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package StartXDummy;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use v5.10;
our @EXPORT = qw(start_xdummy);
# reads in a whole file
sub slurp {
open(my $fh, '<', shift) or return '';
local $/;
=head2 start_xdummy($parallel)
Starts C<$parallel> (or number of cores * 2 if undef) Xdummy processes (see
the file ./Xdummy) and returns two arrayrefs: a list of X11 display numbers to
the Xdummy processes and a list of PIDs of the processes.
my $x_socketpath = '/tmp/.X11-unix/X';
sub start_xdummy {
my ($parallel) = @_;
my @displays = ();
my @childpids = ();
# Yeah, I know its non-standard, but Perls POSIX module doesnt have
my $cpuinfo = slurp('/proc/cpuinfo');
my $num_cores = scalar grep { /model name/ } split("\n", $cpuinfo);
# If /proc/cpuinfo does not exist, we fall back to 2 cores.
$num_cores ||= 2;
$parallel ||= $num_cores * 2;
# First get the last used display number, then increment it by one.
# Effectively falls back to 1 if no X server is running.
my ($displaynum) = map { /(\d+)$/ } reverse sort glob($x_socketpath . '*');
say "Starting $parallel Xdummy instances, starting at :$displaynum...";
my @sockets_waiting;
for my $idx (0 .. ($parallel-1)) {
my $pid = fork();
die "Could not fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
if ($pid == 0) {
# Child, close stdout/stderr, then start Xdummy.
close STDOUT;
close STDERR;
# make sure this display isnt in use yet
$displaynum++ while -e ($x_socketpath . $displaynum);
# We use -config /dev/null to prevent Xdummy from using the system
# Xorg configuration. The tests should be independant from the
# actual system X configuration.
exec './Xdummy', ":$displaynum", '-config', '/dev/null';
exit 1;
push(@childpids, $pid);
push(@displays, ":$displaynum");
push(@sockets_waiting, $x_socketpath . $displaynum);
# Wait until the X11 sockets actually appear. Pretty ugly solution, but as
# long as we cant socket-activate X11…
while (1) {
@sockets_waiting = grep { ! -S $_ } @sockets_waiting;
last unless @sockets_waiting;
sleep 0.1;
return \@displays, \@childpids;