NONE) { /* Oh shit, an active output without an own bar. Create it now! */ reconfig_windows(); } /* First things first: clear the backbuffer */ uint32_t color = colors.bar_bg; xcb_change_gc(xcb_connection, outputs_walk->bargc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, &color); xcb_rectangle_t rect = { 0, 0, outputs_walk->rect.w, font_height + 6 }; xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(xcb_connection, outputs_walk->buffer, outputs_walk->bargc, 1, &rect); if (statusline != NULL) { DLOG("Printing statusline!\n"); /* Luckily we already prepared a seperate pixmap containing the rendered * statusline, we just have to copy the relevant parts to the relevant * position */ xcb_copy_area(xcb_connection, statusline_pm, outputs_walk->buffer, outputs_walk->bargc, MAX(0, (int16_t)(statusline_width - outputs_walk->rect.w + 4)), 0, MAX(0, (int16_t)(outputs_walk->rect.w - statusline_width - 4)), 3, MIN(outputs_walk->rect.w - 4, statusline_width), font_height); } if (config.disable_ws) { continue; } i3_ws *ws_walk; TAILQ_FOREACH(ws_walk, outputs_walk->workspaces, tailq) { DLOG("Drawing Button for WS %s at x = %d\n", ws_walk->name, i); uint32_t fg_color = colors.inactive_ws_fg; uint32_t bg_color = colors.inactive_ws_bg; if (ws_walk->visible) { if (!ws_walk->focused) { fg_color = colors.active_ws_fg; bg_color = colors.active_ws_bg; } else { fg_color = colors.focus_ws_fg; bg_color = colors.focus_ws_bg; } } if (ws_walk->urgent) { DLOG("WS %s is urgent!\n", ws_walk->name); fg_color = colors.urgent_ws_fg; bg_color = colors.urgent_ws_bg; /* The urgent-hint should get noticed, so we unhide the bars shortly */ unhide_bars(); } uint32_t mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_BACKGROUND; uint32_t vals[] = { bg_color, bg_color }; xcb_change_gc(xcb_connection, outputs_walk->bargc, mask, vals); xcb_rectangle_t rect = { i + 1, 1, ws_walk->name_width + 8, font_height + 4 }; xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(xcb_connection, outputs_walk->buffer, outputs_walk->bargc, 1, &rect); xcb_change_gc(xcb_connection, outputs_walk->bargc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, &fg_color); xcb_image_text_16(xcb_connection, ws_walk->name_glyphs, outputs_walk->buffer, outputs_walk->bargc, i + 5, font_info->font_ascent + 2, ws_walk->ucs2_name); i += 10 + ws_walk->name_width; } i = 0; } redraw_bars(); } /* * Redraw the bars, i.e. simply copy the buffer to the barwindow * */ void redraw_bars() { i3_output *outputs_walk; SLIST_FOREACH(outputs_walk, outputs, slist) { if (!outputs_walk->active) { continue; } xcb_copy_area(xcb_connection, outputs_walk->buffer, outputs_walk->bar, outputs_walk->bargc, 0, 0, 0, 0, outputs_walk->rect.w, outputs_walk->rect.h); xcb_flush(xcb_connection); } }