Add script to migrate a v3 config to v4 (tree). Please test this!
Run ./ < ~/.i3/config > /tmp/i3.config and see if /tmp/i3.config is fine (especially check the comments starting with XXX, they are inserted by the script).
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# script to migrate an old config file (i3 < 4.0) to the new format (>= 4.0)
# this script only uses modules which come with perl 5.10
# reads an i3 v3 config from stdin and spits out a v4 config on stdout
# exit codes:
# 0 = the input was a v3 config
# 1 = the input was already a v4 config
# (the config is printed to stdout nevertheless)
# © 2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors, see LICENSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use v5.10;
# is this a version 3 config file? disables auto-detection
my $v3 = 0;
my $result = GetOptions('v3' => \$v3);
# reads stdin
sub slurp {
local $/;
my @unchanged = qw(
my %workspace_names;
my $workspace_bar = 1;
my $input = slurp();
my @lines = split /\n/, $input;
# remove whitespaces in the beginning of lines
@lines = map { s/^[ \t]*//g; $_ } @lines;
# Try to auto-detect if this is a v3 config file.
sub need_to_convert {
# If the user passed --v3, we need to convert in any case
return 1 if $v3;
for my $line (@lines) {
# only v4 configfiles can use bindcode or workspace_layout
return 0 if $line =~ /^bindcode/ || $line =~ /^workspace_layout/;
# have a look at bindings
next unless $line =~ /^bind/;
my ($statement, $key, $command) = ($line =~ /([a-zA-Z_-]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)/);
return 0 if $command =~ /^layout/ ||
$command =~ /^floating/ ||
$command =~ /^workspace/ ||
$command =~ /^focus (left|right|up|down)/ ||
$command =~ /^border (normal|1pixel|borderless)/;
return 1;
if (!need_to_convert()) {
# If this is already a v4 config file, we will spit out the lines
# and exit with return code 1
print $input;
exit 1;
for my $line (@lines) {
# directly use comments and empty lines
if ($line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^$/) {
print "$line\n";
my ($statement, $parameters) = ($line =~ /([a-zA-Z._-]+)(.*)/);
# directly use lines which have not changed between 3.x and 4.x
if (!defined($statement) || (lc $statement ~~ @unchanged)) {
print "$line\n";
# new_container changed only the statement name to workspace_layout
if ($statement eq 'new_container') {
# TODO: new_container stack-limit
print "workspace_layout$parameters\n";
# workspace_bar is gone, you should use i3bar now
if ($statement eq 'workspace_bar') {
$workspace_bar = ($parameters =~ /[ \t+](yes|true|on|enable|active)/);
print "# XXX: REMOVED workspace_bar line. There is no internal workspace bar in v4.\n";
# new_window changed the parameters from bb to borderless etc.
if ($statement eq 'new_window') {
if ($parameters =~ /bb/) {
print "new_window borderless\n";
} elsif ($parameters =~ /bp/) {
print "new_window 1pixel\n";
} elsif ($parameters =~ /bn/) {
print "new_window normal\n";
} else {
print "# XXX: Invalid parameter for new_window, not touching line:\n";
print "$line\n";
# bar colors are obsolete, need to be configured in i3bar
if ($statement =~ /^bar\./) {
print "# XXX: REMOVED $statement, configure i3bar instead.\n";
# one form of this is still ok (workspace assignments), the other (named workspaces) isn’t
if ($statement eq 'workspace') {
my ($number, $params) = ($parameters =~ /[ \t]+([0-9]+) (.+)/);
if ($params =~ /^output/) {
print "$line\n";
} else {
print "# XXX: workspace name will end up in the bindings, see below\n";
$workspace_names{$number} = $params;
if ($statement eq 'bind' || $statement eq 'bindsym') {
print "# XXX: migration script could not handle line: $line\n";
# Converts a command (after bind/bindsym)
sub convert_command {
my ($line) = @_;
my @unchanged_cmds = qw(
my ($statement, $key, $command) = ($line =~ /([a-zA-Z_-]+)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(.*)/);
# turn 'bind' to 'bindcode'
$statement = 'bindcode' if $statement eq 'bind';
# check if it’s one of the unchanged commands
my ($cmd) = ($command =~ /([a-zA-Z_-]+)/);
if ($cmd ~~ @unchanged_cmds) {
print "$statement $key $command\n";
# simple replacements
my @replace = (
qr/^s/ => 'layout stacking',
qr/^d/ => 'layout default',
qr/^T/ => 'layout tabbed',
qr/^f($|[^go])/ => 'fullscreen',
qr/^fg/ => 'fullscreen global',
qr/^t/ => 'focus mode_toggle',
qr/^h/ => 'focus left',
qr/^j($|[^u])/ => 'focus down',
qr/^k/ => 'focus up',
qr/^l/ => 'focus right',
qr/^mh/ => 'move left',
qr/^mj/ => 'move down',
qr/^mk/ => 'move up',
qr/^ml/ => 'move right',
qr/^bn/ => 'border normal',
qr/^bp/ => 'border 1pixel',
qr/^bb/ => 'border borderless',
qr/^pw/ => 'workspace prev',
qr/^nw/ => 'workspace next',
my $replaced = 0;
for (my $c = 0; $c < @replace; $c += 2) {
if ($command =~ $replace[$c]) {
