Merge branch 'hacking-howto' into next
This commit is contained in:
@ -243,17 +243,13 @@ Legacy support for Xinerama. See +src/randr.c+ for the preferred API.
== Data structures
This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
know stuff *NOW* :).
See include/data.h for documented data structures. The most important ones are
explained right here.
// TODO: update image
image:bigpicture.png[The Big Picture]
@ -261,7 +257,7 @@ image:bigpicture.png[The Big Picture]
So, the hierarchy is:
. *X11 root window*, the root container
. *Virtual screens* (Screen 0 in this example)
. *Output container* (LVDS1 in this example)
. *Content container* (there are also containers for dock windows)
. *Workspaces* (Workspace 1 in this example, with horizontal orientation)
. *Split container* (vertically split)
@ -269,22 +265,35 @@ So, the hierarchy is:
The data type is +Con+, in all cases.
=== Virtual screens
=== X11 root window
A virtual screen (type `i3Screen`) is generated from the connected outputs
obtained through RandR. The difference to the raw RandR outputs as seen
when using +xrandr(1)+ is that it falls back to the lowest common resolution of
the actual enabled outputs.
The X11 root window is a single window per X11 display (a display is identified
by +:0+ or +:1+ etc.). The root window is what you draw your background image
on. It spans all the available outputs, e.g. +VGA1+ is a specific part of the
root window and +LVDS1+ is a specific part of the root window.
=== Output container
Every active output obtained through RandR is represented by one output
container. Outputs are considered active when a mode is configured (meaning
something is actually displayed on the output) and the output is not a clone.
For example, if your notebook has a screen resolution of 1280x800 px and you
connect a video projector with a resolution of 1024x768 px, set it up in clone
mode (+xrandr \--output VGA1 \--mode 1024x768 \--same-as LVDS1+), i3 will have
one virtual screen.
mode (+xrandr \--output VGA1 \--mode 1024x768 \--same-as LVDS1+), i3 will
reduce the resolution to the lowest common resolution and disable one of the
cloned outputs afterwards.
However, if you configure it using +xrandr \--output VGA1 \--mode 1024x768
\--right-of LVDS1+, i3 will generate two virtual screens. For each virtual
screen, a new workspace will be assigned. New workspaces are created on the
screen you are currently on.
\--right-of LVDS1+, i3 will set both outputs active. For each output, a new
workspace will be assigned. New workspaces are created on the output you are
currently on.
=== Content container
Each output has multiple children. Two of them are dock containers which hold
dock clients. The other one is the content container, which holds the actual
content (workspaces) of this output.
=== Workspace
@ -294,43 +303,19 @@ methaphor. They just contain different sets of windows and are completely
separate of each other. Other window managers also call this ``Virtual
=== The layout table
=== Split container
This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
know stuff *NOW* :).
A split container is a container which holds an arbitrary amount of split
containers or X11 window containers. It has an orientation (horizontal or
vertical) and a layout.
Split containers (and X11 window containers, which are a subtype of split
containers) can have different border styles.
Each workspace has a table, which is just a two-dimensional dynamic array
containing Containers (see below). This table grows and shrinks as you need it
(by moving windows to the right you can create a new column in the table, by
moving them to the bottom you create a new row).
=== X11 window container
=== Container
This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
know stuff *NOW* :).
A container is the content of a table’s cell. It holds an arbitrary amount of
windows and has a specific layout (default layout, stack layout or tabbed
layout). Containers can consume multiple table cells by modifying their
colspan/rowspan attribute.
=== Client
A client is x11-speak for a window.
An X11 window container holds exactly one X11 window. These are the leaf nodes
of the layout tree, they cannot have any children.
== List/queue macros
@ -484,64 +469,218 @@ src/layout.c, function resize_client().
== Rendering (src/layout.c, render_layout() and render_container())
This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
know stuff *NOW* :).
Rendering in i3 version 4 is the step which assigns the correct sizes for
borders, decoration windows, child windows and the stacking order of all
windows. In a separate step (+x_push_changes()+), these changes are pushed to
Keep in mind that all these properties (+rect+, +window_rect+ and +deco_rect+)
are temporary, meaning they will be overwritten by calling +render_con+.
Persistent position/size information is kept in +geometry+.
