#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Tests whether we can switch to a non-existant workspace # (necessary for further tests) # use i3test tests => 2; use v5.10; my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nestedcons"); sub workspace_exists { my ($name) = @_; ($name ~~ @{get_workspace_names()}) } my $tmp = get_unused_workspace(); diag("Temporary workspace name: $tmp\n"); $i3->command("workspace $tmp")->recv; ok(workspace_exists($tmp), 'workspace created'); # if the workspace could not be created, we cannot run any other test # (every test starts by creating its workspace) if (!workspace_exists($tmp)) { BAIL_OUT('Cannot create workspace, further tests make no sense'); } my $otmp = get_unused_workspace(); diag("Other temporary workspace name: $otmp\n"); # As the old workspace was empty, it should get # cleaned up as we switch away from it $i3->command("workspace $otmp")->recv; ok(!workspace_exists($tmp), 'old workspace cleaned up'); diag( "Testing i3, Perl $], $^X" );