/* * $Id$ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version.* * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * This project is an adaptation of the original fbvncserver for the iPAQ * and Zaurus. * * This is a modification from letsgoustc source, to handle uinput events and more * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For makedev() */ #include #include #include #include #include //android log #include /* libvncserver */ #include "rfb/rfb.h" #include "libvncserver/scale.h" #include "rfb/keysym.h" #include "suinput.h" #define CONCAT2(a,b) a##b #define CONCAT2E(a,b) CONCAT2(a,b) #define CONCAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c #define CONCAT3E(a,b,c) CONCAT3(a,b,c) #define BUS_VIRTUAL 0x06 /*****************************************************************************/ /* Android does not use /dev/fb0. */ char VNC_PASSWORD[256] = ""; char framebuffer_device[256] = "/dev/graphics/fb0"; int VNC_PORT=5901; static struct fb_var_screeninfo scrinfo; static struct fb_fix_screeninfo fscrinfo; static int fbfd = -1; static int inputfd = -1; static unsigned int *fbmmap = MAP_FAILED; static unsigned int *vncbuf; static unsigned int *cmpbuf; /* Android already has 5900 bound natively. */ static rfbScreenInfoPtr vncscr; int idle=0,standby=0,change=0; static int rotation=0,scaling=0; /*****************************************************************************/ static void (*update_screen)(void)=NULL; static void keyevent(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym key, rfbClientPtr cl); static void ptrevent(int buttonMask, int x, int y, rfbClientPtr cl); static void rotate(); /*****************************************************************************/ void update_fb_info() { if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &scrinfo) != 0) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","ioctl error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #define PIXEL_TO_VIRTUALPIXEL(i,j) ((j+scrinfo.yoffset)*scrinfo.xres_virtual+i) // #define PIXEL_TO_VIRTUALPIXEL(i,j) ((j+scrinfo.yoffset)*scrinfo.xres_virtual+i+scrinfo.xoffset) #define OUT 32 #include "update_screen.c" #define OUT 8 #include "update_screen.c" #define OUT 16 #include "update_screen.c" inline size_t roundUpToPageSize(size_t x) { return (x + (PAGE_SIZE-1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1); } static void init_fb(void) { size_t pixels; size_t bytespp; if ((fbfd = open(framebuffer_device, O_RDWR)) == -1) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","cannot open fb device %s\n", framebuffer_device); return; // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } update_fb_info(); if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fscrinfo) != 0) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","ioctl error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pixels = scrinfo.xres * scrinfo.yres; bytespp = scrinfo.bits_per_pixel /CHAR_BIT; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC", "line_lenght=%d xres=%d, yres=%d, xresv=%d, yresv=%d, xoffs=%d, yoffs=%d, bpp=%d\n", (int)fscrinfo.line_length,(int)scrinfo.xres, (int)scrinfo.yres, (int)scrinfo.xres_virtual, (int)scrinfo.yres_virtual, (int)scrinfo.xoffset, (int)scrinfo.yoffset, (int)scrinfo.bits_per_pixel); printf("AKII\n"); size_t fbSize = roundUpToPageSize(fscrinfo.line_length * scrinfo.yres_virtual); fbmmap = mmap(NULL, fbSize , PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE , MAP_SHARED , fbfd, 0); if (fbmmap == MAP_FAILED) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","mmap failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void cleanup_fb(void) { if(fbfd != -1) { close(fbfd); } } static void init_input() { struct input_id id = { BUS_VIRTUAL, /* Bus type. */ 1, /* Vendor id. */ 1, /* Product id. */ 1 /* Version id. */ }; if((inputfd = suinput_open("qwerty", &id)) == -1) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","cannot create virtual kbd device.