The entry point for every rendering operation (except for the case of moving
floating windows around) currently is +tree_render()+ which will re-render
everything that’s necessary (for every output, only the currently displayed
workspace is rendered). This behavior is expected to change in the future,
since for a lot of updates, re-rendering everything is not actually necessary.
Focus was on getting it working correct, not getting it work very fast.
What +tree_render()+ actually does is calling +render_con()+ on the root
container and then pushing the changes to X11. The following sections talk
about the different rendering steps, in the order of "top of the tree" (root
container) to the bottom.
=== Rendering the root container
The i3 root container (+con->type == CT_ROOT+) represents the X11 root window.
It contains one child container for every output (like LVDS1, VGA1, …), which
is available on your computer.
Rendering the root will first render all tiling windows and then all floating
windows. This is necessary because a floating window can be positioned in such
a way that it is visible on two different outputs. Therefore, by first
rendering all the tiling windows (of all outputs), we make sure that floating
windows can never be obscured by tiling windows.
Essentially, though, this code path will just call +render_con()+ for every
output and +x_raise_con(); render_con()+ for every floating window.
In the special case of having a "global fullscreen" window (fullscreen mode
spanning all outputs), a shortcut is taken and +x_raise_con(); render_con()+ is
only called for the global fullscreen window.
=== Rendering an output
Output containers (+con->layout == L_OUTPUT+) represent a hardware output like
LVDS1, VGA1, etc. An output container has three children (at the moment): One
content container (having workspaces as children) and the top/bottom dock area
The rendering happens in the function +render_l_output()+ in the following
1. Find the content container (+con->type == CT_CON+)
2. Get the currently visible workspace (+con_get_fullscreen_con(content,
3. If there is a fullscreened window on that workspace, directly render it and
return, thus ignoring the dock areas.
4. Sum up the space used by all the dock windows (they have a variable height
5. Set the workspace rects (x/y/width/height) based on the position of the
output (stored in +con->rect+) and the usable space
(+con->rect.{width,height}+ without the space used for dock windows).
6. Recursively raise and render the output’s child containers (meaning dock
area containers and the content container).
=== Rendering a workspace or split container
From here on, there really is no difference anymore. All containers are of
+con->type == CT_CON+ (whether workspace or split container) and some of them
have a +con->window+, meaning they represent an actual window instead of a
split container.
==== Default layout
In default layout, containers are placed horizontally or vertically next to
each other (depending on the +con->orientation+). If a child is a leaf node (as
opposed to a split container) and has border style "normal", appropriate space
will be reserved for its window decoration.
==== Stacked layout
In stacked layout, only the focused window is actually shown (this is achieved
by calling +x_raise_con()+ in reverse focus order at the end of +render_con()+).
The available space for the focused window is the size of the container minus
the height of the window decoration for all windows inside this stacked
If border style is "1pixel" or "none", no window decoration height will be
reserved (or displayed later on), unless there is more than one window inside
the stacked container.
==== Tabbed layout
Tabbed layout works precisely like stacked layout, but the window decoration
position/size is different: They are placed next to each other on a single line
(fixed height).
==== Dock area layout
This is a special case. Users cannot chose the dock area layout, but it will be
set for the dock area containers. In the dockarea layout (at the moment!),
windows will be placed above each other.
=== Rendering a window
A window’s size and position will be determined in the following way:
1. Subtract the border if border style is not "none" (but "normal" or "1pixel").
2. Subtract the X11 border, if the window has an X11 border > 0.
3. Obey the aspect ratio of the window (think MPlayer).
4. Obey the height- and width-increments of the window (think terminal emulator
which can only be resized in one-line or one-character steps).
== Pushing updates to X11 / Drawing
A big problem with i3 before version 4 was that we just sent requests to X11
anywhere in the source code. This was bad because nobody could understand the
entirety of our interaction with X11, it lead to subtle bugs and a lot of edge
cases which we had to consider all over again.
Therefore, since version 4, we have a single file, +src/x.c+, which is
responsible for repeatedly transferring parts of our tree datastructure to X11.
