2012-08-12 12:18:43 +02:00
#undef I3__FILE__
#define I3__FILE__ "key_press.c"
2012-08-02 17:43:00 +02:00
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
* © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* key_press.c: key press handler
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "all.h"
static int current_nesting_level;
static bool success_key;
static bool command_failed;
/* XXX: I don’t want to touch too much of the nagbar code at once, but we
* should refactor this with src/cfgparse.y into a clean generic nagbar
* interface. It might come in handy in other situations within i3, too. */
static char *pager_script_path;
static pid_t nagbar_pid = -1;
* Handler which will be called when we get a SIGCHLD for the nagbar, meaning
* it exited (or could not be started, depending on the exit code).
static void nagbar_exited(EV_P_ ev_child *watcher, int revents) {
ev_child_stop(EV_A_ watcher);
if (unlink(pager_script_path) != 0)
warn("Could not delete temporary i3-nagbar script %s", pager_script_path);
if (!WIFEXITED(watcher->rstatus)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar did not exit normally.\n");
int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(watcher->rstatus);
printf("i3-nagbar process exited with status %d\n", exitcode);
if (exitcode == 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar could not be found. Is it correctly installed on your system?\n");
nagbar_pid = -1;
/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
* only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
* support old systems with libev 3. */
* Cleanup handler. Will be called when i3 exits. Kills i3-nagbar with signal
* SIGKILL (9) to make sure there are no left-over i3-nagbar processes.
static void nagbar_cleanup(EV_P_ ev_cleanup *watcher, int revent) {
if (nagbar_pid != -1) {
LOG("Sending SIGKILL (%d) to i3-nagbar with PID %d\n", SIGKILL, nagbar_pid);
kill(nagbar_pid, SIGKILL);
* Writes the given command as a shell script to path.
* Returns true unless something went wrong.
static bool write_nagbar_script(const char *path, const char *command) {
int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR);
if (fd == -1) {
warn("Could not create temporary script to store the nagbar command");
return false;
write(fd, "#!/bin/sh\n", strlen("#!/bin/sh\n"));
write(fd, command, strlen(command));
return true;
* Starts an i3-nagbar process which alerts the user that his configuration
* file contains one or more errors. Also offers two buttons: One to launch an
* $EDITOR on the config file and another one to launch a $PAGER on the error
* logfile.
static void start_commanderror_nagbar(void) {
if (nagbar_pid != -1) {
DLOG("i3-nagbar for command error already running, not starting again.\n");
DLOG("Starting i3-nagbar due to command error\n");
/* We need to create a custom script containing our actual command
* since not every terminal emulator which is contained in
* i3-sensible-terminal supports -e with multiple arguments (and not
* all of them support -e with one quoted argument either).
* NB: The paths need to be unique, that is, don’t assume users close
* their nagbars at any point in time (and they still need to work).
* */
pager_script_path = get_process_filename("nagbar-cfgerror-pager");
nagbar_pid = fork();
if (nagbar_pid == -1) {
warn("Could not fork()");
/* child */
if (nagbar_pid == 0) {
char *pager_command;
sasprintf(&pager_command, "i3-sensible-pager \"%s\"\n", errorfilename);
if (!write_nagbar_script(pager_script_path, pager_command))
char *pageraction;
sasprintf(&pageraction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e \"%s\"", pager_script_path);
char *argv[] = {
NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */
"The configured command for this shortcut could not be run successfully.",
"show errors",
exec_i3_utility("i3-nagbar", argv);
/* parent */
/* install a child watcher */
ev_child *child = smalloc(sizeof(ev_child));
ev_child_init(child, &nagbar_exited, nagbar_pid, 0);
ev_child_start(main_loop, child);
/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
* only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
* support old systems with libev 3. */
/* install a cleanup watcher (will be called when i3 exits and i3-nagbar is
* still running) */
ev_cleanup *cleanup = smalloc(sizeof(ev_cleanup));
ev_cleanup_init(cleanup, nagbar_cleanup);
ev_cleanup_start(main_loop, cleanup);
* Kills the commanderror i3-nagbar process, if any.