$command = $replace[$c+1];
$replaced = 1;
# goto command is now obsolete due to criteria + focus command
if ($command =~ /^goto/) {
my ($mark) = ($command =~ /^goto (.*)/);
print qq|$statement $key [con_mark="$mark"] focus\n|;
# the jump command is also obsolete due to criteria + focus
if ($command =~ /^jump/) {
my ($params) = ($command =~ /^jump (.*)/);
if ($params =~ /^"/) {
# jump ["]window class[/window title]["]
($params) = ($params =~ /^"([^"]+)"/);
# check if a window title was specified
if ($params =~ m,/,) {
my ($class, $title) = ($params =~ m,([^/]+)/(.+),);
print qq|$statement $key [class="$class" title="$title"] focus\n|;
} else {
print qq|$statement $key [class="$params"] focus\n|;
} else {
# jump <workspace> [ column row ]
print "# XXX: jump workspace is obsolete in 4.x: $line\n";
if (!$replaced && $command =~ /^focus/) {
my ($what) = ($command =~ /^focus (.*)/);
$what =~ s/[ \t]//g;
if ($what eq 'ft') {
$what = 'mode_toggle';
} elsif ($what eq 'floating' || $what eq 'tiling') {
# those are unchanged
} else {
print "# XXX: focus <number> is obsolete in 4.x: $line\n";
print qq|$statement $key focus $what\n|;
# the parameters of the resize command have changed
if ($command =~ /^resize/) {
# OLD: resize <left|right|top|bottom> [+|-]<pixels>\n")
# NEW: resize <grow|shrink> <direction> [<px> px] [or <ppt> ppt]
my ($direction, $sign, $px) = ($command =~ /^resize (left|right|top|bottom) ([+-])([0-9]+)/);
my $cmd = 'resize ';
$cmd .= ($sign eq '+' ? 'grow' : 'shrink') . ' ';
$cmd .= "$direction ";
$cmd .= "$px px";
print qq|$statement $key $cmd\n|;
# switch workspace
if ($command =~ /^[0-9]+/) {
my ($number) = ($command =~ /^([0-9]+)/);
if (exists $workspace_names{$number}) {
print qq|$statement $key workspace $workspace_names{$number}\n|;
} else {
print qq|$statement $key workspace $number\n|;
# move to workspace
if ($command =~ /^m[0-9]+/) {
my ($number) = ($command =~ /^m([0-9]+)/);
if (exists $workspace_names{$number}) {
print qq|$statement $key move workspace $workspace_names{$number}\n|;
} else {
print qq|$statement $key move workspace $number\n|;
# With Container-commands are now obsolete due to different abstraction
if ($command =~ /^wc/) {
print "# XXX: 'with container' commands are obsolete in 4.x: $line\n";
if ($replaced) {
print "$statement $key $command\n";
} else {
print "# XXX: migration script could not handle command: $line\n";
# add an i3bar invocation automatically if no 'workspace_bar no' was found
if ($workspace_bar) {
print "\n";
print "# XXX: Automatically added a call to i3bar to provide a workspace bar\n";
print "exec i3status | i3bar -d\n";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent from starting i3
# Tests if correctly migrates all config file
# directives and commands
use i3test;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Proc::Background;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use POSIX qw(getuid);
use Data::Dumper;
use v5.10;
# reads in a whole file
sub slurp {
open my $fh, '<', shift;
local $/;
sub migrate_config {
my ($config) = @_;
my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile();
print $fh $config;
my $cmd = "sh -c 'exec " . abs_path("../") . " --v3 <$tmpfile'";
return [ split /\n/, qx($cmd) ];
sub line_exists {
my ($lines, $pattern) = @_;
for my $line (@$lines) {
return 1 if $line =~ $pattern;
return 0
# check that some directives remain untouched
my $input = <<EOT;
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
my $output = migrate_config($input);
ok(line_exists($output, qr|font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1|), 'font directive unchanged');
$input = <<EOT;
floating_Modifier Mod1
focus_follows_mouse true
ipc-socket /tmp/i3-ipc.sock
ipc_socket /tmp/i3-ipc.sock
exec /usr/bin/i3
set stuff Mod1
assign "XTerm" → 3
assign "XTerm" → ~5
client.focused #2F343A #900000 #FFFFFF
client.focused_inactive #FF0000 #FF0000 #FF0000
client.unfocused #00FF00 #00FF00 #00FF00
client.urgent #0000FF #0000FF #0000FF
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^floating_Modifier Mod1$|), 'floating_modifier unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^focus_follows_mouse true$|), 'focus_follows_mouse unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^ipc-socket /tmp/i3-ipc.sock$|), 'ipc-socket unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^ipc_socket /tmp/i3-ipc.sock$|), 'ipc_socket unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^exec /usr/bin/i3|), 'exec unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^set stuff Mod1|), 'set unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^assign "XTerm" → 3|), 'assign unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^assign "XTerm" → ~5|), 'assign unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^client\.focused #2F343A #900000 #FFFFFF$|), 'client.focused unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^client\.focused_inactive #FF0000 #FF0000 #FF0000$|), 'client.focused_inactive unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^client\.unfocused #00FF00 #00FF00 #00FF00$|), 'client.unfocused unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^client\.urgent #0000FF #0000FF #0000FF$|), 'client.urgent unchanged');