+src/x.c+ consists of multiple parts:
1. The state pushing: +x_push_changes()+, which calls +x_push_node()+.
2. State modification functions: +x_con_init+, +x_reinit+,
+x_reparent_child+, +x_move_win+, +x_con_kill+, +x_raise_con+, +x_set_name+
and +x_set_warp_to+.
3. Expose event handling (drawing decorations): +x_deco_recurse()+ and
=== Pushing state to X11
In general, the function +x_push_changes+ should be called to push state
changes. Only when the scope of the state change is clearly defined (for
example only the title of a window) and its impact is known beforehand, one can
optimize this and call +x_push_node+ on the appropriate con directly.
+x_push_changes+ works in the following steps:
1. Clear the eventmask for all mapped windows. This leads to not getting
useless ConfigureNotify or EnterNotify events which are caused by our
requests. In general, we only want to handle user input.
2. Stack windows above each other, in reverse stack order (starting with the
most obscured/bottom window). This is relevant for floating windows which
can overlap each other, but also for tiling windows in stacked or tabbed
containers. We also update the +_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING+ hint which is
necessary for tab drag and drop in Chromium.
3. +x_push_node+ will be called for the root container, recursively calling
itself for the container’s children. This function actually pushes the
state, see the next paragraph.
4. If the pointer needs to be warped to a different position (for example when
changing focus to a differnt output), it will be warped now.
5. The eventmask is restored for all mapped windows.
6. Window decorations will be rendered by calling +x_deco_recurse+ on the root
container, which then recursively calls itself for the children.
7. If the input focus needs to be changed (because the user focused a different
window), it will be updated now.
8. +x_push_node_unmaps+ will be called for the root container. This function
only pushes UnmapWindow requests. Separating the state pushing is necessary
to handle fullscreen windows (and workspace switches) in a smooth fashion:
The newly visible windows should be visible before the old windows are
+x_push_node+ works in the following steps:
1. Update the window’s +WM_NAME+, if changed (the +WM_NAME+ is set on i3
containers mainly for debugging purposes).
2. Reparents a child window into the i3 container if the container was created
for a specific managed window.
3. If the size/position of the i3 container changed (due to opening a new
window or switching layouts for example), the window will be reconfigured.
Also, the pixmap which is used to draw the window decoration/border on is
reconfigured (pixmaps are size-dependent).
4. Size/position for the child window is adjusted.
5. The i3 container is mapped if it should be visible and was not yet mapped.
When mapping, +WM_STATE+ is set to +WM_STATE_NORMAL+. Also, the eventmask of
the child window is updated and the i3 container’s contents are copied from
the pixmap.
6. +x_push_node+ is called recursively for all children of the current
+x_push_node_unmaps+ handles the remaining case of an i3 container being
unmapped if it should not be visible anymore. +WM_STATE+ will be set to
=== Drawing window decorations/borders/backgrounds
+x_draw_decoration+ draws window decorations. It is run for every leaf
container (representing an actual X11 window) and for every non-leaf container
which is in a stacked/tabbed container (because stacked/tabbed containers
display a window decoration for split containers, which at the moment just says
"another container").
Then, parameters are collected to be able to determine whether this decoration
drawing is actually necessary or was already done. This saves a substantial
number of redraws (depending on your workload, but far over 50%).
Assuming that we need to draw this decoration, we start by filling the empty
space around the child window (think of MPlayer with a specific aspect ratio)
in the user-configured client background color.
Afterwards, we draw the appropriate border (in case of border styles "normal"
and "1pixel") and the top bar (in case of border style "normal").
The last step is drawing the window title on the top bar.
There are several entry points to rendering: `render_layout()`,
`render_workspace()` and `render_container()`. The former one calls
`render_workspace()` for every screen, which in turn will call
`render_container()` for every container inside its layout table. Therefore, if
you need to render only a single container, for example because a window was
removed, added or changed its title, you should directly call
Rendering consists of two steps: In the first one, in `render_workspace()`, each
container gets its position (screen offset + offset in the table) and size
(container's width times colspan/rowspan). Then, `render_container()` is called,
which takes different approaches, depending on the mode the container is in:
=== Common parts
On the frame (the window which was created around the client’s window for the
decorations), a black rectangle is drawn as a background for windows like
MPlayer, which do not completely fit into the frame.
=== Default mode
Each clients gets the container’s width and an equal amount of height.