* Called when reloading/restarting, since the user probably fixed his wrong
* keybindings.
* If wait_for_it is set (restarting), this function will waitpid(), otherwise,
* ev is assumed to handle it (reloading).
void kill_commanderror_nagbar(bool wait_for_it) {
if (nagbar_pid == -1)
if (kill(nagbar_pid, SIGTERM) == -1)
warn("kill(configerror_nagbar) failed");
if (!wait_for_it)
/* When restarting, we don’t enter the ev main loop anymore and after the
* exec(), our old pid is no longer watched. So, ev won’t handle SIGCHLD
* for us and we would end up with a <defunct> process. Therefore we
* waitpid() here. */
waitpid(nagbar_pid, NULL, 0);
static int json_boolean(void *ctx, int boolval) {
DLOG("Got bool: %d, success_key %d, nesting_level %d\n", boolval, success_key, current_nesting_level);
if (success_key && current_nesting_level == 1 && !boolval)
command_failed = true;
return 1;
#if YAJL_MAJOR >= 2
static int json_map_key(void *ctx, const unsigned char *stringval, size_t stringlen) {
static int json_map_key(void *ctx, const unsigned char *stringval, unsigned int stringlen) {
success_key = (stringlen >= strlen("success") &&
strncmp((const char*)stringval, "success", strlen("success")) == 0);
return 1;
static int json_start_map(void *ctx) {
return 1;
static int json_end_map(void *ctx) {
return 1;
static yajl_callbacks command_error_callbacks = {
* There was a key press. We compare this key code with our bindings table and pass
* the bound action to parse_command().
void handle_key_press(xcb_key_press_event_t *event) {
last_timestamp = event->time;
DLOG("Keypress %d, state raw = %d\n", event->detail, event->state);
/* Remove the numlock bit, all other bits are modifiers we can bind to */
uint16_t state_filtered = event->state & ~(xcb_numlock_mask | XCB_MOD_MASK_LOCK);
DLOG("(removed numlock, state = %d)\n", state_filtered);
/* Only use the lower 8 bits of the state (modifier masks) so that mouse
* button masks are filtered out */
state_filtered &= 0xFF;
DLOG("(removed upper 8 bits, state = %d)\n", state_filtered);
if (xkb_current_group == XkbGroup2Index)
state_filtered |= BIND_MODE_SWITCH;
DLOG("(checked mode_switch, state %d)\n", state_filtered);
/* Find the binding */
Binding *bind = get_binding(state_filtered, event->detail);
/* No match? Then the user has Mode_switch enabled but does not have a
* specific keybinding. Fall back to the default keybindings (without
* Mode_switch). Makes it much more convenient for users of a hybrid
* layout (like us, ru). */
if (bind == NULL) {
state_filtered &= ~(BIND_MODE_SWITCH);
DLOG("no match, new state_filtered = %d\n", state_filtered);
if ((bind = get_binding(state_filtered, event->detail)) == NULL) {
ELOG("Could not lookup key binding (modifiers %d, keycode %d)\n",
state_filtered, event->detail);
char *command_copy = sstrdup(bind->command);
struct CommandResult *command_output = parse_command(command_copy);
if (command_output->needs_tree_render)
/* We parse the JSON reply to figure out whether there was an error
* ("success" being false in on of the returned dictionaries). */
const unsigned char *reply;
#if YAJL_MAJOR >= 2
size_t length;
yajl_handle handle = yajl_alloc(&command_error_callbacks, NULL, NULL);
unsigned int length;
yajl_parser_config parse_conf = { 0, 0 };
yajl_handle handle = yajl_alloc(&command_error_callbacks, &parse_conf, NULL, NULL);
yajl_gen_get_buf(command_output->json_gen, &reply, &length);
current_nesting_level = 0;
success_key = false;
command_failed = false;
yajl_status state = yajl_parse(handle, reply, length);
if (state != yajl_status_ok) {
2012-08-05 16:34:38 +02:00
ELOG("Could not parse my own reply. That's weird. reply is %.*s\n", (int)length, reply);
2012-08-02 17:43:00 +02:00
} else {
if (command_failed)