\n"); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); do not exit, so we still can see the framebuffer } } static void cleanup_kbd() { if(inputfd != -1) { suinput_close(inputfd); } } /*****************************************************************************/ static rfbNewClientHookPtr clientHook(rfbClientPtr cl) { if (scaling!=0 && scaling!=100) { rfbScalingSetup(cl, vncscr->width*scaling/100.0, vncscr->height*scaling/100.0); } return RFB_CLIENT_ACCEPT; } static void init_fb_server(int argc, char **argv) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Initializing server...\n"); vncbuf = calloc(scrinfo.xres * scrinfo.yres, scrinfo.bits_per_pixel/CHAR_BIT); cmpbuf = calloc(scrinfo.xres * scrinfo.yres, scrinfo.bits_per_pixel/CHAR_BIT); assert(vncbuf != NULL); assert(cmpbuf != NULL); if (rotation==0 || rotation==180) vncscr = rfbGetScreen(&argc, argv, scrinfo.xres, scrinfo.yres, 0 /* not used */ , 3, scrinfo.bits_per_pixel/CHAR_BIT); else vncscr = rfbGetScreen(&argc, argv, scrinfo.yres, scrinfo.xres, 0 /* not used */ , 3, scrinfo.bits_per_pixel/CHAR_BIT); assert(vncscr != NULL); vncscr->desktopName = "Android"; vncscr->frameBuffer =(char *)vncbuf; vncscr->port = VNC_PORT; vncscr->kbdAddEvent = keyevent; vncscr->ptrAddEvent = ptrevent; vncscr->newClientHook = clientHook; if (strcmp(VNC_PASSWORD,"")!=0) { char **passwords = (char **)malloc(2 * sizeof(char **)); passwords[0] = VNC_PASSWORD; passwords[1] = NULL; vncscr->authPasswdData = passwords; vncscr->passwordCheck = rfbCheckPasswordByList; } #ifdef DONATE_VERSION vncscr->httpDir="/data/data/org.onaips.vnc_donate/"; #else vncscr->httpDir="/data/data/org.onaips.vnc/"; #endif vncscr->serverFormat.redShift=scrinfo.red.offset; vncscr->serverFormat.greenShift=scrinfo.green.offset; vncscr->serverFormat.blueShift=scrinfo.blue.offset; vncscr->serverFormat.redMax=((1<serverFormat.greenMax=((1<serverFormat.blueMax=((1<alwaysShared = TRUE; vncscr->handleEventsEagerly = TRUE; vncscr->deferUpdateTime = 5; rfbInitServer(vncscr); //assign update_screen depending on bpp if (vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 32) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","I'm on update_screen_32"); update_screen=&CONCAT2E(update_screen_,32); } else if (vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 16) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","I'm on update_screen_16"); update_screen=&CONCAT2E(update_screen_,16); } else if (vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 8) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","I'm on update_screen_8"); update_screen=&CONCAT2E(update_screen_,8); } else { rfbErr("Unsupported pixel depth: %d\n", vncscr->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel); return; } /* Mark as dirty since we haven't sent any updates at all yet. */ rfbMarkRectAsModified(vncscr, 0, 0, scrinfo.xres, scrinfo.yres); } static int keysym2scancode(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym c, rfbClientPtr cl, int *sh, int *alt); static void keyevent(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym key, rfbClientPtr cl) { int code; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Got keysym: %04x (down=%d)\n", (unsigned int)key, (int)down); int sh = 0; int alt = 0; if ((code = keysym2scancode(down, key, cl,&sh,&alt))) { int ret; if (key && down) { if (sh) suinput_press(inputfd, 42); //left shift if (alt) suinput_press(inputfd, 56); //left alt ret=suinput_press(inputfd,code); ret=suinput_release(inputfd,code); if (alt) suinput_release(inputfd, 56); //left alt if (sh) suinput_release(inputfd, 42); //left shift } else ;//ret=suinput_release(inputfd,code); //__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","injectKey (%d, %d) ret=%d\n", code , down,ret); } } // keyboard code modified from remote input by http://www.math.bme.hu/~morap/RemoteInput/ // q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p,a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,z,x,c,v,b,n,m