# check whether the bar colors get removed properly
$input = <<EOT;
bar.focused #FFFF00 #FFFF00 #FFFF00
bar.unfocused #FFFF00 #FFFF00 #FFFF00
bar.urgent #FFFF00 #FFFF00 #FFFF00
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|^bar\.|), 'no bar. lines');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*REMOVED bar|), 'note bar. removed');
# check whether the other directives get converted correctly
$input = <<EOT;
new_container stacking
workspace_bar no
new_window bb
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^workspace_layout stacking$|), 'new_container changed');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|REMOVED workspace_bar|), 'workspace_bar removed');
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|^workspace_bar|), 'no workspace_bar in the output');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^new_window borderless$|), 'new_window changed');
# check whether new_window's parameters get changed correctly
$output = migrate_config('new_window bb');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^new_window borderless$|), 'new_window bb changed');
$output = migrate_config('new_window bn');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^new_window normal$|), 'new_window bn changed');
$output = migrate_config('new_window bp');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^new_window 1pixel$|), 'new_window bp changed');
# check that some commands remain untouched
$input = <<EOT;
bindsym Mod1+s exec /usr/bin/urxvt
bindsym Mod1+s mark foo
bindsym Mod1+s restart
bindsym Mod1+s reload
bindsym Mod1+s exit
bindsym Mod1+s stack-limit cols 2
bindsym Mod1+s stack-limit rows 3
bind Mod1+c exec /usr/bin/urxvt
mode "asdf" {
bind 36 mode default
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s exec /usr/bin/urxvt$|), 'exec unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s mark foo$|), 'mark unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s restart$|), 'restart unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s reload$|), 'reload unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s exit$|), 'exit unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s stack-limit cols 2$|), 'stack-limit unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s stack-limit rows 3$|), 'stack-limit unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindcode Mod1\+c exec /usr/bin/urxvt$|), 'bind changed to bindcode');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^mode "asdf" {$|), 'mode asdf unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindcode 36 mode default$|), 'mode default unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^}$|), 'closing mode bracket still there');
# check the simple command replacements
$input = <<EOT;
bindsym Mod1+s s
bindsym Mod1+s d
bindsym Mod1+s T
bindsym Mod1+s f
bindsym Mod1+s fg
bindsym Mod1+s t
bindsym Mod1+s h
bindsym Mod1+s j
bindsym Mod1+s k
bindsym Mod1+s l
bindsym Mod1+s mh
bindsym Mod1+s mj
bindsym Mod1+s mk
bindsym Mod1+s ml
bindsym Mod1+s bn
bindsym Mod1+s bp
bindsym Mod1+s bb
bindsym Mod1+j wch
bindsym Mod1+j wcml
bindsym Mod1+k kill
bindsym Mod1+n nw
bindsym Mod1+p pw
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s layout stacking$|), 's replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s layout default$|), 'd replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s layout tabbed$|), 'T replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s fullscreen$|), 'f replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s fullscreen global$|), 'fg replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s focus mode_toggle$|), 't replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s focus left$|), 'h replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s focus down$|), 'j replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s focus up$|), 'k replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s focus right$|), 'l replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s move left$|), 'mh replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s move down$|), 'mj replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s move up$|), 'mk replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s move right$|), 'ml replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s border normal$|), 'bn replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s border 1pixel$|), 'bp replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s border borderless$|), 'bb replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*with container.*obsolete.*wch$|), 'with container removed');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*with container.*obsolete.*wcml$|), 'with container removed');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+k kill$|), 'kill unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+n workspace next$|), 'nw replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+p workspace prev$|), 'pw replaced');
