#!/bin/sh cd $(dirname $0) SOURCE=$(pwd)/android CONTAINER_HOME=/home/cmbuild CONTAINER=cyanogenmod REPOSITORY=stucki/cyanogenmod # Create a shared folder which will be used as working directory if it # does not already exist. mkdir -p $SOURCE # Build image if needed IMAGE_EXISTS=$(docker images -q $REPOSITORY) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "docker command not found" exit $? elif [[ -z $IMAGE_EXISTS ]]; then docker build --no-cache --rm -t $REPOSITORY . fi # With the given name $CONTAINER, reconnect to running container, start # an existing/stopped container or run a new one if one does not exist. IS_RUNNING=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' $CONTAINER 2>/dev/null) if [[ $IS_RUNNING == "true" ]]; then docker attach $CONTAINER elif [[ $IS_RUNNING == "false" ]]; then docker start -i $CONTAINER else docker run -v $SOURCE:$CONTAINER_HOME/android -i -t --name $CONTAINER $REPOSITORY sh -c "screen -s /bin/bash" fi exit $?