generate-command-parser: support <number>s, state ID replacing and…
…determining the next state within a function like cfg_criteria_pop() by passing next_state in the ConfigResult (or CommandResult) and using it after calling.
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,16 +109,21 @@ for my $line (@lines) {
# Second step: Generate the enum values for all states.
# It is important to keep the order the same, so we store the keys once.
my @keys = keys %states;
# We sort descendingly by length to be able to replace occurences of the state
# name even when one state’s name is included in another one’s (like FOR_WINDOW
my @keys = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys %states;
open(my $enumfh, '>', "GENERATED_${prefix}_enums.h");
# XXX: we might want to have a way to do this without a trailing comma, but gcc
# seems to eat it.
my %statenum;
say $enumfh 'typedef enum {';
my $cnt = 0;
for my $state (@keys, '__CALL') {
say $enumfh " $state = $cnt,";
$statenum{$state} = $cnt;
say $enumfh '} cmdp_state;';
@ -126,7 +131,8 @@ close($enumfh);
# Third step: Generate the call function.
open(my $callfh, '>', "GENERATED_${prefix}_call.h");
say $callfh 'static void GENERATED_call(const int call_identifier, struct CommandResult *result) {';
my $resultname = uc(substr($prefix, 0, 1)) . substr($prefix, 1) . 'Result';
say $callfh "static void GENERATED_call(const int call_identifier, struct $resultname *result) {";
say $callfh ' switch (call_identifier) {';
my $call_id = 0;
for my $state (@keys) {
@ -140,13 +146,24 @@ for my $state (@keys) {
$next_state ||= 'INITIAL';
my $fmt = $cmd;
# Replace the references to identified literals (like $workspace) with
# calls to get_string().
# calls to get_string(). Also replaces state names (like FOR_WINDOW)
# with their ID (useful for cfg_criteria_init(FOR_WINDOW) e.g.).
$cmd =~ s/$_/$statenum{$_}/g for @keys;
$cmd =~ s/\$([a-z_]+)/get_string("$1")/g;
# Used only for debugging/testing.
$cmd =~ s/\&([a-z_]+)/get_long("$1")/g;
# For debugging/testing, we print the call using printf() and thus need
# to generate a format string. The format uses %d for <number>s,
# literal numbers or state IDs and %s for NULL, <string>s and literal
# strings.
$fmt =~ s/$_/%d/g for @keys;
$fmt =~ s/\$([a-z_]+)/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/\&([a-z_]+)/%ld/g;
$fmt =~ s/NULL/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/"([a-z0-9_]+)"/%s/g;
$fmt =~ s/(?:-?|\b)[0-9]+\b/%d/g;
say $callfh " case $call_id:";
say $callfh " result->next_state = $next_state;";
say $callfh '#ifndef TEST_PARSER';
my $real_cmd = $cmd;
if ($real_cmd =~ /\(\)/) {
@ -161,8 +178,12 @@ for my $state (@keys) {
$cmd =~ s/\)$//;
$cmd = ", $cmd" if length($cmd) > 0;
say $callfh qq| fprintf(stderr, "$fmt\\n"$cmd);|;
# The cfg_criteria functions have side-effects which are important for
# testing. They are implemented as stubs in the test parser code.
if ($real_cmd =~ /^cfg_criteria/) {
say $callfh qq| $real_cmd;|;
say $callfh '#endif';
say $callfh " state = $next_state;";
say $callfh " break;";
$token->{next_state} = "call $call_id";
@ -170,7 +191,9 @@ for my $state (@keys) {
say $callfh ' default:';
say $callfh ' printf("BUG in the parser. state = %d\n", call_identifier);';
say $callfh ' assert(false);';
say $callfh ' }';
say $callfh ' state = result->next_state;';
say $callfh '}';
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