# check more advanced replacements
$input = <<EOT;
bindsym Mod1+s goto foo
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s \[con_mark="foo"\] focus$|), 'goto replaced');
# check whether focus's parameters get changed correctly
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f focus 3');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*focus.*obsolete.*focus 3$|), 'focus [number] gone');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f focus floating');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f focus floating$|), 'focus floating unchanged');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f focus tiling');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f focus tiling$|), 'focus tiling unchanged');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f focus ft');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f focus mode_toggle$|), 'focus ft changed');
# check whether resize's parameters get changed correctly
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f resize left +10');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f resize grow left 10 px$|), 'resize left changed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f resize top -20');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f resize shrink top 20 px$|), 'resize top changed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f resize right -20');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f resize shrink right 20 px$|), 'resize right changed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f resize bottom +23');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f resize grow bottom 23 px$|), 'resize bottom changed');
# check whether jump's parameters get changed correctly
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f jump 3');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*obsolete.*jump 3$|), 'jump to workspace removed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f jump 3 4 5');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*obsolete.*jump 3 4 5$|), 'jump to workspace + col/row removed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f jump "XTerm"');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f \[class="XTerm"\] focus$|), 'jump changed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+f jump "XTerm/irssi"');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+f \[class="XTerm" title="irssi"\] focus$|), 'jump changed');
# check whether workspace commands are handled correctly
$output = migrate_config('workspace 3 output VGA-1');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^workspace 3 output VGA-1$|), 'workspace assignment unchanged');
$output = migrate_config('workspace 3 work');
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|^workspace|), 'workspace name not present');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|#.*workspace name.*bindings|), 'note present');
$input = <<EOT;
workspace 3 work
bindsym Mod1+3 3
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|^workspace|), 'workspace name not present');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 workspace work|), 'named workspace in bindings');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+3 3');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 workspace 3|), 'workspace changed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+3 m3');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 move workspace 3|), 'move workspace changed');
$input = <<EOT;
workspace 3 work
bindsym Mod1+3 m3
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|^workspace|), 'workspace name not present');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 move workspace work|), 'move to named workspace in bindings');
# check whether an i3bar call is added if the workspace bar bar was enabled
$output = migrate_config('');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|i3bar|), 'i3bar added');
$output = migrate_config('workspace_bar enable');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|i3bar|), 'i3bar added');
$output = migrate_config('workspace_bar no');
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|i3bar|), 'no i3bar added');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user