int qwerty[] = {30,48,46,32,18,33,34,35,23,36,37,38,50,49,24,25,16,19,31,20,22,47,17,45,21,44}; // ,!,",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,,,-,.,/ int spec1[] = {57,2,40,4,5,6,8,40,10,11,9,13,51,12,52,52}; int spec1sh[] = {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1}; // :,;,<,=,>,?,@ int spec2[] = {39,39,227,13,228,53,215}; int spec2sh[] = {1,0,1,1,1,1,0}; // [,\,],^,_,` int spec3[] = {26,43,27,7,12,399}; int spec3sh[] = {0,0,0,1,1,0}; // {,|,},~ int spec4[] = {26,43,27,215,14}; int spec4sh[] = {1,1,1,1,0}; static int keysym2scancode(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym c, rfbClientPtr cl, int *sh, int *alt) { int real=1; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return qwerty[c-'a']; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') { (*sh)=1; return qwerty[c-'A']; } if ('1' <= c && c <= '9') return c-'1'+2; if (c == '0') return 11; if (32 <= c && c <= 47) { (*sh) = spec1sh[c-32]; return spec1[c-32]; } if (58 <= c && c <= 64) { (*sh) = spec2sh[c-58]; return spec2[c-58]; } if (91 <= c && c <= 96) { (*sh) = spec3sh[c-91]; return spec3[c-91]; } if (123 <= c && c <= 127) { (*sh) = spec4sh[c-123]; return spec4[c-123]; } switch(c) { case 0xff08: return 14;// backspace case 0xff09: return 15;// tab case 1: (*alt)=1; return 34;// ctrl+a case 3: (*alt)=1; return 46;// ctrl+c case 4: (*alt)=1; return 32;// ctrl+d case 18: (*alt)=1; return 31;// ctrl+r case 0xff0D: return 28;// enter case 0xff1B: return 158;// esc -> back case 0xFF51: return 105;// left -> DPAD_LEFT case 0xFF53: return 106;// right -> DPAD_RIGHT case 0xFF54: return 108;// down -> DPAD_DOWN case 0xFF52: return 103;// up -> DPAD_UP // case 360: return 232;// end -> DPAD_CENTER (ball click) case 0xff50: return KEY_HOME;// home case 0xFFC8: rfbShutdownServer(cl->screen,TRUE); return 0; //F11 disconnect case 0xFFC9: __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","F12 closing..."); exit(0); //F10 closes daemon break; case 0xffc1: down?rotate():0; return 0; // F4 rotate case 0xffff: return 158;// del -> back case 0xff55: return 229;// PgUp -> menu case 0xffcf: return 127;// F2 -> search case 0xff56: return 61;// PgUp -> call case 0xff57: return 107;// End -> endcall case 0xffc2: return 211;// F5 -> focus case 0xffc3: return 212;// F6 -> camera case 0xffc4: return 150;// F7 -> explorer case 0xffc5: return 155;// F8 -> envelope case 50081: case 225: (*alt)=1; if (real) return 48; //a with acute return 30; //a with acute -> a with ring above case 50049: case 193:(*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; if (real) return 48; //A with acute return 30; //A with acute -> a with ring above case 50089: case 233: (*alt)=1; return 18; //e with acute case 50057: case 201:(*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; return 18; //E with acute case 50093: case 0xffbf: (*alt)=1; if (real) return 36; //i with acute return 23; //i with acute -> i with grave case 50061: case 205: (*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; if (real) return 36; //I with acute return 23; //I with acute -> i with grave case 50099: case 243:(*alt)=1; if (real) return 16; //o with acute return 24; //o with acute -> o with grave case 50067: case 211:(*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; if (real) return 16; //O with acute return 24; //O with acute -> o with grave case 50102: case 246: (*alt)=1; return 25; //o with diaeresis case 50070: case 214: (*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; return 25; //O with diaeresis case 50577: case 245:(*alt)=1; if (real) return 19; //Hungarian o return 25; //Hungarian o -> o with diaeresis case 50576: case 213: (*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; if (real) return 19; //Hungarian O return 25; //Hungarian O -> O with diaeresis case 50106: // case 0xffbe: (*alt)=1; // if (real) return 17; //u with acute // return 22; //u with acute -> u with grave case 50074: case 218: (*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; if (real) return 17; //U with acute return 22; //U with acute -> u with grave case 50108: case 252: (*alt)=1; return 47; //u with diaeresis case 50076: case 220:(*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; return 47; //U with diaeresis case 50609: case 251: (*alt)=1; if (real) return 45; //Hungarian u return 47; //Hungarian u -> u with diaeresis case 50608: case 219: (*sh)=1; (*alt)=1; if (real) return 45; //Hungarian U return 47; //Hungarian U -> U with diaeresis } return 0; } // old key code, i'll need it for some missing things /* static int _keysym2scancode(rfbBool down, rfbKeySym key, rfbClientPtr cl) { int scancode = 0; int code = (int)key; if (code>='0' && code<='9') { scancode = (code & 0xF) - 1; if (scancode<0) scancode += 10; scancode += KEY_1; } else if (code>=0xFF50 && code<=0xFF58) { static const uint16_t map[] = { KEY_HOME, KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_DOWN, KEY_SOFT1, KEY_SOFT2, KEY_END, 0 }; scancode = map[code & 0xF]; } else if (code>=0xFFE1 && code<=0xFFEE) { static const uint16_t map[] = { KEY_LEFTSHIFT, KEY_LEFTSHIFT, KEY_COMPOSE, KEY_COMPOSE, KEY_LEFTSHIFT, KEY_LEFTSHIFT, 0,0, KEY_LEFTALT, KEY_RIGHTALT, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; scancode = map[code & 0xF]; } else if ((code>='A' && code<='Z') || (code>='a' && code<='z')) { static const uint16_t map[] = { KEY_A, KEY_B, KEY_C, KEY_D, KEY_E, KEY_F, KEY_G, KEY_H, KEY_I, KEY_J, KEY_K, KEY_L, KEY_M, KEY_N, KEY_O, KEY_P, KEY_Q, KEY_R, KEY_S, KEY_T, KEY_U, KEY_V, KEY_W, KEY_X, KEY_Y, KEY_Z }; scancode = map[(code & 0x5F) - 'A']; } else { switch (code) { case 0x0003: scancode = KEY_CENTER; break; case 0x0020: scancode = KEY_SPACE; break; case 0x0023: scancode = KEY_SHARP; break; case 0x0033: scancode = KEY_SHARP; break; case 0x002C: scancode = KEY_COMMA; break; case 0x003C: scancode = KEY_COMMA; break; case 0x002E: scancode = KEY_DOT; break; case 0x003E: scancode = KEY_DOT; break; case 0x002F: scancode = KEY_SLASH; break; case 0x003F: scancode = KEY_SLASH; break; case 0x0032: scancode = KEY_EMAIL; break; case 0x0040: scancode = KEY_EMAIL; break; case 0xFF08: scancode = KEY_BACKSPACE; break; case 0xFF1B: scancode = KEY_BACK; break; case 0xFF09: scancode = KEY_TAB; break; case 0xFF0D: scancode = KEY_ENTER; break; case 0xFE51: scancode = 399; break; case 0x002A: scancode = KEY_STAR; break; case 0xFFBE: scancode = KEY_F1; break; // F1 case 0xFFBF: scancode = KEY_F2; break; // F2 case 0xFFC0: scancode = KEY_F3; break; // F3 case 0xFFC1: down?rotate():0; break; // F4 rotate case 0xFFC5: scancode = KEY_F4; break; // F8 case 0xFFC8: rfbShutdownServer(cl->screen,TRUE); break; // F11 } } return scancode; } */ inline void transform_touch_coordinates(int *x, int *y) { int scale=4096.0; int old_x=*x,old_y=*y; if (rotation==0) { *x = old_x*scale/scrinfo.xres-scale/2.0; *y = old_y*scale/scrinfo.yres-scale/2.0; } else if (rotation==90) { *x =old_y*scale/scrinfo.xres-scale/2.0; *y = (scrinfo.yres - old_x)*scale/scrinfo.yres-scale/2.0; } else if (rotation==180) { *x =(scrinfo.xres - old_x)*scale/scrinfo.xres-scale/2.0; *y =(scrinfo.yres - old_y)*scale/scrinfo.yres-scale/2.0; } else if (rotation==270) { *y =old_x*scale/scrinfo.yres-scale/2.0; *x =(scrinfo.xres - old_y)*scale/scrinfo.xres-scale/2.0; } } static void ptrevent(int buttonMask, int x, int y, rfbClientPtr cl) { static int leftClicked=0,rightClicked=0,middleClicked=0; transform_touch_coordinates(&x,&y); if((buttonMask & 1)&& leftClicked) {//left btn clicked and moving static int i=0; i=i+1; if (i%10==1)//some tweak to not report every move event { suinput_write(inputfd, EV_ABS, ABS_X, x); suinput_write(inputfd, EV_ABS, ABS_Y, y); suinput_write(inputfd, EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0); } } else if (buttonMask & 1)//left btn clicked { leftClicked=1; suinput_write(inputfd, EV_ABS, ABS_X, x); suinput_write(inputfd, EV_ABS, ABS_Y, y); suinput_write(inputfd,EV_KEY,BTN_TOUCH,1); suinput_write(inputfd, EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0); } else