/* droid vnc server - Android VNC server Copyright (C) 2009 Jose Pereira This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "common.h" #include "framebuffer.h" #include "adb.h" #include "gui.h" #include "input.h" #include "flinger.h" #include "gralloc.h" #include "libvncserver/scale.h" #include "rfb/rfb.h" #include "rfb/keysym.h" #include "suinput.h" #define CONCAT2(a,b) a##b #define CONCAT2E(a,b) CONCAT2(a,b) #define CONCAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c #define CONCAT3E(a,b,c) CONCAT3(a,b,c) char VNC_PASSWORD[256] = ""; /* Android already has 5900 bound natively in some devices. */ int VNC_PORT=5901; unsigned int *cmpbuf; unsigned int *vncbuf; static rfbScreenInfoPtr vncscr; uint32_t idle = 0; uint32_t standby = 1; uint16_t rotation = 0; uint16_t scaling = 100; uint8_t display_rotate_180 = 0; //reverse connection char *rhost = NULL; int rport = 5500; void (*update_screen)(void)=NULL; enum method_type {AUTO,FRAMEBUFFER,ADB,GRALLOC,FLINGER}; enum method_type method=AUTO; #define PIXEL_TO_VIRTUALPIXEL_FB(i,j) ((j+scrinfo.yoffset)*scrinfo.xres_virtual+i+scrinfo.xoffset) #define PIXEL_TO_VIRTUALPIXEL(i,j) ((j*screenformat.width)+i) #define OUT 8 #include "updateScreen.c" #undef OUT #define OUT 16 #include "updateScreen.c" #undef OUT #define OUT 32 #include "updateScreen.c" #undef OUT inline int getCurrentRotation() { return rotation; } void setIdle(int i) { idle=i; } ClientGoneHookPtr clientGone(rfbClientPtr cl) { sendMsgToGui("~DISCONNECTED|\n"); return 0; } rfbNewClientHookPtr clientHook(rfbClientPtr cl) { if (scaling!=100) { rfbScalingSetup(cl, vncscr->width*scaling/100.0, vncscr->height*scaling/100.0); L("Scaling to w=%d h=%d\n",(int)(vncscr->width*scaling/100.0), (int)(vncscr->height*scaling/100.0)); //rfbSendNewScaleSize(cl); } cl->clientGoneHook=(ClientGoneHookPtr)clientGone; char *header="~CONNECTED|"; char *msg=malloc(sizeof(char)*((strlen(cl->host)) + strlen(header)+1)); msg[0]='\0'; strcat(msg,header); strcat(msg,cl->host); strcat(msg,"\n"); sendMsgToGui(msg); free (msg); return RFB_CLIENT_ACCEPT; } void CutText(char* str,int len, struct _rfbClientRec* cl) { str[len]='\0'; char *header="~CLIP|\n"; char *msg=malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(str) + strlen(header)+1)); msg[0]='\0'; strcat(msg,header); strcat(msg,str); strcat(msg,"\n"); sendMsgToGui(msg); free(msg); } void sendServerStarted(){ sendMsgToGui("~SERVERSTARTED|\n"); } void sendServerStopped() { sendMsgToGui("~SERVERSTOPPED|\n"); } void initVncServer(int argc, char **argv) { vncbuf = calloc(screenformat.width * screenformat.height, screenformat.bitsPerPixel/CHAR_BIT); cmpbuf = calloc(screenformat.width * screenformat.height, screenformat.bitsPerPixel/CHAR_BIT); assert(vncbuf != NULL); assert(cmpbuf != NULL); if (rotation==0 || rotation==180) vncscr = rfbGetScreen(&argc, argv, screenformat.width , screenformat.height, 0 /* not used */ , 3, screenformat.bitsPerPixel/CHAR_BIT); else vncscr = rfbGetScreen(&argc, argv, screenformat.height, screenformat.width, 0 /* not used */ , 3, screenformat.bitsPerPixel/CHAR_BIT); assert(vncscr != NULL); vncscr->desktopName = "Android"; vncscr->frameBuffer =(char *)vncbuf; vncscr->port = VNC_PORT; vncscr->kbdAddEvent = keyEvent; vncscr->ptrAddEvent = ptrEvent; vncscr->newClientHook = (rfbNewClientHookPtr)clientHook; vncscr->setXCutText = CutText; if (strcmp(VNC_PASSWORD,"")!