#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Verifies that i3 survives inplace restarts with fullscreen containers # use i3test; my $tmp = fresh_workspace; open_window(name => 'first'); open_window(name => 'second'); cmd 'focus left'; my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp); is(scalar @$nodes, 2, 'two tiling nodes on workspace'); is($nodes->[0]->{name}, 'first', 'first node name ok'); is($nodes->[1]->{name}, 'second', 'second node name ok'); is($focus->[0], $nodes->[0]->{id}, 'first node focused'); is($focus->[1], $nodes->[1]->{id}, 'second node second in focus stack'); cmd 'restart'; sleep 1; does_i3_live; ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp); is(scalar @$nodes, 2, 'still two tiling nodes on workspace'); is($nodes->[0]->{name}, 'first', 'first node name ok'); is($nodes->[1]->{name}, 'second', 'second node name ok'); is($focus->[0], $nodes->[0]->{id}, 'first node focused'); is($focus->[1], $nodes->[1]->{id}, 'second node second in focus stack'); done_testing;