=== Stack mode
In stack mode, a window containing the decorations of all windows inside the
container is placed at the top. The currently focused window is then given the
whole remaining space.
=== Tabbed mode
Tabbed mode is like stack mode, except that the window decorations are drawn
in one single line at the top of the container.
=== Window decorations
The window decorations consist of a rectangle in the appropriate color (depends
on whether this window is the currently focused one, the last focused one in a
not focused container or not focused at all) forming the background.
Afterwards, two lighter lines are drawn and the last step is drawing the
window’s title (see WM_NAME) onto it.
=== Fullscreen windows
For fullscreen windows, the `rect` (x, y, width, height) is not changed to
allow the client to easily go back to its previous position. Instead,
fullscreen windows are skipped when rendering.
=== Resizing containers
== Resizing containers
By clicking and dragging the border of a container, you can resize the whole
column (respectively row) which this container is in. This is necessary to keep
@ -780,3 +919,73 @@ git format-patch origin
Just send us the generated file via email.
== Thought experiments
In this section, we collect thought experiments, so that we don’t forget our
thoughts about specific topics. They are not necessary to get into hacking i3,
but if you are interested in one of the topics they cover, you should read them
before asking us why things are the way they are or why we don’t implement
=== Using cgroups per workspace
cgroups (control groups) are a linux-only feature which provides the ability to
group multiple processes. For each group, you can individually set resource
limits, like allowed memory usage. Furthermore, and more importantly for our
purposes, they serve as a namespace, a label which you can attach to processes
and their children.
One interesting use for cgroups is having one cgroup per workspace (or
container, doesn’t really matter). That way, you could set different priorities
and have a workspace for important stuff (say, writing a LaTeX document or
programming) and a workspace for unimportant background stuff (say,
JDownloader). Both tasks can obviously consume a lot of I/O resources, but in
this example it doesn’t really matter if JDownloader unpacks the download a
minute earlier or not. However, your compiler should work as fast as possible.
Having one cgroup per workspace, you would assign more resources to the
programming workspace.
Another interesting feature is that an inherent problem of the workspace
concept could be solved by using cgroups: When starting an application on
workspace 1, then switching to workspace 2, you will get the application’s
window(s) on workspace 2 instead of the one you started it on. This is because
the window manager does not have any mapping between the process it starts (or
gets started in any way) and the window(s) which appear.
Imagine for example using dmenu: The user starts dmenu by pressing Mod+d, dmenu
gets started with PID 3390. The user then decides to launch Firefox, which
takes a long time. So he enters firefox into dmenu and presses enter. Firefox
gets started with PID 4001. When it finally finishes loading, it creates an X11
window and uses MapWindow to make it visible. This is the first time i3
actually gets in touch with Firefox. It decides to map the window, but it has
no way of knowing that this window (even though it has the _NET_WM_PID property
set to 4001) belongs to the dmenu the user started before.
How do cgroups help with this? Well, when pressing Mod+d to launch dmenu, i3
would create a new cgroup, let’s call it i3-3390-1. It launches dmenu in that
cgroup, which gets PID 3390. As before, the user enters firefox and Firefox
gets launched with PID 4001. This time, though, the Firefox process with PID
4001 is *also* member of the cgroup i3-3390-1 (because fork()ing in a cgroup
retains the cgroup property). Therefore, when mapping the window, i3 can look
up in which cgroup the process is and can establish a mapping between the
workspace and the window.
There are multiple problems with this approach:
. Every application has to properly set +_NET_WM_PID+. This is acceptable and
patches can be written for the few applications which don’t set the hint yet.
. It does only work on Linux, since cgroups are a Linux-only feature. Again,
this is acceptable.
. The main problem is that some applications create X11 windows completely
independent of UNIX processes. An example for this is Chromium (or
gnome-terminal), which, when being started a second time, communicates with
the first process and lets the first process open a new window. Therefore, if
you have a Chromium window on workspace 2 and you are currently working on
workspace 3, starting +chromium+ does not lead to the desired result (the
window will open on workspace 2).
Therefore, my conclusion is that the only proper way of fixing the "window gets
opened on the wrong workspace" problem is in the application itself. Most
modern applications support freedesktop startup-notifications which can be
used for this.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user