=0) { char **passwords = (char **)malloc(2 * sizeof(char **)); passwords[0] = VNC_PASSWORD; passwords[1] = NULL; vncscr->authPasswdData = passwords; vncscr->passwordCheck = rfbCheckPasswordByList; } vncscr->httpDir = "webclients/"; // vncscr->httpEnableProxyConnect = TRUE; vncscr->sslcertfile = "self.pem"; vncscr->serverFormat.redShift = screenformat.redShift; vncscr->serverFormat.greenShift = screenformat.greenShift; vncscr->serverFormat.blueShift = screenformat.blueShift; vncscr->serverFormat.redMax = (( 1 << screenformat.redMax) -1); vncscr->serverFormat.greenMax = (( 1 << screenformat.greenMax) -1); vncscr->serverFormat.blueMax = (( 1 << screenformat.blueMax) -1); vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel = screenformat.bitsPerPixel; vncscr->alwaysShared = TRUE; vncscr->handleEventsEagerly = TRUE; vncscr->deferUpdateTime = 5; rfbInitServer(vncscr); //assign update_screen depending on bpp if (vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 32) update_screen=&CONCAT2E(update_screen_,32); else if (vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 16) update_screen=&CONCAT2E(update_screen_,16); else if (vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 8) update_screen=&CONCAT2E(update_screen_,8); else { L("Unsupported pixel depth: %d\n", vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel); sendMsgToGui("~SHOW|Unsupported pixel depth, please send bug report.\n"); close_app(); exit(-1); } /* Mark as dirty since we haven't sent any updates at all yet. */ rfbMarkRectAsModified(vncscr, 0, 0, vncscr->width, vncscr->height); } void rotate(int value) { L("rotate()\n"); if (value == -1 || ((value == 90 || value == 270) && (rotation == 0 || rotation == 180)) || ((value == 0 || value == 180) && (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270))) { int h = vncscr->height; int w = vncscr->width; vncscr->width = h; vncscr->paddedWidthInBytes = h * screenformat.bitsPerPixel / CHAR_BIT; vncscr->height = w; rfbClientIteratorPtr iterator; rfbClientPtr cl; iterator = rfbGetClientIterator(vncscr); while ((cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iterator)) != NULL) cl->newFBSizePending = 1; } if (value == -1) { rotation += 90; rotation %= 360; } else { rotation = value; } rfbMarkRectAsModified(vncscr, 0, 0, vncscr->width, vncscr->height); } void close_app() { L("Cleaning up...\n"); if (method == FRAMEBUFFER) closeFB(); else if (method == ADB) closeADB(); else if (method == GRALLOC) closeGralloc(); else if (method == FLINGER) closeFlinger(); cleanupInput(); sendServerStopped(); unbindIPCserver(); exit(0); /* normal exit status */ } void extractReverseHostPort(char *str) { int len = strlen(str); char *p; /* copy in to host */ rhost = (char *) malloc(len+1); if (! rhost) { L("reverse_connect: could not malloc string %d\n", len); exit(-1); } strncpy(rhost, str, len); rhost[len] = '\0'; /* extract port, if any */ if ((p = strrchr(rhost, ':')) != NULL) { rport = atoi(p+1); if (rport < 0) { rport = -rport; } else if (rport < 20) { rport = 5500 + rport; } *p = '\0'; } } void initGrabberMethod() { if (method == AUTO) { L("No grabber method selected, auto-detecting...\n"); if (initFlinger() != -1) method = FLINGER; else if (initGralloc()!