if (leftClicked)//left btn released { leftClicked=0; suinput_write(inputfd, EV_ABS, ABS_X, x); suinput_write(inputfd, EV_ABS, ABS_Y, y); suinput_write(inputfd,EV_KEY,BTN_TOUCH,0); suinput_write(inputfd, EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0); } if (buttonMask & 4)//right btn clicked { rightClicked=1; suinput_press(inputfd,158); //back key } else if (rightClicked)//right button released { rightClicked=0; suinput_release(inputfd,158); } if (buttonMask & 2)//mid btn clicked { middleClicked=1; suinput_press( inputfd,KEY_END); } else if (middleClicked)// mid btn released { middleClicked=0; suinput_release( inputfd,KEY_END); } } void sigproc() { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Cleaning up...\n"); cleanup_fb(); cleanup_kbd(); exit(0); /* normal exit status */ } static void rotate() { rotation+=90; rotation=rotation%360; if (rotation==90 || rotation==270) rfbNewFramebuffer(vncscr,(char*)vncbuf, scrinfo.yres, scrinfo.xres,0 /* not used */ , 3, scrinfo.bits_per_pixel/CHAR_BIT); else rfbNewFramebuffer(vncscr,(char*)vncbuf, scrinfo.xres, scrinfo.yres,0 /* not used */ , 3, scrinfo.bits_per_pixel/CHAR_BIT); vncscr->serverFormat.redShift=scrinfo.red.offset; vncscr->serverFormat.greenShift=scrinfo.green.offset; vncscr->serverFormat.blueShift=scrinfo.blue.offset; vncscr->serverFormat.redMax=((1<serverFormat.greenMax=((1<serverFormat.blueMax=((1<width, vncscr->height); } void print_usage(char **argv) { printf("androidvncserver [-p password] [-h]\n" "-p password: Password to access server\n" "-r rotation: Screen rotation (degrees) (0,90,180,270)\n" "-s screen scale: percentage (20,30,50,100,150)\n" "-h : print this help\n" "-f select framebuffer device\n;"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { signal(SIGINT, sigproc);//pipe signals signal(SIGKILL, sigproc); signal(SIGILL, sigproc); if(argc > 1) { int i=1; int r; while(i < argc) { if(*argv[i] == '-') { switch(*(argv[i] + 1)) { case 'h': print_usage(argv); exit(0); break; case 'p': i++; strcpy(VNC_PASSWORD,argv[i]); break; case 'f': i++; strcpy(framebuffer_device,argv[i]); break; case 'P': i++; VNC_PORT=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'r': i++; r=atoi(argv[i]); if (r==0 || r==90 || r==180 || r==270) rotation=r; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","rotating to %d degrees\n",rotation); break; case 's': i++; r=atoi(argv[i]); if (r>=1 && r <= 150) scaling=r; else scaling=100; __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","scaling to %d percent\n",scaling); break; } } i++; } } __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Initializing framebuffer device...\n"); init_fb(); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Initializing virtual keyboard and touch device...\n"); init_input(); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Initializing VNC server:\n"); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC"," width: %d\n", (int)scrinfo.xres); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC"," height: %d\n", (int)scrinfo.yres); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC"," bpp: %d\n", (int)scrinfo.bits_per_pixel); __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC"," port: %d\n", (int)VNC_PORT); init_fb_server(argc, argv); /* rfbRunEventLoop(vncscr,-1,TRUE); while (1) { while (vncscr->clientHead == NULL) sleep(1); if (standby>60) sleep(2); else if (standby>30) sleep(1); else usleep(100000); update_screen(); }*/ while (1) { while (vncscr->clientHead == NULL) rfbProcessEvents(vncscr, 100000); rfbMarkRectAsModified(vncscr, 0, 0, vncscr->width, vncscr->height); if (standby>60) rfbProcessEvents(vncscr, 200000); else if (standby>30) rfbProcessEvents(vncscr, 100000); else rfbProcessEvents(vncscr, 10000); update_screen(); } __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"VNC","Cleaning up...\n"); cleanup_fb(); cleanup_kbd(); }