=-1) method = GRALLOC; else if (initFB() != -1) { method = FRAMEBUFFER; } #if 0 else if (initADB() != -1) { method = ADB; readBufferADB(); } #endif } else if (method == FRAMEBUFFER) initFB(); #if 0 else if (method == ADB) { initADB(); readBufferADB(); } #endif else if (method == GRALLOC) initGralloc(); else if (method == FLINGER) initFlinger(); } void printUsage(char **argv) { L("\nandroidvncserver [parameters]\n" "-f \t- Framebuffer device (only with -m fb, default is /dev/graphics/fb0)\n" "-h\t\t- Print this help\n" "-m \t- Display grabber method\n\tfb: framebuffer\n\tgb: gingerbread+ devices\n\tadb: slower, but should be compatible with all devices\n" "-p \t- Password to access server\n" "-r \t- Screen rotation (degrees) (0,90,180,270)\n" "-R \t- Host for reverse connection\n" "-s \t- Scale percentage (20,30,50,100,150)\n" "-z\t- Rotate display 180ยบ (for zte compatibility)\n\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { //pipe signals signal(SIGINT, close_app); signal(SIGKILL, close_app); signal(SIGILL, close_app); long usec; if(argc > 1) { int i=1; int r; while(i < argc) { if(*argv[i] == '-') { switch(*(argv[i] + 1)) { case 'h': printUsage(argv); exit(0); break; case 'p': i++; strcpy(VNC_PASSWORD,argv[i]); break; case 'f': i++; FB_setDevice(argv[i]); break; case 'z': i++; display_rotate_180=1; break; case 'P': i++; VNC_PORT=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'r': i++; r = atoi(argv[i]); if (r==0 || r==90 || r==180 || r==270) rotation = r; L("rotating to %d degrees\n",rotation); break; case 's': i++; r=atoi(argv[i]); if (r >= 1 && r <= 150) scaling = r; else scaling = 100; L("scaling to %d%%\n",scaling); break; case 'R': i++; extractReverseHostPort(argv[i]); break; case 'm': i++; if (!strcmp(argv[i],"adb")){ method = ADB; L("ADB display grabber selected\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"fb")) { method = FRAMEBUFFER; L("Framebuffer display grabber selected\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"gralloc")) { method = GRALLOC; L("Gralloc display grabber selected\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"flinger")) { method = FLINGER; L("Flinger display grabber selected\n"); } else { L("Grab method \"%s\" not found, sticking with auto-detection.\n",argv[i]); } break; } } i++; } } L("Initializing grabber method...\n"); initGrabberMethod(); L("Initializing virtual keyboard and touch device...\n"); initInput(); L("Initializing VNC server:\n"); L(" width: %d\n", (int)screenformat.width); L(" height: %d\n", (int)screenformat.height); L(" bpp: %d\n", (int)screenformat.bitsPerPixel); L(" port: %d\n", (int)VNC_PORT); L("Colourmap_rgba=%d:%d:%d:%d lenght=%d:%d:%d:%d\n", screenformat.redShift, screenformat.greenShift, screenformat.blueShift,screenformat.alphaShift, screenformat.redMax,screenformat.greenMax,screenformat.blueMax,screenformat.alphaMax); initVncServer(argc, argv); bindIPCserver(); sendServerStarted(); if (rhost) { rfbClientPtr cl; cl = rfbReverseConnection(vncscr, rhost, rport); if (cl == NULL) { char *str=malloc(255*sizeof(char)); sprintf(str,"~SHOW|Couldn't connect to remote host:\n%s\n",rhost); L("Couldn't connect to remote host: %s\n",rhost); sendMsgToGui(str); free(str); } else { cl->onHold = FALSE; rfbStartOnHoldClient(cl); } } while (1) { usec=vncscr->deferUpdateTime*2000*standby; rfbProcessEvents(vncscr,usec); if (idle) standby++; else standby=2; if (vncscr->clientHead == NULL) { idle=1; standby=50; continue; } update_screen(); } close_app(); }